Nathaniel P. PARKER

Abt 1724
Hampshire, Virginia
Aft 4 Jun 1811
Old Fort Morgan, Greenfield, Sumner, Tennessee
Old Fort Morgan, Greenfield, Sumner, Tennessee
Abt 1754
Culpeper, Virginia
Family Bible
    Farmer & Long Hunter

Might be as file # SKJ5-2N
Bible Records from M.B. DeWitt family Bible, in possession of John H. DeWitt lists Nathaniel Parker's birth as VA., 1724. Ancestral File gives birth date of 1734?
The Duffy Family Bible, dating from abt 1830, names the wife of this Nathaniel Parker as "Elizabeth". Paul E. Foster theorizes in 1998 that Elizabeth last name was Page, based on the number of descendants with "Page" as first or middle name.
From his fathers will (John Parker) he received 312 acres on Patterson Creek, Hampshire Co VA. Nathaniel purchased 220 acers from James Rogers and his wife Martha for 5 shillings. Ref Hampshire Co VA DB 2:229-232.
1782 Virginia Census: Listed in Hampshire Co VA with 10 whites and 5 blacks.
1784 Virginia Census: Listed in Hampshire Co VA with 10 whites in his household. Payed tax on his land in Hampshire Co through 1792, but no tax listed after that year.
Death date may be 1803 or 1805?
BURI PLAC Parker Family Cemetery, Sumner Co., TN.  Much speculation has been made about the whereabouts of Nathaniel's Bledsoe Monument near Castalian Springs, TN.  I personally believe that, as many of his sons did, Nathaniel requested that a family burial ground be established and his body be laid to rest on his family's plantation. Son, Robert A. Parker, Sr. and his first wife, Patsey Martin are buried on a farm formerly owned by Oscar Branham, which is very near the location where Nathaniel Parker's original cabin stood until the1990's. In this cemetery are many sunken, older graves whose headstones over the years have broken, deteriorated, and been scattered. I feel that this is most likely where he, and possibly even his son, Aaron, are buried. Eura Lee Perry, great-granddaughter of Robert A. Parker, Jr., recalls older family members saying that this cemetery is also the site of her grandparents', Martha Parker Perry's and Lucilius Perry's, graves.
EVEN TYPE Military
1753; Served with George Washington in his attack of the French at Fort Duquesne, PA.
EVEN DATE 1775/76
WILL NOTE Will of Nathaniel Parker, Sr. "In the name of God:  Amen: I, Nathaniel Parker, Sr. of Sumner County and State of Tennessee being weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory blessed by God for all his mercies, do make ordain and establish this my last will and testament in manner and form followingthat is to say:
First  I return my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors herein after named.
Second  I give and bequeath to my son Robert his heirs and assigns the following described part of the tract of land whereupon I now live to include my dwelling house and orchard to begin at Hugh Rogan's south east corner thence South to a stake opposite the middle of my lane that leads to my mill, thence east to David Shelby's line North with the same to the corner, thence east to Isaac Bledsoe's line thence with it North to Isaac Parker's line passing a spring to Hugh Rogan's line thence with it South to the aforesaid place of beginning.
Third  It is my will and desire that all the cut and residue of the said tract of land, whereupon I now live with the mill and other improvements thereupon, together with all my horses, horned cattle, and hogs and my following named Negroes, to wit, Burrough, Ned, Sawney, Pegg, and her two children, named Levi and Squire, Charlotte and her two children called Malinda and Isaac shall be sold at the discretion of my executors herein after named and the proceeds of the payment of my just debts and funeral charges, I give and bequeath to my sons John Parker, Thomas Parker, Richard Parker, Isaac Parker, Nathaniel Parker, and Robert Parker to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike.
Fourth  I give and bequeath to my daughter Betsey Collier during her natural life my Negro girl Fan and after her decease I give the said girl Fan and her increase to my said daughter Betsey's daughter called Betsy, her heirs and assigns for ever.
Fifth   I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Thompson, her heirs and assigns my Negro boy, Edmond and no more of the estate real or personal.
Sixth   I give and bequeath to my second wife's daughter Nancy Parker one dollar and no more of my estate real or personal.  Lastly, I nominate and appoint my sons, Thomas and Isaac Parker executors of this my last will and testament revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made, ratifying this and only this as and for my last will and testament.
In witness I have hereunto set my name and seal, this 25th day of February, 1811. Signed, sealed, and _______ in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of such other at the request of the Testator. Hugh Rogan
Nathaniel Parker, Sr." James Douglass served as bondsman for the marriage between Nathaniel and Mary Ramsey Bledsoe.
ABBR Will Books for Sumner Co., TN TITL Earliest Recorded Wills for the County of Sumner, State of TN, copies CONC house in the Sumner Co. Archives, and County Courthouse, Gallatin, Sumner Co., TN AUTH County Records for Sumner Co., TN PUBL Public Record
ABBR National Society of Daughters of Am. Revolution TITL Application for Membership to the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, verified and approved 2-10-1961 for lineage through Nathaniel Parker, Sr. service in the Revolutionary War. During the Revolutionary War Nathaniel Parker place of residence was in the section claimed by both PA and VA. Ref; History Hampshire Co, VA by Maxwell & Swisher. See DAR records 290436, 413730 & 451748.
AUTH Mrs. Ruth Gordon McGill PUBL The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington, D.C. "My ancestor, [Nathaniel Parker] assisted in the establishment of American Independent during the War of the Revolution as follows: (Mrs. McGill quoted J. Guy Cisco's History of Sumner Co., TN that 'Nathaniel Parker served under G. Washington in his attack on the French at Fort Duquesne and that he also served under Captin Jack against the Indians. This statement is crossed through by DAR researchers, the notation penciled-in is "Not Revolutionary Service", but the word, "Patriot" is also penciled-in and checked, thus qualifying Mrs. McGill acceptance into the DAR.
ABBR Sumner County Marriage Records TITL Original Marriage Bond AUTH Sumner County Loose Marriage Bonds/Records PUBL Public Record, Sumner Co. Archives, Gallatin, Sumner Co., TN
ABBR Sumner County, TN Cemetery Records TITL Book containing records of most of cemeteries and legible stones in Sumner Co., TN AUTH Margaret Cummings Snider and Joan Hollis Yorgason PUBL McDowell Publications1233 Sweeney Street Owensboro, KY 42301 copyright 1981
ABBR E. J. McGoldrick et als vs Carrie Parker et als TITL Chancery Court Records, Loose Records, Sumner Co. Archives, Gallatin,TN. Case filed Dec. 7th 1892. SOUR ABBR Theda Womack Papers TITL Genealogical Research of Mrs. Theda Pond Womack, 1425 Wright Lane, Gallatin, TN  37066. AUTH Theda Pond Womack
PUBL Private Collection:
ABBR Dry Fork Presbyterian Church Minutes TITL Minutes from the Church Proceedings of the Dry Fork Presbyterian Church 1831-1878. PUBL Public Record
ABBR Federal Census Records TITL Microfilmed Censuses of the United States 1790-1910, Sumner Co. Archives, Gallatin, TN AUTH Public Record ABBR Sumner Co., TN in the Civil War Records of Service for those enlisted in Sumner Co., TN. AUTH Edwin L. Ferguson PUBL "Privately Printed By the Author 1972, Limited Edition. Printed By Monroe County Press, Tompkinsville, KY" ABBR Terisha Turner Genealogy TITL Genealogy of Turner and Related Families including Parkers. AUTH Nat Turner, Dallas, TX
PUBL Privately Published
ABBR Sumner Co., TN Probate Data 1787-1808
TITL Contents of the Probate Records for SN Co., TN AUTH Gale W. Bamman, CG and Debbie W. Spero ABBR Will of Nathaniel Parker, Sr. TITL Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Parker, Sr. AUTH Nathaniel Parker, Sr. PUBL Public Record contained in the Sumner County Courthouse and County Archives, both in Gallatin, TN
ABBR Donoho Funeral Home Records
TITL Donoho Funeral Records AUTH Donoho Funeral Home, Gallatin, TN
PUBL Sumner County Archives, Gallatin, Sumner Co., TN
ABBR Family Tree of Hester Sophia Graves Perry TITL Personal family information recorded onto her own family tree, dated about 1917. AUTH Hester Sophia Graves Perry.
PUBL Privately owned, unpublished.
ABBR Harris-Donoho Funeral Records
TITL Loose Records donated to the Archives on funerals handled by Harris-Donoho Funeral Home in Gallatin, Sumner County, TN.
AUTH Collected by Harris-Donoho Funeral Home.
PUBL Unpublished, collection of copies of original books house in Sumner County Archives, Gallatin, Sumner County, TN.
ABBR 1880 Sumner County, Tennessee Federal Census
AUTH U.S. Federal Government.
It is not certain precisely when Nathaniel and Mary's marriage began to disintegrate. On 6 Nov 1794 Nathaniel published a disclaimer in the Knox Gazette stating that his wife Mary had left his bed and board and warning all persons that he would not be responsible for her debts or contracts.
Rev Sol DAR Patriot Index p 516, Service in VA. DAR Magazine Jan & Feb 1929.
Served under Gen George Washington in his attack on the French at Fort Duguense.
He built a house nr Greenfield, TN., and 5 years after the death of Col Anthony Bledsoe, he married Mary Ramsey Bledsoe. She was 60 and he was 63.
Mar 1792, Nathaniel Parker of Hampshire Co VA sold land to William Armstrong of the same County, 800 lbs for 502 & 1/2 acres on Patterson Creek being 312 acres granted to John Parker 8 Jun 1749 and devised to his son Nathaniel Parker. The 109 & 1/2 acres to Matthew Rogers. Ref: Hampshire Co., WVA., Deed Book 9, Pages 71-73.
In 1788 Nathaniel Parker owned 300 acres on Patterson Creek (Inherited from his father) Hampshire Co, VA., formerly owned by Lord Thomas Fairfax. In 1788 to 1800 Lord Fairfax's land was sold for taxes.
Nathaniel was buried near the site of the old Morgan Fort, on land now belonging to Dr. Johnson.
Nathaniel Parker owned 5362 acres in Sumner Co., TN.

Final Deed of John Parker’s land (Deceased) was signed 12 Jun 1765.

25 Feb 1811: Nathaniel Parker wrote his will in Sumner Co., Tn.

Served with General George Washington in his expedition against the French at Fort DuQuesne and after the war went to Bourbon Co., KY., and bought land. From there he went to Middle Tennessee and fought Indians till the peace was made with the Cherokees and died in Sumner Co. about 1805.
Elizabeth Ann CLAYTON
Aft 1726
Gloucester, Virginia
Sumner, Tennessee
                   Some informathion states she died in Summer Co., TN., Died before 1791.
Her Name might have been "Elizabeth Ann". Precisely when Nathaniel's wife died is unknown, but she was deceased by 1791 when he sold 29 acres of land because there was no dower release on the sale. This was required in Virginia and would have been recorded with the deed had she been alive at the time. Maybe 1783?
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Nathaniel P. Parker - Elizabeth Ann Clayton

Nathaniel P. Parker was born at Hampshire, Virginia Abt 1724. His parents were John Parker and Elizabeth Giles.

He married Elizabeth Ann Clayton Abt 1754 at Culpeper, Virginia . Elizabeth Ann Clayton was born at Gloucester, Virginia Aft 1726 .

Nathaniel P. Parker died Aft 4 Jun 1811 at Old Fort Morgan, Greenfield, Sumner, Tennessee .

Elizabeth Ann Clayton died 1793 at Sumner, Tennessee .