Scott Myron HOWK

16 Jul 1964
User Submitted
                   Census and Cemetery records
Data from Madeline Parish, 100 Lower Dix Ave., Hudson Falls, NY 12839
                 Juliana Losaw, 26 Eaton St., North Haven, Conn. 06473
                 Thelda Baker, 4981 Aurora Dr., Ventura, Calif. 93003
                 Mrs. Wlmer Tewes, 116 Mill Road, Park Ridge, NJ

from The Fort Ann Banner, Vol. 1 #8, Oct 1973:

MRS MAUDE HOWK, by Mable Manning:
       This month we had a fine time visiting with Mrs. Maude howk, and she recalled many things of interest around these parts, particularly Dewey's bridge where she lived for a good many years.  it was fun recalling those times and years, and Mrs. Howk remembers so many things.  She is such a happy person, and one who has so many interests and keeps active and busy.
       Mrs. Howk was born at Flat Rock on a farm in 1887, the dau. of Frank and Ida (Bradway) Parrish.  She had 3 bros.and ___.  She attended school in Dewey's Bridge.  Mrs. howk said that her mother had told her about the "Blizzard of '88" and all the rock cuts were filled deep with snow, and no trains could get thru for days, as they all had to be shoveled by hand.
       Mrs. Howk did practical nursing for about 10 years in various homes in the community and worked for several diff. docors: Dr. Plunkett, Dr. White, Dr. Prescott and Dr. LaGrange.  She said that she had assisted in the delivery of probably about 25 babies.
       Mrs. Howk was md. for the 1st time to Perley Hayes who was killed in an accident in June, 1913.  Mrs. Howk's second was Scott Howk who died in 1964.
       The settlement of Dewey's Bridge grew up around the limestone quarries.  Thaddeus Dewey was one of the 1st settlers, and he was b. in Westfield, Mass. 1752.  As youknow, Ft. Ann was 1st called Westfield because many of its early settlers came from Westfield, mass.  Mrs. Howk said that the old packet boats used to boat the line up thru the old canal from Dewey's Bridge.  These were horse drawn boats.  It is believed that some of the people on these boats stayed at the old tavern in Dewey's Bridge.  The historic marker in Dewey's Bridge says: "Dewey Placke built in 1788 by Thaddeus Dewey, owned by White, Collins and Parrish families.  Once an old tavern."  This 14 room house still stands there and is in beautiful condition.
       Mrs. Howk recalls the old stone schoolhouse in Dewey's Bridge.  Church services were held there also.  Then a Mr. John Vogel moved from Danby, Vt. to Dewey's Bridge and started a sawmill there with Mr. Charles White (Mrs. Sheldon Wood's father.)  Lumber was furnished by this sawmill to erect a little Methodist Chapel, which Mrs. Howk and her family attended.  Mrs. Howk recalled some of the ministers who were there--at one time a female minister evangelist by the name of Mrs. Myers.  Also, a Rev. Drury preached there as well as in W. Ft. Ann in a church where the present Grange Hall stands.  There was also another woman evangelist by the name of Wood who stayed with Mrs. Howk and family while preaching in the little chapel.  Also a Rev. Ernest Ryder from Raceville came for a year or two and the Rev. LaGrange from Ft. Ann, father of the late Dr. LaGrange also preached there.
       At one time there were 2 general stores in Dewey's Bridge.  This really was quite an active little settlement.  Mrs. Howk mentioned that recently two new homes have been built in Dewey's Bridge and a couple of families from Long Island have come and bought a home and settled there.
       Mrs. Howk has 3 children -- Mr. Earl Hayes, Mrs. Beatrice Norton and Mrs. Lois Churchill.  Also she has 6 grandchildren, 10 gr-granddaus. and 1 great grandson.  Mrs. Howk greatly enjoys her family and many friends.  In the past, she enjoyed sewing, crocheting, rug hooking and reading.  She loves music and used to play the piano.  She took lesson for many years from Prof. Robert Wall, Nellie Sullivan and Otto Korn's sister, Bertha.  Mrs. Howk enjoys walking and walks a mile or more at least a couple of times a week.
       She is also active in the United Protestant Church, attending services regularly, and belongs to the WSCS, the Missionary group, the Ladies Aid of W. Ft. Ann (This organization meets every Thursday and works on quilts.)  She is a member of the Senior Citizens, and enjoys the social activity and fellowship of all these groups.
       When asked her recipe for a long and happy life, her reply was "forgetting self and lightening the burdens of others, keeping busy."  Would that we all could adopt and carry out the philosophy of this truly wonderful woman
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Scott Myron Howk - Maude Parish (Parrish)

Scott Myron Howk was born at 1883.

He married Maude Parish (Parrish) . Maude Parish (Parrish) was born at 1887 daughter of Franklin Pierce Parish (Parrish) and Ida Bradway .

Scott Myron Howk died 16 Jul 1964 .