Nathaniel WHITING

Abt 1609
Prob. England
15 Jan 1682
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
4 Nov 1643
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
                   Amerian Marriage Records Before 1699, William Montgomery Clemens 1967
Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
also Bapt. 15 Feb 1947 End. 03 Apr 1947.

Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families

Nathaniel Whiting was by occupation a miller and the first to operate a corn mill in Dedham.

       Suffolk Probate Records VI: 308 and LX 117

       In the year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred and Seventy seven and the fifteenth day of the third month, I Nathaniel Whiting of Dedham in the County of Suffolk in New England being aged and weake in the body yet of ability in minde by the Mercy of God, do make and ordain this my last will and testament for the disposing and settling of the Estate which the Lord has made me his Steward,
       Wherin first I commit my Soule into the hand of my onley Savior Jesus Christ and my body to the earth whence it was taken therein to be interred after my decease in decent & Christian manner at the discretion of my Executrix and in Consideration of the Largeness of my Family of Children and the various capacity they are in having bestowed some of them in marriage already and others having attained to grown up years and part of them being yet in their tender years am not uncensible how hard and hazardous it wilbee for me to make a particular distribution of my estate to the satisfaction & content of all that are concerned and interested therein;
       and being also well persuaded of my wifes trustiness and fully assured that she will carefully and prudently endeavor the ordering and managing of the affaires of my Estate and concerns of my family as shall most conduce to the present and future comfort and benefit of her self and Children.
       I do therefore proceed to make my will in manner and form as follows
       Item:  I do give and bequeath to Hannah my well beloved wife my whole estate and every particular part thereof whatsoever and do give her full power to order, improve and dispose of the same from time to time and at all time to my children as there shalbee occasion with the advice and counsel of the over Seers whose names are underwritten and I do appoint and ordain the above Hannah my wife to be my sole Executrix for the due performance of this my last will in all Respects:
       Also I desire and Request my Respected Friends Brother Timothy Dwight and Thomas Metcalfe to bee over Seers for the performance of my will in all respects according tp the true intent thereof.
       In witness where of - I the said Nathaniel Whiting have hereunto Set my hand and Seale ye 15. of ye 3 month One thousand 677.
                                              /s/ Nathaniel Whiting
                                                        and Seale

Signed and Sealed in ye presence of us:
        Timothy Dwight and Thomas Metcalf.

Dedham, Mass. 16:12, 1682 An inventory of the estate of Nathaniel Whiting deceased 15 Jan 1682.  (Inventory of estate given.)
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
4 Nov 1714
                   Amerian Marriage Records Before 1699, William Montgomery Clemens 1967
Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Sources:John Dwight of Dedham, Mass. p 91-94
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families

Bur. age 89
Birthplace according to Hus. Nathaniel Whiting Records-Dedham, Norfolk, Mass.

       Suffolk Registry of Probate XVIII 396.

       In the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eleven the Eighth day of May, I Hannah Whiting of Dedham in the county of Suffolk in her Majesty's Province in New England, Widow,
       Altho weak in Body, yet thru the Goodness of God, sound in my understanding, and of a Disposing mind of what God both intrusted me with of the things of this World and so first I do Commit my soul into the hands of Jesus & my only redeemer, and my body to the Earth from Whence it was taken to be buryed in Christian Buryal by the discretion of my executor hereafter named - I so here repeal & make void all other and former wills made by me or in my name and Whereas by the Last Will and Testament of my late husband Nathaniel Whiting deceased, have given to me, to my Dispose his Estate, with the advice of the Overseers by him appointed in his said Will
       Item 1, I have by the advice of aforesd Overseers already given into the hands & possession of each of my children a Considerable part of my Estate Namely Samuel Whiting, John Whiting, Timothy Whiting, Jonathan Whiting, Hannah Fairbank, Sarah Farrington, Abigail Draper, Judah Lewis, Ann Lewis, as may more fully appear in an instrument bearing date 25th Sep 1689 as it is there apprized:
       and it is in my Mind and Will that after just debts and funeral charges be paid that them the remaining part of my Estate be equally Apprized, so that each of my Children may have an equal Share of my Estate, with what each of them have already received -- Only for some reasons me moving there unto I do order and appoint my Executors to pay out of my daughter Ann Lewis's share the sum of five pounds to John Eaton, the eldest son of Ann Lewis when he shall attain to the age of Twenty and One years.  And I do order and appoint my son Samuel to have my Grist Mill with all the appurced and privileges thereunto belonging and I do give and Allow three years day for such as may have to pay out to Equalize each or either of their shares.
       I do Order and appoint my two sons, Samuel Whiting and Timothy Whiting to be my Executors to this my last Will and Testament giving them full power as if my self were present.
       Witness my hand and seal          /s/ Hannah Whiting and seal

