22 Dec 1603
Tarporley, Cheshire, England
Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut
8 Jan 1627
Tarporley, Cheshire, England
Ancestral File - Version 4.19
Pedigree Resource File
Ancestry World Tree Project
New.FamilySearch.org, Mar 2010
Genealogy of the Bostwick Family in America, 1901
                   RESEARCH NOTE:
    Research information which may include leads on this line, and which may disprove a connection to the BOSTOCK noble line, is included in the notes for this individual.


Wednesday, 13 December, 2006Dear John, Will, Stewart, Peter, et al.,At long last, I've obtained copies of the TAG articles byCoddington re: the Bostock (Bostwick) family of Tarporley, Cheshireand Stratford, Connecticut previously recommended to me by Stewartsome time ago [1]. These are well documented to say the least, andrather well demolish the connection between the Bostocks of Tarporleyand the Bostocks of Bostock as given by H. A. Bostwick in 1901.That being said, Coddington holds out hope for the Bostwickdescendants (such as myself) who might otherwise be left somewhatancestrally-challenged as a result. Two extracts were printed fromthe 1965 edition of Burke's Landed Gentry, which at least providefodder for additional research into this branch of the family:' 1. Sir William Bostock, of Bostock, who was present at theBattle of Evesham in 1265, had, by his second wife Amice,a fifth son, Gilbert Bostock, who lived at Tarporley, whoin turn was father of William Bostock, of Tarporley, whowas ancestor of John Bostock alias Whethamstede, Abbot ofSt. Albans, who died in 1465.' 2. Adam Bostock, of Bostock, born 18 Aug. 1363, a member ofthe royal bodyguard of King Richard II, had a fourth son,Henry Bostock, of Huxley, who in turn had a fourth son,John Bostock, of Tarporley, who married Isabel, daughter andheir of Ranulph Bostock, of Tarporley, a member of the other line of Bostocks in that parish. ' [2]Henry Bostock (allegedly of Huxley) does appear as a younger sonof Adam Bostock of Bostock and his wife Janet Bradshaw in theVisitation of Cheshire (1580) pedigree; if this Henry was in fact thefather of John Bostock of Tarporley as given in Burke's, this is notshown, and certainly requires further evidence to prove same.The following is part of the line given in RD 600 for theBostock ancestry of Christopher Branch (and subsequently, ThomasJefferson), with the addition of the Tarporley descent as givenby Coddington from Burke's [caveats all around]:1 Henry I, King of England d 1135 = Matilda of Scotland 2 (illegitimate by ------) Robert of Caen, 1st Earl ofGloucester = Mabel FitzHamon 3 Maud of Gloucester = Ranulph de Gernon, Earl of Chester 4 Hugh Kevelioc, 3rd Earl of Chester = Bertrade de Montfort 5 (illegitimate by -----) Amicia de Meschines = Ralph de Mainwaring 6 Bertrade de Mainwaring = Henry de Audley 7 Emma de Audley = Gruffudd ap Madog, Prince of Powys Fadog 8 Margred ferch Gruffudd = Sir John Arderne 9 Agnes Arderne = Sir John Whetenhall 10 Margaret Whetenhall = Adam Bostock 11 Adam Bostock = Janet Bradshaw 12 Henry Bostock, of Huxley, 4th son [C]13 John Bostock, of Tarporley = Isabel, dau. and h. of Ralph(or Ranulf) Bostock of TarporleyIf valid, the last generation would likely have flourishedca. 1410-1475, and may (accent on may) be ancestral to the JohnBostock of Tarporley (d. 1597/8) who was father of Ralph/RapheBostock of Tarporley (d. 1637), and conjectured by Coddington aspossible father of Arthur Bostock of Tarporley, father of ArthurBostock the emigrant [3].This connection is interesting, but we are left in something ofa lurch given no will of this first Arthur Bostock of Tarporley hasbeen found to date; he likely died intestate, but even this isuncertain. A possible lead has however been noted, however, in thefollowing record of a marriage in the Chester licenses:Dec. 18 [1612] " William Whittle of Chester, andMary Bostock, Parish of Eccleston, Chesh., Widow.At St. John's, Chester. " [4]William Whittle, tanner, of Chester was the actual father (byhis first wife, Margaret Barnes, who d. in 1610) of Janet Whittle,wife of the 2nd Arthur Bostock/Bostwick, the emigrant - Coddingtonhas shown that Rev. Robert Whittle was William's brother, and onlythe foster father of Janet [5]. William's son William Whittle,also a tanner of Chester, only became a freeman of Chester on16 Nov. 1622, so this is evidently a widowed Mary (____) Bostockwho married the elder William [6].The possibility is that this widowed Mary Bostock of Eccleston,Cheshire was in fact the widow of the elder Arthur Bostock (apossible wife Ellin, who d.
