George ABELL

Abt 1561
Stapenhill, Derby, Eng.
Abt 11 Sep 1630
13 Sep 1630
Lockington, Leicester, Eng.
1 May 1599
Wrenbury Parish, Cheshire, Eng.
                   B-Of Stapenhill,Derby,Eng.
D-Will dated 6 SEP 1630, proved 7 Feb 1631
Sources: Ancestors of Jonathan Abell p 9-12, Wrenbury Par. Rec.,Ches. Eng.
Abell & Allied Families by Horace Abell - Abell family in America by  Horace A Abell.
Of Hemington, Liecestershire,Eng.

ABELL: Ancestors of Jonathan Abell (A7E26) by Horace A. Abell p. 12
       Abell Family in the America by Horace A. Abell p.39

       1.  ROBERT ABELL, Esq. of Stapenhill, County Derby, named in Chancery Proc. about 1533-8 as of Stapenhill.  He is mentioned in a deed 1547 and in the will of his son George in 1596.
       Children of Robert Abel:
            Anthony Abell of Tichnall, Gent., Will dated 29 May 1559.  Mentions wife Elizabeth, son Edward (under 16,) brother Robert Abel, sister Anne Abell, servants & others.  Mr. Mynors of Uttoxeter & brother Robert Abell, executors.
            George Abell, will dated 3 may 1596, proved 2 May 1597 (P.C.C. 43 Cobham.)  Mentions wife Ellen.  "10 yearly rent to be paid out of my farm at Stapenhill, Co. Derby, to be paid by Edward Blunt of Burton Co. Stafford, Esq. during the term of lease thereof made unto me and Robert Abell my late deceased brother by Robert Abell, Esq. our Father bearing date the first of July 1 Edward IV (1547) etc."
            Among others he mentions nephew Walter Royle.  Ann Abell of Nether Seale, Co. Leicester.  Mentioned in her brother Anthony's will, 1559.  Administration of her goods granted 31 Aug 1577 (P.C.C.) to her brothers George and Robert Abell.  She died unmarried.
       2.  ROBERT ABELL, of Stapenhill and Ticknall, Co. Derby.  (Daughter wife of ______ Royle.)  Mentioned in wills of brother Anthony 1559, & of his brother George 1596 as then deceased.
            Will of Robert Abell, dated 18 Mar 1587/8, proved 17 May 1558. (P.C.C. 33 Rutland:)
           "In the name of God, amen.  I, Robert Abell, of Stapenhill, Co. Derby, do make this my last will, . . . I give unto George Abell my son all the tithes of Tichnall and I appoint him my sole executor.  The residue of my goods I give to my said son and my nephew Robert Royle equally to be divided.
            "I appoint my brother and my dear friend Edward Blunt, gent., overseers.
                                                                    /s/ Robert Abell
Witnesses:  John Butler, Horn Shephard, Robert Shepharde.
Will proved at London 17 May 1588 by Edward Orwell, Notary Public, proctor for George Abell, the son and sole executor.
       3. GEORGE ABELL, a child of Robert Abell, of Stapenhill, Co. Derby and of Hemington, in parish of Lockington, Co. Leicester.  Matriculated at  Brasernose College, Oxford, 8 Dec. 1578 age 17.  Admitted to the Inner Temple in 1581.  Executor to his father's will 1588.  Mentioned in his Uncle Geogre Abell's will 1596.  His will dated 8 Sep 1630, proved 7 Feb 1631 (P.C.C.) named brothers Andrew Cotton of Combermere, Chester, gent., and George Cotton of same, Esq. executors.  Frances, mentioned in her husband's Will 1630, as then alive, daughter of Richard Cotton of Combermere, Co. Cheshire.  Andtew and George cotton, mentioned in George Abell's Will 1630 were the sons of Richard cotton of Combermere.  Will proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 Feb 1631 (10 St. John)  Will dated 8 Sep 1630:

