Alexander SPEARS

Ontario, Canada, lived in Uxbridge, Midland, Pentanguishene on Georgian Bay, Canada
12 Mar 1926
Glen Ellyn, Dupage, Il.---see notes & Scrapbook for pictures
Mar 1926
Forest Hill Cemetery, Glen Ellyn, Dupage Co., Illinois
24 Feb 1869
Markham, Ont. Canada
                   Custom Field:<_FA#> Occupation: Cabinetmaker' artisanBrøderbund Family
Archive #116, Ed. 1, Census Index: Ontario, Canada, 1871, Date of Import:
Oct 13, 1998, Internal Ref. # of Import: Sep
1, 2002
Custom Fie ld:<_FA#> District: Ontario NorthBrøderbund Family Archive
#116, Ed. 1, Census Index: Ontario, Canada, 1871, Date of Import: Oct 13,
1998, InternalRef. #1.11 6.1.6653.38@S124117@Date of Import: Sep 1, 2002
Custom Field:<_FA#> Sub-distri ct: UxbridgeBrøderbund Family Archive
#116, Ed. 1, Census Index:Ontario, Canad a, 1871, Date of Import: Oct
13, 1998, Internal Ref. # ate of Import: Sep 1,
[inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
[Brøderbund Family Archive #116, Ed. 1, Census Index: Ontario, Canada,
1871 , Date of Import: Oct 13, 1998, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Sp ears, Alexr
Sex: Male
Age in 1871: 26
Calc. birth date: 1844-1845
Birthplac e: Ontario
Ethnic origin: Scottish
Religious affiliation: Canada Presbyterian / C. Presbyterian
Occupation: Cabinetmaker
District: Onta rio North
Sub-district: Uxbridge
Division: 1
National Archives of Canada mic rofilm roll #: C-9975
Page: 2
This person is listedas a head of household.
[Brøderbund Family Archive #118, Ed. 1, Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s -
190 0s, Date of Import: Nov 28, 1998, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Spears, Alex
Event: Married
Year: 1869
Place: Ontario County
Province of re cord source: Ontario
Source: Ontario County MarriageRegister, R.G. 8 (1858-19 69) Series
I-6-B, Vol. 45-47.
Publisher: Provincial Archives of Ontario
Vol ume/Page(s): Vol.3,p.39
Please note: The province and county are associated wi th the location of
the record source and in some cases may not be the same as the place
where the event occurred.
According togranddaughter Mary Spears Menefee at the age of 70 he
built a new home for hisbeloved wife, even layin g the hardwood floors.
He assumed so much responsibility for his family. Afte r the death of
Mom's mother, he [65] and his wife [61] took on the loving car e of the
new born infant Grace, had the other siblings for extended visits, h elped
his other grown children in many ways and positively influenced all who
came in contact with him. I have NEVER heard a badword said about him by
anyone, not even in laws [except his mother-in-law never fprgave him fro
havi ng her daughter have her first child at seven months. See the story
under Aug usta's notes. He taught my mother, her sisters, and cousins in a
loving manne r the right way to behave. I have heard he had reddishhair
and looked much l ike our oldest son, Frank, and our grandson Jordan also
takes after him. He a lso taught by example as well as by principle,
alwayswith love and never a h arsh word. I wish I could have known him.
When their oldest son George was bor n he was married about 7 months,
for which his mother-in-law never forgave hi m. That was the probable
reason for his emigration tothe US. When he was goi ng through customs he
was asked to declare his possessions; he had all his wo odworking and
cabinet  tools. They were still high quality, and the customs o fficer
said, "Well, you can take these 'old' tools, but not any 'good' ones" and
let him pass customs The officer knew he needed them to carry on his
w ork.
Descended from Murray and Macduff Clans, accordingto family
records, w hich has not been proven. George and Byron were the onlytwo
children who had to apply for citizenship. The others fell into the age
group where the were granted citizenship when their father received it.
[See details about Georges birth under spouse, Augusta.]
Augusta Malvia BEEBE
9 Mar 1849
Markham, Ont. Canada---see notes, scrapbook
6 Feb 1932
Detroit MIchigan at Home of Daughter, Grace Gritzbaugh
Forest Hill Cemetery, Glen Ellyn, Dupage Co., Illinois
                   [inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
[Brøderbund Family Archive#118, Ed. 1, Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s -
1900s, Date of Import: Nov 28, 1998, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Beebe, Augusta
Event: Married
Year: 1869
Place: Ontario County
Province of record source: Ontario
Sou rce: Ontario County Marriage Register, R.G. 8 (1858-1969) Series
I-6-B, Vol.45-47.
Publisher: Provincial Archives of Ontario
Volume/Page(s): Vol.3,p.39
Please note: The province and county are associated with the location of
therecord source and in some cases may not be the same as the place
where the event occurred.
Augusta Spears ancestors, the Van Horns, fled to Canada after the
Revolutionary War. They lived upstate New York and had extensive land
holdings. They were patroons in NY and United Empire Loyalists.
When Augusta andAlexander married in February, she became  pregnant
immediately. In August s he was crossing a pasture to visit a neighbor
[relative?] and the pasture was the closest route. She had no idea there
was a bull in the pasture - this wa sher regular way to go, and never
before had there been a bull. She was appr oximately seven months pregnant
and ran as fast as she could and was able to escape the bull. My
grandfather was born that night; the doctor said his birt h weight was
about 2 # [slightly under] definitely premature. This story of h erbeing
pregnant before marriage is still being passed down the family, 130 years
later Her mother never forgave Augusta's husband, resulting in their
moving to Illinois. Mom said she was told he had no finger nails or hair
and at thetime it was a miracle he lived[inglis family.and Keith
[Beebe Ancestry.FTW]
[Brøderbund Family Archive #118, Ed. 1, Can adianGenealogy Index, 1600s -
1900s, Date of Import: Nov 28, 1998, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Beebe, Augusta
Event: Married
Year: 1869
Place:Ontario County
Province of record source: Ontario
Source: Ontario Coun ty Marriage Register, R.G. 8 (1858-1969) Series
I-6-B, Vol. 45-47.
Publisher : Provincial Archives of Ontario
Volume/Page(s): Vol.3,p.39
Please note: The province and county are associated with the location of
the record source and in some cases may not be the same as the place
where the event occurred.
Au gusta Spears ancestors, the Van Horns, fled to Canada after the
Revolutionary War. They lived upstate New York and had extensive land
holdings. They were patroonsin NY and United Empire Loyalists.
When Augusta and Alexander married in February, she became  pregnant
immediately. In August she was crossing a pasture tovisit a neighbor
[relative?] and the pasture was the closest rout e. She hadno idea there
was a bull in the pasture - this was her regular way to go, andnever
before had there been a bull. She was approximately seven m onths pregnant
and ran as fast as she could and was able to escape the bull. My
grandfather was born that night; the doctor said his birth weight was
ab out 2 # [slightly under] definitely premature. This story of her being
pregna nt before marriage is still being passed down the family, 130 years
later He r mother neverforgave Augusta's husband, resulting in their
moving to Illino is. Mom said she was told he had no finger nails or hair
and at the time it w as a miracle he lived
12 Aug 1869
Uxbridge, Ont. Canada---see notes
24 Feb 1919
Glen Ellyn, Il.
18 Jan 1899
Glen Ellyn, Il. 
                   [inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
He was born premature andweighed under two pounds. How he survived was a
miracle; they kept him on an oven door and being August, it was probably
quite warm. His mother and father were only married 8 months and 12 days
and it caused quite a scandal among s ome members of the family, but
George was probably under 8 months  when he wa sborn, according to the
13 Mar 1872
19 May 1963
alive in 1953 in Phoenix, Az.
Abt 1899
9 Mar 1874
Elizabeth Ida SPEARS
14 Sep 1876
Called Ida, not Elizabeth.
18 Oct 1880
18 May 1887
about 20 yrs younger than brother, George, very close to each other
8 Jul 1960
B. Southbend, In., D. Elmhurst, Il, Lived in St Petersburg, Florida
18 Aug 1910
Oak Park, Il> 
                   [inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
I met "Uncle Doss" in about 1945. He was a heavy, friendly man, about 20
years younger than my grandfather Alexander. He had uncontrolled diabetes
and was so happy Mom had a restaurant because he could eat a quart of ice
cream after a full meal. He died a few days before his 50th anniversary;
the invitations were sent and the food prepared.
Middle name from Gordon Obrecht, a direct descendent
FamilyCentral Network
Alexander Spears - Augusta Malvia Beebe

Alexander Spears was born at Ontario, Canada, lived in Uxbridge, Midland, Pentanguishene on Georgian Bay, Canada 1844.

He married Augusta Malvia Beebe 24 Feb 1869 at Markham, Ont. Canada . Augusta Malvia Beebe was born at Markham, Ont. Canada---see notes, scrapbook 9 Mar 1849 daughter of Silas Lancing Beebe and Phoebe Jane Mathews .

They were the parents of 7 children:
George Edwin Spears born 12 Aug 1869.
Byron Spears born 13 Mar 1872.
Franklin D. Spears born 9 Mar 1874.
Elizabeth Ida Spears born 14 Sep 1876.
Harrie Alfred Spears born 18 Oct 1880.
Ruby Spears born 1884.
Dorset Beebe Spears born 18 May 1887.

Alexander Spears died 12 Mar 1926 at Glen Ellyn, Dupage, Il.---see notes & Scrapbook for pictures .

Augusta Malvia Beebe died 6 Feb 1932 at Detroit MIchigan at Home of Daughter, Grace Gritzbaugh .