Matthias (Johann Theiss) DORNBACH (TURNBAUGH)

6 Sep 1716
Hochstenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
Hochstenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
28 Jul 1741
Hochstenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
                   Name: Johan Theiss Dornbach, Americanized (Matthias)
B-abt 1723?
Chr-X111, Trin: 1716
Church in Hochstenbach, Hesse-Nassau, Germany
Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk 2 p 78, Deed Bk No 8 p 115,
Berks Co. Pa. Deed Bk B3 p 317, Egle's Notes & Queries (1896)p 44.
Cem. Inscrip. at Freedens Church, New Ringgold, PA
Nat. 10/11 Apr. 1761 (PA. Nats.)
PA German Pioneers by Strassburger (Hinke Ed.) Vol. 1, p. 352, 353
Notes and Queries by Egle, Annual Vol. 1896, p. 44
Berks Co., Land Grants: Matthias Thornbach, 26 acres Berne Twp. 7 Mar 1754
Rupps Hist. of Berks and Lebanon Co. Matthew Turnbeh taxable 1752
National Archives Rev. War Files #S42 174. "Westerwald to America" p. 56-58
Orphan Court Reeds, Col. Co. PA, Bk. 1, p. 259
Inscriptions from the Mt. Grove Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Luzerne, PA
Bible record copies by Anna Maria Hener, daughter of Johann's & Elizabeth's
       eldest daughter,  Anna Maria Dornbach
Trinity Lutheran Church Recds. at Reading, Berks, PA
Marriage Recds. by the Rev. J. A. Herny

Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk. 2, p. 78
Deed Bk. #8, p. 115, Berks county, Pennsylvania
Deed Bk. B3, p. 317
Egle's Notes and Queries (1896) p. 44
Cemetery inscriptions at Freedens church, New Ringgold, Pennsylvania

Johann Theiss (Matthias) Dornbach was usually called Matthias.


       There is an expression "Gold is where you find it," and sometimes precious bits of genealogical information prove to be a bonanza found in a strange place.  Who would expect to find a baptism certificate in a art display at a college such as Franklin Marshall in Lancaster, Pa.?
       Mr. Walter Sonen was searching court records of Berks and Schuylkill counties, Pa. for any record of our Pa. Dutch ancestors Turnbaugh or Dornbach.  We especially hoped to find the maiden name of Rebecca wife of William or of Elizabeth Catherine wife of Matthias.  He found other information but was disappointed in his efforts to identify these two, our grandmothers.
       One evening Mr. Sonen attended an art showing at the college.  He was surprised to see a collection of frakturs on display for their art value.  He was more surprised to see that one of these was of Anna Maria, born in Europe, daughter of the honorable Matthias Dornbach and his wife Elizabeth Catherine Spiess.
       Here for the first time was found the surname of William Dornbach's mother Elizabeth Catherine.  Truly a bonanza in tracing our Dornbach family and in adding Spiess to our family lines.
       The manuscript reads, "Anna Maria Dornbach first saw the light of this world in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: 1742, the 14th of September, in Europe; her father is the respectable Mathias Dornbach and Her mother Elisabeth, born Spiesin.  On this date the above mentioned daughter was born to her and brought to baptism immediately and in her adolescence she was accepted and that was still in Europe, by a Protestant preacher and the name Anna Maria was given to her."
                                            (by Thelda Baker)


       This indenture made the 28th day of November, 1744, between John Kershener of the county of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, yeoman, on the one part, and George Weaver of the County of Lancaster, cordwinder, and in pursuance of a warrant from the Proprieter of the said Province, there was surveyed unto the said John Kershener a certain tract of land situate in Bern Township of the said county of Lancaster, adjoining Herman Miller and Christian Weaver, and containing 250 acres. . .now the said John Kershener, for and in consideration by the said George Weaver, , etc., etc.
       The within named George Weaver, for the consideration of 29 lbs. assign my right, title and interest in and to the said tract of land and improvements thereon to Matthias Dornbach and his heirs forever.  12 October 1748.
       Witnesses: Edmund Carpenter, Daniel shoemaker.  Carpenter, one of the Justices of the Peace for Lancaster County.

       Indenture between Matthias Dornbach of Bern Township, County of Berks, yeoman, and Elizabeth Catherine, his wife, and Jacob Kern, of the said county, yeoman, in consideration of the sum of 530 lbs. bargain and sell to the said Jacob Kern a certain plantation containing two parcels of tracts lying in the said Township or Bern, with the water grist mill thereon, erected, adjoining the lands of Herman Miller, alias Weaver, Nicholas Tunchel, and others, containing 25 acres or thereabouts . . . the first of which was surveyed unto a certain John Kershener by virtue of a Propriety Warrant, and being the same for which Mathias Dornbach obtained a warrant 7 (1?) March 1754 from the Receiver General, etc., . . 25 Oct. 1773.  Recorded 15 May 1775.

PATENT BOOK, p. 55, 224, Office of community Affairs, Philadelphia, PA:

       Know ye, that in consideration of the monies paid by Matthias Turnbach unto the late Proprietors. . .at the granting of the warrant herein after mentioned and the sum of twenty two dollars and thirty cents paid by George Himmelburger into the Receiver General's office of the commonwealth, there is granted by the said commonwealth unto the said George Himmelburger a certain tract of land called _______ Georges situated in Bern township, Berks Co. Beginning at a Hickory there by the other land of said Turnbach South 22 degrees and a half East one hundred and six perches (?) to a stone thence (?) by vacant land So. 67 degrees, thence by the land of Nicholas Runckle, west 36 perches to a black oak north 22 degrees and 1/2 west 39 perches to a Hickory thence by the land of Nicholas Runkle.  North 15 degrees west 57 perches and a half to a hickory and thence by the land of George Kersner and north 67 degrees and 1/2 east 29 perches. . .in the beginning containing 21 acres and 1/2 and allowance for 6% for roads.  And which said tract was surveyed in pursuance of a warrant dated 7 Mar 1754 granted to the said Matthias Turnbach whose right to the above described tract of land by virtue of sundry good conveyances in the law duly had and executed, became vested in the said George Himmelburger with the appurtenances to have and to hold the said parcel of land with the said appurtenances unto the said George Himmelburger and his heirs and assigns forever. . .in witness thereof.  This land (?) keep.
       (sign) 5 Jan 1805.
       James Trimble, Deputy Sec.

       On the earliest tax list of Bern Township that still exists, 1759, only "Matthias Dornbach" is listed, assessed 9 pounds, which is a little above the average.  Again on the tax list of 1767 only Matthias is listed, this time with 150 acres, and owning 2 horses and 2 cows.  On the list of 1768 he was shown as owning only 100 acres.
       In 1779 there was no longer any Dornbach in Bern, but William Dornbach was listed in Brunswick Township, as owning 90 acres, 2 horses and 1 cow.  It seems likely that Oct 25 1773 when Matthias sold his land to Jacob Kern, is the time when the family moved up through the gap on the other side of the Blue Mountain into Brunswick Township.  In 1781 and 1784 there was no longer any Dornbach in Brunswick, so this may mark the approximate date when the family moved still further into the frontier, namely the Susquehanna Valley in what is now Columbia and Luzerne counties.

Notes from J.E. Miller:

       About 23 German families settled in 1738, I believe in what is now Berks County, and later other relatives came from Germany to join them.  After the Revolution, settlers came from Northampton, Bucks, etc.  You will look on the map in vain for Brunswick Township, where William Dornbach lived part of his life.  During the Revolution it was cut off and became a part of Schuykill, and about the same time the names of other townships in Berks were changed or their identity lost, when they were taken into the adjoining counties.  The Brunswich records are in Schuylkill.

       An index at the Gen. Soc. listing records of Zion's Red Church of Schuylkill refers to Dornbach names on pages 24 and 245.  The church is known on Berne Co. tax lists of 1754 and later as beyond the Blue Mt. and later until 1913 as in Brunswick county.  Pub. of Schuylkill County vol 2, pt. 3, p. 145 has records of Zion's Red Church.  This could possibly be the same.
       The Dornbachs appear to have belonged to the Evangelical Lutheran church.

       This indenture made between Mathias Dornbach of the Township of Brunswick, in the county of Berks, state of Pennsylvania, yeoman, and William Dornbach, yeoman of the same place of the other part, whereas by virtue of a warrant bearing the date of the 4 of March 1750, there was conveyed to a certain William Dewees, in fee, a certain plantation tract, piece or parcel of land situated and lying in the township of Brunswick aforesaid, on the west branch of the Schuykill River. . .adjoining the tract of Hacob Schoffer. . .Joseph Leddicks. . .and Jacob Kern. . .containing 182 acres and 101 perches of land, etc. etc. and whereas the said Jacob Kern by indenture the 23 Oct 1773, granted the aforesaid described tract of land to the said Mathias Dornbach. . .now the said Mathias Dornbach, for natural love and affection he bears toward his said son, . . .and for the consideration of 368 lbs. lawful money of Pennsylvania in hand paid, conveys to the said William Dornbach, all the undivided or equal half part of the said tract of 182 acres, etc. together with. . .all improvements, ways and water courses. . .Recorded - 21 Jun 1778.
Elizabeth Catherine SPIESS
12 Dec 1717
Hochstenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
Church in Hochstenbach, Hesse-Nassau, Germany
Hochstenbach Lutheran Reg. II 1720-1750.
Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk 2 p 78, Deed Bk No 8 p 115,
Berks Co. Pa. Deed Bk B3 p 317, Egle's Notes & Queries (1896)p 44.
Cem. Inscrip. at Freedens Church, New Ringgold, PA
Nat. 10/11 Apr. 1761 (PA. Nats.)
PA German Pioneers by Strassburger (Hinke Ed.) Vol. 1, p. 352, 353
Notes and Queries by Egle, Annual Vol. 1896, p. 44
Berks Co., Land Grants: Matthias Thornbach, 26 acres Berne Twp. 7 Mar 1754
Rupps Hist. of Berks and Lebanon Co. Matthew Turnbeh taxable 1752
National Archives Rev. War Files #S42 174. "Westerwald to America" p. 56-58
Orphan Court Reeds, Col. Co. PA, Bk. 1, p. 259
Inscriptions from the Mt. Grove Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Luzerne, PA
Bible record copies by Anna Maria Hener, daughter of Johann's & Elizabeth's
       eldest daughter,  Anna Maria Dornbach
Trinity Lutheran Church Recds. at Reading, Berks, PA
Marriage Recds. by the Rev. J. A. Herny

Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk. 2, p. 78
Deed Bk. #8, p. 115, Berks county, Pennsylvania
Deed Bk. B3, p. 317
Egle's Notes and Queries (1896) p. 44
Cemetery inscriptions at Freedens church, New Ringgold, Pennsylvania
24 Oct 1742
Hochstenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
Aft 1817
Church in Hochstenbach, Hesse-Nassau, Germany
Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk 2 p 78, Deed Bk No 8 p 115,
Berks Co. Pa. Deed Bk B3 p 317, Egle's Notes & Queries (1896)p 44.
Cem. Inscrip. at Freedens Church, New Ringgold, PA
Nat. 10/11 Apr. 1761 (PA. Nats.)
PA German Pioneers by Strassburger (Hinke Ed.) Vol. 1, p. 352, 353
Notes and Queries by Egle, Annual Vol. 1896, p. 44
Berks Co., Land Grants: Matthias Thornbach, 26 acres Berne Twp. 7 Mar 1754
Rupps Hist. of Berks and Lebanon Co. Matthew Turnbeh taxable 1752
National Archives Rev. War Files #S42 174. "Westerwald to America" p. 56-58
Orphan Court Reeds, Col. Co. PA, Bk. 1, p. 259
Inscriptions from the Mt. Grove Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Luzerne, PA
Bible record copies by Anna Maria Hener, daughter of Johann's & Elizabeth's
       eldest daughter,  Anna Maria Dornbach
Trinity Lutheran Church Recds. at Reading, Berks, PA
Marriage Recds. by the Rev. J. A. Herny
Anna Maria's Birth and Baptismal Certificate, Franklin Marshall.

Records copied from Bible and Family History written in German script by Anna
      Maria (Hener) Alspach
Pennsylvania German Pioneers vol 1, pp. 352-353
Record of Christ's Church at Bernville

Anna Maria Dornbach arrived in Philadelphia 8 Oct 1744 with her parents.


       There is an expression "Gold is where you find it," and sometimes precious bits of genealogical information prove to be a bonanza found in a strange place.  Who would expect to find a baptism certificate in a art display at a college such as Franklin Marshall in Lancaster, Pa.?
       Mr. Walter Sonen was searching court records of Berks and Schuylkill counties, Pa. for any record of our Pa. Dutch ancestors Turnbaugh or Dornbach.  We especially hoped to find the maiden name of Rebecca wife of William or of Elizabeth Catherine wife of Matthias.  He found other information but was disappointed in his efforts to identify these two, our grandmothers.
       One evening Mr. Sonen attended an art showing at the college.  He was surprised to see a collection of frakturs on display for their art value.  He was more surprised to see that one of these was of Anna Maria, born in Europe, daughter of the honorable Matthias Dornbach and his wife Elizabeth Catherine Spiess.
       Here for the first time was found the surname of William Dornbach's mother Elizabeth Catherine.  Truly a bonanza in tracing our Dornbach family and in adding Spiess to our family lines.
       The manuscript reads, "Anna Maria Dornbach first saw the light of this world in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: 1742, the 14th of September, in Europe; her father is the respectable Mathias Dornbach and Her mother Elisabeth, born Spiesin.  On this date the above mentioned daughter was born to her and brought to baptism immediately and in her adolescence she was accepted and that was still in Europe, by a Protestant preacher and the name Anna Maria was given to her."
                                            (by Thelda Baker)

Historical society of Schuylkill county:
       Letters of Administration for the estate of George Henner, late of Brunswick Tsp., Berks.  Granted to Anna Maria, widow 8 Mar 1796; Bond signed by Bernard Jepner Jr; John Henner and Anna Maria made X.  Inventory appraised by John Dornbach (brother to Anna Maria) and Jacob Sheffer 24 Mar 1796, Berks County LOA Vol. 5, p. 72.  Estate returned 5 Sep 1800.  Accounting approved by Orphans Court 3 Dec 1800.
Abt 1745
Northkill, Berks, Pennsylvania
                   Sources:Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk 2 p 78, Deed Bk No 8 p 115,
Berks Co. Pa. Deed Bk B3 p 317, Egle's Notes & Queries (1896)p 44.
Cem. Inscrip. at Freedens Church, New Ringgold, PA
Nat. 10/11 Apr. 1761 (PA. Nats.)
PA German Pioneers by Strassburger (Hinke Ed.) Vol. 1, p. 352, 353
Notes and Queries by Egle, Annual Vol. 1896, p. 44
Berks Co., Land Grants: Matthias Thornbach, 26 acres Berne Twp. 7 Mar 1754
Rupps Hist. of Berks and Lebanon Co. Matthew Turnbeh taxable 1752
National Archives Rev. War Files #S42 174. "Westerwald to America" p. 56-58
Orphan Court Reeds, Col. Co. PA, Bk. 1, p. 259
Inscriptions from the Mt. Grove Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Luzerne, PA
Bible record copies by Anna Maria Hener, daughter of Johann's & Elizabeth's
       eldest daughter,  Anna Maria Dornbach
Trinity Lutheran Church Recds. at Reading, Berks, PA
Marriage Recds. by the Rev. J. A. Herny

       Anna Catherine may have been a daughter and possibly married Frederick Gottschall and had a daughter, Christiana, born 3 Oct 1793, baptized 20 Apr 1794 at the Evangelical Lutheran Reformed Church, Albany Twp., Berks County, PA.  Sponsors were Maria Elizabeth Gottschall.  A son, John Thomas, born 2-15-1769 baptized also; sponsors John Thomas Gottschall and Maria Elizabeth Dornbach.
22 Dec 1747
Northkill, Berks, Pennsylvania
31 Aug 1766
Windsor, Pennsylvania 
                   Sources:Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk 2 p 78, Deed Bk No 8 p 115,
Berks Co. Pa. Deed Bk B3 p 317, Egle's Notes & Queries (1896)p 44.
Cem. Inscrip. at Freedens Church, New Ringgold, PA
Nat. 10/11 Apr. 1761 (PA. Nats.)
PA German Pioneers by Strassburger (Hinke Ed.) Vol. 1, p. 352, 353
Notes and Queries by Egle, Annual Vol. 1896, p. 44
Berks Co., Land Grants: Matthias Thornbach, 26 acres Berne Twp. 7 Mar 1754
Rupps Hist. of Berks and Lebanon Co. Matthew Turnbeh taxable 1752
National Archives Rev. War Files #S42 174. "Westerwald to America" p. 56-58
Orphan Court Reeds, Col. Co. PA, Bk. 1, p. 259
Inscriptions from the Mt. Grove Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Luzerne, PA
Bible record copies by Anna Maria Hener, daughter of Johann's & Elizabeth's
       eldest daughter,  Anna Maria Dornbach
Trinity Lutheran Church Recds. at Reading, Berks, PA
Marriage Recds. by the Rev. J. A. Herny
Baptismal records of 1730-1779 by Rev. John Casper Stoever, Evangelical Lutheran Minister, Northkill, Berks, PA.

Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk. 2, p. 78
Deed Bk. #8, p. 115, Berks county, Pennsylvania
Deed Bk. B3, p. 317
Egle's Notes and Queries (1896) p. 44
Cemetery inscriptions at Freedens church, New Ringgold, Pennsylvania

Marriage records of Rev. J. A. Henry
St. Paul Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Berks Bio. annals--Luckenbill Families
1800 Census, Pennsylvania
16 May 1750
Northkill, Berks, Penn.
16 Apr 1770
Bern, Berks, Pennsylvania 
                   Sources:Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk 2 p 78, Deed Bk No 8 p 115,
Berks Co. Pa. Deed Bk B3 p 317, Egle's Notes & Queries (1896)p 44.
Cem. Inscrip. at Freedens Church, New Ringgold, PA
Nat. 10/11 Apr. 1761 (PA. Nats.)
PA German Pioneers by Strassburger (Hinke Ed.) Vol. 1, p. 352, 353
Notes and Queries by Egle, Annual Vol. 1896, p. 44
Berks Co., Land Grants: Matthias Thornbach, 26 acres Berne Twp. 7 Mar 1754
Rupps Hist. of Berks and Lebanon Co. Matthew Turnbeh taxable 1752
National Archives Rev. War Files #S42 174. "Westerwald to America" p. 56-58
Orphan Court Reeds, Col. Co. PA, Bk. 1, p. 259
Inscriptions from the Mt. Grove Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Luzerne, PA
Bible record copies by Anna Maria Hener, daughter of Johann's & Elizabeth's
       eldest daughter,  Anna Maria Dornbach
Trinity Lutheran Church Recds. at Reading, Berks, PA
Marriage Recds. by the Rev. J. A. Herny
Baptismal records of 1730-1779 by Rev. John Casper Stoever, Evangelical Lutheran Minister, Northkill, Berks, PA.

Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk. 2, p. 78
Deed Bk. #8, p. 115, Berks county, Pennsylvania
Deed Bk. B3, p. 317
Egle's Notes and Queries (1896) p. 44
Cemetery inscriptions at Freedens church, New Ringgold, Pennsylvania

Maria Elizabeth and Thomas Gottschall were married at Schlegel's house, Bern, Berks County.
18 Sep 1752
Northkill, Berks, Pennsylvania
9 Dec 1829
Sugarloaf, Luzerne, Pennsylvania
Abt 1775
                   Sources:Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk 2 p 78, Deed Bk No 8 p 115,
Berks Co. Pa. Deed Bk B3 p 317, Egle's Notes & Queries (1896)p 44.
Cem. Inscrip. at Freedens Church, New Ringgold, PA
Nat. 10/11 Apr. 1761 (PA. Nats.)
PA German Pioneers by Strassburger (Hinke Ed.) Vol. 1, p. 352, 353
Notes and Queries by Egle, Annual Vol. 1896, p. 44
Berks Co., Land Grants: Matthias Thornbach, 26 acres Berne Twp. 7 Mar 1754
Rupps Hist. of Berks and Lebanon Co. Matthew Turnbeh taxable 1752
National Archives Rev. War Files #S42 174. "Westerwald to America" p. 56-58
Orphan Court Reeds, Col. Co. PA, Bk. 1, p. 259
Inscriptions from the Mt. Grove Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Luzerne, PA
Bible record copies by Anna Maria Hener, daughter of Johann's & Elizabeth's
       eldest daughter,  Anna Maria Dornbach
Trinity Lutheran Church Recds. at Reading, Berks, PA
Marriage Recds. by the Rev. J. A. Herny
Dornbach or Turnbach or Turnbaugh
History of Luzerne Co. by Bradsby p 1417. Insriptions from Mt. Grove Cemetery,
Sugarloaf, Pa. Egle's Notes & Queries 1896 p 44. Berks Co. Deed Bk B3 p 317,
Recds. Zions Red Church of W. Brunswick, PA. #2 War Recds 1812
Pub. of Hist. Soc. of Schuylkill V2 p3 p145 Dodge Gen.
Recds of Union (Old White Church) Ringtown, Schuylkill Co.
Wm. Dornbach on tax lists: 1780 Brunswick, Berks
1781 Windsor, Berks. 1784, 87, 90 Muncy Twp, Northumberland
Moved to Blackereek twp. Luzerne Co. about 1808
(Order of birth of children not known for certain)
Baptismal records of 1730-1779 by Rev. John Casper Stoever, Evangelical Lutheran Minister, Northkill, Berks, PA.

       Johan Wilhelm was called William.  He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, joining in Berks County.  He and Rebecca Dornbach removed to Schuykill, to Blackcreek Twp., Luzerne county in 1809 where he cleared and improved a farm on which he and Rebecca lived.  They were buried in Mt. View Cemetery near Hazelton, Pa.


       Article of Agreement made and fully concluded the 7 day of Oct 1826 between William Dornbach of Sugar Loaf Towndhip in the county of Luzerne in the state of Penn. of the one part and Samuel Dornbach of the same place of the other part.  Witnesseth that the said Wm. Dornbach for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred dollars lawful money of the United States, doth sell to the said Samuel Dornbach a certain plantation or peace of land lying and being in Sugar Loaf township aforsaid, containing 134 acres, let the same be more or less, to be paid in the manner followingk that is to say, one hundred said Samuel Dorbach is to retain for his full share out of the real estate of said Wm. Dornbach.
       Thereon the first day of April 1831, said Samuel Dornbach agrees to pay one hundred dollars, then yearly and every year a hundred dollars on the first day of April, until the remaining seven hundred be paid, and said Samuel Dornbach further agrees to leave his father, Wm. Dornbach, the use of the house, jarton (garden,) and stable and the little medow (meadow) by the house, as long as his father or mother or either of them shall live, and further agrees to give them yearly and every year 20 bushels of rey (rye,) ten bushels of wheat, five bushels of buckwheat, five bushels of corn, ten bushels of potatoes, two hundred and fifty wheart (heart?) of pork with the load of hay and paster for one cow, one bushel and half of salt yearly, and every year, as long as either shall live, and said Samuel further agrees to give them the apples of two rose (rows) of apple trees in the orchit, and further agrees to give them yearly and every year twenty pounds of sugar and two pounds of coffee, and further agrees to give them all their necessary wearing apparells, washing and mending and to procure firewood cut short at the door, and to take the grain to the mill for them and bring the grist to the door for them, and said Samuel Dornbach agrees not to sell the above peace of land as long as his father or mother or either of them shall live, and further agrees that should his father or get helpless, to assist them or git it dun, and it is further agreed that the foregoing payments to be a lean on the land till they be fully paid, in witness whereof the said parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and date written.
              his                                                         his
Samuel  X  Dornbach                               William  X  Dornbach
             mark                                                       mark

Witness: Andrew W. Wood, Valentine Sewell
Recorded  13 Nov 1826

Ref: Luzerne Co. Deed Book 24, p. 90, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk. 2, p. 78
Deed Bk. #8, p. 115, Berks county, Pennsylvania
Deed Bk. B3, p. 317
Egle's Notes and Queries (1896) p. 44
Cemetery inscriptions at Freedens church, New Ringgold, Pennsylvania

