22 Jul 1782
West Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire
2 Nov 1841
Montrose, Lee, Iowa
Montrose, Lee, Iowa
29 Nov 1801
Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire
Ancestral File (R)
                   Buried on banks of Mississippi near Montrose, Lee, Iowa, United States

Find a Grave - Levi Snow - born 22 July 1782 in West Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire - died 2 Nov 1841 in Montrose, Lee, Iowa, USA
Son of Zerrubbabel Snow and Mary Trowbridge
Married Lucina Streeter, 29 Nov 1801, Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire

Children - Shipley Wilson Snow, Zerrubbabel Snow, Levi Mason Snow, Mary Minerva (Millie) Snow, Charles Van Ranssalaen Snow, Melissa Diantha Snow, Lucina Snow, Willard Trowbridge Snow, Erastus Fairbanks Snow, Lydia Morrison Snow, William Snow

Levi Snow compiled by Donna Hansen Woodward

Levi Snow was born July 22, 1782 in Chesterfield, New Hampshire. He was born to Captain Zerubbabel Snow who was born August 12, 1741 in Rutland, Massachusetts, and Mary Trowbridge who was born February 25, 1745 in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Levi was the eighth child of Zerubbabel and Mary Trowbridge Snow. Their were ten children in the family. Levi had six sisters and three brothers.
Levi's parents lived on the boundary line of the two states. The Connecticut river became the dividing line between the two new states in the Union Levi's parents lived in Chesterfield, New Hampshire all of his growing up years.

Levi met Lucina Streeter, his future wife, through Jemina Streeter, an aunt of Lucina. When introducing Lucina to Levi's mother, Jemina said, "Mary, this is a daughter of my husband's brother, William Streeter. I told her about the many books you buy for your son Levi and nothing would do but she must come to see what you have that she hasn't read." "Levi was known as the boy who would rather read than dance." Lucina stayed with her aunt Jemina so that she could attend the Academy in Chesterfield one winter so that she could have extra lessons in French. It was during this time that Levi and Lucina became real friends because of their love for reading.

After accompanying Lucina home to Cumberland, Rhode Island on a months visit, Levi said to Lucina, "Oh, Lucina dearest, we grow so slowly, that years drag wearily by. You know that I love you without my speaking the words, that you are as much a part of me and I of you as if made from the same clay. So you are young and I am young, but we both know how to work, and God will help us. Would you dare marry me now and not wait any longer?"

Levi married Lucina Streeter on November 29, 1801 in Chesterfield, New Hampshire. They lived in Levi's mother's home until after their first child was born, where Levi helped his brothers in the sawmill and grist mill. After Levi and Lucina had their first child, they moved first to Lunenburg but after one years lease they decided to clear some virgin land and so they settled in the St. Johnsbury, Vermont area with approximately twelve other families and here they had their remaining children while they lived there. Levi and his older sons farmed their not over fertile acres and managed a respectable, but frugal living. Levi and his sons also built their own furniture and the home they lived in.

Levi and Lucina had eleven children. They were: Levi Mason who was born in 1803; Lucina who was born in August 1804; William who was born December 14, 1806; Zerubbabel who was born in March 1809; Willard Trowbridge who was born November 6, 1811; Mary Melvina who was born July 30, 1813; Shipley Wilson who was born in 1816; Erastus Fairbanks who was born November 9, 1818; Charles Van Rensselaer who was born in August 1821; Lydia Mason who was born in 1823; and Mellisa who was born August 20, 1826.

In 1826 Levi and his sons finished a new barn for their farm. While Lucina and the girls where helping clean up the newly completed barn, Lucina laughingly remarked, I think, girls we should move into the new barn and let the cows and horses live in the old house." A few weeks later the Snow home burn to the ground. With the help of their neighbors most of their furniture and books for their children were saved and the new barn became their home for the rest of that summer until they were able to finish a new home late that fall.

Levi was a devoted and God fearing Christian although he never belonged to any organized religious group. He did however, study the scriptures intently and encouraged this amongst his family members. The Snow family was known as "Seekers" or those who were seeking after God's truths.