       In the name of God, Amen.  the eight day of Sep in ye year of ye Lord God one Thousand Six hundred and Thirtie I George abell of Hemington in ye ounty of Leicester gent being sick in bodie but of good and perfcet memorie I himble praised God for it do hereby constitite and made this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first I bequeath my spirit to Almightie God trusting to have my sins freely pdoned and forgiven onlie by the merits death and passion of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who shed his blood for his elect of wch number I suffer myself to be one And for my bodie I will that it be buried at ye discretion of my executors herein named and for that portion of worldlie estate and goods wherewith it has pleased God to blessed one.
       I do devise and bequeath ye same in manner and forms following.
       Impmis - I bequeath unto my third sonne Richard Abell Tenn pounds of good and lawful English money to be disposed for his benefit untill ye time of his apprentishipp shall be ended and expired and my will is that my brother Andrew cotton of Cumbermeer in ye countie of Chester gent shall have ye disposing of it for his aforesaid benefit until ye time above named.
       It - I bequeath unto my second son Robert Abell onlie a Twentie shilligs piece for his childs parte in ye regard of ye charges I have beene at in  placeling him in a good trade in London wch hee hath made noe use of and since in furnishing him for newe England where I hope he now is.
       It - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Abell all ye money or coins that nowe is or at my decease out of this transitorie life shall be in her own possession and custodie with all ye mault which lyeth in ye chamber on ye left hand of staires as we goe into ye malt roomes.  And my will likewise is that she shall have halfe ye sheepe wch are or shall be betwizt her and me at my decease.
       It - All ye rest of my goods chattelis and debts wth all other my worldlie estate whatsoever I give and bequeath to ye use of Frances my wife and George Abell mine eldest sonne And my will is that my above named brother Andrew Cotton with ye advise of my brother George Cotton of Cumbermere aforesaid esq. shall have ye disposing of ye same for ye taking of something either of life lives or yeares for them wch shall seeme best in both their judgements and my will further is that my said wife shall have halfe ye profitts thereof onelie dureing her naturall life and my foresaid sonne George to have ye reversion and remainder to him and his whatsoever.
       And I doe hereby constitute and appointe my foresaid brother Andrew Cotton my sole Exeutor of this my last will and testament hoping that he will faithfullie pforme ye same according to ye trust I reposed in him and for his paines to be taken there in I give him ye best sadle horse wch I have or shall have at my deceased,
       And I do make overseers hereof my very loving brother George Cotton before named and my approved good friend sir Richard Harpur of littleover in ye contie of Derbie Knight And hereby I doe revoke all former wills and testaments whatsoever in witnessed therof I have hereunto sett my seale and subscribed.  my name ye day and yeare above written these being witnessed viz by me George Abell, Willm Arme, Henrie Harison his Marke Edward Calladine his marke.
       George Abell, buried 13 Sep 1630. Par. Reg. Church at Lockington, Leicesterchire, England.
       George Abell children:
       George, eldest son.  Mentioned in his father's will.
       (4) Robert, late apprentice of London Emigrated to New England in 1630
       Richard, third son.  Mentioned in his father's will.
       Mary, mentioned in father's will and in that of her Aunt Dorothy Cotton 1646.

