Richard LYMAN

Abt 30 Oct 1580
High Ongar, Essex, England
Aug 1640
Hartford CT
                   8th ggf of Gordon Fisher
"RICHARD [LYMAN], Roxbury 1631, b. at High Ongar, where he was bapt. 30
Oct. 1580, came with Eliot, in the Lion, bring. says the ch. rec.
"Phillis, bapt. 12 Sept. 1611. at High Ongar; Richard, bapt. 24 Feb.
1618; Sarah, bapt. 8 Feb. 1621; John, b. Sept. 1623; and ano. "kn. now to
be Robert, b. Sept. 1629"; and it goes on to tell how he went to Conn.
"when the gr. removal was made," and suffer. greatly in the loss of his
cattle; wasfreem. 11 June 1633, and among the orig. proprs. of Hartford,
where he d. 1640.  His will, of 22 Apr. in that yr. is the first in the
valu. work of Trumbull, Coll. Rec. I. 442, 3, foll. by the Inv.  His wid.
Sarah d, not long aft.All the ch. are nam. in the will, and Phillis is
call. w. of William Hills."
--- James Savage, *A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of
New England*, vol. 3, 1860-2, p (?; CD ROM)
"RICHARD LYMAN, b. and bapt. at Hign Ongar, Essex, Oct. 30, 1580; son of
Henry Lyman and his wife, Phillis --- thisHenry was buried at Navistoke,
in Essex, April 15, 1587.  Richard Lyman sold,in 1629, to John Gower,
two messuages, a garden, orchard, and divers lands arable, also a meadow
and pasture at Norton Mandeville, in the parish of Ongar.  His wife was
Sarah, dau. of Roger Osborne, of Halstead, Co, Kent; came with Elio in
the "Lion," 1631; settled at Roxbury; freeman, Mass., June 11, 1633; the
Church record at Roxbury tells how he went to Conn. "when the great
removal was made," and suffered gretly in the loss of his cattle.  He was
oneof the original proprietors of Hartford, and in 1639 his home-lot was
on thesouth side of the "road from George Steel's to the South Meadow."
He d. in 1641, will dated April 22, 1640; inv. Sept. 6, 1641, #83. 16 .2
[pounds]; the will mentions his wife, but she d. before Jan. 27, 1642-3.
---  Ch.:  i. Phillis, bapt. at High Ongar, Sept. 12, 1611; mentioned in
her father's will, as the wife of William Hills.  ii. Richard, bapt. at
High Ongar, Feb. 24, 1618; settled in Windsor; m. Hepzibah, dau. of
Thomas Ford; removed to Northampton in 1655; he d. June 3, 1662; his
widow m. John Marsh , of Northampton, who soon after removed to
Hartford.  iii. Sarah, bapt. Feb. 8, 1621; mentioned in her father's
will.  iv. John, b. Sept. 1623.  Savage says his wife Dorcas was adau.
of John Plum, of Wethersfield; m. Jan., 1655; removed soon after to
Northampton; d. there Aug. 20, 1690.  v. Robert, b. Sept. 1629, at High
Ongar;m. Nov. 5, 1662, Hepzibah, dau. of Thomas Bascom; settled in
Northampton, where he died."
--- Miss Mary K. Talcott, "The Original Settlers", in *The Memorial
History of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633-1884. ed. J. Hammond
Trumbull, vol. 1, 1886, p 250
"RICHARD [LYMAN]  Bapt. High Ongar, co. Essex, Eng.,24 Feb 1617. Came
with family on "Lion" 1631, Charlestown (Mass.) 1631, Roxbury, Hartford
1636.  d. Hartford Aug 1640.  Freeman.  *Genealogy of Lyman family* (for
death p 36) 1872; *Stevens-Miller*, v 1; tag 30:187 (anc), (caveat);
*Moore and allied families* 1938."
Meredith B Colket, *Founders of Early American Families*, Cleveland OH
1985, p 198
"Richard Lyman, immigrant ancestor, was descended from Alfred the Great,
king of England.  He was born at High Ongar, county Essex, England, and
in August, 1631, embarked with his wife and five children in the ship
"Lyon," sailing from Bristol, and landing at Boston.  He settled first in
Charlestown and with his wife united with the church of which Eliot was
pastor.  He was made freeman, June 11, 1635.  He was oneof the first
settlers of Hartford, Connecticut, and an original proprietor in 1636.
His will was dated April 22, 1640, and proved January 27, 1642, together
with that of his wife who died soon after he died, in 1640.  He married
Sarah, daughter of Roger Osborne, of Halstead, Kent, England.  Children:
William, buried at High Ongar, August 28, 1615; Phil
Abt 1640
                   8th ggm of Gordon Fisher
"*Sarah Osborne*, wife of *Richard Lyman*.  b. ---- dau. of *Richard
Osborne* of Halstead, Kent, England. m. ----  d. probably in1642, in
Hartford, Conn.  (P) Their children:  1. William, bur. at High Ongar,
Aug. 28, 1615.  2. Phyllis, bap. Sept. 12, 1611; d. ----  m. May 14,
1634, William Hills of Hartfordl he settled in Hoccanum on the east side
of the river and died in July, 1683.  His wife, Phyllis, died before him
and he m. (2) Mary, widow of *John Steele*, dau. of Andrew Warner.  3.
Richard, bap. July18, 1613; d. y.  4. William, bap. Sept. 8, 1616; d.
y.  5. Richard, bap. Feb. 24, 1617-18; d. June 3, 1662; m. Hepzibah, dau.
of Thomas Ford of Windsor.... 6. Sarah, bap. Feb. 8m 1620.  7. Ann, bap.