In presence of us Eleanor Kingsbery
                            Jonathan Fairbank
                            Rachel & Farrington
                            Tim Dwight

Proved and allowed at Boston Thirtyeth day of November Anno Domini 1714

   John Dwight of Dedham, Mass. by Benjamin Dwight p. 11

       Hannah survived her husband, Nathaniel Whiting over thirty years and appears to have managed his business interest and brought up their large family with rare discretion.
26 Sep 1644
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Abt 31 Oct 1676
29 Mar 1664
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts 
                   Amerian Marriage Records Before 1699, William Montgomery Clemens 1967
Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Died-Administration of Estate 31 Oct 1676
1. Wrentham Vital Recds.
2. Nathaniel Whiting of Dedham; by T. S. Lazell p. 13
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
3. Suffolk Probate Recd ii-113
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
3 Nov 1647
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
25 Sep 1656
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
20 Dec 1649
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
4 Dec 1727
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
29 Apr 1702
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
Nathaniel Whiting of Dedham, Massachusetts by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64
Dedham Vital Records
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
English Prelude, p. 171 (Lincolnshire,) p.263 (Norfolk)

       Rev. Samuel whiting was born at Boston, but later identified with King's Lynn, Norfolk, then Lynn, Massachusetts. . .nor is there anything in St. Margarets to mark the ministry of the Rev. Samuel Whiting, come across the Wash (?) from his native Boston to hold forth in this parish church of cathedral proportions, without cathedral beauty.  'They' as American pilgrims seem to be universally styled, do not come to King's Lynn.  Yet the Rev. Samuel was another of those spiritual shepherds who led a portion of his flock westward.
17 Feb 1651
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
14 Jun 1740
1 Mar 1671/72
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
5 Jan 1653
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
26 Dec 1728
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
Also End. 3 Sep 1934
8 Jul 1656
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
29 Oct 1656
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
8 Jul 1656
8 Jul 1656
                   Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
12 Oct 1658
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
3 Dec 1660
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
22 Mar 1732
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
7 Jun 1663
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
25 Oct 1721
18 Feb 1680/81
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
19 Jul 1665
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
24 Dec 1688
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
Suffolk Probate Records, XXXi - 62
Vital Records of Wrentham
Nathaniel Whiting of Dedham, pp. 15-16
9 Oct 1667
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
13 Dec 1689
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64
Descendants of John Wight of Dedham, Massachusetts, p. 100
Suffolk Probate Register XXVI, p. 480
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
30 Mar 1670
19 Feb 1746/47
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
16 Mar 1714
Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts 
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
25 Feb 1672
Dedham, Essex, Eng.
11 Aug 1725
                   Vital Recds of Dedham, MASS.
NATHANIEL WHITING of DEDHAM, MASS. by Theodore Lazell pp 1-13, 64.
Suffolk Wills, John Dwight p. 396
Boston and Eastern Mass. V2 p871
Life of Daniel WHITING p 5
Whiting Genealogy by T.S. Lazell
New England Genealogy by Cutter, Vol 2, p. 2054
Mackenzie's First Families, Vol. 7, P. 289
Waters Genealogy Gleanings, Vol. 1, p. 32
Blake and Bullard Families
FamilyCentral Network
Nathaniel Whiting - Hannah Dwight

Nathaniel Whiting was born at Prob. England Abt 1609. His parents were John Whiting and Sarah Smith.

He married Hannah Dwight 4 Nov 1643 at Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts . Hannah Dwight was born at Dedham, Essex, Eng. 1625 daughter of John Dwight and Hannah Close .

They were the parents of 15 children:
Nathaniel Whiting christened 26 Sep 1644.
John Whiting born 3 Nov 1647.
Samuel Whiting born 20 Dec 1649.
Hannah Whiting born 17 Feb 1651.
Timothy Whiting born 5 Jan 1653.
Mary Whiting born 8 Jul 1656.
John Whiting born 8 Jul 1656.
Mary Whiting born 12 Oct 1658.
Sarah Whiting born 3 Dec 1660.
Abigail Whiting born 7 Jun 1663.
John Whiting born 19 Jul 1665.
Jonathan Whiting born 9 Oct 1667.
Judith Whiting born 30 Mar 1670.
Anna Whiting born 25 Feb 1672.

Nathaniel Whiting died 15 Jan 1682 at Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts .

Hannah Dwight died 4 Nov 1714 .