Henry [Prince of] SCOTLAND
SOURCES: 1. The Complete Peerage, G.E.C., Eng. V, v. 3, p. 457, v. 6, p. 646 2. Scots Peerage, Scot 2b, v. 1, p. 4-5 3. Dict. of Nat'l Biog., Eng. Pub. A, v. 26, p. 94, v. 59, p. 374-75
Line 17200 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Malcolm IV "The Maiden" /Scotland/ Line 4497 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME Malcolm IV "The Maiden" //
Line 8935 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: NAME William I "The Lion" /Scotland/
He married Ada de Warren 1139 at England .
They were the parents of 7
Malcolm IV "the Maiden" [King of] Scotland
born 20 Mar 1141/42.
William I "the Lion" [King of] Scotland
born 1143.
David [Earl of] Huntingdon
born 1144.
Margaret [Duchess of] Brittany
Matilda [Princess of] Scotland
Marjory [Princess of] Scotland
born 1152.
Henry [Prince of] Scotland died 19 Jun 1152 at Scotland .
Ada de Warren died 1178 .