Abt 1560
prob Navistock or High Ongar, Essex Eng
Abt 4 May 1605
prob Navistock, Essex, England
Abt 1576
                   9th ggf of Gordon Fisher
"HENRY LYMAN, born probably in Navistock, High Ongar,Essex, about 1560,
was buried in Navistock, 4 May 1605.  He married, about 1576, PHYLLIS
STANE, daughter of Richard Stane of High Ongar.  She married, in
Navistock, 26 Apr. 1608, WILLIAM GREEN, of Luton.  (P) The *Lyman
Genealogy*, by Coleman, published in 1872, is probably correct in its
identificationof Richard Lyman, of Hartford, Conn.  The latter had
children named *Phyllis*, *Richard*, *Sarah*, *John* and *Robert*.  We
find Richard's baptism recorded in High Ongar, 30 Oct. 1580, son of Henry
Lyman.  But nothing is given as *proof* of the forbears of the said
Henry, or his inheritance of any right tobear arms.  In fact, our
Richard is designated as "Goodman," as would be thecase if he belonged
to the upper class.  Such distinctions of social positionwere very clear
in the early records of New England.  Also, no silver or other items
appear in Richard's inventory.  It is probable that Henry was not a
descendant of the armorial Lyman family and certainly without further
research in regard to the ancestry of Henry, father of Richard, we can
claim no arms for Richard.  This genealogy is not at all clear about the
actual extractsit prints.  For instance, is our Richard merely called a
son of Henry and Phyllis?  In one instance, the author mixes the records
pertaining to this Henry with those of his son, Henry.  (P) Apparently
there was a family of Lymans'which was settled in High Ongar as early as
1521, and correspondence, stillextant, shows that there was some
relationship between them and a Sir John Leman, Lord Mayor of London, for
Elizabeth, widow of Henry Lyman, calls him kinsman, in a letter.
[handwritten note in this copy:  "If Phyllis marr. (2) WmGreene 1608 how
can Elizabeth be widow of Henry? See Amer. Gen. "Mother of Richard
Lyman.""  However, see below where it shows the Henry married to
Elizabeth as son of this Henry.]  (P) Children, baptised in High Ongar,
and Navistock, Essex:  i. JUDITH, bapt. 2 Nov., bur., 24 Nov., 1578.  ii.
JANE, bapt.20 Oct., bur. 21 Oct., 1579.  iii. RICHARD, bapt. 30 Oct.
1580; m. SARAH OSBORNE.  iv. Henry, bapt. 19 Nov. 1581, bur. 13 Mar.
1589, Navistock.  v. AGNES, bapt. 28 Nov. 1685; prob. m. 10 Jan. 1613,
Navistock, RICHARD PHIPPS, of Havering.  vi. SARAH, bapt. 18 Jan. 1587.
vii. HENRY, bapt. 6 June, 1591, (perhaps Navistock?); m. ELIZABETH
-----.  Henry Lyman, of Navistock, Essex, andwife, Elizabeth, with
Phyllis Green, widow, sold to Anna Heyward, widow, onemessuage, four
cottages and divers arable lands, also a messuage and pasture,all in
Navistock, in 1629.  Henry Lyman came to New England, with his brother,
Richard, in 1631 and soon *d.s.p.* viii.  WILLIAM, bapt. 2 Mar. 1594,
Navistock.  ix. PHYLLIS, bapt. 12 May 1597."
--- *Ancestry of Colonel John Harrington Stevens and his wife Frances
Helen Miller*, compiled for Helen Pendleton (Winston) Pillsbury by Mary
Lovering Holman, F.A.S.G., Concord NH 1948, p 383-384
                   9th ggm of Gordon Fisher
Abt 30 Oct 1580
High Ongar, Essex, England
Aug 1640
Hartford CT
                   8th ggf of Gordon Fisher
"RICHARD [LYMAN], Roxbury 1631, b. at High Ongar, where he was bapt. 30
Oct. 1580, came with Eliot, in the Lion, bring. says the ch. rec.
"Phillis, bapt. 12 Sept. 1611. at High Ongar; Richard, bapt. 24 Feb.
1618; Sarah, bapt. 8 Feb. 1621; John, b. Sept. 1623; and ano. "kn. now to
be Robert, b. Sept. 1629"; and it goes on to tell how he went to Conn.
"when the gr. removal was made," and suffer. greatly in the loss of his
cattle; wasfreem. 11 June 1633, and among the orig. proprs. of Hartford,
