Abraham Edward MCINTOSH
4 Mar 1860
Clover Creek, Tooele, Utah
16 Aug 1943
Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah
1 Jan 1884
St. Johns, Tooele, Utah
User Submitted
NOTE: In 1880, my half brother Reanous took Gertrude, Nancy and I to Salt LakeCity in a wagon. We camped in the Tithing Yard, in a great big building, wherethe Hotel Utah or the Joseph Smith Memorial Building now stands. We could go in there and make our beds on the floor. I have no idea how many people slept inthere that night. Then we had to camp on the road going home, as it took two days to get home. We used to walk 2 miles to St. John to go to Sunday School and Church. There were only three of us girls in Clover. Nancy, Phoebe and I used to have good times. There were six Stookey boys. Enox Stookey built a place to dance on top ofhis barn. The girls had a fun time dancing there, with the Stookey boys. Mary married Abraham Edward McIntosh, {A. E. McIntosh} on 1 Jan 1884, in St. Johns, Tooele County. They came to Mount Pleasant, Utah, in 1889, where Mr. McIntosh became one of the leading woolgrowers of Utah. He was also on the City Council and a Bishop of the South Ward for thirteen years. He served a mission to Pennsylvania after they had been married for twenty one years. They had many friends there and were well liked by the entire community. Mary was an active member of the LDS church and was a Relief Society Teacher until illhealth forced her retirement. They were the parents of seven children: AbrahamVance, William Edward, Annie Estella, Elvin Peter, Franklin Vaughn, Vernon Marinous, and Grace Marie. Her grandson, Edwin J. McIntosh, said, I remember that Grandma Mary had arthritis so badly that her hands were all crippled up. It was funny that she could do anything, but she managed to take care of the house and she was really quite fussy. Her coal stove just shined. Her house was just spotlessly clean. She was very friendly and nice. I really liked her. She would stay up all night andwouldnt even go to bed until three or four oclock in the morning. Then she would sleep until just about noon the next day. She had her days twisted up that way. I guess that she would read. Thats about the only thing I can figure that she would do. I dont know, maybe she was housecleaning or cooking.But I know theyd say that there was no use going to see Grandma till about noon because shell still be in bed. Then I can remember that when I was a little kid, they had a cow. One of the neighbors, Joe Davis, would milk the cow and hed get half the milk and give Grandma the other half. It was more than she could use, so she would give us a gallon of milk for our family. So Mother would send me over to Grandmas to get the milk in this little can every day. Mary Louise Guhl McIntosh , 74, wife of former Bishop A. E. McIntosh died aftersuffering several years with arthritis and kidney complications. She died on 21Aug 1936 and was buried by her loving husband Abraham Edward McIntosh. Jacobs Mortuary was in charge of the funeral and she was buried in the Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery. P. S. Gertrude, from Mariannes first family, married Orson Albert Johnson in 1871 in Clover, Utah. Her son, Luke S. Johnson and Orsonfounded St. John, Utah Luke was one of the first Twelve Apostles in 1835. He left the church three years later, but was rebaptized in Nauvoo in 1846.
FamilyCentral Network
Abraham Edward McIntosh - Blocked
Abraham Edward McIntosh
was born at Clover Creek, Tooele, Utah 4 Mar 1860.
He married Blocked 1 Jan 1884 at St. Johns, Tooele, Utah .
They were the parents of 7
Franklin Vaughn McIntosh
Vernon Marinous McIntosh
Grace Marie McIntosh
Abraham Edward McIntosh died 16 Aug 1943 at Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah .