20 Mar 1815
Barwick with Stafford, Somerset, England
7 Apr 1894
Plain City, Weber, Utah
16 Apr 1894
Plain City, Weber, Utah
4 May 1834
Barwick Church, England
      Ord dates checked by Gen Society. Checked with FGS on file in LDS Gen Lib.
      FGS on file in John Stock Family file.
      Family FGS Compared favorably against ancestral file data-1994.  Difficultywill be noted:

     Ord work has been done several times.  The earliest date known was used.
     A number of differing FGS were in the family file.  It would not hurt to verify the dates etc. - John R. 1993.
     FGS distributed by John Roberts Prepared: 10 Aug 1980
     Sealing form found in family file- not completely filled out but has names offamily members in indicates sealing occured: 1 Jun 1887 I replaced date on FGS(24 Aug 1954) with this date which also shows on ancestral file.

NOTE made by LaPriel S. Roberts -family genealogist.
      From a letter to J. L. Cottle from the Genealogical Society, March 19, 1934.
       "John England was baptized 13 Sep 1847 and received his own endowments 4 Feb 1865.  He gave his birthdate as Mar. 20, 1815.  John England did temple work for his father James England, of Somersetshire, England.  He (James) was baptized14 Oct 1884 and endowed 15 Oct 1884 at Logan Temple.  To obtain further information a letter of inquiry should be sent to the parish of Hardwick, Gloucester, England as John England gave this parish as his    birthplace".  (In this same letter it states that Jane Pavard's name was Pavered).

Note by Annie Jane Cottle Stock:
       Migrated from England on the "John D. Boyd" 9 Apr 1862.  Came to Utah 24 Sep 1862 with the Hormer Duncan Co.
Ordained High Priest:
He was a Patriarch

     Has 4 wives: a Jane Pavered and Jane PARARD one needs to be deleted.  [Anniesjournal listed a 4th wife Hannah Hockey.]
22 Aug 1815
Barwick, Somerset, England
27 Aug 1815
Barwick, Somerset, England
20 Nov 1882
Plain City, Weber, Utah
21 Nov 1882
Plain City, Weber, Utah
      FGS in John Stock Family File incl temple sealing sheet.
      Baptized: At Bridgeport, Dorsetshire, England.

Historical Note by Annie Jane Cottle Stock:
      Jane was baptized at Bridgeport, Dorset by Elder George Kendall in 1848.  She was ordained a midwife by Elder John Carver and by the dictations of the spirit of God she was promised the blessings of success in her administrations whichpromise has been fully verified.  She brought many children into the world.  Crossed plains in Capt Duncans Co- 1862.
19 Mar 1835
Barwick with Stafford, Somerset, England
30 Oct 1849
30 Jun 1837
Barwick with Stafford, Somerset, England
5 Nov 1900
24 Sep 1857
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
     FGS in family file and temple sealing form.

Historical note by Annie Jane Cottle Stock:
         Married by Brigham Young in the Endowment House to Charles Neal. Migratedfrom England to Plain City in a handcart co. in 1857.  She was Post Mistress atPlain City for twenty five years.

In her girlhood in England, She had no chance for much education.  She went outto work caring for a lone old lady until she immigrated.  She crossed the plainsin Israel Evans (Captain) Handcart company in 1857.  she became
acquainted with Charles Neal during that time.  They were married when they arrived in Salt Lake City.  They both worked for Pres. Brigham Young.  They moved toLehi for about two years.  Then when Plain City was settled on March 17, 1859 they were in the first Pioneer Co.  Annie England Neal lived in Plain City all the rest of her life.  She was very kind hearted and charitable to the poor.  Sheused to make yeast with hops and traded it for flour.  You would take as much flour in a bucket as you would want yeast and she would trade with you.

AF Problems:
     Temple Batch T999172 pg 82 gives birth as 30 JUL 1837 and SP date as 1 Jan1887 Logan.  SS date 16 May 1992 Oak; End Date: 24 Sep 1887 Ehous.
25 Jun 1838
Barwick with Stafford, Somerset, England
Sep 1846
Bradpole, Dorsetshire, England
Bradpole, Dorsetshire, England
5 Mar 1840
Bradpole, Dorsetshire, England
30 Oct 1849
4 Sep 1843
Bradpole, Dorsetshire, England
28 Apr 1932
Moreland, Bingham, Idaho
11 Oct 1863
Plain City, Weber, Utah 
Abt 1845
Bradpole, Dorsetshire, England
Bradpole, Dorsetshire, England
29 Jul 1846
Bradpole, Somerset, England
22 Jan 1926
5 Jun 1913
     FGS in fmaily file.
     Ancestral File: Mar place and SS date/

      DOD: 22 Jan 1926   BUR: 26 Jan 1926  both: Plain City.
      Given names: had James as middle name.