In 1832, while Levi's sons, Zerubbabel and William were working in Charlestown and living with their cousin, Winslow Farr they were blessed to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ from Elder Lyman Johnson and Orson Pratt. After hearing the Elder's message they returned home very excited to tell the rest of the Snow family. It was not long before Orson Pratt came to St. Johnsbury and taught the many interested families in the area in the Snow's new barn. Levi's son Erastus was 15 years old at the time and on the evening of the first meeting he asked his father, Levi if he could be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ. Levi's reply was, "Wait awhile son. Study your Bible still more. Be sure you have been converted by the Lord and not by Elder Pratt's persuasion. Wait al least six months. Can you do that? You will have six months for your ardor to cool. If you are really converted, it won't be hard to wait that long." Erastus was baptized February 3, 1832, approximately six months later. Early in May of the same year, 1832 all the rest of the Snow family was baptized, all but Levi and his son Shipley.

Some years later, Levi and the remaining children that were at home, sold their farm in Vermont and went to Kirtland to be with the saints. Levi knew that there would be no happiness for Lucina until she too could make her home among the saints. The Snow family only stayed in Kirtland for a week or so and then moved on to Far West, Missouri in order to help build the capitol of Zion. Besides they thought it would be foolish to buy land in Kirtland and then have to move again soon. Levi and Lucina suffered the persecutions that the saints endured in Far West and were included in the expulsion of the saints from Missouri. At the time the mobs came to Far West to evict the saints, Levi's son, Erastus was home visiting his family and both Levi and Erastus had the "shakers" as Levi called the chills and fever of malaria. While in this terrible condition, Levi's son, Charles came home shouting, "Oh, father, the mobocrats are camped on our pasture I think they have butchered our cows for I couldn't see anything of them and I surely could smell meat sizzling in their camp vessels." Levi and Erastus rose from their sick beds and ran to their place with the Mormon militia. Levi's son, Erastus testified that as he ran, he prayed to be healed and his prayers were immediately answered. The chills and fever instantly left him." Levi not being a Mormon had not given up his arms to the mobs, so as he ran with his son to join the Mormon militia he being too weak to fight, handed his gun to Erastus and he grabbed a pitchfork. The mob scattered this time but Levi and his family stayed up all night to guard their place not knowing what was ahead of them. It was not long after this that the saints were forced to leave Far West. The family left Far West without selling their home which was true in most cases for the escaping saints. They were however able to sell just enough furniture to buy a team and wagon to get them across Missouri and were glad to get away with their lives.

Levi took his family to Quincy, Illinois where they found safety. They arrived in Quincy having traveled 200 miles in about twelve days. Levi fought the chills and fever of malaria all across the state of Missouri which made the trip quite miserable. On arriving at Quincy, the Snow family moved on to Lima where they set up residence in a fairly comfortable house on a farm that they bargained for. Some time after this, Levi began to build a new home for Lucina. Levi had about two years to enjoy Lucina after leaving Missouri, without all the persecutions they had endured in Missouri before he passed away. Levi died on November 2, 1841 in Montrose, Lee County, Iowa. Montrose is just across the river from Nauvoo and many of the saints were in the Montrose area. Levi was 59 years old when he passed away. It was recorded through family information that he died of malaria.

It was said of Levi, by his son Erastus, "Father was such a wonderful father, honest and true. He was the personification of kindness. He was way ahead of his time in his thinking."

It is not known why Levi never joined the church, but what a tribute of love he has shown to Lucina, to have endured so much persecution while they lived among the saints.

Zerrubbabel Snow (1741 - 1795)
Mary Trowbridge Snow (1745 - 1818)
William Snow (1806 - 1879)
Zerubbabel Snow (1809 - 1888)
Willard Trowbridge Snow (1811 - 1853)
Mary Minvera Snow Gates (1813 - 1891)
Melissa Diantha Snow Clinton (1826 - 1903)

Spouse:  Lucina Streeter Snow (1785 - 1858)
Burial:  Montrose Cemetery, Montrose, Lee, Iowa, USA
16 Oct 1785
Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island
9 Nov 1858
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
Nov 1858
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                   Plot: C-6-11

Find a Grave - Lucina Streeter Snow - born 16 Oct 1785 in Cumberland, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA - died 9 Nov 1858 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Daugher of William Streeter and Hannah Mason

Married George Heber James, 13 Oct 1789
Married Levi Snow, 29 Nov 1801, Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire

Children - Shipley Wilson Snow, Zerrubbabel Snow, Levi Mason Snow, Mary Minerva (Millie) Snow, Charles Van Ranssalaen Snow, Melissa Diantha Snow, Lucina Snow, Willard Trowbridge Snow, Erastus Fairbanks Snow, Lydia Morrison Snow, William Snow

History - Lucina Streeter was born 16 Oct 1785 at Chesterfield, Cheshire Co, New Hampshire, the oldest child of William Streeter and Hannah Mason. Her parents were both born at Cumberland, Providence Co., Rhode Island. William and Hannah had gone from Cumberland to Chesterfield soon after marriage and their first five children were born there. About 1797 they moved back to Rhode Island, where they had seven more children.

