William AUSTIN

Abt 1818
7 Aug 1874
Ogden, Weber, Utah
Aug 1874
Ogden City Cem., Ogden, Weber, Utah
San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
                   BIRTH:Headstone said 1818;
MARR:History written by wife Mary said 1855 in San Bernadino,Ca.;
DEATH:Headstone (said born 1818 died 1874);Burial records Ogden City
Cem.said died Ogden 7 Aug 1874;
BURIAL:Burial records Ogden City Cem.;

Other Sources:
1850 federal census Calaveras Co,California-Teamster age 30 B. England
1860 federal census Twp.8, Calaveras Co.,Calif;
1870 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah;

Information from Rendell Austin.PO Box 7184,Grand Rapids,MI 49510-7184
gave names of children of Thomas Austin's first marriage. Order of children

August 26,1898--Mrs William Austin and Mr and Mrs John Lahey and their two
children of Ogden,Utah, who have been visiting Thomas Austin and other
relatives during the summer started for home Tuesday.

Virginia Summerhill Hupp provided Rendell with the names of Thomas Austin and
his first wife's  children.

1870 Fed Cens Ogden,Weber,Utah  page 489
Family # 612
Austin,William      age 45   Farmer   Born England
        ,Mary         age 33   F        Born England
        ,John         age 11   M        Born California
        ,-----        Age  8   M        Born California
        ,Sarah M.     Age  6   F        Born Utah
        ,Harriet      Age  3   F        Born Utah
        ,Jesse        age 3/12 M        Born Utah       born March
Jesse could be a child who died?

1880 Fed. Cens Ogden,Ut
Austin, William     age 43?            Born England said son and single
        , Mary        age 43             Born England said Mother and Widowed.
        ,Samuel       age 18             Born Calif.  said son and single
        ,Sarah        age 15 7/12        Born Utah   said daughter and single
        ,Hattie       age 13 7/12        Born Utah    said daughter and single
        ,Albert       age 10             Born Utah    said son and single
        ,Ida          age 7              Born Utah    said daughter and single

Albert's death cert. said born Jun 1872. He would only have been 8 in the 1880
This is a good readable copy and it definately said William age 43 son and
single. Census error?

The oldest son John is enumerated next door with a wife Mary and a son
John.   Albert and Jesse appear to be the same child but Albert was born in Jun
according to his obit. Jesse could have been a child who died.  No headstone at
the Ogden City Cemetary but I didn't inquire about a Jesse.
I talked to Harold Austin a great grand son of William and he is unable to
supply any information on his greatgrand father.  Didn't know his name and has
no picture.
Harold Austin 2890 Jackson Ave., Ogden,Utah 84401.  Son of Frank and Alta
I also called his sister and she didn't have any family information
and told me to call Harold.  The oldest brother Frank S. is deceased.

I contacted the Larkin funeral home and it was started in 1885.  If there was
an earlier funeral home they weren't aware of it.

I also called the Church of the Good Shepard to see if they had any early
records since wife Mary said she was a member and they said all their early
records had burned.

I checked the Naturalization index for Weber County and no William or Mary

William's father is in the Ancestral file LDS Church saying age 40 in 1841 and
born in England.  They are giving his name as William also and his wife as
Mary.  Which indicates their information is probably not any help.  William's
age is also given as born in 1837 when his headstone said 1818. There is a
brother James listed with the wrong birthdate.  Someone must have know he had a
brother James and I wondered if he had come to Utah or California with William.

On William Austin in the Ancestral file is said age 40 in 1841.  This is the
year of one of the census in England which makes me think they might havelooked at a census film.  If they did I wondered why they didn't put the county
in England where they looked.

Enclosed names and addresses of the three people who submitted the names to
ancestral file plus name and address of Harold Austin in Ogden.
I searched the paper from Aug 1 to August 10 and didn't find a reference to
death of William.  This was a bi-weekly from Corrine, Utah and have very few
obits.  I also checked the index for the obits and William wasn't listed.

The only source I can think of to check is the Naturalization records in
Calaveras County,Ca.  We would have to find the application
to get the most information.  I haven't had any luck at all in finding any of
these records.  They can apply in one county and take out citizenship in
another county and some of the records have been sent to repositories out of
the state.  They were supposed to be citizens to be able to own property but
there are exceptions so this might not always have been enforced.

If Mary was
naturalized in 1860 they were in Calaveras County, Ca. and you will have to
write as there aren't any records in the Salt Lake Gen. Library.
Mary Drabble STONE
30 Jul 1836
Eastwood, Nottingham, England
9 May 1930
Ogden, Weber, Utah
12 May 1930
Ogden City Cem., Ogden, Utah
                   BIRTH:1870 Federal Census Ogden,Weber,Utah;Ancestral file LDS Church;
MARR:Mary's history said married 1855 in San Bernardino,Ca.;
BURIAL:Ogden City Cem.Burial Records;
BAPT:IGI 962,002 # 16645;
END:Need to look up TIB;
S/P:IGI 184,773 Need to look up for name of temple;
S/S:IGI # 184,805;Sealed 14 Oct 1848 Slake;Said they were married in Calaveras
County,Cal. and Mary's history said San Bernardino, Ca. Needs to be resubmitted
with correct place of marriage.

Other Sources:
1860 Federal Census Twp 8,Calaveras Co.,Calif;
1870 Federal Census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1880 Federal Census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1900 Federal Census Ogden,Weber,Utah  On this census Mary said she was the
mother of 0 children with 0 children living.
1910 Federal census Mary said she was mother of 7 with 6 living. Widow married
1920 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah Said widow age 83 and immigrated to US in
1851 and was naturalized in 1860.  If this is correct it would have been while
they were in Calaveras Co.,Calif.  He son George was also living with her
said age 49 and single. He is a clerk for the railroad yard.

I was born in the year 1836 in Nottingshire, England, the daughter of William
and Sarah Stone.  We left England January 2nd 1851 for Utah.  I was then about
13 years of age.  The first day out we collided with a schooner named the
"Winnifred Scott".  Our main mast was broken and we had to stay two weeks on
the Irish coast for repairs.  We were ten weeks and three days on the ocean.
When we reached New Orleans, we immediately sailed up the Mississippi River to
Omaha then to Winter Quarters where my father bought Ox teams and we came on to
Utah.  We had quite a bad accident on the road near Green River. The man ahead
of us wanted my father to drive his team across the river for him, as he had a
running sore on his leg, so my father went to his assistence, but as soon as he
started the oxen plunged after them into the river which was very deep at that
place being a turn in the river.  Our wagon tipped over and we were pinned down
by the luggage and almost drowned but men came to our asistance and helped us
out.  Our provision and clothing were ruined.  My grandfather who was seventy
years of age never quite recovered from the shock.

Arriving at Salt Lake City, Brigham Young sent us to settle in Iron County, to
see if the Iron found in the mountains there was of good quality.  As my
father had worked that business in England.  We continued on our journey and
when we reached Provo Grandfather died.  A famer let us have a burial place
on his farm to bury our dead.  When we reached our distination it was late in
the fall but father with others dug for and tested the iron ore and found it of
very good quality.  A small store was built and when the supplies came every
one was so eager for food the storekeeper had to nail up the windows and lock
the doors to keep the people out and let one in at a time.  We lived there
three years, but Brigham Young advised abandoning the mines at that time as out
siders might come in.  Father received no pay for his work and we suffered many

We moved from there to California settling in San Bernadino where I was married
to William Austin at the age of nineteen years.  This was in 1855.

In the mean time some of our relatives having come from England to Ogden sent
for my folks to return to Utah, which they did in 1862.  On the way here I lost
a little girl, two years and nine months old.  She died near Tooele.  A man
told my husband to take the best board of of his barn to make a coffin, which
was done.  I put a little calico dress on the dear little child as I had
nothing better and we buried her there.