Historical Note:
     By Annie Jane Cottle Stock.
     Blessed, baptized and confirmed by John England.
     Schooling:  Night school for 1 hour three times a week after working 12 hoursa day.
     Ordained a deacon by John England in 1858.
     Ordained an Elder by BilshopChancy West 3 Mar 1865.
     Ordained a Seventy by Pres. L. W. Shurtliff 22 Apr 1876.
     Ordained a High Priest by Pres. Chas. Welch 24 Jun 1899.
     Married to Rhoda Stone by W. W. Raymond at Plain City.
     Patriaarchal blessing by John Smith.
     He went on a mission to England 1878.  He labored in Burningham and Leeds in1879.  He migrated from England to Salt Lake Valley 1862.  He made rope and drove team across plains 1863.   He came to Salt Lake Valley, settled at Plain Cityin 1862.  Started to do days work.  Made adobies for five years and sold them.Then engaged in farming.  About 1866 the grasshoppers came and took his crops for four years, during which time he worked in the mines at Bingham Canyon.  He ran a butcher shop in Plain City, he was the pioneer butcher for about six years.He donated money to build the Salt Lake Temple.  He was a constant teacher in Sunday School at Plain City for thirty-five years, a ward teacher for fifty years, school trustee for several terms, Justice of Piece for several terms. He was on the church board for a number of years during the time that the first amusement hall and meeting house were built.  He was an officer in Plain City IrrigationCo. several years.
5 Mar 1848
Bradpole, Somerset, England
30 Oct 1849
Bradpole, Somerset, England
20 Jan 1929
Ogden, Weber, Utah
10 Mar 1866
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
      FGS in family file and Ancestral File.
      Ancestral File: SP date
24 May 1851
Bradpole, Somerset, England
12 Oct 1943
Portland, Multnomah, Oregon
17 Nov 1920
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
     FGS submitted by Charles William England.
     Verified data from Archive Record- FGS- submitted by Mrs. Rhoda K. Dayley.
     Ancestral File: SP date

     Second marriage of James England sealed after death by consent of first wife.

     Has 2 Rose Hanna's  2025-L2 and 9X8T-5C
     Has marriage 24 Jan 1870, SLC instead of 24 Jun. SS date 24 Jan 1870 EH.
      [Annie Jane Cottle Stock- has above marriage on 24 Jun 1870 at SL.]
Elizabeth ENGLAND
8 Feb 1852
Bradpole, Somerset, England
Jane Ester ENGLAND
4 Sep 1854
Bradpole, Somerset, England
20 Feb 1856
5 Nov 1856
Bradpole, Somerset, England
4 May 1896
Plain City, Weber, Utah
7 Nov 1872
Plain City, Weber, Utah 
     Birth:  Plain City Ward Records, F 026,388.  However, difference between WardRec. and IGI on DOB & Place:  Ward says Bridport and IGI says Bradpole used IGIinfo.
Ward listed DOB 5 Nov but IGI listed DOB as 2 Nov 1856 assumed Ward to be correct.  IGI: Batch T999172 sht       94 Family History S13
     Burial Date:  Ancestral File.
     SP date: Sealing sheet in family file.

     Bapt date: AFN has 7 Apr 1864.

Historical Note:
      Flora came to Utah with her parents with an ox team in Captain Duncan's Company in 1862.  She lived with her parents in a dugoutuntil she met and married Thomas Edward Cottle.  They settled on the same ground he first built a two room adobe house, cellar, corrals, artisan well and so on.  Thomas later built a brickhome (for his second wife).  [Note by Annie Jane Cottle Stock]:  She lived withher parents in Plain City in a dugout, about where Wm. Hunt lives now.  She lived there until her marriage to Thos. E. Cottle.  They settled on the same groundwhich my father later built a brick house which stands at this writing.   FloraEngland Cottle died of child birth
4 May 1896 (when Reubin Francis Cottle was born).

This article was found in the papers of LaPriel Roberts:

Jane Pavard - England           From the Daily Heralk, November 27

Mother England

A worthy woman leaves this world for a better one.

         Editor Heerald:  We have the sorrowful duty to record the demise of a worthy woman whose virtues will survive her long in the loving memory of her wide circle of friends and acquaintenaces.  There died in this city, Wenber County, Utah, on November 20, 1992, of congestion of the lungs, Jane Pavard, the beloved wife of Father John England.  The deceased was born, August 22, 1815, at Staffordnear Yeovil, Someersetshire, England.  She was married at the same place, May 4, 1834, and at her death was the mother of 15 children, seven sons and eight daughters and grandparent to 37.
         Sister England was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Laatter-day Saints in 1848, at Bridgeport, Dorsetshire, England, by Elder George Kendall.Mother England emigrated to Utah in 1862 in company with her husband and a portion of her family, in Captain Duncan's company and settled in this place, havingbeen preceded to Utah by her eldest daughter Annie who crossed the plains in the handcompay in 1857.  Two years afterwards, her son, John, crossed the pllainsand assisted to build the first telegraph line that crossed the Rocky Mountainsto Utah.  They thus materially assisted their parents to gather to the home of the Saints.
         Sister England was surrounded at the time of her death by all of her family, and was fully conscious of the great change impending.  Her suffereings lasted about 27 days........  respect to all that remained of Mother England.  Yea;of very truth a city is left to mourn.  The services were opened by solemn music, and prayer by Elder A. Knight.  Bro. John Spiers then gave a very feeling andeulogistic review of the deceased's life and usefulness curing the last 17 years.  He was followed by Elder P. C. Green, and Bro. Wm. Geddes.  Bp. Shurtliff closed the seervices, but was so affected that his feelings were unexpressed.  Thefuneral cortege then moved to the graveyard, and the setting sun passed below the western horizon, as they hid in the tomb all that waas left of that good and faithful servant.  Mother and Sister England.  She died a true Latter-day Saint,having also been a member of the Rellief Society.

It is not the tear at this moment shed,
         When the cold eaarth has just been laid o'er her,
That can tell, how beloved was the wife that's fled,
         Or how deep in our hearts we deplore her,
Tis the tear through many a long day wept,
         Tis the one remembrance fondly kept,
Then all other griefs have faded.

Shortly after her settlement in Plain City, Sister England was ordained and setapart as a midwife, under the hands of Elder John Carver, and, by the dictationof the Spirit of God, who promised the blessings of success in all her administrations, which promis haas been fully vereified in a singular manner.  She was unlearned, even in the commonest rudiments of language or science, was unassuming,
(Omission and the rest of this excerpt from newspaper clipping was lost.
3 Jul 1860
Bradpole, Somerset, England
15 Nov 1945
Plain City, Weber, Utah
26 Aug 1885
logan, Cache, Utah 
      FGS in LaPriel Stock Roberts family file.
      DOB: Annie Jane Cottle (neice)
      Marriage place: Ancestral File

      An error has been made in transcribing DOB.  On some FGS it is 30 Jul and onothers it is 3 Jul.   Temple sht for sealing in family file - repeated DOB: 30Jul 1860 although another FGS submitted for temple work had 3 Jul 1860.
       In Annie Cottle Stock Journal it is 3 Jul which date I have accepted.

      Bur date: 19 Nov 1945

HISTORICAL NOTE:  (Annie Jane Cottle Stock)
     Baptized in the Weber River 1869.
     Schooling commenced at Plain City.
     Ordained a deacon by F. W. Shurtliff
     Ordained a Elder by F. W. Shurtliff
     Ordained a Seventy by W. W. Taylor 27b Aug 1884.
     Patriarchial Blessing by John Smith.
     Mission to England in 1896. Returned home 12 Mar 1898.
     He was a farmer and merchant.
     Died of a fall and old age at Plain City 15 Nov 1945.
      He received his schooling at Plain City.  He was Pres. of Deacons Quorum.  He operated a small merchandise store at his home for many years in connection with his farm work.  He was married first to Ellen Butler.  He had one son by her,namely, George Wm. England.  She died and he married Ellen J. Hayball.  He wasa member of the High Council for eleven years.  He was representative to the Utah State Legislature for the year 1909.  He was elected Baliff of the Ogden courts for four years commencin 1921.
FamilyCentral Network
John England - Jane Pavered

John England was born at Barwick with Stafford, Somerset, England 20 Mar 1815. His parents were James England and Dinah Miller.

He married Jane Pavered 4 May 1834 at Barwick Church, England . Jane Pavered was born at Barwick, Somerset, England 22 Aug 1815 daughter of Thomas Pavered and Jane Woods .

They were the parents of 15 children:
George England born 19 Mar 1835.
Annie England born 30 Jun 1837.
Marie England born 25 Jun 1838.
Martha England born 1839.
David England born 5 Mar 1840.
John England born 4 Sep 1843.
William England born Abt 1845.
William James England born 29 Jul 1846.
Emma England born 5 Mar 1848.
Selena England born 30 Oct 1849.
James England born 24 May 1851.
Elizabeth England born 8 Feb 1852.
Jane Ester England born 4 Sep 1854.
Flora England born 5 Nov 1856.
Thomas England born 3 Jul 1860.

John England died 7 Apr 1894 at Plain City, Weber, Utah .

Jane Pavered died 20 Nov 1882 at Plain City, Weber, Utah .