Lucina was just 16 years old when she married 19 year old Levi Snow on 26th of November, 1801 at Chesterfield. The marriage was performed by Abraham Wood, Town Clerk. Levi Snow was born 22 July 1782 at Chesterfield, Cheshire Co., New Hampshire, the son of Zerubbabel Show and Mary Trowbridge. When Levi was twelve years old his father, Zerubbabel, died leaving one third of his home, farm, and sawmill on Catsbane Brook to Levi, one third to his older brother, John and one third to their mother, Mary.

Many of the neighbors were moving north where new lands were being opened up. Levi and Lucina wished to be to themselves and to acquire their own- home and farmland. The farm in Chesterfield was insufficient to support two families. It seemed prudent to make a move. Levi sold his share of the property to his brother John and prepared to leave. Soon they, with baby Levi Mason, set out for Lunenburg, Essex Co., Vermont, one hundred and twenty five miles north, up the Connecticut river valley on the Vermont side of the river.

Through some litigation, Levi was swindled out of the farm he had hoped to have in Lunenburg. This was a great loss and a heartbreak to the young couple. They moved on to St. Johnsbury, Caledonia Co., Vermont, twenty miles to the west. Here they found many friends they had known in Chesterfield, N.H. They took up land in the north east part of the township, known as the Chesterfield district. With the help of kind neighbors and friends they were able to clear their land and build themselves a home.

Through typical Vermont frugality, hard work, and untiring energy, the farm was expanded, the home furnished and added to as needed.
Education was primitive, but not neglected. Schools only functioned two or three months of the year. The three "Rs", Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic, were the principal subjects. Schools were free but the parents furnished wood for heating and board for the teacher.

By the spring of 1826 a fine new barn had been constructed and was in use. During the hot summer their house caught fire and was burned. The fire started in a pile of firewood stacked on the north side of the house. All of the men were out in the fields working. They were able to save only a few pieces of furniture and a box of books. The fine new barn became their home for several months. With the help of the neighbors a new house was built. Lucina is quoted as saving "since the barn was built between plantings, a house could be built between harvestings" and it was done.

There was a strong religious conviction among all of the Vermonters at St. Johnsbury. By 1809 a church house was built and services were held regularly. For only two years was it headed by an ordained minister. The Snows were regular in attendance. Lucina joined the Wesleyan Methodist Episcopal Church and was very active in its affairs. The others, including Levi, were living good Christian lives but felt that it was not necessary to join any church. Erastus, at age nine, wished to join with his mother but Levi insisted that he wait until he was fully ready before joining.

On the 4 May 1832, Orson Pratt and Lyman E, Johnson came to Charleston, Vermont and held a meeting. They explained that a new Prophet had been called by God and that the Gospel had been restored. They talked about a new book, "the Book of Mormon" and other important truths. Lucina's sons William and Zerubbabel were working in the neighborhood and attended the meeting. They were favorably impressed and sincerely interested. The conclusive testimony came when they witnessed the miraculous healing of Olive Farr, wife of Winslow Farr. William was baptized 19 May 1832 and Zerubbabel soon after. These Mormon missionaries went about the area preaching and visiting. William joined forces with them and many converts were made. On the 3 Feb 1833 William baptized his younger brother Erastus, age 14. On the 18 June 1833 Lucina and three more children were baptized. Soon the whole family except Levi Mason, Shipley Wilson, and father Levi were members of the restored Gospel. These three never joined.

The Levi Snow barn became the Mormon meeting house and regular meetings were held, Lucina was overjoyed with the truths of the Gospel and did everything in her power to bring its blessings to all she knew. Levi was really converted but couldn't bring himself to accept the discipline of a church so was never baptized.

Lucina and Levi left St. Johnsbury in the summer of 1836 and went to Kirtland, Ohio. They were accompanied by their daughter Lucina (who had married Albert Warner 3 Oct 1831} her husband and three children; William and wife Hannah; Charles; Lydia; and 10 year old Melissa. By fall all except the Warners were in Far West, Caldwell Co., Missouri. The Warners stayed in Kirtland until 1840 when they moved to Janesville, Wisconsin. Lucina and Levi took up land 1/2 mile north of Far West, built a home and prepared to stay there.