where he d. 1640.  His will, of 22 Apr. in that yr. is the first in the
valu. work of Trumbull, Coll. Rec. I. 442, 3, foll. by the Inv.  His wid.
Sarah d, not long aft.All the ch. are nam. in the will, and Phillis is
call. w. of William Hills."
--- James Savage, *A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of
New England*, vol. 3, 1860-2, p (?; CD ROM)
"RICHARD LYMAN, b. and bapt. at Hign Ongar, Essex, Oct. 30, 1580; son of
Henry Lyman and his wife, Phillis --- thisHenry was buried at Navistoke,
in Essex, April 15, 1587.  Richard Lyman sold,in 1629, to John Gower,
two messuages, a garden, orchard, and divers lands arable, also a meadow
and pasture at Norton Mandeville, in the parish of Ongar.  His wife was
Sarah, dau. of Roger Osborne, of Halstead, Co, Kent; came with Elio in
the "Lion," 1631; settled at Roxbury; freeman, Mass., June 11, 1633; the
Church record at Roxbury tells how he went to Conn. "when the great
removal was made," and suffered gretly in the loss of his cattle.  He was
oneof the original proprietors of Hartford, and in 1639 his home-lot was
on thesouth side of the "road from George Steel's to the South Meadow."
He d. in 1641, will dated April 22, 1640; inv. Sept. 6, 1641, #83. 16 .2
[pounds]; the will mentions his wife, but she d. before Jan. 27, 1642-3.
---  Ch.:  i. Phillis, bapt. at High Ongar, Sept. 12, 1611; mentioned in
her father's will, as the wife of William Hills.  ii. Richard, bapt. at
High Ongar, Feb. 24, 1618; settled in Windsor; m. Hepzibah, dau. of
Thomas Ford; removed to Northampton in 1655; he d. June 3, 1662; his
widow m. John Marsh , of Northampton, who soon after removed to
Hartford.  iii. Sarah, bapt. Feb. 8, 1621; mentioned in her father's
will.  iv. John, b. Sept. 1623.  Savage says his wife Dorcas was adau.
of John Plum, of Wethersfield; m. Jan., 1655; removed soon after to
Northampton; d. there Aug. 20, 1690.  v. Robert, b. Sept. 1629, at High
Ongar;m. Nov. 5, 1662, Hepzibah, dau. of Thomas Bascom; settled in
Northampton, where he died."
--- Miss Mary K. Talcott, "The Original Settlers", in *The Memorial
History of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633-1884. ed. J. Hammond
Trumbull, vol. 1, 1886, p 250
"RICHARD [LYMAN]  Bapt. High Ongar, co. Essex, Eng.,24 Feb 1617. Came
with family on "Lion" 1631, Charlestown (Mass.) 1631, Roxbury, Hartford
1636.  d. Hartford Aug 1640.  Freeman.  *Genealogy of Lyman family* (for
death p 36) 1872; *Stevens-Miller*, v 1; tag 30:187 (anc), (caveat);
*Moore and allied families* 1938."
Meredith B Colket, *Founders of Early American Families*, Cleveland OH
1985, p 198
"Richard Lyman, immigrant ancestor, was descended from Alfred the Great,
king of England.  He was born at High Ongar, county Essex, England, and
in August, 1631, embarked with his wife and five children in the ship
"Lyon," sailing from Bristol, and landing at Boston.  He settled first in
Charlestown and with his wife united with the church of which Eliot was
pastor.  He was made freeman, June 11, 1635.  He was oneof the first
settlers of Hartford, Connecticut, and an original proprietor in 1636.
His will was dated April 22, 1640, and proved January 27, 1642, together
with that of his wife who died soon after he died, in 1640.  He married
Sarah, daughter of Roger Osborne, of Halstead, Kent, England.  Children:
William, buried at High Ongar, August 28, 1615; Phil
FamilyCentral Network
Henry Lyman - Blocked

Henry Lyman was born at prob Navistock or High Ongar, Essex Eng Abt 1560.

He married Blocked Abt 1576 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Richard Lyman born Abt 30 Oct 1580.

Henry Lyman died Abt 4 May 1605 at prob Navistock, Essex, England .