Aug. 12, 1621; d. y.  8. *John*, born Sept. 1623; m. *Dorcas Plumb* [see
under their names].  9. Robert, Sept. 1629; d. 1690; m. Nov. 15 [or 5]
1662, Hepzibah, daughter of Thomas Bascom  (P) All the above who were
living at the time --- that is to say, all butthe first, third, fourth
and seventh in the list, came to New England with their parents.  They
were all born and baptized at High Ongar, England."
--- Ernest Flagg, *Genealogical Notes on the Founding of New England*,
Hartford CT, 1926, p 208
Abt 24 Feb 1616/17
High Ongar, Essex, Eng
3 Jun 1662
Northampton MA
Abt 1642
prob Windsor Ct (maybe Hartfor 
                   7th ggu of Gordon Fisher
"Richard (2), son of Richard (1) Lyman was baptized at High Ongar,
February 24, 1617, died June 3, 1662.  He and his two brothers,John and
Robert, were taxed in 1655 in Hartford for a rate assessed to builda
mill.  They probably moved the same year to Northampton, where in
December, 1655, Richard was chosen one of the selectmen.  He sold his
father's homestead in Hartford in 1660.  He married there Hepsibah,
daughter of Thomas Ford, of Windsor.  She married (second) John Marsh, of
Hadley.  Children:  Hepsibah; Sarah; Richard, mentioned below; Thomas,
born 1647; Eliza; John; Joanna,1658; Hannah, 1660."
--- William Richard Cutter, *New England Families*, NY 1913, p 650
"RICHARD LYMAN ([son of] *Richard*, [son of] *Henry*), baptised inHigh
Ongar, Essex, 24 Feb. 1617-18, died in Northampton, 3 June 1662. He
married, probably in Windsor, Conn., about 1642, HEPZIBAH FORD, baptised
in Holy Trinity, Dorchester, Dorset, 15 May 1625, died in Hadley, 11 Apr.
1683, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Charde) (Cooke) Ford.  Hepzibah
(Ford) Lyman married, secondly, in Northampton, 7 Oct. 1664, JOHN MARSH,
who died in Hartford, Conn., in 1688.  [Footnote:  "By John Marsh,
Hepzibah (Ford) Lyman had, *Lydia*, b. 9 Oct. 1667, Hadley; m. 8 Dec.
1692, David Loomis, of Windsor."] The latter had married, first, ANNE
WEBSTER, daughter of Gov. John Webster ofConnecticut.  (P) Richard Lyman
lived for a short ime in Windsor, owning landthere and also occupying
property belonging to his father-in-law, Thomas Ford.  He was about
twenty-three when his father and mother died, and probably took charge of
his younger brothers, John and Robert, until they reached the age of
twenty-two, respectively, when they were to receive their heritages
according to their father's will.  In 1655, he was living in Hartford
being taxed there, in that year, to build a mill, and moved to
Northampton, soon after, as in December of that year, Richard became a
selectman there. He sold hisfather's homestead, in Hartford, in 1660.
With his brother, John, William Holton, and others, he was appointed to
erect a meeting house.  (P) 19 Feb. 1660, the towne selected a new "Towne
Book," and Richard Lyman, and other, wereappointed to transcibe all that
was orderly into this new book.  He was madea Commissioner (to end Small
Causes) in 1658, and a selectman, 1658-59-60.  When he died, at
forty-four, Northampton lost a valuable citizen.  (P) Children first five
born in Windsor, Conn., rest in Morthampton:  i. HEPZIBAH, b. about 1643;
m. 6 Nov. 1662, JOSIAH DEWEY.  ii. SARAH, b. about 1645; m. 1666, JOHN
MARSH JR.  iii. RICHARD, b. about 1647; m. 1675, ELIZABETH COWLES, and
settled in Lebanon, Conn.  iv. THOMAS, b. about 1649; m. RUTH (HOLTON)
BAKER.v. ELIZABETH, b. about 1652; m. JOSHUA POMEROY.  vi. JOANNA, b.
1658, d. Jan. 1659.  vii. HANNAH. b. 8 July 1660; m. JOSEPH POMEROY.  In
1676, "Hannah Lyman of Northampton was presented [in Court] for weating
silk in a flauntingmanner in an offensive way and garbe, not only
before, but when she stood presented, not only in ordinary times, but in
extraordinary times, when the people of God were falling before the Lord
in public humiliation in resepct of the heavy judggements and calamities
that were threatening to come upon us."  She was the daughter of Richard
Lyman, deceased, and about sixteen years of age.  Sentenced to pay 10s.
(Trumbull's *History of Northampton, 1:291*.)  viii. MOSES, b. 20 Feb.
1662, d.y.  ix. JOHN, b. 5 Dec. 1664, stated by *Lyman Gen.*, to have
gone to Hadley, but Judd's *History of Hadley*, makes Hadley's John
Lyman, a later man."
--- *Ancestry of Colonel John Harrington Stevens and his wife Frances
Helen Miller*, compiled for Helen Pendleton (Winston) Pillsbury by Mary
Lovering Holman, Concord NH 1948, p 386-387
FamilyCentral Network
Richard Lyman - Sarah Osborne

Richard Lyman was born at High Ongar, Essex, England Abt 30 Oct 1580.

He married Sarah Osborne .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Richard Lyman born Abt 24 Feb 1616/17.

Richard Lyman died Aug 1640 at Hartford CT .

Sarah Osborne died Abt 1640 .