Prior to the coming of the Snows in Missouri the Saints had been driven out of Independence. They were gathering in Clay county where they had been befriended. Some took up land and built homes. As their numbers increased the older settlers of Clay county became somewhat alarmed and by mutual agreement were asking that the Mormons move to the north where there was enough unoccupied territory to support a large influx of settlers. As this was new territory, unorganized, the Saints were permitted to organize the area as Caldwell County in December of 1836. During the winter of 1836-37 Far West was founded and laid out as a city. The Levi and Lucina Snow family were early settlers of the area.

Persecution became rampant in all of Missouri and the Saints suffered mobbings, burnings, and all of the inexplicable indignities heaped on them by the depraved society among whom they lived. Finally the infamous "Extermination" order of Governor Lilburn W. Boggs was issued on 27 Oct 1838. The Snows left on 15 Apr 1839 and arrived at Quincy, Illinois on the 27th. At this same time Joseph Smith had escaped his captors and arrived in Quincy on the 22 April.

The Saints were now homeless and anxiously searching for a place to settle. The hamlet of Commerce in Illinois was purchased, which later became Nauvoo, and permission granted to take up land on the Half-Breed Tract, across the Mississippi River, at Montrose, Iowa. There were some old unused Army Barracks at Montrose which were used for some time as shelter,

While the Snows were still in Far West the engagement known as the Battle of Crooked River took place. Captain David W. Patten led his forces against the mobsters forces on the 25 Oct 1838, and was mortally wounded. He died during the night. At the funeral Lucina reports the words of the Prophet "There lies a man who has done just what he said he would. He has laid down his life for his friends".

A Conference of the Church was held In Quincy, Illinois on 6 May 1839. Willard Snow, a Seventy, and William Snow a High Priest, were in attendance. It is quite certain that the other members of the Snow family were also there. Levi and Lucina moved on north to Lima, Illinois for a short stay. Others of the Snows remained at Lima where Gardner was made Bishop of the Ward in 1841. By June Levi and Lucina were in Montrose, Iowa. They took up land in Montrose and built a home. Joseph Smith arrived in Commerce, Illinois on Friday 10 May 1839 and took tap his abode in an old cabin.

A General Conference of the Church was held at Commerce, Illinois on Saturday 5 Oct 1839, at which a branch of the Church was established in the Territory of Iowa. John Smith was called as President and twelve were chosen as duly elected members of the High Council. Among these were Willard Snow and Erastus Snow. Among the members listed were Jeter Clinton, Willard Snow, _____ Snow, Lucina Snow, Melisa Snow, and Charles Snow. This Organization continued for several years. Willard Snow was Ordained a High Priest 6 Dec 1839. On 18 July 1841 Willard was chosen as Clerk of the Council.

On the 2 Nov 1841 Levi Snow died of Pleurisy at Montrose, Lee Co., Iowa, and was buried there. Lucina was left with her three unmarried children still at home. Levi had never accepted baptism so was not a member of the church. He had thrown his lot with the church ever since his St. Johnsbury days and had withstood the persecutions and mobbings equal with any of the Mormons. His passing at the age of 59 undoubtedly was the direct result of the hardships he had undergone.

Little is known about Lucina during the Montrose and Nauvoo period of her life. She cared for William's 3 1/2 year old daughter Abigail while William was away serving on a mission. Abigail's mother (Hannah) had died, leaving William alone to care for her. Lucina made a trip to Rhode Island to visit Levi Mason where she remained until after the Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Lucina was evidently still in Rhode Island when Lydia married John Lewis on 26 Feb 1844 at Montrose, Iowa, They remained in Montrose until about 1852 when they moved to Irish Grove, Mo. Charles had gone there in 1848 where he married Sally Etoline Mann 10 Sep 1848. Charles and Lydia's husband John Lewis became medical doctors and set up practice together at Rockport, Missouri These two families became estranged from the Mormon church.

After the death of the Prophet, Joseph Smith, in 1844 the Saints rallied and with increased effort finished the Nauvoo Temple. It was opened in December 1845 for ordinance work. William Snow, Erastus Snow and his wife Artemesia, and a great many others spent their time almost continuously in the Temple as Ordinance Workers until 7 Feb 1846, when it was closed. During this time all of the faithful Saints received their Endowments.