in 1642, has been put forward, 'but ofthis there is no proof whatever' as noted by Coddington). Thiswould make sense if the subsequent marriage of the younger ArthurBostock and of William Whittle's young daughter Jane on 8 Jan.1627/8 was an arrangment of step-children such as has been seenelsewhere. This would also explain the eldest daughter of ArthurBostock and Jane Whittle being named Mary - for her alleged paternalgrandmother, as in the following chart [conjectured placement ofMary shown with a ?]:John Barnes = tanner, of Chester I ______I______Sheriff of Chester, 1576 I I Id. bef 25 June 1599 I I Rev. Robert I I Whittle________________________I__ II I I <2>  <1>Richard John 1) Margaret = William = 2) Mary = Arthurtanner, (freeman, Barnes I Whittle I BostockChester 1599) d. 1610 I (freeman, 1590) I 'of(freeman, I d. Feb 1625/6 I Tarporley1589) I I =2)I I Ellen_______________________________I_____ ________I___I I I I I IWilliam Whittle Thomas NN Jane = Arthur Margaret(freeman of (freeman, Whittle I BostockChester, 1622) 1626) m. 1627/8 I will dtd 1648 I______________________________I________I I I I IMary Jane Ellen Arthur John  = George Dobson = Thomas = Mary BrinsmeadJohnson IVI have requested copies of the wills of the Whittles and of JohnBarnes from the Cheshire RO, but likely if there was more pertinentBostock information there, Coddington would have noted and revealedsame. I will advise of anything useful therein: should anyone elsehave further relevant documentation, comment or criticism, that wouldbe most welcome.Cheers,John *NOTES[1] John I. Coddington, Additions and Corrections to the BostwickGenealogy, TAG XIV, No. 4 (April 1938), pp. 216-222; also,Notes on the Bostock Family of Co. Chester, England, and theBostwick Family of Stratford, Connecticut, TAG 43, No. 2(April 1967), pp. 76-78.[2] Ibid., TAG 43, No. 2 (April 1967), p. 77.[2] Ibid., TAG XIV, No. 4 (April 1938), pp. 219-221.[4] William Fergusson Irvine, ed., Marriage Licences Granted Withinthe Archdeaconry of Chester in the Diocese of Chester [Vol. 1(1606-1616): The Record Society for the Publication of OriginalDocuments relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, Vol. LIII(1907)], I:131.[5] Coddington, TAG XIV, No. 4 (April 1938), p. 221.[6] J. H. E. Bennett, ed., The Rolls of the Freemen of the Cityof Chester (The Record Society for the Publication of OriginalDocuments relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, Vol. LI(1906)], p. 107.
11 Apr 1602
St John's Church, Cheshire, England
18 Jan 1629
Tarporley, Cheshire, England
24 Sep 1653
Tarporley, Cheshire, England 
29 Jan 1632
Tarporley, Cheshire, England
23 Dec 1633
Tarporley, Cheshire, England
8 May 1636
Tarporley, Cheshire, England
18 Oct 1638
Tarporley, Cheshire, England
11 Dec 1688
Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut
Stratford, Fairfield, Connecti 
                   SOURCES:  1. Woodbury Vital Records (FHL#1491338)
            2. Andrew Ward and His Descendants
            3. Ancestral File
Zechariah BOSTWICK
Abt 1640
of Tarporley, Cheshire, England
FamilyCentral Network
William Bostwick - Jane Whittel

William Bostwick was christened at Tarporley, Cheshire, England 22 Dec 1603. His parents were Arthur Bostwick and Ellen Dennis.

He married Jane Whittel 8 Jan 1627 at Tarporley, Cheshire, England . Jane Whittel was christened at St John's Church, Cheshire, England 11 Apr 1602 daughter of William Whittel and Margaret Barnes .

They were the parents of 6 children:
Mary Bostwick christened 18 Jan 1629.
Jane Bostwick christened 29 Jan 1632.
Ellen Bostwick christened 23 Dec 1633.
Arthur Bostwick christened 8 May 1636.
John Bostwick christened 18 Oct 1638.
Zechariah Bostwick born Abt 1640.

William Bostwick died 1680 at Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut .