6 Sep 1929
Billings, Yellowstone, Montana
Dee Leon McDermott changed his original name, Fayette LeonMcDermott, in 1942 with a delayed birth certificate at Atlantic IA.Prior to this, a name change to DeVee was thought by Dee to have beenmade by his mother at Atlantic, Cass County, IA, during 1928-29 but thereis no record of it. He used the name of DeVee between 1928-42 andintermittently thereafter until 1965. _______ AWARD ATTENDANCE; McDermott, D L; MASTER SOURCE REFERENCE (FULL TEXT) CERTIFICATE OF AWARD This is to Certify that: Fayette L McDermott Of School District No. 7, Benton Township, Cass County, Iowa iscommended for Punctuality and Regularity, having received Four Certificates of Perfect Attendance and is therefore entitled to this Testimonial. Given at Atlantic, Iowa, this third day of January 1917. Alta M King, Teacher Jennie M Ward, County Supertendent Author/Originator: King, Alta M, Teacher Publication Facts: 3 January 1917 Source Media: Official Document Call #: Source Location: School District No. 7, Benton Township, CassCounty, Iowa Comments: Original Certificate in possession of James L McDermott,767 South Dixie Dr, St George UT 84770. Source Quality: Good Condition of Source. Good InformationQuality. i.e., reference original name of McDermott, D L. _______ AWARD DIPLOMA; McDermott, D L; MASTER SOURCE REFERENCE (FULL TEXT) Cass County Iowa This Certifies That Fayette McDermott has completed the Course of Study covering the work of eight yearsin the Common Branches required by Law to be taught in the Public Schoolsof this State, and is therefore entitled to this Diploma Given at Atlantic, Cass County, Iowa, this eleventh day of May 1920. Jennie M Ward, County Superintendent Author/Originator: Ward, Jennie M, County Superintendent Publication Facts: May 11, 1920 Source Media: Official Document Call #: Source Location: Public Schools, Atlantic, Cass County, Iowa Comments: Original Diploma in possession of James L McDermott, 767South Dixie Dr, St George UT 84770. Source Quality: Good Quality. Good Information, i.e., referenceoriginal name of McDermott, D L. _______ Burial: Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, 1615 South East Everett Mall Way,Everett WA 98208, (425) 353-7141, Fax (425) 353-7142.
Cemetery; Cowley WY Burial Records, Louise Lewis Welch, Total of 3 Alphabetic Volumes
CERTIFICATE OF DEATH, Lewis, Louse. MASTER SOURCE REFERENCE (FULL TEXT) State of Wyoming, Division of Health & Medical Service, Certificate ofDeath. Local File Number 51 State File Number (blank) DECEDENT Decedent Name: Louise Lewis Welch Sex:Female Date of Death: July 10, 1980 Race:White Origin of Descent: English Age, Last Birthday:67 Date of Birth: June 11, 1913 Place of Death:North Big Horn Hospital If Hospital or INST: Inpatient City orLocation of Death: Lovell County of Death: Big Horn State of Birth:Wyoming Citizen of What Country: USA Married Status:Married Surviving Spouse: Charles F Welch Was DecedentEver in Armed Forces: No Social Security Number: 520-28-0464 Usual Occupation:Housewife Kind of Business Homemaking Residence State:Wyoming County: Big Horn City or Location:Cowley Street & Number: 1249 Hwy 310 Inside City Limits:No PARENTS Father Name: Claude A Lewis Mother Maiden Name:Charlotte M Marchant Informant: Charles F Welch Mailing Address:1249 Hwy 310, Cowley WY 82420 DISPOSITION Burial, Cremation, Other: Burial Date:7/12/80 Cemetery/Crematory Name: Cowley Cemetery Location:Cowley, WY Funeral Service License & Number: Kirk M Jameson # 362 Name of Facility &Number: Haskell Funeral Home # 72 Address of Facility: Lovell, WY CERTIFIER Time & Date of Death: July 11, 1980 at 6:30 A.M. Name &Address of Certifier: John C Welch, M.D. 203 East 2nd Lovell WY 82431 Registrar Signature: (Not Legible) Date Received byRegistrar: July 18, 1980 CAUSE OF DEATH Immediate Cause: Cardio Respiratory Arrest Due Toor As a Consequence: Congestive Heart Failure, ChronicObstructivePulmonary Disease Autopsy: No Was Case Referred to Coroner: No This is to certify that this reproduction is a true copy of a recordon file in Vital Records Services, Division of Health and MedicalServices, Wyoming Department of Health and Social Services, Cheyenne,Wyoming. Lawrence J Cohen, M.D., State Registrar. Date Issued: August4, 1980 by Richard O Hall, Depurty State Registrar, Vital RecordsServices. Author/Orginator: John C Welch, M.D. Publication Facts: Certificate of Death 11 July 1980 Source Media: Civil Registry Call #: Local File # 51 Source Location: Vital Records Services, Division of Health& Medical Services, Wyoming Dept of Health & SocialServices, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Comments: This copy issued August 4, 1980. Source Quality: Excellent Quality. Excellent Information. _______ Cowley WY -- Louise Lewis Welch, a lifelong resident of the Big HornBasin, lived on a farm west of Cowley since she married Charles F Welchin 1944 in Billings MT. Mrs Welch, 67, died Thursday in Lovell North BigHorn Hospital. Born in Cowley, she was the daughter of Claude A and Charlotte Lewis. Survivors include her husband; two sons, James L McDermott of SaltLake City UT and Dr Robert G Welch of Wichita Falls TX; four daughters,Gae Asay and Carol Baston, both of Billings, Emily Tebbs of Riverton UT,and Terry Brown of Cupertino CA; two sisters, Ila Hopkin of Worland andEthel Crosby of Cowley; a brother, Croft M Lewis of Riverton WY; 25grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Services will be at 2 pm Saturday in Lovell WY Stake LDS Chapel.Burial will be in Cowley Cemetery with Haskell Funeral Home of Lovell incharge. ... Louise Lewis Welch; Birth 11 Jun 1913 Cowley WY; Death 10 Jul 1980 LovellWY; Pallbearers: Neil Hopkin, Rodney L Crosby, Nick Lewis, John Hopkin,Mike Baston, Jeff Baston, Corwin Asay, Roy Strom. ... Services: Lovell, Wyoming Stake Chapel, Saturday 12 Jul 1980 2:00 pm;Bishop Randall Peterson, Conducting; Lounge Prayer: Robert G Welch;Predlude: Carolyn Titmus; Invocation: Carlyle Eyre; Opening Song: "WalkWith Me" Lou Wilson; Life History: Lyle Nicholls; Musical Number: "DivineLullaby" Welch Bros, Accm Kathleen Welch; Sermon: David Marchant; ClosingSong: "Now the Day is Over" Bobbie, Carrie, and Claudia [Crosbys'] AccmCarolyn Titmus; Benediction: Jerry S Brown; Dedication of the Grave: ArtWelch; Interment: Cowley Cemetery. ... Born in Cowley in a 2-room log cabin; loved beautiful things; neathomemaker; honest, genuine, never deceptive; LDS ----- Cowley WY Cemetery Burial Records Vol 3 of 3 N - Z
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