James Thomas FRAZIER

14 Jan 1819
Reelfoot Lake, Greene, Tennessee
19 Jan 1900
Honey Creek, Pottawattamie, Iowa
Jan 1900
Honey Creek, Pottawattamie, Iowa
                   Died age 81

«b»Council Bluffs Nonpareill 0 20 January 1900«/b»
James T. Frazier of Honey Creek, an old man about 81, was instantly killed by the fast mail train on the Northwestern at Honey Creek yesterday afternoon.  Mr. Frazier was caught on the track by the train which goes through Honey Creek at the rate of about 40 miles per hour.  The engine tossed him under the depot platform anmd when those who had witnessed the accident picked up the body, life has already departed.  Mr. Frazier was standing on the track near the depolt when the engine struck him.  Being quite deaf and poor og eyesight, it is probably that he did not hear or see the fast approaching train.  He was just in the acft of stepping from the track, when the locomotive caught him and hurled him with awful force under the platform of the depot.

«b»Council Bluffs - January 1900«/b»
Killed by a Train
Coroner Treynor was called to Honey Creek Saturday morning to hold an inquest on James T. Frazier, a resident of that place and a pioneer of Pottawattamie County, who was killed by the fast mail on the Northwestern Friday afternoon.  A jury was imnpaneled, but as a number of important wit5nesses were not present, Coroner Treynor adjourned the inquest until next Thursday.

I had been Frazier's custom for many years, despite his 81 years of age to meet every train and wander around the tracks at the Honey Creek depot.  He was quite deaf and had poor eyesight and this probably accounted for him not seeing the fast mail as it entered the depot.  The train was going at a rate of about forty miles an hour and when the engine struck Frazier, he was thrown under the depot platform.  Life was extinct when he was picked up.  The funeral will be held this morning from the residence of his son, Alfred Frazier, in Honey Creek, at 10 o'clock and interment will be in the Granson Cemetery.  Mr. Frazier came to this county from Indiana in 1854.

«b»Find a Grave - James Thomas Frazier«/b»
Birth: Jan. 14, 1819 in Greeneville, Greene, Tennessee, USA
Death: Jan. 19, 1900 in Honey Creek, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA
   Thomas N. Frazier (1785 - 1852)
   Mary Magdalene Shaffer Frazier (1793 - 1877)
   Alfred S. Frazier (1837 - 1902)
   Emily Jane Casady Christian Buss Rouner Workman (1851 - 1929)
   Malinda Fuller Frazier (1819 - 1864)
   Branson Cemetery, Loveland,  Pottawattamie County, Iowa, USA

«b»Branson Cemetery, south of Missouri Valley, Iowa, and north of Honey Creek, Iowa
«/b»Frazier, James T., d. 19 Jan 1900, aged 81 years 5 days
13 Mar 1837
Putnam, Indiana
24 Oct 1902
Honey Creek, Pottawattamie, Iowa
13 May 1857
Putnam, Indiana 
                   «b»Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa - The 1891 Biographies of Alfred Frazier«/b»
Alfred Frazier of Rockford Township was born in Indiana, 13 March 1837, the son of James C. and Malinda (Fuller) Frazier, natives of Tennessee and Indiana, respectively.  The father, in pioneer times, moved from Tennessee to Indiana, locating upon a farm and lived there until his death, leaving a wife and nine children, of whom Alfred, our subject, is the fourth in order of birth.  Remaining at the paternal home until he was married, he, in 1854 located at his present residence, purchasing about 300 acres of prairie, a small portion of which had been broken by Mormons, and there was a log house on the premises.  With Mr. Frazier came also his mother (the youngest child of ten in the family of John and Esther Fuller, natives and farmers of Virginia), who died a few years afterward.  Mr. Fuller had also a mill and distillery, which he ran here until he died.

Mr. Frazier was married at the age of nineteen years, in May 1857, to Juliana Wild, daughter of William and Sarah Wild, natives of England, who emigrated to America and located on Pigeon Creek, this county, and died there.  Their three children were John and Nancy, now residing in California, and Juliana.  The latter was born in November 1837.

Mr. Frazier now has 500 acres of excellent land on section 35, of which about 260 acres are in cultivation and the rest in meadow and pasture; he also owns a lot in the village of Honey Creek.  He ships three or four carloads of cattle annually and two carloads of hogs.  He superintends the cultivation of the large farm while he is also postmaster of Honey Creek, which office he has held ever since 1868.  Coming here in the early day, he has witnessed all the changeds that have been made to redeem this country from its original savage state to its present high standing.  Politically, he is a decided Republican and as such has been an active worker; has been township clerk, etc.  His five children are: James W., residing at home; Nettie, deceased; Mary, wife of J.E. White; Eunice, at home; and John F., deceased.

«b»Find a Grave«/b»
Alfred Frazier
Birth: 13 Mar 1837 , Monroe County, Indiana, USA
Died: 24 Oct 1902 , Honey Creek Pottawattamie County, Iowa, USA
Alfred was Malinda's child, father uniknown.  He was raised by James Thomas Frazier from age 5 and used the Frazier surname, so I consider him one of the family.
Parents: James Thomas Frazier (1819-1900)
               Malinda Fuller Frazier (1819-1864)
Children:  James William Frazier (1860-1937)
                  Nettie Frazier (1863-1864)
                  John Sherman Frazier (1865-1877)
                  Eunice Iva Frazier (1875-1942)
Spouse:  Juliana Wild Frazier (1837-1894)
Branson Cemetery, south of Missouri Valley, Iowa, and north of Honey Creek, Iowa
«/b»Frazier, Alfred, 13 March 1837 - 24 October 1902

«b»US Indexed County Land Ownership«/b»
Alfred Frazier owned land in Rockford, Pottawattamie and Mills Counties in Iowas in 1912
FamilyCentral Network
James Thomas Frazier - Blocked

James Thomas Frazier was born at Reelfoot Lake, Greene, Tennessee 14 Jan 1819.

He married Blocked .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Alfred S. Frazier born 13 Mar 1837.

James Thomas Frazier died 19 Jan 1900 at Honey Creek, Pottawattamie, Iowa .