Abt 1456
Delaware, Brasted, Kent, Eng.
                   Sources: Misc. Gen. & Herald. 2 S V 1  p.7-20, 118
Some Ped. from the Visitation of Kent 1663-68 p 62-91.
Margaret NISELL
Abt 1460
of Wrotham, Kent, Eng.
                   Sources: Misc. Gen & Herald 2 S V 1 p 7-20
Visitation of Kent 1663-68 p 62-91
Harleian Soc. V 42 p 190
Abt 1476
Delaware, Brasted, Kent, Eng.
8 Oct 1534
                   D-Will dated 8 Oct 1534
Bur-Proved 17 Mar 1535
Sources:Misc. Gen. & Herald 2 S V 1 p 7-20
Some Ped. from Visitation of Kent 1663-68 p 62-91.

       History of Kent by Edward Hasted Vol. 3, p. 154

       Delaware is a seat of great antiquity, situated in the Southernmost part of this parish (Brasted.)  It was the residence of a gentleman of this same name as early as the reign of King Henry II, of whom Robert Delaware was the last, who about the latter end of King Ed. the third's reign, died without male issue so that Dionysia, his daughter became his heir, who carried this seat and estate in marriage to William Paulin of Pawlin, in this parish in descendants it continued until the reign of King Henry VI when William Pawlin, having an only daughter and heir, Elenor married John Seylyard of Seyliard.
       In Hever she entitled him to the possession of both these seats.  His descendants of the same name resided at Delaware and was created a Baronet in 1661, who bore for his arms Azure a chief ermine, which was the ancient paternal coat of this family.
       Among the Harlian Mss. in the British Museum is the pedigree of Seyliard of Delaware, set forth in the year 1578 and continued to 1630.  From this seat descended to Sir Thomas Seyliard, Baronet, who about the year 1700 alienated it to Henry Streatfield, Esq. of Chidingstone, Kent, whose great grandson Henry Streatfield, Esq. of Highstreet -- House in Chidingstone, is at this time entitled to the estate.
       Some pedigrees from the Visitation of Kent 1663-1668 p. 77 Misc. Gen. & Heraldry, Vol. 1 - 2 Series p.20
       The finely illuminated pedigree of Seylyard on vellum also the property of C.R.C. Petley Esq. allowed to John Seylyard of London, Gent., in 1578 by Robert Cooke Clarencieulx differs from the present in this respect, vis., the wife of Robert Seylyard by Isabel le Brune, is given as Margaret da. of William Burwash alias Burghersh not Margaret Stangrave as in this one.
       William Paulyn of Hever, time of Ed. II is given as the son of Geoffrey, not as Sir William.  The wife of John Seylyard of Delaware, time of Henry VIII is given as dau. and heir of Richard Franklyn of Reading Co. Berks.  This supplies the Christian name and place name, both of which were obliterated in this pedigree.
       P. 181 mentions Manor of Stangrave alias Eatonbridge.
       P. 186 Gabriels is a house in the parish of Eatonbridge.
       P. 187 Eatonbridge is within the ecclesisstical jurisdiction of the diocese of Rochester.
       P. 188 Eatonbridge is in the nature of a parish to Westerham and is not rated in the King's books.

       Some pedigrees, pp. 86-88

       (Lyon 1)  8 Nov 1569, William Silliarde, citizen and merchant taylor: my brother Nicholas S.: to the poor of Brasted 40s; to the poor of Etonbridge 40s; to the poor of St. Benet Fynck 40s;
       my brother Robert S; daughter of said brother Nicholas, goddaughter; my cosins Martyn Calthorpe and his wife; to Joyce, wife of my late cosin Darnell, deceased; Roger Cheke my Godson;
       to my wife lease of farm of mowltrope in Yorks.; to my son John land and tenements in St. Sepulchre's, London.  My son Alexander; my son silvester; my daughter Isabel Cheke, Mercer, my daughter Martha and my daughter Jane;
       my cousin Roger Brayton and his wife; cozin Robert Hethe; cozin Haighton; cozin Richard Frestone.
       Farm et Ryghton, York.; Patronage and Advowson of Stanford le Hope;
       to Co. of Merchant Taylors or a dinner 6 pounds 13 s 4d.
       Proved 4 Jan 1569/70 by Justinian Kydd on behalf of Joan the relict.

       (Hogan 34)  8 Oct 1534.  Thomas Seylyard of Brasted; Body to be buried in the church of Brasted next unto the grave of my wife; to his. . .awter of Brasted  20d; and at yearsmind 40s; ex'or to find an honest priest to sing in the church of Brasted by the space of half a year salary 5 marcs; item in parish church of Etonbridge for a quarter of a year, salary 23s 4d;
       daughter Margaret Swone, William Swone, her husband; give as much money as will buy an "antefener" to the church of Brasted;
       wife Margaret; sons George, Robert, Thomas the elder, Thomas the younger Nicholas & William; residue to Sir John, makes him executor;  William Sone & Robert heath overseers.
       "To my good Lord of Wiltshire the best oxe that I have desiring his good Lordship in the way of charitie to be good lord unto my children."
       Last will mentions lands in Brasted, Etonbridge, Hever, Lyngfield;
       4 pounds to son Thomas the younger until he be promoted to a benefice.

Witnesses:  Robert Hethe, William Sone, Nicholas Selyarde, and Thomas Seyarde, the younger
Proved 17 Mar 1535 by John Selyard, Exor.
Abt 1478
Delaware, Brasted, Kent, Eng.
                   Sources: Misc. Gen. & Herald. 2 S V 1  p.7-20, 118
Some Ped. from the Visitation of Kent 1663-68 p 62-91.
FamilyCentral Network
John Seyliard - Margaret Nisell

John Seyliard was born at Delaware, Brasted, Kent, Eng. Abt 1456. His parents were John Seyliard and Mary Ashbornham.

He married Margaret Nisell . Margaret Nisell was born at of Wrotham, Kent, Eng. Abt 1460 daughter of Thomas Nisell and Thomas Nisell .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Thomas Seyliard born Abt 1476.
John Seyliard born Abt 1478.