By February 1846 the Saints living outside the city of Nauvoo in Illinois were almost completely driven into the city, their homes and crops burned, and their cattle stampeded. The mobs were threatening the city to complete destruction. It was decided to evacuate and move to the west. On the 16 Feb. Erastus took part of his family across the river on a ferry boat. Through carelessness the boat capsized and he lost much of his goods. He went west as far as Garden Grove with his family and then returned alone to Nauvoo in an effort to sell his property and settle his affairs. He succeeded in trading it for about one fourth of its value. On 5 July he again set out for the west accompanied by his mother, Lucina, William and Willard and their families, and others. They overtook the earlier group at Mt. Pisgah where they remained a few days before proceeding on to the gathering place at the Missouri River.

Erastus and Jacob Gates crossed over the Missouri River on 1 Sep 1846 and joined Brigham Young and the main party of the Saints at Cutler's Park. Later they all moved about three miles back to the river where they founded Winter Quarters. This is now in the north part of Omaha, Nebraska, in the section known as Florence. Erastus was chosen as one to go with the advance party in the spring to find a place to settle.

William was asked by Brigham Young to remain at the river for two years and grow crops and to assist those who would outfit there for the trip further west. Consequently he took up land at Council Point and built a log cabin. Most of the Snows remained here on the east side of the Missouri River for the winter of 1846-7. In the spring of 1847 Erastus left with the pioneer company for the long trek across the plains. They had all been together at Christmas time; Lucina, William, Willard, Mary, Erastus, and Melissa; and their families. Erastus returned in the late fall. Willard and Jacob Gates with Mary and their families left Winter Quarters 17 June 1847 and arrived in Salt Lake 4 Oct 1847. They passed Erastus on the Sweetwater as he was returning.

In March 1848 a Post office was established on the east side of the Missouri River and named Kanesville, after Thomas L. Kane who had befriended the Mormons. A county organization was set up and named Pottawattamie after the tribe of Indians on whose land they were temporarily settled upon. William was one of four Magistrates chosen. On the 2 Jan 1848 William was President of the High Priests Quorum in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. There were many branches organized and a Stake was set up.

On the 30 June 1848 Erastus with his family left Winter Quarters in the Willard Richard's Company. He was a captain of ten in the 5th company. They arrived in Salt Lake City the 19 Oct 1848 and spent the first winter in the fort. It is reasonably certain that his mother, Lucina, and Melissa and Jeter Clinton were (not) in this group, but in a company arriving a few days earlier.

After leaving the fort Willard Snow and Jeter Clinton were assigned lots in the thirteenth ward in the vicinity of first south and second east streets. When William came in 1850 he also had his lot in the thirteenth ward. When the 1850 census was taken in the spring of 1851 Lucina was living with Jeter and Melissa. As Melissa taught the first school outside of the fort in Salt Lake City, and her husband was called on a mission to the States, it is only logical that Lucina should make her home with her youngest daughter and care for the Clinton children. Later when her son Willard was called to go on his mission to England and Denmark she was saddened by his death on the North Sea 21 Aug 1853. Erastus was called and ordained a Member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles 12 Feb 1849 in Salt Lake City. Lucina most likely spent time in the homes of all her children who lived Salt Lake City.

Lucina died at the home of her daughter in Salt Lake City of pneumonia the 9 Nov 1858. Her obituary was published in the Deseret News of Wed. 9 Nov 1858, Vol. VIII No 38:

"DIED, From cold and lung complaint at Dr. J. Clinton's in this city on the 9th inst., LUCINA SNOW, widow of Levi Snow and mother of Erastus Snow, one of the Twelve Apostles, aged 74 years and 24 days.

She was the oldest daughter of William and Hannah Streeter. Her mother died in the vicinity of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, in the fall of 1854, near which place also died many of her ancestors of the Mason family at very advanced ages. They were remarkable for their activity of mind and body up to the last.

She was born in Cumberland, R.I., Oct l6, 1794 and married to Levi Snow, Nov 29, 1801, by whom she raised seven sons and four daughters, Vis: Levi Mason, born Feb 15, 1803; Lucina, Aug 20, 1804; William, Dec l4, 1806; Zerubbabel, March 29, 1809; Willard, May 6, 1911; Mary Minerva, July 30, 1813; Shipley Wilson, April 7 1815; Erastus, Nov 9, 1818; Charles Van Rensselaer, Aug 21,1820; Lydia, Dec 7, 1823; Mellisa, Aug 20, 1826.

