Philipse Patent, Dutchess, N.Y.
Fort Ann, Washington, N.Y.
Livingston Manor, Columbia, N.Y.
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Wash. co., NY, p. 310
Hist. of Jefferson Co. p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery

Note: There may be a dau named Roseanne, who md _____ Ellis.  John mentions gd dau Maria Ellis now Maria Packard.  A Mina Ellis age 26, is living with Rufus
and Patty in 1855 census)

       John joined the Revolutionary War in Columbia County, 1778. He settled in Washington County in 1795 and was a pensioner in Ft. Ann in 1840.  The codicil to his will was written 10 May 1843 in Ft. Ann..

History of Jefferson Co. N.Y. Book, p. 471:

       The Parrish family are of English extraction, the original ancestor having come from England previous to the war of the Revolution.  In 1793 John Parrish, --- who was a Revolutionary Soldier settled in Washington Co., N.Y.  John Parrish (his son) was born in Columbia Co. in June 1777.  He lived with his father who was a farmer until he was 23 years of age at which time he married Miss Ruth Farr who was a native of Mass., where she was born July 1783.  In the Spring of 1803 Mr. Parrish left his home in Fort Ann, Wash. Co. for Jefferson Co. to locate ... in the town of Pamelia.

Salem, Washington Co. N.Y. Book of Wills, Vol. C p. 255:

       I John Parish of Fort Ann in the County of Washington and State of New York Do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following viz. Imprimis.  It is my will and desire that all of my Just debts and funeral expenses be first paid and that my executors provide proper and suitable Tomb stones to be put up at the graves of myself and my wife now deceased.

Item.  I give unto my sons John Parish Junr Joel Parrish and James Parish the sum of Two dollars to each of them.

Item,  All the rest and residue of my Estate and property both real Equity wheresoever the same may be is to be equally divided as near as may be between my two sons Rufus Parish and William Paridh and my daughter Ann wife of Gideon Smith of the Sounty of Jefferson.

Item,  In case my personal property shall prove insufficient for the payment of my debts funeral expenses tombstones and Legacies then and in such cases I do hereby authorise and fully empower my Executors hereinafter named to sell off so much of my real Estate and landed property as shall be sufficient to enable my Executors to pay off all such Debts funeral Expenses tomb stones and Legacies as also to pay my Executors for their services.

Lastly, I do hereby appoint my friends Hiram Lawrence and Mattheas A. Pike of Fort Ann my Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 25th day of February one thousand Eight hundred and forty three Signed sealed published and declared by the above named John Parish as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses at the request of the Testator & in his presence & in the presence of each other.

                                                               /s/ John Parish (L.S.)


CODICIL:  1st to my last Will and Testament, I John Parish being in sound mind but weak in body do hereby add this Item to my heretofore last Will and Testament (viz) I hereby will to the heirs of my son Ezra Parish Deceased the various claims and obligations I have against the said Ezra Parish.  I also will to the heirs of my son Nathan Parish the claims and obligations I hold against the said Nathan Parish.  I also will to my grand Daughter Maria Ellis now Maria Packard ten Dollars out of my estate.  I also will Susanna wife of my son William Parish the feather bed on which I now lie.  I will to my Daughter Anna Smith and my Daughter in law wife of my son Rufus whose name is Martha the bedding belonging with above said bed to be equally divided between them.  In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth day of May one thousand Eight Hundred and forty three.

                                                          /s/ John Parish (L.S.)

will Probated 16 Nov 1843

       The following account of the Parrish family is copied from "A brief History of My Father and My Mother, Marcus de Lafayette Shepherd and Harriet Editha Shepherd" by Sarah Caroline Shepherd Maeser, wife of Reinhard Maeser.

       My mother, Harriet Editha Parrish Shepherd was born Aug. 17, 1831 in the same little house in which her grandfather, Nathan Parrish lived, near the eastern shore of Lake Ontario in Brownville, Jeff., N.Y.  Her parents were Ezra Parrish and Susannah Sherwin. Their ancestors on both sides were staunch American patriots, most, if not all of the fathers and grandfathers having been soldiers or officers in the Continental Army.
       The Parrish family joined the Church soon after its organization, and passed through all the trials of those early days.  In Nauvoo they lived near the prophet and the two families were intimate friends.  My grandfather (Ezra, son of Nathan) having been raised near the Great Lakes was a good sailor and could handle almost any kind of craft.  Many times when the prophet found it necessary to slip away from his enemies, my grandfather carried him in pitch darkness in his canoe across the raging Mississippi.  My mother said that several times after her family had been driven acorss the river from Nauvoo, she and her father would return in the canoe at night and slip around to their home to get wharever articles might have been left there, including unfinished cloth from the loom.
       Both the Shepherd and the Parrish families started for Utah in 1847.

State of New York, County of Washington:

       On this 25th day of August, A.D. 1832 personally appeared before me, John Moss, a Judge of Washington County Com. Pleas. John Parish, a resident of the town of Fort Ann, County of Washington and State of New York, aged eighty-one, who, being first duly sworn according to the law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
       That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
       "That the first time I entered the service I resided in Livingston Manor in the County of Albany, then called, and State of New York and about the first of August A.D. 1777 I was drafted for three months in the New York Militia and entered the service under the command of Capt. Peter Best and was marched through Kinderhook to Greenbush and crossed the north river into Albany where we drew our arms and ammunition.  From thence we marched up the river where we joined Col. Henry Livingston.  Brig. Major Islestone was an officer in the Reg. and we were stationed near to Gen. Gates' headquarters.  We kept up camp duties.
       After about three weeks I was detached from the company to take the charge of one of the teams belonging to the United States.  I had the care of the team under the command of Cpt. Roderick Burey and was with the army during the first and second battle that Gen. Lincoln was wounded and a large number were killed and was employed in bringing flour and provisions from Half Moon, now Waterford, to the army and providing (?) and bringing forage.
       That at the time Burgoyne surrendered I was after a load of flour at Half Moon point.  After I delivered the load at Stillwater I returned to Half Moon point where Capt. Roderick Burey (or Buby) ordered two teams, myself one, to go to Saratoga at Fish Creek and bring down the cannon which was taken from Burgoyne.  We went up accordingly when Gen. Schyler countermanded the order and commanded us to go to drawing stone and place them on the bank of the river, which we performed.
       I continued this employment until my time expired about the first of November and I was dismissed when I had served three months and returned to Livingston Manor where I resided until in October, A.D. 1778 I was drafted in the New York Militia and went into the service under the command of Capt. Joseph Elliott.
       We marched to Stillwater where we remained and was expecting orders from some of our officers commanding and we were discharged.  I served and performed my duty at Stillwater two weeks and returned to Livingston Manor where I resided until in Sept. A.D. 1779 when I was drafted in the New York Militia for three months and weent into the service under the command of Capt. Bolen and we were furnished with wagons and horses by the Government and I was commanded to take the charge of one.
       We went to Fishkill and was employed to take flour from the landing at Fishkill fifteen miles east and delivered it where out guard was placed and a part of the time we were drawing forage from all parts to Fishkill. I continued in this service until the term for which I was drafted expired which was in December.  I served and performed my duty for three months and was discharged by Col. Hay and I returned to Livingston Manor aforesaid where I resided until the year 1792 when I moved into Fort Ann where I now reside and have resided ever since.
       That I was born in the year 1751 on Philips Patent, Dutchess County, State of New York and that I have no record of my age.  That I have never received a written discharge.That I was born in the year 1751 - That I have no documentary evidence and that I know of no person whose testimony I can procure who can testify to my service - That Rufus Bates, a clergyman and Nathaniel Titchum to whom I am known in my present neighborhood who can testify as to my character for veracity and their belief of my services as a soldier of the Revolution.
       I herely relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  That I am not able from bodily infirmity to attend the Court."

