Richard SISSON

of Portsmouth, Newport, R.I.
Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass.
Conn 511-568
R2 160 Allied Families p 208
Gen Rec R2-181
Americana V33 p 552
Colonial Fam. of America V4 p 191

    (Americana Vol. 33 1939 AM Pub F, p. 552)

       Sisson is probably a place name derived from Soissons, a Province in France.  The first member of this family came over to England at an early date.  The English Sissons usually have been Non-Conformists, engaged in commerce.  In America the early generations of sissons were for the most part farmers and members of the Quaker sect.
       1.  Richard sisson, the American ancestor, was born in England in 1608 and died at Dartmouth, Mass. in 1684.  Richard Sisson was admitted a freeman at Portsmouth, R.I. on 17 May 1653 and on 6 July 1658, Richard sisson purchased one three-hundredth part of Cocanicut and Dutch Islands.  On 5 Jun 1667 he served as a grandjuryman in Dartmouth, Mass.
       Richard Sisson was a prosperous farmer, having estates in both Portsmouth and Dartmouth, Mass.  In his will dated 18 Oct 1683 and proven 5 Feb 1684, he bequeathed as follows:
       Executor, son James.  To wife Mary, my dwelling house and moveables during her life and 12 pounds yearly rent, with firewood, orchard, fruit, land for garden, liberty to keep poultry for her own use, a horse to be maintained and kept at her command to ride on, two oxen and two cows, all money due me and a milch cow maintained for her use and two parts of all my swine.  Her corn to be carried to the mill and the meal brought home for her use and ten bushels of new Indian corn, three bushels of rye and half my wheat and barley.
       To son James, all my housing and land in Dartmouth, except land near Pogansett Pond, etc.
       To daughter Ann Tripp and her husband Peleg, land near Pogansett Pond.
       To son George 5 pounds.
       To daughter Elizabeth, wife of Caleb Allen 5 pounds.
       To Indian servant Samuel, a two year old mare.
       To grandchild Mary Sisson, three cows and a bed, etc. on the day of her marriage, and one pewter flagon and brass kettle, which were her aunt Marys.
Abt 1612
of Portsmouth, Newport, R.I.
Conn 511-568
R2 160 Allied Families p 208
Gen Rec R2-181
Americana V33 p 552
Colonial Fam. of America V4 p 191
Wife Mary a"Freeman" in "Our Freeman in Our Yoeman Ancestors"

N.E. H.G. Register V 62 p. 182 Bristol Co. Probate Records

       (57) Mary Sison of Dartmouth widow, made her will the "fifteenth day of second month called April" 1690, "being very ill in body.
       "To my loving son, George sison 35 pounds in money and a Bible.
       To my two grandchildren John and Mary Sisson Children of my son John Sisson 35 pounds in money to be equally divided between them, to be paid to my son George Sison for the use of said two grandchildren.
       All my brass, pewter, iron, linen, woolen, milk vessels and pails shall be divided into three equal parts.
       One part I give to my daughter Elizabeth, wife of Caleb Allin, also 5 . . .10 pounds in money, one chest and wheel.
       Another part I give to my daughter Ann, wife of Peleg Tripp, also 5  . . . 10 pounds in money, a chest and a wheel.
       The other part I give to my granddaughter Mary Sisson da. of my son George Sison also 5 pounds in money.
       I hereby acknowledge that I have received of my son James Sison in full for all estate left me by my husband Richard Sison in his will and acquit him of the same.  Said son James to be sole executor.

       Witnessed: Joseph Tripp, George Cadman, John Anthony of whom the first two made oath at Bristol 1 Dec 169 before John Saffin.  Attest Stephen, Restr.  Entered 1 Sep 1693 by John Cary Registr.
       Inventory of the estate of widow Mary Sison taben by George Cadman, James Tripp and Valentine Hudesten 22 Sep 1692 and sworn to at Bristol 1 Dec 1692 before John Saffin Probr. by James Sison, Executor of her will.  Attest Stephen Burton Registr.  Entered 1 Sep 1693 by John Cary Registr.
of Portsmouth, Newport, R.I.
7 Sep 1718
1 Aug 1667
Prob. Eng. 
Conn S11-568
R 2 160 Allied Fam. Gen. Rec R 2 122-3 181
V. R. Dartmouth 4-95
Americana V 33 p. 552
Luther Sisson of Easton Mass by Wood Nell & G Reg V 62 p 182
B-Born probably in England

       George Sisson, son of Richard and Mary Sisson was born probably in England in 1644 and died 7 Sep 1718.  At the time of his father's death. he was a prosperous farmer with a family and had been given a share of his fathers's estate which explains his receiving only 5 pounds in his father's will.
       He was in Dartmouth , Mass. for a while with his father, but later returned to Portsmouth, R.I.  In 1687 he served as Constable; as deputy in 1702, 1705, 1707 as well as justice of the peace in 1703.
       George Sisson, in his will dated 20 Aug 1718 and proved 20 Sep 1718, made his son Richard executor and the following bequests (abstract:)
       The eldest son Richard about eighty acres in Northerly part of farm where I now dwell, also seventeen acres near "Solentary Hole" and all my lands in Warwick.
       To son George farm now possessed by him at Touisset Neck, Swansey.
       To son Thomas land at Newport, now possessed by him.
       To son John land and housing in Tiverton, He making certain payments to my daughters, Elizabeth Clarke, Anne Wheeden, Hope Sanford, Ruth Tew and Abigail Tew, and granddaughter Jane Sisson daughter of John.
       To son James, remainder of lands in Portsmouth, except family burial place, also two Negroes, twenty sheep, etc.
       My grindstone to my sons Richard and James.
       To my five daughters and to my granddaughter Sarah Clark, (other bequests.)
       George sisson married, probab;y in England, 1 Aug 1667 Sarah Lawton, who died 5 Jul 1718, daughter of Thomas Lawton of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
8 Apr 1650
Portsmouth, Newport, R.I.
8 Apr 1670
Conn 511-568
R2 160 Allied Families p 208
Gen Rec R2-181
Americana V33 p 552
Colonial Fam. of America V4 p 191
Abt 1656
Portsmouth, Newport, R.I.
Conn 511-568
R2 160 Allied Families p 208
Gen Rec R2-181
Americana V33 p 552
Colonial Fam. of America V4 p 191
Abt 1658
of Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass.
Conn 511-568
R2 160 Allied Families p 208
Gen Rec R2-181
Americana V33 p 552
Colonial Fam. of America V4 p 191
Abt 1660
of Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass.
Conn 511-568
R2 160 Allied Families p 208
Gen Rec R2-181
Americana V33 p 552
Colonial Fam. of America V4 p 191
Abt 1664
of Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass.
Conn 511-568
R2 160 Allied Families p 208
Gen Rec R2-181
Americana V33 p 552
Colonial Fam. of America V4 p 191
FamilyCentral Network
Richard Sisson - Mary Sisson

Richard Sisson was born at of Portsmouth, Newport, R.I. 1608.

He married Mary Sisson . Mary Sisson was born at of Portsmouth, Newport, R.I. Abt 1612 .

They were the parents of 6 children:
George Sisson born 1644.
Elizabeth Sisson born 8 Apr 1650.
James Sisson born Abt 1656.
John Sisson born Abt 1658.
Anne Sisson born Abt 1660.
Mary Sisson born Abt 1664.

Richard Sisson died 1684 at Dartmouth, Bristol, Mass. .

Mary Sisson died 1692 .