My husband died in the 1874 after a lingering illness leaving me with six small
children to care for.  I had a hard struggle to get along as I had nothing and
the only one who helped me was my neighbor, Mrs Eliza Moulding who bought at
her own expense material for three black dresses.  One for myself and the two
oldest girls.  She also made them for us in time for the funeral.  My husband
had made some adobies and built one room up to the square.  In order to finish
it I went to the lumber yard and asked them to trust me for lumber to finish
my room.  I then took in washing at first, then went out nursing and took in
boarders to  pay for it.  I got Mr. Jost to do the carpenter work and when
the work was finished I rented the room to railroad men.  As soon as I could I
built another room adding to it until I got quite a good sized house for those

I am nearly 89 years of age, in good health, have reared my family well.  I
live alone and see to my rented rooms.

"Camp W"

Mary S. Austin Dead Age 93 Widow Of Freighter Had Resided In Ogden Since 1862
Mrs Mary Stone Austin, 93 yrs, one of Utah's Pioneer women and one of Ogden's
oldest Mothers died at her home 2548 Lincoln Ave., Friday night at 10:20
She was the widow of William Austin who in the early days freighted between
Ogden and Montana and was born in Nottingham, England 30 July 1836.  A daughter
of William and Sarah Drabble Stone.
Mrs Austin emigrated to America crossing the plains behind a team of oxen in
1861.  She had resided in Ogden since 1862.  On Mother's Day, a year ago, she
was awarded the prize for being the oldest Mother to register at a local store
Mrs Austin was active during her life here in public affairs and expecially
during the World War she was continually knitting for the soldiers.  She was
a member of the church of the Good Shepard.
Surviving are the following children; John W. Austin, Ogden; Mrs J.D. Lahey,
Spokane,Washington; Mrs D. Margetts, Salt Lake City,Utah; A.G. Austin and Mrs
Ida Smith both of Ogden.  13 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren.  One
sister Sarah E. Richardson of Salt Lake survives.
Funeral services Monday at 2:00. Larkin and Sons Chapel under the direction of
Rev. John W. Hyslop.
Interment in the Odgen City Cemetary.

I talked to a great grandson here in Ogden Harold Austin and he said he
remembered going to his great grandmother's to visit especially at Christmas
time.  He has a picture of her standing in front of her house that is now torn
down.  She had three small apartments which she rented for a living and they
are also gone.

I checked the Church of the Good Shepard and their early records burned.
7 May 1857/58
Angelus Camp, Calaveras, California
25 May 1930
Ogden, Weber, Utah
Weber, Utah 
                   BIRTH:1900 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah;Obit;
MARR:Obit of wife said 1878 Ogden,Weber,Utah;
DEATH:Obit;Headstone;Ogden City Cem. records;
BURIAL:Obit;Ogden City Cemetary Burial Records;
LDS SOURCES:Archive sheet;

Other Sources:
1860 Federal Census Twp 8, Calaveras Co.,Calif;
1870 Federal Census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1880 Federal Census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1900 Federal Census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1910 Federal Census Ogden, Weber,Utah
1920 Federal Census Ogden,Weber,Utah

LDS Church records IGI fhl 962,427

John W. Austin Agd 72 Dies
John William Austin,72, pioneer railrod employee died at 9:50 oclock Sunday
morning at his home 141 30th St.  He was born in Angelus Camp, California on
May 7, 1858 the son of William and Mary Stones Austin.  His mother died 2 weeks
ago at age 93.
Mr Austin had lived in Ogden since 1867.  He had worked as a trucker, check
clerk, tonnage clerk and finally as chief clerk in the united freight offices
of the U.P. and S.P. railways.  He was retired two years ago.
Mr Austin took an active part in civic affairs and had served as councilman
under mayor A.L. Brewer, William Glassman and E.M. Conroy.  He was one of the
Veteran Fireman's Association and the Old Timers Club and a member of Weber
Camp 74, Woodsman of the World.  He is survived by his widow Mary Reese Austin
and the following sons and daughters, John Austin, Green River; Mrs Huber King,
Ogden; Frank W. Austin, Mrs John Bowman and six grandchildren all of ogden.
Brothers and sisters surviving are Mrs Ida Smith and A.G. Austin of Ogden and
Mrs David Margetts Salt Lake City; and Mrs J.H. Lahey, Spokane,Washington.
Services will be Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 in the 19th ward chapel with
Bishop D.C. Stuart presiding.  The body will be viewed at the home Tuesday
afternoon and Wednesday morning till 1:00 oclock.  Interment city cemetary
under the direction of Larkin and Sons.

Headstone said Born 1858 Died 1930
Jan 1860
Calaveras, California
Near Tooele, Utah
                   BIRTH:1860 federal census Twp, #8, Calaveras County,California;
DEATH:History of Mary Drabble Stone Austin DUP Museum Ogden,Utah;
BURIAL:History of Mary Drabble Stone Austin DUP Museum Ogden,Ut;

LDS from temple ready submission.

Census said age 6/12 and the census was taken 27 Jul 1860 in Calaveras Co.,Ca.so
Mary would have been born January.
6 May 1862/63
Ogden, Weber, Utah
22 Mar 1922
Oakland, Alameda, California
15 Sep 1893
Ogden, Weber, Utah 
                   BIRTH:Ogden City Cem. records;Ancestral file said 6 May 1862;1900 federal
census said May 1863;
MARR:Book 1 p.625 Weber County,Utah;
DEATH:Ogden City Cem. records;
BURIAL:Ogden City Cem. records;
LDS:Archive record;

1870 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah living with William and Mary
1880 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah living with Mother Mary
1900 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1910 federal census enumerated with his mother Mary in
1920 federal census Brooklyn Twp.,Alameda,Cal living with daughter Beatrice

Conflict on date of birth. 1900 federal census said May 1863 and burial records
said 12 Feb 1867. Headstone said 1867. Archive records LDS 6 May 1862.

Cemetary fees paid by Mrs Elliott Brown Jan 5, 1959 $100.00

     Word was received in Ogden today of the death of Samuel Austin, a former
Ogden man at Oakland, Calif.  He was born at Angels Camp, Calaveras county,
Calif. and came to Ogden when a boy.  He is survived by his mother, Mrs Mary
Austin of Ogden, a daughter Mrs Walter Gentsch of Oakland; a son, Ulrich
Austin, Salt Lake; two brothers, John W. Austin and Albert G. Austin of Ogden
and three sisters, Mrs J.H. Lahey of Spokane, Wash., Mrs Dave Margetts of Salt
Lake, and Mrs L.J. Smith of Moore, Idaho and five grandchildren.  The body will
be brought to Ogden for burial.  Funeral arrangements will be announced  later.
30 Nov 1864/65
Ogden, Weber, Utah
25 Oct 1888
Ogden, Weber, Utah 
                   BIRTH:1880 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah;Ancestral file LDS Church;
MARR:Book 1 p. 38 Weber County,Utah;

Other Sources:
1870 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1880 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1900 federal census Spokane Co.,Wash.
1920 federal census Spokane Co.,Wash.

The 1870 and 1880 federal census both have this child as Sarah.

Need to check Spokane for death record and burial.
26 Aug 1867
Ogden, Weber, Utah
26 Nov 1944
Salt Lake, Salt Lake, Utah
25 Jan 1893
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                   BIRTH:Ancestral File LDS Church;
DEATH:Obit;Ancestral file LDS Church;
BURIAL:Obit;Salt Lake City Cemetary records;
LDS:Archive record;

Other Sources:
1870 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1880 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1900 federal census Salt Lake,Salt Lake,Utah
1920 federal census Salt Lake,Salt Lake,Utah

Conflict of birth date.
1900 federal census Aug 1870
Ancestral file 26 Aug 1867
Obit 24 Aug 1868
Need to check headstone in Salt Lake City Cemetary.

Need to verify marriage date.
Checked  fiche # 6,052,848 and 6,052,849

Hattie Austin Margetts
Funeral services for Hattie Austin Margetts, wife of David Margetts who died
Sunday will be conducted Sataurday at 1:00 pm at 235 North Main St.  Burial
Salt Lake City Cemetary.

Nov. 27, 1944 p.14 Deseret News
Born 24 Aug. 1868 at Ogden, a daugher of William and Mary Austin Ogden
Pioneers.  Married Jan 26 1893 in Salt Lake City,Utah
Surviving Eugene an engineer in __________?, a daughter Mrs Ruth Butler of Salt
Lake and a sister Ida Smith Glendale,Calif.
11 Jun 1872
Ogden, Weber, Utah
4 Jun 1933
Ogden, Weber, Utah
30 May 1898
Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah 
                   BIRTH:Obit;Ogden City Cem. records;Ancestral file LDS Church;
DEATH:Obit;Ogden City Cem. records;
BURIAL:Burial records Ogden City Cemetary;Obit;
LDS:Archive record;

Other Sources;
1870 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah
1880 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah;
1900 federal census unable to locate in Utah Soundex
1910 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah enumerated with his mother and said he is
Unable to locate in Utah in the 1920 Soundex.

Conflict on age in obit and the 1870 and 1880 census,Ogden City Cem burial said
Jun 11, 1873 and obit said 1873. (Headstone said 1870 Will check this date with
pictures of the headstone I took.

There is a marriage in Weber Co., for Albert G. Austin age 25
Residence Ogden,Weber,Ut
Date of license 30 May 1898 and issued in Brigham City,Box Elder,Ut.
30 May 1898 at Brigham
To Oriel Hughesdon.  Ancestral file LDS Church said married to Oriel Highfield
with no date of marriage
Marr. by Charles Kelly- an elder
Book 1 P.283
There isn't a wife buried with Albert George

I talked to a relative Harold Austin here in Ogden and he said he did't know
Buz was ever married and didn't have any children as far as he knew.
24 Apr 1873
Ogden, Weber, Utah
                   BIRTH:1880 federal census Ogden,Weber,Utah;Ancestral File LDS Church;
MARR:Book 2 p. 127 Weber Co.,Utah;
LDS dates from temple submission

Ida later has Mrs L.J. Smith as a last name.  Ida is enumerated with her Mother
Mary in the 1910 federal  census in Ogden.
She has a son Raymond Felker age 12 living there also.
Ida said she was divorced.
There is a infant Bertha Felker buried on the lot of
William and Mary Austin.  There is not a headstone, only cemetary burial record.

Ida (Mrs L.J. Snith) last living in Moore, Idaho according to obit of brother
1920 Federal census  Moore,Butte,Idaho 1920 Leonard J. Smith age 53 born
Utah -  Ida V Smith age 45 born Utah

In Hattie Austin Margetts obit it said Ida is living in Glendale,Calif.

Ancestral file gave 1st husband's name as William Jasper Felker
FamilyCentral Network
William Austin - Mary Drabble Stone

William Austin was born at England Abt 1818. His parents were Thomas Austin and Mrs Thomas Austin.

He married Mary Drabble Stone 1855 at San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California . Mary Drabble Stone was born at Eastwood, Nottingham, England 30 Jul 1836 daughter of William James Stone and Sarah Drabble .

They were the parents of 7 children:
John William Austin born 7 May 1857/58.
Mary Ann Austin born Jan 1860.
Samuel Henry Austin born 6 May 1862/63.
Sarah(Sadie) M. Austin born 30 Nov 1864/65.
Harriet Ruth Austin born 26 Aug 1867.
Albert George Austin born 11 Jun 1872.
Ida Belle Austin born 24 Apr 1873.

William Austin died 7 Aug 1874 at Ogden, Weber, Utah .

Mary Drabble Stone died 9 May 1930 at Ogden, Weber, Utah .