       4.  ROBERT ABELL, born in England, died 20 Jun 1663 at Tehoboth, Mass., son of George and Francis Abell of Hemington, Leicestershire, Eng., married Joanna ______. probably in England.  Joanna died in America after 1682, buried probably in Norwich First Burying Ground.
       Robert was mentioned in his father's will 1630 as then living in New England.   He came to America probably in the fleet with Gov. Winthrop, which arrived at Charleston, Mass.  June 1630.
       The first record of Robert in America is at Weymouth, Mass. included in a list as desirous to be made a Freeman 19 Oct 1630.  He took the oath of Freeman 18 May 1631.
       Robert removed from Weymouth in 1643 probably following Rev. Samuel Newman, the real founder of Rehoboth.  Rev. Newman was minister at Weymouth for four and a half or five years, then with a majority of his congregation in 1642 removed to a place called by the Indians Seekonk to which he gave the name of Rehoboth.
       At a meeting of the town 18 Feb 1646 it was agreed to draw lots for the new meadow,  to be divided according to person and estate, only those that were under 150 pounds estate to be made up to 150 pounds.  Robert is the 41 named on a list of 46 who drew for lots.
       Robert was at the Court of Elections at Plymouth, 3 June 1657 and on jury at the General Court at Plymouth 4 Jun 1657 and the oath of fidelity in 1657.
       On 22 Jun 1658 at a town meeting lawfully warned lots were drawn for the meadow that lie on the north side of the town in order that followeth, according to person and estate.  Of that 29 names on the list, Robert was the third on the list who drew for lots.  It appears that this division was a land afterwards included in the North Purchase, near Attleborough and Cumberland.
       At a town meeting on 26 May 1668 lots were drawn for the meadow lands in the North Purchase and there were 79 names on the list who drew for lots.  Samuel Luther is the 2nd name on the list, Goody Hyde the 5th, Children's lands the 6th and Preserved Abell the 8th.  Samuel Luther married Mary, daughter of Robert Abell.  Goody Hyde was Robert Abell's widow (Joanna) who married William Hyde in 1667.  Preserved was the eldest son of Robert Abell.  Children's Lands next to Goody Hyde on the list were probably Robert Abell's other children, Caleb, Joshua, Benjamen and Experience.
       An inventory of ______ estate of Robert Abell of Rehoboth, deceased taken 9 Aug 1663 mentions house and land taken out as the oldest son's 130 pounds: a bed and furniture to the widow 7 pounds; to Mary Abell given by her father as her full pte in a cow and feather bed 8 pounds  Rest due to the widow as her thirds 66 pounds 19s 6d and to the other five children, each of them 26 pounds 16s.  Division of estate approved by the court held at Plymouth 3 Mar 1663/4.  Administration granted unto the widow Joanna Abell to administer on the estate of Robert Abell deceased 29 Feb 1663/4.
Frances COTTON
Abt 1573
Combermere, Leicester, Eng.
Aft 1630
Wrenbury Par., Ches., Eng.
                   Sources:Abell Family in America p 36-37, Misc. Gen. & Herald.
2nd S V  p7-20, 118 Ormerod's History of Cheshire V 3 p 416.
Wrenbury, Ches. Par. Rec.

Frances was living 8 Sep 1630 but probably died by 16 Apr 1646.
George ABELL
Abt 1587
Lockington, Leicester, Eng.
                   Bapt-Also 18 Mar 1939
End.-Also 1 Dec 1939
SlgPar.-17 Jan 1946 IFall
Richard ABELL
Abt 1591
Lockington, Leicester, Eng.
                   Bapt-Also 18 Mar 1939
End-Also 14 Dec 1939
Slg-Par. 17 Jan 1946 IFALL
Abt 1593
Lockington, Leicester, Eng.
                   Slg-Par. Also 17 Jan 1946 IFALL
Abt 1602
of Stapenhill, Derby, Eng.
20 Jun 1663
Rehoboth, Bristol, Mass.
                   B-Of Stapenhill, Derby, Eng. and Lockington, Leic ,Eng.
Bur-Adm. Granted 29 Feb 1663/4 to estate by his widow
Sources:A7e26 Ancestors of Jonathan Abell p. 12
Will of George Abell
Slg-Par. also 17 Jan 1946 IFall