John William Dornbach was buried at Mt. View Cemetery in Sugarloaf, PA

History of Luzerne County by Bradsby, p. 1417
Inscriptions from Mt. View Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Pennsylvania
Egle's Notes & Queries 1896, p. 44
Berks county Deed Bk. B3 p. 317
Records from Zions Red Church of West Brunswick, Pennsylvania
16 Aug 1755
Northkill, Berks, Pennsylvania
Mifflinville, Col., Pennsylvania
22 Jan 1797
                   Pioneers and Patriots "Over the Blue Mountain"
Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk 2 p 78, Deed Bk No 8 p 115,
Berks Co. Pa. Deed Bk B3 p 317, Egle's Notes & Queries (1896)p 44.
Cem. Inscrip. at Freedens Church, New Ringgold, PA
Nat. 10/11 Apr. 1761 (PA. Nats.)
PA German Pioneers by Strassburger (Hinke Ed.) Vol. 1, p. 352, 353
Notes and Queries by Egle, Annual Vol. 1896, p. 44
Berks Co., Land Grants: Matthias Thornbach, 26 acres Berne Twp. 7 Mar 1754
Rupps Hist. of Berks and Lebanon Co. Matthew Turnbeh taxable 1752
National Archives Rev. War Files #S42 174. "Westerwald to America" p. 56-58
Orphan Court Reeds, Col. Co. PA, Bk. 1, p. 259
Inscriptions from the Mt. Grove Cemetery, Sugarloaf, Luzerne, PA
Bible record copies by Anna Maria Hener, daughter of Johann's & Elizabeth's
       eldest daughter,  Anna Maria Dornbach
Trinity Lutheran Church Recds. at Reading, Berks, PA
Marriage Recds. by the Rev. J. A. Herny
National Archives, Rev. War Pension File S42, 174
Letter from Rev. Edward P. Turnbach

Baptisms by Daniel Schumacher:  Johannes was christened at the Evangelical Lutheran church (Berner church ? or Christ Church, Little Tulpehocken ?) Bernville, Berks, PA, 24 Aug 1755 (Sponsors: Johannes Stand and Catherine Barbara Stand)

John Dornbach served as a private in Col. Hand's Rifle Reg., PA line for one year during the Revolutionary War, having enlisted in July 1775 in Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania.  On May 1st 1818 he resided in Mifflin rownship, Col., PA.
       Anna Maria Dornbach applied for a pension as his widow.   John's pension in 1818 (1819?) sent in care of William Montgomery, Danville, PA. and was $8.00 a month. Age 63 in 1836, she married John Dornbach 22 Dec (Jan?) 1797.   At the time of her filing she was living at Mifflinville, Col., PA and her claim was rejected as the law required that she be married before the expiration of his military service.  James Brown was the administrator of estate of John Dornbach.  Witness for applicant was Peter Kaup Jr., age 56 on 30 Jul 1836.

       Laws of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Vo. 10, 1827-1829, p. 259:  An act for the relief of Anna Maria Dornbach (of Columbia) a widow of a soldier of the Revolutionary War. . .A gratuity of 40 and an annuity of 40 dollars, payable half yearly from Jan 1, 1829.  Obsolete by death of the annuitant.

       Copies of discharge papers sent to Samuel Harmon J.P. at Berwick, 28 Jan 1824.  Sent same 19 Nov 1928 ; 12 Aug 1936; 10 apr 1843; 10 May 1843 to Samuel Harmon, Lime Ridge, Col., Pa.

       Orphan's Court Records, Vol. 1, p. 259 - John P. Brown, admin. of the estate of John Dornbach.  Left 7 children: Margaret, Catherine, Mary Ann and 4 others (doesn't name) all of whom except Mary are minors.  Request to sell land in Mifflin burg.  Apr 1921.  Court granted request.  (The property was auctioned and it appears bought by Anna Maria Dornbach.)

Will of Henry Dornbach at Reading, Bk. 2, p. 78
Deed Bk. #8, p. 115, Berks county, Pennsylvania
Deed Bk. B3, p. 317
Egle's Notes and Queries (1896) p. 44
Cemetery inscriptions at Freedens church, New Ringgold, Pennsylvania

Tombstone Inscriptions of Schuykill County, Pennsylvania, by Laura Shoener, p. 29

1793 John Dornbach, Margaret Dornbach, 400 acres each, land grant Nov 18, 1793 in Northumberland County.

Pub. of Hist, Soc. of Schuylkill Co., VII, p. 60 -- First purchasers of lots in Orwigsburg. . .lot 144 on 24 Apr 1795, John Brunswich, Brunswick

Bloomsburg, PA - Wills Vol. 1, p. 96: John Turnbach, 4 Mar 1819 Letters of Administration granted James Brown for all goods and chattels, rights and credits of John Turnbach, late of Mifflin Twnsp., the widow having renounced.  Anna Maria, (X) her mark Dornbach,  Mifflinburg, Mar. 15, 1819 p. 124, John Turnbach on 3rd Apr 1821 Letters granted  John P. Brown.