When their first two were yet only babes, they were swindled out of their farm and hard earned possessions in Lunenburg, N.H.. and removed to St. Johnsbury, Vermont, where they opened a new farm and reared the balance of their family, being among the first settlers in that part of the state.

Deceased was a prominent and active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years previous and at the time of hearing the fullness of the Gospel.

In the summer of 1832, when Elders Orson Pratt and 
Zerubbabel SNOW
21 Mar 1809
Saint Johnsbury, Caledonia, Vermont
27 Sep 1888
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

«b»Deseret News & Salt Lake Tribune Newspaper Index -
«/b»Snow, Zerubbabel - died 27 September 1888
Des. news 15 Sept 1900; 11
Des. News 37:596

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Zerublabel Snow - born 29 Mar 1809 in Johnsborough, Vermont - died 27 September 1888 in Salt Lake City, Utah - buried 27 September 1888 in Salt Lake City Cemetery - A-5-5-1E

«b»new.familysearch.org«/b» - 2/2013
Zerrubbabel Snow - male - born 21 March 1809 in St. Johnsbury, Caledonia, Vermont - died 17 September 1888 - buried 1888 in Utah - married Mary Augusta Hawkins 25 August 1841 in Streetsborough, Portage, Ohio - married Susan Slater Lang (1810-1841) October 1833 in Saint Johnsbury, Caledonia, Vermont - married Mrs. Carter (1808-) 1858 in Caledonia, Vermont
Erastus SNOW
9 Nov 1818
Saint Johnsbury, Caledonia, Vermont
27 May 1888
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                   Park - 9 - 7 - 1W

«b»Deseret News & S.L. Tribune Newspaper Index «/b»
Snow, Erastus (Apostle) - died 27 May 1888 -
News 7 April 1900; pg. 11
News 9 June 1900; pg. 17
News 37:33312
News 15 June 1912:5

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Erastus snow - born 9 November 1818 in St. Johnsbury, Vermont - died 27 May 1888 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah - buried 27 May 1888 in Salt Lake City Cemetery - Park -9-7-1W

«b»new.familysearch.org«/b» - 2/2013 -
Erastus Snow - male - born 9 November 1808 or 1818 (3 different entries) - died 27 May 1888 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah - buried 30 May 1888 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah - married Minervia White (1822-1896) 2 April 1844 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois - married Elizabeth Rebecca Ashby (1831-1915) 19 December 1847 Winter Quarters (now Florence), Douglas, Nebraska - married Julia Josephine Spencer (1837-1909) 19 December 1847 in Winter Quarters (now Florence) Douglas, Nebraska - married Ann McMenemy (1799-1882) 15 October 1867 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake,Utah - married Anne Hansen (1825-) About 1870 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah  - married Fanny Porter (1814-1887) 1 February 1882 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah - married Inger Nielsdatter (1827-1909) 16 July 1884 in Logan, Cache, Utah  - married Artimesia Beeman (1819-1882) 13 December 1838 in Far West, Caldwell, Missouri- married Margaret Earl (1820-) 28 March 1877 in Saint George, Washington, Utah - married Achsah Wing (1788-1864) 30 January 1846 Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois - married Louisa Wing (1807-1891) 30 January 1846 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois- married Mary Jane Farley (1814-1866) 14 April 1866 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah - married Ann Hansen (1820-) 9 May 1870 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah  - married Rebecca Abigail Farley (1828-) 18 June 1880 in St. George, Washington, Utah  - married Martha Matilda Wells (1813-1892) 16 November 1882 in St. George, Washington, Utah - married Susannah Umpstead (1810-1888) 14 November 1890 in Manti, Sanpete, Utah - married Mary Tringham Snow - married Amanda Mariah Comstock (-1829)- married Elizabeth (1790-1849) - married Maren Hansen Snow (1805-) - married Mariane Christensen (1809-)
FamilyCentral Network
Levi Snow - Lucina Streeter

Levi Snow was born at West Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire 22 Jul 1782. His parents were Zerrubbabel Snow and Mary Trowbridge.

He married Lucina Streeter 29 Nov 1801 at Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire . Lucina Streeter was born at Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island 16 Oct 1785 .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Zerubbabel Snow born 21 Mar 1809.
Erastus Snow born 9 Nov 1818.

Levi Snow died 2 Nov 1841 at Montrose, Lee, Iowa .

Lucina Streeter died 9 Nov 1858 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah .