29 Sep 1706
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
Foster, R.I.
13 Aug 1730
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
                   Sources:R.I. Scrapbook I-35;V.R. Swansea p 18,21,23,24
V.R. Scituate R.I. V 3 p 11;
Temple record book of Wm. Riley Cole
The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
On FGS as child shows Bapt-2 Sep 1933 and End-25 Jan 1934. May have been
done twice.

       Benn's Rhode Island Families p 29, Foster, R.I. Book 1, p. 22

Will of Hugh Cole of Scituate (Family moved there 1750) 27 Nov 1722,
proved 8 Apr 1785.
       Mentions son Samuel to whom is given $1;
       To son Richard the homestead, stock and outdoor moveables;
       To four sons, Peabody, Sisson, James and Hugh each $60 in 1 year, 2 year, 3 year & 4 years respectively;
       To daughter Sarah Seamons $10 in two years & six months & feather bed;
       To daughter Martha Salisbury $10 in two years & 6 mos. and flock bed, and furniture;
       To daughter Amy Hunter $10 in two years & 6 mos. feather bed and furniture;
       To granddaughter Lillis Pray $3;
       To grandsons william, Richard and Hugh Pray each $1;
       To two cousins Edward Cole & Nehemiah Cole land in Warren on Kickemuit River;
       To son his great chair and cane;
       To 3 daughters indoor movables;
       Son Richard executor.
Witnesses: Squire Bucklin, Anne Hopkins, Sylvanas Herendun

Note: Hugh Cole, father of Sisson Cole, inherited by will from his father his great chair and cane and family Bible which had been passed down from the first James to each successive Hugh.

Apr 1710
Portsmouth, Newport, R.I.
Bef 1768
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
B-Either April or about 1710
D-Prob. before 1768
Also Bapt. 7 Nov 1933 End. 23 Jan 1934
18 Feb 1730/31
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
13 Feb 1733/34
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
24 Nov 1754
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
15 May 1736
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
11 May 1768
                   Source:Letter from Iva E. Andrews 26 FEB 1957
Vital Records, Swansea
Vital Records, Wrentham
Hugh Pray Cemetery in Foster, Rhode Island
Benn's Rhode Island Families, Vol 3, p. 114; Vol 2, pp. 275-276
The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
D-Ae. 33

Lillis Cole Pray was buried in the Hugh Cole Cemetery.  Her stone reads, "Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Lillis Pray, wife of Hugh Pray died July 11, 1768,  33 years."
Samuel COLE
31 May 1737
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
D-Between 1785-87
16 Jun 1739
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
Killingly,Conn. Deed Bk
Vital Records of Providence R. I.
26 Oct 1743
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
31 Dec 1767
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
Charles COLE
Abt 1745
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
20 Jun 1746
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
28 Mar 1845
Richfield Springs, Otsego, N.Y.
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
V.R. Foster,R.I.,
Fam. Rec.- Index Bureau.

The National Archives #S2357 R.I. Affidavid indicates Sisson Cole's birth was 20 Jun 1747, and "that he has a record of his age in his Bible."  All other records indicate that his birth was in 1746.

Notes:Sisson & Eliz. Lived on a farm in Foster, R.I. They moved to Richfield,
Otsego.  Both died in their 90's and were buried in the Cole Cemetery.
Katherine H. Billings wrote:
       "I found the cemetery again in 1968.  The woods had taken over. . .The DAR marker on sisson's grave was gone.  Many of the stones were upturned and broken.  Both Sisson's and Elizabeth's were standing."

Situate, R.T. Deed Bk., p. 652: Deed of sale for farm for Sisson Cole and wife Elizabeth is witnessed by Rachel Hunter.

Killing, Conn. Deed Bk., 82, p. 360:  Farm of Elisha Hunter, located on Foster, R. I. and Comm. state line, sold.  Heirs; Eldad Hunter, Solomon Hunter, Sarah, Susannah, Amey, Rachel and Elizabeth Hunter

Killing, Conn. Deed Book 14, p. 34:  Deed of sale to John Moffitt Jr. by Elisha Hunter, Rachel Hunter, John Hunter, Amy Hunter, Elizabeth Hunter, Susannah Hunter and Sarah Hunter.  Recorded 18 Jan 1793

also Bapt. 2 Sep 1933 End. 23 Jan 1934

Sisson Cole enlisted in the Revolutionary War at Scituate, 20 Apr 1775 and served under Colonels West, Kimball, and Hopkins at the battle of Rhode Island.  He and his wife, Elizabeth have many traditions of staunchness and valor.  He drew a pension and was listed in 1840 as age 94 living in Richfield, Otsego county, NY with Leroy Cole.

South Columbia correspondent to the Journal gives interesting account of sturdy settlers:

       The death of Miss Mary Cole at her home in Monticello 23 Feb recently recalls family history and tradition dear to her.  Her grandfather, Sisson Cole, born 20 Jun 1737 (1746?) at Swansey, Bristol Co., Mass. enlisted at Scituate, R.I. 20 apr 1775 and served as Private under Colonels West, Kimball and Hopkins and was in the Battle of Rhode Island.
       He married Elizabeth Hunter, daughter of a prominent family of that early date and many traditions of their staunchness and calor are still rememnered, but many more whichwould be highly prized by lucky descendants have been lost in the wreckage of the years.
       Depuy in his "Life of Ethan Allen" corroborates one tradition of Hannah, a sister of Elizabeth Hunter who was at the time of the invasion of Royalton, Vermont, a Mrs. Hannah Handy.  (Here follow quotations relative to Hannah.)  Yet another time, the Captain of a boat on which Hannah was a passenger admired her bravery and resourcefulness so much that he presented her with his own handsome cane, the only token available and which has been treasured all these years among the heirlooms of the deceased.
       Miss Cole, her father, Sisson Cole and Elizabeth were pioneers on Richfield Hill, where several of his ten children settled on adjoining farms.  After long and useful lives Sisson Cole died in 1845 aged 98 years and nine months.  The son Esek and his wife Nancy or rather Aunt Nancy as she was affectionately called, succeeded them at their homestead and was in turn suceeded by their son Esek and his wife Eveline Falkner and a son and daughterl  The daughter Mary, or "Mate" as she was universally called, was a successful teacher "way back in the 70's."  The brother died and soon the mother followed and Mary gave up the various aspirations of her life to care for and brighten the father's lonely home.
       He was a remarkable well-read man.  When a library was started by contributions in Monticello in 1795, the Coles were among the supporters and after its incorporation in 1809 it enjoyed many years of usefulness and later as Esek Cole was its secretary or librarian and one of his chief delights in later years was the hours spent with the old register he so faithfully preserved.
       Two generations of Coles have been buried in the old cemetery on Richfield Hill adjoining the M.E. Church of which no trace remains and the little white headstones were completely obscured by a second growth of forest trees.  Here Miss Cole found work for her hands to do.  She raised funds to have the yard cleared out and restored to its sightliness and incorporated.
       When her father received summons 12 apr 1915 when near his 98th birthday, she was left entirely alone.  She sold the farm cleared by her ancestors to Clarence Baily and bidding adieu to the dearest spot on earth, she bought a home in Monticello where her death resulted from pneumonia, 23 Feb 1923.

One clipping was printed 23 March 1923
Other clipping printed February.  The exact date can be found on the monument or other places.


       Sisson Cole born in Foster, R. I 20 Jun 1746 (1737?) died Richfield, N.Y. 28 March 1845.  Married Elizabeth Hunter born 18 Jan 1746 died 12 Nov 1842.  He was a Revolutionary Soldier.  He moved to New York about 1812.

BIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW, Otsego Co., N.Y. p. 433:

       Eseck Cole, one of the oldest resident farmers of the town of Richfield, has lived on his present farm which was settled by his grandfather in 1793, nearly all of his life.  His grandfather was Sisson Cole, a native of Rhode Island, who was married there and came to this state first on horseback, to select a location for a home.
        He had a poplar stick with which he urged his beast along and upon arriving in this county and selecting a farm, he stuck the stick in the ground.  It took root and grew to be an immense tree, standing for many years as a souvenir of his trip, but was finally struck by lightning and killed.
       Going back to Rhode Island, he brought his family here by team and for many  years lived upon on the farm he had previously selected, experiencing all the hardships, privations and pleasures of pioneer life.
       He was engaged in clearing his land, burning the timber to get it out of the way and in the cultivation of his farm, raising the crops on which to support his family, his beasts of butden and domestic animals, while his wife spent much of her time in carding, spinning and weaving and in making clothes for her family.
       Mr. Cole planted an orchard, remarking at the time that it would do someone good, even if he should not reap any or much benefit from it.  But it turned out to be a great use to him for many years, for he lived upon his farm until he was nearly ninety-nine years old.  His orchard produced many hundreds of bushels of apples, barrels of cider, and was in many ways a great benefit to his family.
       His wife lived to be nearly ninety-six years old, they lived together a happy married life for more than 76 years duration.  They were the parents of eight (nine) children: William, James, Nehemiah, Eseck, Thomas, Thomas, Lillis, Amy and Lucretia (and Elizabeth.)
       Sisson Cole was a soldier in the Revolutionary War.

Note: The following eulogy was copied from a hand-written, unsigned paper in the Cole folder in the files of the Herkimer Co. Historical Society at Herkimer, N.Y.  In fact, it was the only item in the folder.  Copied 23 July 1974 by Grace W. Brown:


       It sometimes seems unfair that members of the grand old historic families should live in luxury and distinction for years, then for some reason, some luckless scion, a cadet perhaps, must needs bid adieu to the fatherland, with all its heraldry and pomp and inherited greatness, which in due course of time comes to a man, be he knight or knave, and the luckless American graft must forego title and patrimony, and win for himself a name and a fortune, if he ever has one.
       But the new made American soon becomes acclimated and flowers bloom and the same sun is shining upon him and he is content, or should be.  At least this was how Sisson cole and wife Elizabeth interpreted the life that came to them as pioneers on the premises now occupied by their grandson Eseck Cole, aged almost 98 and his daughter Miss Mate Cole who can look complacently upon the coat-of-arms which were the insignia of their ancestry.
       Sisson Cole married Elizabeth Hunter, one of the daughters of a prominent family of that early date and many traditions of their staunchness and valor are remembered for faithfulness in delaring the truth and the whole truth, for nearly 26 years 14 among this people, many of whom now rest with him in Heaven.

Sisson Cole was possibly born in 1737.
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole

Richard was an ensign in the Revolutionary War.  He removed from Scituate, R. I. to Herkimer county, N. Y.
James COLE
31 Oct 1751
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
28 Jun 1757
Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
25 Jul 1819
Foster Prov., R.I.
11 Feb 1790
                   The Descendants of James Cole 1633 -- E. B. Cole
National Archives, Rev. Pension File #W23831, application 15 sept 1838,
       Dorothy Cole, widow of Hugh Cole, age 69
Foster Bk. 1, pp 29, 62
Foster Will Bk. - Hugh Cole 30 Jun 1819.  Dorothy Cole Executor 8 Sep 1821.
       Names wife Dorothy, son Hugh Cole Jr., daus. Joanna and Arra Potter
Stones in Foster Cemetery for Hugh and Dorothy Cole

Hugh Cole was a Colonel in the Revolutionary Army.
FamilyCentral Network
Hugh Cole - Jane Sisson

Hugh Cole was born at Swansea, Bristol, Mass. 29 Sep 1706. His parents were Hugh Cole and Martha Luther.

He married Jane Sisson 13 Aug 1730 at Swansea, Bristol, Mass. . Jane Sisson was born at Portsmouth, Newport, R.I. Apr 1710 daughter of John Sisson and Jane Peabody (Pebody) .

They were the parents of 11 children:
Sarah Cole born 18 Feb 1730/31.
Martha Cole born 13 Feb 1733/34.
Lillis Cole born 15 May 1736.
Samuel Cole born 31 May 1737.
Amey Cole born 16 Jun 1739.
Peabody Cole born 26 Oct 1743.
Charles Cole born Abt 1745.
Sisson Cole born 20 Jun 1746.
Richard Cole born 1750.
James Cole born 31 Oct 1751.
Hugh Cole born 28 Jun 1757.

Hugh Cole died 1785 at Foster, R.I. .

Jane Sisson died Bef 1768 .