955824, Vol. 1, p. 259  (1851) - Orphan Court Docket Index, Col. County, John Turnbaugh:
       The petition of John C. Brown administrator of John Turnbaugh, late of Mifflinburg deceased was preferred to the Court setting forth that the said intestate left issue, seven children, to wit, Margaret, Catherine and Mary and four others, all of whom except Mary are minors, that the personal estate of the intestate is insufficient for the payments of his debts as by the accounts herewith produced appear and that the said intestate died seized of two certain messages (?) and lots of ground situated in Water St. in Mifflinburg aforesaid adjoining a lot in the possession of Valentine Ecknost (?) on the west side and a lot in the possession of. . .?) on the other side and numbered in the plan of the said town nos. 68569, the petitioner therefore, prayed the court to grant him an order to make sale of the . . .aforesaid with the appurtenances for the payment of the duty and the maintainence and education of the minor children of the said intestate, whereupon Apr 3rd 1821 the said petition being read the prayed therefore is granted and it is ordered that an inventory (advertisements ?) be made out and due notice given agreeing to the act of assembly the administrator to give in one hundred dollars for the process application of the procuring of said sale. . .by the Court
       The report of John T. Brown administrator of John Turnbaugh late of Mifflin Township dec'd.  Humbly (?) showing that in pursuance of an order of Orphan Court granted last April. . .for the sale of a certain dwelling house and two lots of ground nos. 98-69 situated in Mifflinburg in Mifflin Township aforesaid late the estate of the said deceased after having given due public and timely notice of the time and place of sale.  I did one Saturday the 4th of August 1821 expose the said premises to sale and sold the same by public vendue or outcry for the sum of seventy dollars to be paid in 6 months from the date of sale to Anna Maria Turnbaugh, she being the highest and best bidder for the same.
       Whereupon August 6, 1821 report being read and confirmed. . .(?) by the Court.

Nat'l Gen Soc Vol 68 #4 1980 Columbia county "List of Children age 5-12 whose parents are not able to pay for their schooling"  (Anna Maria had been widowed)
1824  Ann Mary Dornbach, Mifflin:  Elizabeth 10, Hannah 9
1826  Ann Mary Dornbach, Mifflin:  Catherine, Hannah
1827  Mary Dornbach, Mifflin:  Hannah 11

       Johannes (John) was buried in Mifflinville, Pennsylvania Cemetery.  His tombstone reads, "John Dornbach died 24 January 1819. 1st Regt. Pa. Militia."

       From a notebook, Brunswick Twp., Berks County, 19 Oct 1798, Frieden's Church:
       A public agreement between Jacon Schaffer and Johannes Dornbach of Brunswick Twp., Berks County and Bernhart Keptner Jr. and Frederick Bensinger of the same Twp. as follows:  The said Schaffer and Dornbach sell a piece of land, about 3/4 of an acre at Frieden's Church to add to the church yard to Keptner and Bensinger, deacons of the church for 7 lbs 10 shillings.  March 15, 1800
FamilyCentral Network
Matthias (Johann Theiss) Dornbach (Turnbaugh) - Elizabeth Catherine Spiess

Matthias (Johann Theiss) Dornbach (Turnbaugh) was born at Hochstenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 6 Sep 1716. His parents were Johan Henrich Dornbach (Turnbaugh) and Elisabeth Maria Dornbach (Turnbaugh).

He married Elizabeth Catherine Spiess 28 Jul 1741 at Hochstenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia . Elizabeth Catherine Spiess was born at Hochstenbach, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 12 Dec 1717 daughter of Johann Georg Spiess and Eliesabeth Gertraut .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Anna Maria Dornbach (Turnbaugh) born 24 Oct 1742.
Anna Catherine ? Dornbach (Turnbaugh) born Abt 1745.
Anna Margareta Dornbach (Turnbaugh) born 22 Dec 1747.
Maria Elizabeth Dornbach (Turnbaugh) born 16 May 1750.
Johan Wilhelm (William) Dornbach (Turnbaugh) born 18 Sep 1752.
Johannes (John) Dornbach (Turnbaugh) born 16 Aug 1755.