Solomon PARKER

5 Dec 1778
Hampshire, West Virginia
Mar 1834
Springfield, Hampshire, Virginia
Springfield, Hampshire, Virginia
Mar 1804
Hampshire, West Virginia
Family Bible, February 2011
    Died Mar 1834, age 55 yrs, 3 months.

N39’26.305  W078’38.756
Elev 678 Ft.

Some documents have the spelling as "Soloman" and others as "Solomon".
Died Mar 1834, age 55 years, 3 months.
Presbyterian .  Planter, Huntington Farms , Formerly called  " PLEASANT RETREAT" SPRINGFIELD, VA, (now WV.)  2821 Acres.; located  2 miles from Springfield , Mineral County, West Virginia on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Population, 143.
Wonder about this info. It was mixed up as to family members, maybe is mixed up on other info too. Be careful here
Extensive information on the early Parker Family is located in the Public Library, Romney, Hampshire County, West Virgina. Parts of or all of Hampshire and Mineral Counties were a part of Virginia prior the the war between the states but now found as Springfield, West Virginia.
30 Sep 1837, Law suit from  VA court records --"Sarah Parker, widow of Solomon Parker,  dec'd and Solomon D.(Dimmitt)  Parker (this man son of Peter Parker, brother to Solomon)  and William P. Parker Adminstrator... and the said William P. Parker, Harriet A. Parker and Robert W. Parker, children heirs of said Solomon Parker against Isaac Parker, Mary W. Parker, Joseph Parker, James F. Parker and Sarah C. Parker children ... of Solomon Parker dec'd defendants."
Resided near Winchester, VA and Springfield WVA.
Stated as "of English Ancestry".
Ref: History of Hampshire Co, WV by Maxwell & Swisher, page 108.
He was Exec of his father's estate.
12 Jan 1814, Solomon Parker received 40 acers of land on the East side of South Branch and 43 acres West side from his Father for $200.
1810 Bought 600 acres of land from Mr. Gore and Mr. Shrock, it being 2 farms, and moved there. It was called Huntington Farms.
1810 Census states that Solomon Parker owned 9 Slaves.
1820 Census states Solomon was the owner of 11 male and 8 female slaves plus "Free Colored Persons" 5 males and 0 females. It also confirms that William P. was age 10.
1827 Solomon & others lost land for back taxes. Solomon land was called "Coal Lick Mines".
1830 Census for Solomon Parker, Hampshire Co., VA., shows he owned 12 male and 15 female Slaves and confirms that his sons James F. was 5 and William P was 20.

Estate Settlement, Hampshire Co., Inventory, 28 Mar 1836.
Estate Settlement, Approved 28 Mar 1836.

1810 US Federal Census;
Free White Male 16 to 25 = 1
Free White Male 36 to 44 = 1
Free White Female 10 to 15 = 1
Free White Female 26 to 44 = 1
Slaves = 9.
Number of Households Members Under 16 = 1
Number of Households Members Over 25 = 2
Number of Household Members = 13
27 Sep 1782
Loudoun, Virginia
27 May 1859
Springfield, Hampshire, Virginia
Springfield, Hampshire, Virginia
    #15 Parker Cemetery, Springfield, Hampshire County, Virginia
3 Feb 1806
Hampshire, West Virginia
7 Feb 1905
Lafayette, Missouri
Abt 1831
of Hampshire, Virginia 
    Death Date also listed as 20 Aug 1905.
7 Feb 1808
Hampshire, West Virginia
9 May 1857
Independence, Jackson, Missouri
20 Nov 1834
Independence, Jackson, Missour 

Not listed in fathers will.  see letter to Solomon re: death of this man.
John W. Parker was living near Green Tapley when he died. His father, Solomon, received a letter from Green Tapley 25 August, 1831 and this was his response to the letter: "Dear Sir: It was with heart undying affection that we received yours of the 25th of August, anything that I can respecting my son's death availeth nothing, can only say that weare truly grateful to you for your kindness to him, for your trouble and expenses you can keep forty or fifty dollars, buy a small trunk and put his clothes in it, pay the doctor's bill and all funeral charges and send me a receipt for the balance of the money and the price of the horse, whatever it is worth, respecting John Parker's Estate, I wish you all to have a settlement among yourselves and send me a receipt or certificate showing what sum each Legate has recieved of the money already recieved, so that I can assertain what is due you early in the spring. The fifty dollars that John sent to his Aunt I want her receipt for the same. If you do not all send me what each one received, I shall have to charge you equally as you are all jointly in the Power of Atty, I wish you to write me immediately and enclose William Brady's note. P. has been somewhat sickly here sometime back but we are generally well now, hoping these may find you allin good health. Remain your very respectfully, Solomon Parker. (GreenTapley was the husband of Solomon's niece, Hannah).
30 Sep 1837, Law suit from VA court records --"Sarah Parker, widow of Solomon Parker, dec'd and Solomon D.(Dimmitt) Parker (this man son of Peter Parker, brother to Solomon) and William P. ParkerAdminstrator... and the said William P. Parker,
Harriet A. Parker and Robert W. Parker, children heirs of said Solomon Parker against Isaac Parker, Mary W. Parker, Joseph Parker, James F.Parker and Sarah C. Parker children ... of Solomon Parker dec'ddefendants."
From "The History of Hampshire County, West Virginis by Maxwell and Swisher, 1897. "Solomon Parker married Miss Wright and had four sons, Isaac, Robert,John and William and four daughters, Harriet, Lucinda, Mary and Sarah Katherine. Isaac married Miss King and went west, John died young;William married three times, first Miss Higgins, then two Miss Shepherds. He went to Missouri. Robert married Katherine Mytinger; Harriet married Mr. Stump; Lucinda died unmarried, Marry married Mr.Higgins; Sarah Katherine married Mr. Hoffman. Robert had four sons,John Hite, Daniel, William and Edgar, and three daughters, Lizzie, Roberta and Jennie. John Hite married Miss Grace and went to Missouri. Daniel married Lizzie Rees and lives at Frankfort, Mineral County; Lizzie married Rev. L. Butts; Roberta married Dr. Hodgson, of Cumberland, Maryland. William never married; Jennie never married. Edgar married Effie Singhass. (They leave out Joseph W. and James F., sons of Solomon and Sarah).
5 Jul 1810
Hampshire, West Virginia
12 May 1897
North Freedom Twp., Lafayette, Missouri
24 Mar 1845
Lafayette, Missouri 

The news paper “Higginsville Advance”, dated 14 Mar 1897, Obit section states;  “Uncle William Parker died at his home in North Freedom township, (Lafayette Co.) Wednesday, May 12, 1897. William  P.,  with his son James Higgins Parker (1) b. 1836, came from VA to MO in or  before 1842 with William P.'s father-in-Law ,James Higgins, who was James Higgins Parker’s maternal grandfather.  Settled in  Lafayette Co on tracts of land they purchased and entered from the govt. Their route to MO led over the Allegheny Mts and along the National Road from Cumberland to Wheeling, WV to Missouri. In his latter years he lived in Warrensburg, Missouri on East Gover St for several years. Was a Judge.  3 marriages-total of  5 children.
The will of James Higgins, item 7 states, "I bequeath to my son-in-law William P. Parker my nigro woman named Rachel and her two youngest children named Mary and Jane.

1840 Census: Missouri, states William P. Parker was owner of 6 male and 3 female slaves.
He is a brother to Mary Washington Parker,  Jim's g-grndftr.  See the Reference United States.

1850 Census : Record of MO., Lafayette Co, District 46 , Call #443611 shows p. 235 dwelling #12, Family # 73-- William H. Hearson (could be Hairison or Harrison) age 24, gold hunter w/ real estate of $2,000 value, b. VA;  William P. Parker age 40 Farmer $5000, b. VA;  James H. Parker 14, b.VA; Harriet J. Sheppard age 50, b. VA; Rest of these people are listed under ditto marks for name SHEPPARD-- NOT PARKER -- Susan, 21 b.MO, Harriet H. 21 b. MO., William, 18, Gold hunter b. MO;  James,17 gold hunter b. MO; Emma 12 b. MO.  On same paper--James F. Parker age 26 Farmer $2000, b. VA his wife Elizabeth A (would be Ann Alkire) 21 b. VA., Florence A 1, b MO.

1860 Census : Lafayette Co., MO., Freedom Twp., Parker, W. P., age 50, born VA., Farmer.
Parker, Susan, age 32, b MD. Parker, Harriet, age 5, b MO Parker, Mary, age 2, b MO Parker, Robert B., age 1, b MO Shepherd, Harriett, age 55, b VA., Shepherd, Emma, age 18, b MD
Marriage of William P. Parker and Hester Shepherd is also recorded in Allegany Co., MD courthouse dated 24 Mar 1845.

1870 Census: Freedom Twp., Lafayette Co., MO., Household 317, Age 59.

1880 Census: Freedom Twp., Lafayette Co., MO., Age 69.
William P. Parker homestead was located 3 miles from Concordia, MO., on Twp 48, Range 25, Section 10. William P. gave the site for the first Church in that area, used jointly by Presbyterians and Baptists.  Land later passed to Herbert William Higgins.  Film 1254698 National Archives Film T9-0698, Page 322A
15 Sep 1812
Hampshire, West Virginia
Bef 27 Jan 1859
Abt 1842
Hampshire, Virginia 
    Harriet A./I. Parker
21 Feb 1815
Hampshire, West Virginia
10 May 1842
Hampshire, West Virginia 
Lucinda H. PARKER
18 Aug 1818
Hampshire, West Virginia
2 May 1834
Hampshire, West Virginia
    Lucinda H./F. PARKER
8 Mar 1820
Hampshire, West Virginia
23 Oct 1847
20 Nov 1839
Hampshire, West Virginia 
    Mary W./P. PARKER
Joseph W. PARKER
22 Sep 1822
Hampshire, West Virginia
17 Jan 1867
4 Sep 1824
Winchester, Frederick, Virginia
Lafayette, Missouri
14 Nov 1847

    Drowned in the Missouri River Spring or Winter of 1862. Unknown if his body was recovered.
31 Mar 1828
Hampshire, West Virginia
Bef 27 Jan 1859
FamilyCentral Network
Solomon Parker - Sarah Wright

Solomon Parker was born at Hampshire, West Virginia 5 Dec 1778. His parents were Robert Parker and Hannah Margaret Peters.

He married Sarah Wright Mar 1804 at Hampshire, West Virginia . Sarah Wright was born at Loudoun, Virginia 27 Sep 1782 daughter of Robert Wright and Margaret Braden .

They were the parents of 10 children:
Isaac Newton Parker born 3 Feb 1806.
John W. Parker born 7 Feb 1808.
William P. Parker born 5 Jul 1810.
Harriet A. Parker born 15 Sep 1812.
Robert Wright Parker born 21 Feb 1815.
Lucinda H. Parker born 18 Aug 1818.
Mary Washington Parker born 8 Mar 1820.
Joseph W. Parker born 22 Sep 1822.
James F. Parker born 4 Sep 1824.
Sarah Catherine Parker born 31 Mar 1828.

Solomon Parker died Mar 1834 at Springfield, Hampshire, Virginia .

Sarah Wright died 27 May 1859 at Springfield, Hampshire, Virginia .