       ROBERT ABELL, born in England, died 20 Jun 1663 at Rehoboth, Mass., son of George and Francis Abell of Hemington, Leicestershire, Eng., married Joanna ______. probably in England.  Joanna died in America after 1682, buried probably in Norwich First Burying Ground.
       Robert was mentioned in his father's will 1630 as then living in New England.   He came to America probably in the fleet with Gov. Winthrop, which arrived at Charleston, Mass.  June 1630.
       The first record of Robert in America is at Weymouth, Mass. included in a list as desirous to be made a Freeman 19 Oct 1630.  He took the oath of Freeman 18 May 1631.
       Robert removed from Weymouth in 1643 probably following Rev. Samuel Newman, the real founder of Rehoboth.  Rev. Newman was minister at Weymouth for four and a half or five years, then with a majority of his congregation in 1642 removed to a place called by the Indians Seekonk to which he gave the name of Rehoboth.
       At a meeting of the town 18 Feb 1646 it was agreed to draw lots for the new meadow,  to be divided according to person and estate, only those that were under 150 pounds estate to be made up to 150 pounds.  Robert is the 41 named on a list of 46 who drew for lots.
       Robert was at the Court of Elections at Plymouth, 3 June 1657 and on jury at the General Court at Plymouth 4 Jun 1657 and the oath of fidelity in 1657.
       On 22 Jun 1658 at a town meeting lawfully warned lots were drawn for the meadow that lie on the north side of the town in order that followeth, according to person and estate.  Of that 29 names on the list, Robert was the third on the list who drew for lots.  It appears that this division was a land afterwards included in the North Purchase, near Attleborough and Cumberland.
       At a town meeting on 26 May 1668 lots were drawn for the meadow lands in the North Purchase and there were 79 names on the list who drew for lots.  Samuel Luther is the 2nd name on the list, Goody Hyde the 5th, Children's lands the 6th and Preserved Abell the 8th.  Samuel Luther married Mary, daughter of Robert Abell.  Goody Hyde was Robert Abell's widow (Joanna) who married William Hyde in 1667.  Preserved was the eldest son of Robert Abell.  Children's Lands next to Goody Hyde on the list were probably Robert Abell's other children, Caleb, Joshua, Benjamen and Experience.
       An inventory of ______ estate of Robert Abell of Rehoboth, deceased taken 9 Aug 1663 mentions house and land taken out as the oldest son's 130 pounds: a bed and furniture to the widow 7 pounds; to Mary Abell given by her father as her full pte in a cow and feather bed 8 pounds  Rest due to the widow as her thirds 66 pounds 19s 6d and to the other five children, each of them 26 pounds 16s.  Division of estate approved by the court held at Plymouth 3 Mar 1663/4.  Administration granted unto the widow Joanna Abell to administer on the estate of Robert Abell deceased 29 Feb 1663/4.

       His ancestry and his descendants early Abells in the County of Derby, England.  Several branches of the Abell family lived in the County of Derby, England in the sixteenth century.  One branch lived in the Creighton and Uttoxeter.  The brothers John and Richard Abell were progenitors of this branch.  Richard died before 1536.  Henry Abell who died in 1540 was the earliest known of another branch living in Sommersall.  A third branch of the Abell family lived in Norbury.  The earliest found of this branch was Nicholas Abell who died about 1557.  Most of the American Abells are descendants of Robert Abell who lived in Stapenhill, also in the county of Derby.  There is a probability that all the branches of the Abell family in the county of Derby were descendants of a common ancestor.
FamilyCentral Network
George Abell - Frances Cotton

George Abell was born at Stapenhill, Derby, Eng. Abt 1561. His parents were Robert Abell and Robert Abell.

He married Frances Cotton 1 May 1599 at Wrenbury Parish, Cheshire, Eng. . Frances Cotton was born at Combermere, Leicester, Eng. Abt 1573 daughter of Richard Cotton and Mary Mainwaring .

They were the parents of 4 children:
George Abell born Abt 1587.
Richard Abell born Abt 1591.
Mary Abell born Abt 1593.
Robert Abell born Abt 1602.

George Abell died Abt 11 Sep 1630 .

Frances Cotton died Aft 1630 at Wrenbury Par., Ches., Eng. .