Sworn to and subscribed this day
and year aforesaid mentioned
before me         John Moss                                John Parish
Elizabeth RICE
Abt 1750
Livingston, Columbia, N.Y.
Aft 1795
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery

B-Abt 1748-50 Of Livingston,Columbia,N.Y.

       Is this the Elizabeth Rice, born 1752, son of Edward Rice and Mary Eastman of Woodstock, Conn.?  Her cousins Simeon, William, born 1726, Edward Rice settled Fredericksburg about 1750.  On 3 Jan 1760 a letter of administration for Simeon Rice of Dutchess county was given to his brother William.  William Rice, Tax List 1753 - Estate 1760, Fredericksburg.)
       Elizabeth is apparently descended from the surname Royce.  Is it possible she was Elizabeth Royce, born abt. 1756, daughter of John Boyce and Dorcas Root?

Letter rec'd. from Virginia Parrott, 4981 Aurora Dr., Ventura, CA 93003, 18 May 1999:
       Haskins Cemetery--broken stone, John Parish and wife Elizabeth

Thelda Baker's note:
       Almost every son of John and Elizabeth (Rice) Parish named a son William Rice Parish.  There was a Wm. Rice from Dutchess Co., NY, a Rev. soldier who lived in Steuben Co., NY and drew a pension.  There was also a Joel living there from Barry, Mass. d. 14 Sep 1830, aged 50 years.  Probably a connection here.
Livingston, Columbia, N.Y.
Bef May 1843
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery
Data from Madeline Parish, 100 Lower Dix Ave., Hudson Falls, NY 12839
                 Juliana Losaw, 26 Eaton St., North Haven, Conn. 06473
                 Thelda Baker, 4981 Aurora Dr., Ventura, Calif. 93003
                 Mrs. Wlmer Tewes, 116 Mill Road, Park Ridge, NJ
14 May 1774
Lemington, Livingston Manor, New York
5 Nov 1835
Brownville, Jefferson, N.Y.
Granville, Wash., N.Y. 
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery

Sources:Records of G. W. Parrish.    Recd. Bk. by Wm. Riley Cole
LDS Index Bureau. Host. of Jeff. Co. N.Y. p. 471
Wash Co. Will Bk. C p 255.  (John Sr.) Jeff. Co. Will Bk. A p 193
Jeff. Co. Deed Bk F p 422 Bk B3 p 209, Bk 114 p 8
Census N. Y. Fed. 1830-1870. State 1825-1875.
Early Gen spelled name PARISH
LDS GR Seventies Bk B p.86

Children also sealed 27 Oct 1955 AZ  Reconf. dates 1 & 11 Dec. 1964 SLAKE

Office of County Clerk, Watertown, New York, Jefferson, County, New York:

       Liber F - 208.  May 21, 1810.  James Le Ray do Chaumont and Grace his wife, of the first part, to Nathan Parrish of the town of Brownville, Jefferson County, New York of the second part, consideration of $381.00 land in the town of Borwnville, part of lot #482 and 489, 30 and 33/100s acres.  Recorded March 17, 1814.
       Liber F - 422.  July 9, 1813.  Nathan Parrish and Rebecca his wife of the town of Brownville, etc., of the first part to Walter Cole of same, of the second part, consideration $680., part of the above.  Recorded Nov. 1, 1814.
       Liber H - 260.  Nov. 15, 1815.  Nathan Parrish and Rebecca his wife of the first part to Merchant Caster, of the town of Brownville, etc., of the second part, consideration of $59.06 50 acres in lots 482 and 489. 50 acres.  Recorded May 28, 1816.
       Liber K - 151.  June 9, 1817.  William A. Snow and Sarah Ingraham, of the first part, to Nathan Parrish of the town of Brownville, etc. . . . .of the second part, consideration $160., land on the north shore of Black River Bay, in the town of Brownville, 166 acres.  Recorded June 9, 1817.
       Liber U - 54.  Sept. 16, 1822.  Bartholomew Hounsfield of Sheffield in England, late of the city of New York, to Nathan Parrish of the county of Jefferson, farmer, "in pursuance of an award made between him and the party of the second part and the sum of one dollar ($1.00) to him in hand paid, land in the town of Brownville, part of the Olive Tract, so-called 53 acres.  Recorded April 10, 1824.
       Liber B3 - 209.  May 2, 1836.  Nathan Parrish, Sanford Parrish, Amanda Sherwin, Ezra Parrish, Theodosis Grout, Emeline Eastman, Olive Wheelock, William R. Parrish, Henry W. Parrish, Nancy S. Parrish and George W. Parrish, of the first part, to Rebecca Parrish, of the second part, consideration $1.00, 53 acres on Black River Bay.  Recorded Oct. 10, 1837.
       Liber 115 - 8.  January 29, 1853.  Theodosia Wood, Olive Wheelock, Henry S. Parrish, Nancy Sarepta Cole, George W. Parrish, all of Salt Lake City, to Nathan Parrish of Pillar Point, "who are legitimate children of the sd Nathan Parrish," in consideration of the sum of $1.00 paid to each and every one of the parties of the first part, by the said party of the second part, "who is their lawful brother," land i the town of Brownville, part of the Olive Tract so-called 53 acres.  Recorded Oct. 6, 1853.

