Abt 1655
Newport, Newport, R.I.
Aft 1710
Peabody Cem., Middletown, Newport, R.I.
                   Sources: V.R. Newport, R. I. Coll by Grace Durfee F802,451
Will of John PEABODY Dated 20 Nov 1710 Newport Town Council Records Vol 2,
pg 163 GSF#944,997.
George RICHARDSON's Cemetery Recds, Newport Hist. Soc. (Peabody Cemetery at Middletown, Newport, R.I.)
The Husbands father bought land Newport in 1649
PEBODY is usually spelled PEABODY.
John PEBODY in will names wife Rachel and Bro-in-law Joseph NICHOLSON.
Will dated 20 Nov. 1710.  Will probated 5 Mar 1711 Newport, R.I.
Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island by Austin
Peabody Genealogy by S.H. Peabody
Transcript Mar 19, 1930
GSF #802,451, pp. 21-24


       When the British evacuated Newport, in 1779, they carried the Newport town records with them, but the vessel was wrecked in Hell Gate and records were lost.  After remaining in the water for several days, they were rescued and carried to New York, where they were carelessly packed away in a store-house for two years.  Finally, through the influence of General Washington and Governor Clinton, they were restored to Newport, but at a time when almost no care could be given to them, and it was not until 1894 that work was begin on the preservation of these water-soaked and badly damaged papers.  The work is still being continued and many of the records have been arranged, preserved and rebound.  The following abstract was taken from Volume Two of the rebound Town Council Records.

       Town Council Records, Newport, R.I., Drawn 20 Nov 1710, Proved 5 Mar 1711
       Vol. 2, p. 163 GSF #944,997 Records Vol. 1-3

To all people to whom these presents shall come; I, John Peabody of Newport, in the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England in America, Yeoman, being very weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God.  Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will an testament.  That is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my sole unto the hands of God who gave it me and my body I comit to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor and executrix  hereafter named.  And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, dismiss and dispose of the same in the following manner and form (ie)

       First, I will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid in convenient time after my decease by my executor hereafter named.
       Item:  I give and bequeath to my son John Pebody -- in money if he be -- and comes --
       I give and bequeathe to my daughter Jane Pebody twenty pounds in current money of New England when she shall come to the age of twenty and one years or the day of marriage.
       I give to my daughter Elizabeth Pebody five and twenty pounds in current money of New England to be paid her when she shall come to the age of twenty and one years or the day of marriage.
       I give to my daughter Hanah Pebody, five and twenty pounds in current money of New England to be paid her when she shall come to the age of twenty and one years or the day of marriage.  But if either of my said three daughters die before their legacies --- to be paid, my will is that the legacies of the deceased be equally divided between the surviving --
       I give and bequeath to my son William Pebody fifty pounds in current money of New England to be paid him at the age of one and twenty years and to be instructed in reading and writing by my executor.
       I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Pebody fifty pounds to be paid him at the age of one and twenty years, but if either of my two sons, (William and Thomas) die before they attain the age of one and twenty, my will is that the legacy of the deceased shall be equally divided between the surviving and the three sisters.  And my will is that after my son William be instructed in reading and writing that he be put out at the discretion of my execut -- until he shall attain to the age of one and twenty years, to learn -- art or trade or calling which he may best esteem --
       and my will is that my son Joseph Pebody shall have the education of my son Thomas until he shall attain to the age of one and twenty years -- instruct him in the art or trade of a cordwainer if he likes the -- calling otherwise to be put out at the discretion of the executor and executrix until he shall attain to the age of one and twenty years to learn the art of trade or calling -- to be let to the esteem of --
       To my well beloved wife Rachel Rebody -- I give and bequeath to my loving son Joseph all my housing and land situated, lying and being in the Township of Newport to him, his heirs and assigns forever together with -- and my carpenter's tools --
       I will and bequeath to my son Joseph Pebody all the rest of my stock, horses, sheep, cattle and swine -- of this my last will and testament, I do appoint, constitute and ordain my well beloved wife Rachel Pebody to be my executrix. desiring my brother-in-law Joseph Nicholson and my neighbor Edward Smith to be overseers of this my last will and testament.  Other -- testaments and will by me -- before this time named, willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and ten. 1710
                                                                             The mark of
                                                                          John J P Pebody
Witnesses:  William Rider
                     John ? Talor
                     William Sanford
Bootle, Cumberland, Eng.
22 Apr 1658
Bootle, Cumberland, Eng.
13 Nov 1711
Portsmouth, Newport, R.I.
                   Will of Joseph Nicholson:12 Apr 1693 on ship ELIZABETH from Barbados to London
Land Evidences of R. I. Vol 1 part M. p. 326 Will of Joseph NICHOLSON
Of Portsmouth GSF #945,357.
AUSTIN'S Genealogical Dictionary of R.I.
SAVAGE'S First Three Generations of Settlers of New England.
Sources: V.R. Newport, R. I. Coll by Grace Durfee F802,451
Will of John PEABODY Dated 20 Nov 1710 Newport Town Council Records Vol 2,
pg 163 GSF#944,997.
George RICHARDSON's Cemetery Recds, Newport Hist. Soc. (Peabody Cemetery at Middletown, Newport, R.I.)
The Husbands father bought land Newport in 1649
PEBODY is usually spelled PEABODY.
John PEBODY in will names wife Rachel and Bro-in-law Joseph NICHOLSON.
Will dated 20 Nov. 1710.  Will probated 5 Mar 1711 Newport, R.I.
GSF #802,451, pp. 21-24
                   Birth-Doc. 20 Nov 1710 GSF#745,375 p.326 (Joseph, Dorathey, Jane, John were named in Joseph NICHOLSON'S Will 1693.
Sources: V.R. Newport, R. I. Coll by Grace Durfee F802,451
Will of John PEABODY Dated 20 Nov 1710 Newport Town Council Records Vol 2,
pg 163 GSF#944,997.
George RICHARDSON's Cemetery Recds, Newport Hist. Soc. (Peabody Cemetery at Middletown, Newport, R.I.)
The Husbands father bought land Newport in 1649
PEBODY is usually spelled PEABODY.
John PEBODY in will names wife Rachel and Bro-in-law Joseph NICHOLSON.
Will dated 20 Nov. 1710.  Will probated 5 Mar 1711 Newport, R.I.
Newport Marriages, Arnold's V.R. Vol. 4, pp 53, 108
Abt 1692
of Portsmouth, Newport, R.I.
1 May 1714
Middletown, Newport, R.I.
                   M-Wife #(1)
B-or D-Middletown, Newport, R.I.
Died age 23
also shows born Newport, Newport, R.I.
Bapt. 21 Jan 1977 and 25 Nov 1933
End. 11 Feb 1977 and 10 Jan 1934
Peabody Bible states "Jane Peabody married John Sisson."

Sources: V.R. Newport, R. I. Coll by Grace Durfee F802,451
Will of John PEABODY Dated 20 Nov 1710 Newport Town Council Records Vol 2,
pg 163 GSF#944,997.
George RICHARDSON's Cemetery Recds, Newport Hist. Soc. (Peabody Cemetery at Middletown, Newport, R.I.)
The Husbands father bought land Newport in 1649
PEBODY is usually spelled PEABODY.
John PEBODY in will names wife Rachel and Bro-in-law Joseph NICHOLSON.
Will dated 20 Nov. 1710.  Will probated 5 Mar 1711 Newport, R.I.
History of Stonington, Connecticut by R.A. Wheeler, p. 568
       Research report of Charles and winifred Farnham, Genealogists, 197 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, R.I., 10 Nov 1964:

       "I remember well that some years ago I saw the tombstone, 'Here lyeth ye body of Jane, wife of John sisson, who departed this life in the 25th year of her age, May 1, 1714.'  This tombstone I could not find two months ago.  It had disappeared."
       "Jane Sisson wife of John isson who departed this life in the 25th year of her age, May 1, 1714."  (Cemetery on Third Beach Road - Turner Manuscripts, Newport Historical Society.)
Bef 1693
Newport, Newport, R.I.
                   Birth-Doc. 20 Nov 1710 GSF#745,375 p.326 (Joseph, Dorathey, Jane, John were named in Joseph NICHOLSON'S Will 1693.
Sources: V.R. Newport, R. I. Coll by Grace Durfee F802,451
Will of John PEABODY Dated 20 Nov 1710 Newport Town Council Records Vol 2,
pg 163 GSF#944,997.
George RICHARDSON's Cemetery Recds, Newport Hist. Soc. (Peabody Cemetery at Middletown, Newport, R.I.)
The Husbands father bought land Newport in 1649
PEBODY is usually spelled PEABODY.
John PEBODY in will names wife Rachel and Bro-in-law Joseph NICHOLSON.
Will dated 20 Nov. 1710.  Will probated 5 Mar 1711 Newport, R.I.
                   Sources: V.R. Newport, R. I. Coll by Grace Durfee F802,451
Will of John PEABODY Dated 20 Nov 1710 Newport Town Council Records Vol 2,
pg 163 GSF#944,997.
George RICHARDSON's Cemetery Recds, Newport Hist. Soc. (Peabody Cemetery at Middletown, Newport, R.I.)
The Husbands father bought land Newport in 1649
PEBODY is usually spelled PEABODY.
John PEBODY in will names wife Rachel and Bro-in-law Joseph NICHOLSON.
Will dated 20 Nov. 1710.  Will probated 5 Mar 1711 Newport, R.I.
Portsmouth Marriages, Arnold's V.R., V. 4, p. 4
FamilyCentral Network
John Peabody (Pebody) - Rachel Nicholson

John Peabody (Pebody) was born at Newport, Newport, R.I. Abt 1655. His parents were John Peabody (Pebody) and Dorothy Tooley.

He married Rachel Nicholson . Rachel Nicholson was christened at Bootle, Cumberland, Eng. 22 Apr 1658 daughter of Joseph Nicholson and Jane Nicholson .

They were the parents of 8 children:
Jane Peabody (Pebody) born Abt 1692.
John Peabody (Pebody) born Bef 1693.

John Peabody (Pebody) died Aft 1710 .

Rachel Nicholson died 13 Nov 1711 at Portsmouth, Newport, R.I. .