Jefferson county Deeds, Watertown, New York, Book H, p. 260, recorded
   10 apr 1824:
       Nov. 15, 1815. Nathan Parrish and Rebecca his wife of the first part, to Marchant Carter of the town of Brownville, etc., . . . . . of the second part, consideration 160 dollars, land on the north shore of Black River Bay, in the town of Brownville, 156 acres.


       At a surrogate's court held at the town of Adams in the County of Jefferson on the 31st day of March, A.D. 1836 before Benjamin Wright, Surrogate of the said County.
       On the day and at the place aforesaid, Rebecca Parish Executrix of the last will and testament of Nathan Parish, late of the said county, deceased, appeared and prayed that the said will be admitted to probate, and exhibited the following proof.

       I. Walter Baker of the town of Hounsfield in the County of Jefferson, being duly sworn, say that I knew Nathan Parish, that I saw him execute the paper now offered for proof purporting to be his will - that I became a subscribing witness to said will at the request of the deceased - that at the time thereof the said deceased declared the same to be his last will and testament - that he signed his name to the said will as a witness - I read the will over to him and he appeared to be satisfied with it - that the will was executed about a week before the death of the said Parish - that at the time thereof said deceased appeared to be as rational as usual and that he was in my opinion of a sound and disposing mind and memory - that I did execute the said will and in my presence and in the presence of the other subscribing witnesses and at the same time that I witnessed said will that I did not write the place of my residence at the time I witnesses the said will.
                                                        (signed) Walter Baker

       Amanda Sherwin being sworn says that she saw the said Nathan Parish execute the will by signing his name thereto - that I signed my name as a witness to the said will at the request of said deceased at the same time that the deceased signed and that other witnesses signed or became witnesses to said will at the same time - that the deceased was the father of the wirness - that I signed the said will in as a witness in the presence of the said deceased - that I heard the will read at the time by Doctor Baker to the deceased.  I took him to be at the time said will was signed of as sound a mind as he ever was.  The will was signed and witnessed about a week before the death of the said deceased.  I was at the time residing at the house of the deceased in the town of Brownville, that Brownville was the place of his residence at that time that the said deceased declared the same to be his last will and testament.
       Whereupon I the Surrogate aforesaid, upon the proof of and being satisfied of the genuineness and validity of the said will do therefor order that the same be admitted to probate and that letters testamentary therein be granted to Rebecca Parish Executrix in said will named after the expiration of 30 days from the time of making this order.     Witness:  B. Wright, Surrogate

       A memorandum of the mind and will of Nathan Parish made this sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord 1835.
       I Nathan Parish do will Rebecca Parish my wife all my property both personal and real estate to do with and dispose of just as she thinks best while she lives. - It is my will that Henry Strong Parish when he becomes of age do have the worth of sixteen cows out of the property I will to Rebecca my wife.  These cows are for a watch that was given to Henry S. Parish when he was a babe.  If there is enough I want he should have the farm before mentioned and if there aint enough I want you to give him what you can spare and make yourself comfortable while you live.  I will from one dollar to five to Nathan my oldest son if there should be any such law that he can't break the will.
                                                        Nathan Parish
Signed sealed in the presence of the following witnesses:
Walter Baker of Sackets Harbork Jefferson County.  Nov. 16, 1835
23 Jun 1777
Livingston, Columbia, N.Y.
5 Feb 1850
Theresa, Jefferson, New York
Abt 1809
Columbia, New York 
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y., Bk. 1, p.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery

John and Ruth Parish lived and were buried in Parish Cemetery, Pamelia, New York.

History of Jefferson County, New York, p. 471:
       The Parrish family are of English extraction, the original ancestor having come from England previous to the was of the Rev.  In 1793 John Parrish who was a revolutionary soldier settled in Washington County, New York.  His son, John Parrish was born in Col. Co. in June 1777.  He lived with his father who was a farmer until he was 23 years of age, at which time he married Miss Ruth Farr, who was a native of Mass., where she was born in 1783.
       In the spring of 1803 he left his home in Ft. Ann., Washington County, New York for Jefferson County to locate upon his purchase previously made of 60 acres of big lot No. 4 in the town of Pamelia.  He started with his family which consisted of his wife and 2 children, his household goods and 2 yoke of oxen constituting his worldly effects.  Fifteen days were occupied in making the journey.  His location was a very fortunate one, as there is today no better farm in the town.  Here his family were born, excepting the two eldest, and here he lived and died.
       Mr. Parrish was a successful farmer and a great hunter.  He was a very active and zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his house was the rendevous for all the itinerant Methodist Ministers of the circuit.  He was a consistent member of the masonic fraternity in the early days of that order.  He was a thorough, energetic business man and his name was a synonym for honor and integrity wherever known.  Genial, whole sculed, (?) no one loved a joke better than he, and no one possessed to a greater extent the faculty of making everyone about him happy.
       In Dec. 1842 his wife died in her 59th year.  she was the mother of 10 children, 2 of whom died in infancy.

Old Watertown and Vicinity in Pictures:
       One of Jefferson County's earliest pioneer settlers was John Parrish, who took up a large farm in the town of Pamelia in 1803.  Mr. Parrish, distantly related to George Parish of Ogdensburg, was born in Columbia County in June, 1777, son of John Parrish, a Revolutionary soldier.
       The Jefferson County settler married Ruth Farr, a native of Massachusetts, and together they left their home in Fort Ann, Washington County for the 60 acres purchased in the town of Pamelia.  There John Parrish became a successful farmer and noted hunter as. . . as a . . .Methodish Episcopal church. . .
       Among their ten children was John L. Parrish, born May 1, 1819.
(PIcture taken in 1960 shown in Watertown Daily Times No. 505, John L. Parrish with his wife and five children.)

Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y., Bk. 1, p. 271-4;
DAR #185581, #164204; #63500
Randall Genealogy Family Bible of John Lyman Parish (Pamelia)
Records from Temple Baptisms Gen. Soc Bk., p. 51, 71, 76; Bk 2 Ge p. 292-308

WILL OF JOHN PARISH, Watertown, Jefferson, New York (Book I, p. 271-274):
      John Parish:  In the name of God: I John Parish of the town of Pamelia, Jeff. Co. State of NY, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory, etc - do make and declare this my last will and testament: the following my said estate consists of a bond and mortgage upon my former homestead consisting of abt. 132 acres of land etc - thereunto belonging deed by me to my youngest son, John L. Parish on the 1st da of Mar. 1847 etc -
       I hereby give and bequeath unto all my children and their heirs; except the said John L. Parish and his heirs, etc -
       Son, Warren F. Parish
       Dau., Minerva, deceased, former wife of William N. Hodgkins
       Son, Chester Parish
       My dau., Sally w/o Ira J. Patten
       Son, Rice Parish
       Dau., Elizabeth w/o Chester Swan
       and my dau. Melissa w/o Samuel I. Brooks
       My youngest son John L. Parish
       2nd. -
       My daus., aforesaid to wit: Sally, Elizabeth and Hanna Melissa
       I do hereby appoint my three sons to wit: Warren F. Parrish, Chester Parrish, Rice Parrish, sole executors -
       Signed 25 da Sept 1847    John Parish
       etc -
       1st da Oct 1847
       F. Keith of Brownville, NY
       J. Bonney Jr. Pamelia, NY

       Apr 22 - 1850

       Be it remember that on the 2 da march A.D. 1850, Chester Parish of the town of Pamelia, Rice Parish of the Town of Watertown, Jeff. Co., NY., etc--
       John Parish late of the Town of Theresa, etc- named Warren Parish & said Chester Parish & Rice Parish, executors thereof, that the said John Parish at the time of his death left him surviving the following named heirs at law next of kin, and none other viz:
       Chester Parish & John L. Parish of Pamelia and Melissa Brooks w/o Thompson Brooks, Elizabeth Swan w/o Chester Swan of Theresa and Rice Parish of Watertown, NY.  Warren F. Parish of Mendon, Co. of Monroe, Sarah Patten w/o Ira J. Patten, res. Vorce, Wis. and Wm. N. Hodgkins formerly husband of Minerva Hodgkins, now deceased and the following named children of Minerva- Henry Hodgkins, Louisa Hodgkins, of full age, and Martha Jane Hodgkins, Ellen Hodgkins, Anson Hodgkins, Melissa Hodgkins and Warren Hodgkins minors, having no general guardian in this state, and all residing at South Grove, Wis. etc.-

Chester and Rice Parish, executors, etc-
Recorded 22 da. Apr. 1850 10 o'clock
Wit. F. Keith and Josiah Bonney Jr.


       The Parrish family was among the early settlers of the own of Pamelia, and the old Parrish home and farm on the Perch Lake Road in the upper part of the town is one of the most picturesque ones in those confines.  Owned by Mrs. Alice Shimel Reese, who with her husband, the late George A. Reese formerly of the town of Theresa, purchased it Feb. 1907, it is maintained in good order.  Mr. and Mrs. Reese acquired it from Mrs. Scott W. (Diana B. Parrish) Blodgett, then of this city.  The farm consists of 183.05 acres.
       Built of native limestone obtained on the property about 111 years ago, the eleven-room house of simple Georgian colonial architecture is neat and attractive.  The rooms are low and the interior doors display the witches' cross in their construction.  There is one fireplace.  Upon the farm is an excellent sugar bush and for many years John L. Parrish, who was a prominent farmer and cattle dealer as well as justice of the peace, operated a limburger cheese factory with a capacity of 40,000 pounds a year.  Son of John and Ruth Farr Parrish, John L. Parrish was born in Pamelia May 1, 1819 and in 1841 married Eliza Ann, daughter of Ruel and Margaret Randall, early Rutland settlers.  She was born Feb. 19, 1819.
       The Parrish family emigrated from England to new England long before the American Revolution.  In 1793 John Parrish, a Revolutionary soldier and grandfather of John l. Parish, settled in Washington County, new York.  His son John, Jr., father of John L. was born in Columbia County in June 1777 and resided on the farm with his father until he was 23, when he was married to Ruth Farr.
       Ruth Farr, native of Massachusetts, was born in July, 1783.  In the spring of 1803 she and her husband, John Parrish, left their home at Fort Ann and located in Pamelia where he had previously bought 60 acres of wilderness.  With their two small children, all their worldly goods and two ox teams, they made their way here, erected a log cabin and resided in it for several years.
       On October 8, 1833 this John Parrish purchased of Washington and Stephanie Coster of New York City through attorney Samuel C. Kanady for $977.11 an acreage of 132.72, which formed the main part of the property now owned by Mrs. Reese.  Upon this he erected his stone house where he brought up eight of his ten children.  On Feb. 26, 1847 he sold the property to his son, John L. Parrish for $3000.  From his brother, Chester Parrish, John L. Parrish acquired an additional tract of 36.3 acres, and another of 11.75 acres for $1,300.  These two plots were part of land bought by John Parrish Nov. 1, 1838 from Abraham Varrick and willed by John to his son, Chester.  On March 5, 1858, John L. Parrish bought another 3.55 acres for $100 from Rufus W. Keith making a total of 181.32 acres in the farm.  Al of this with the exception of .37 of an acre, which embraces the Parrish family cemetery, was bought by Mr. and Mrs. Reese from mrs. Blodgett for $7,000 in 1907.
Abt 1783
Livingston Manor, Columbia, N.Y.
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery

Mar-(1) Eber PALMER
      (2) Gideon SMITH
26 Mar 1786
Livingston Manor, Columbia, N.Y.
4 Feb 1857
Ft. Ann, Wash., N.Y.
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery
NY Gen. and Biographical Records, Vol. 46, p. 278

William and Susannah were buried in Ft. Ann Cemetery.

The Last will and Testament of William Parish of the town of Fort Ann in the county of Washington and State of New York.  (Probated August 31, 1857.)
       I William Parish considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory, blessed by Almight God for the same, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and following that is to say.
       First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Susannah Parish all my household furniture and one Cow.
       I give and bequeath to my oldest daughter Harriet Higgins fifteen dollars -
       Second I give and bequeath unto my second son Rice R. Parish all my right and title to a certain piece or parcel of land being part of lot No. 52 in the Artillery Patent in the Town of Fort Ann being that part or parcel of said lot which was deeded by Ise Well to William Parish the first day of February 1851 said to contain ten acres and 38 square rods of land be the same more or less also all my right and title to eleven acres of land on lot No. 58 leased by Peter Comstock to Thaddeus Bacon the first day of April 1824 and signed over to William Parish the 3rd of November 1825 for boundaries see lease - Also all my right and title to a part of lot No. 54 in said Artillery Patent being that part of said lot deeded by Abraham converse to William Parish April 29th 1850 containing Sixty two acres and a half of land.  For boundaries see deed - Also all my right and title to lot No. 55 in said Artillery Patent in said town of Fort Ann -
       Also all the horses Waggons Harness Sleighs, ploughs, chains and other farming tools of which I may die possessed also my personal property, except what is devised to my wife Susannah Parish, and enough to pay my daughter Harriet the fifteen dollars devised to her.
       I also give and bequeath unto Rice K. Parish a certain land Warrant of which I am in expectancy of obtaining from the government of the United States for services performed as teamster in the war of 1812 with Great Britain, on condition of his paying ten dollars to Emily Higgins daughter of Harriet Higgins above named and also ten dollars to Florence Parish daughter of John C. Parish when they shall respectively become of lawful age.
       I hereby appoint William Weller my sole executor, revoking all wills by me heretofore made.
                                                                  William Parish (L.S.)
       The word mind was underlined in the fifth line from top on first page and the word Harriet in the fifth line on second page before signing.
       The above instrument consisting of one sheet of paper was hereby subscribed by William Parish the testator in the presence of each of us, and we at his request sign our names hereto as attesting witnesses this 29th day of April 1856:
                                                       C. Furness of the town of Ft. Ann
                                                       Reuben Baker of the town of Ft. Ann
Ft. Ann, Wash., N.Y.
15 Sep 1873
Clayton, Washington, New York
1 Jan 1818
Orleans, New York 
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery
b-changed from abt 1775
Gazeteer of Jefferson Co., NY by Hamilton child 1890, p. 387

War of 1812 Pension File W C 27009 NY - 3 Jul 1871, age 77, res. Clayton. Enlisted 12 Oct 1814.  Served in Capt. Goodrich's Co. Also under Capt. Brown and Capt. Miller and Lt. Cole, NY Militia.  States he married about 1 Jan 1818 Martha Carter at Orleans, NY.  Witness to application: Earl Carter.  Rejected - insufficient service.

Claim 1878 of Widow Patty Parish, Clayton, NY age 78. (6 Jun 1878 date of application)  Patty states her husband was Rufus Parish, born Ft. Ann, Wash., NY, that he died 15 Sep 1873.  He enlisted at Brownville, that they were married 1 Jan 1823 at Orleans NY by a Baptist Minister, that her name before her marriage was Patty Carter, that neither she nor her husband had been previously married, that their places of residence were Orleans and Clayton since his discharge from the service, that he received Bounty land.  Witnesses: Geo. Garlock and Charles Linnell.  Linnell states he was present at her marriage.

1850, 1855 Census, Clayton, Jefferson, New York
County Gazetteer and directory of Jefferson county, New York 1684-1890.  Ed. Wm. Horton, compiled and published by Hamilton Child, p. 387

       Rufus and Patty Parish had eight children.  In the 1850 census Alsina Davis (29) and Elsa Davis (4) were living with Rufus and Patty.  Was this a married daughter and child?  Apparently children Charles, William and Gilbert were living next door in the home of William and Harriet McCoy.

Rufus was buried in Clayton Cemetery, New York
Abt 1795
Ft. Ann, Wash., N.Y.
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery

James was a twin with Joel Parish; he served in the Civil War.
Abt 1795
Ft. Ann, Wash., N.Y.
6 Aug 1860
Nashua, Iowa
                   D-Will of John Parish dated 10 May 1843, will made at Forth Ann, Wash.,N.Y.
Bur-Will probated 16 Nov 1843
Sources:Archives Gen. Soc.,Will of Jaohn Parrish Sr. at Salem,Wash.,N.Y.,
Will of John Parish Jr. Watertown, N.Y.
Will William Parish Bk G p 315 Salem, Wash, N.Y.
Rev. Pension File of John Parish Sr., History of Wash. Co. #4821 p.310,
TIB & Archives of Gen. Soc. SLC
Hist. of Jefferson,Co.p.471
Joel bur. Oak Hill Cem, Nashua, Iowa. from Dr. J.G. Parrish
REF: Will of Nathan Parish Watertown BK A-p 193
Troops Furnished to U.S. by Brownville, N.Y. P 215- James Parrish, son of James
and Fanny Dexter Parrish
N.Y. Gen & Bio Recd. V 46 p 278. (William)
Cemetery Inscription - Ft. Ann Cemetery
b-abt 1795 changed from 1779
1850 Census, Cape Vincent, New York 807-404 284-285

Hist. of Floyd Co., Iowa, 1882, p. 868 (at charles city, Iowa Library):
      The date of the earliest settlers was 1852 and the spring of 1853, joel Parish and the Warburtons coming in 1858.  The former moving into the edge of the County, building him a bark shanty in which he lived the following winter.

Joel and Mary lived in Iowa and were buried at Oak Hill Cemetery in Nashua, Iowa.
FamilyCentral Network
John Parish (Parrish) - Elizabeth Rice

John Parish (Parrish) was born at Philipse Patent, Dutchess, N.Y. 1751.

He married Elizabeth Rice 1771 at Livingston Manor, Columbia, N.Y. . Elizabeth Rice was born at Livingston, Columbia, N.Y. Abt 1750 .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Ezra Parish (Parrish)
Nathan Parish (Parrish) born 14 May 1774.
John Parish (Parrish) born 23 Jun 1777.
Anne Parish (Parrish) born Abt 1783.
William Parish (Parrish) born 26 Mar 1786.
Rufus Parish (Parrish) born 1793/94.
James Parish (Parrish) born Abt 1795.
Joel Parish (Parrish) born Abt 1795.

John Parish (Parrish) died at Fort Ann, Washington, N.Y. .

Elizabeth Rice died Aft 1795 .