3 Aug 1679
Dorchester, Doretshire, Eng
                   William Horsford was one of the ruling Elders, who were men of education
andde livered weekly lectures before the Church in Tiverton, Devon
England, andalso in Windsor, Conn.  He came to America before 1633 on
Sir Francis Drake'sflagsh ip the "Elizabeth Bonaventure". William later
returned to England where he died in 1679.  Note: Sir Francis Drakes's
flagship used when Drake sailed to Cadis to destroy the Spanish Fleet.He
was at Dorchester 1630; freeman there 1634; came to W. early; his wi fe
died... and he married (2) wid. of Henry Fookes, and subscq. ret. to En
g. [A Joanna H. died 18 Sept. 1640 may havebeen sister (or daughter) of
W m.]
From Ye Horseford Booke
In the spring, on Apr. 16, 1636, a company again started from Dorchester
a nd made permanent settlement at Matianuck. At first the town was called
Do rchester but at the court of Feb. 21, 1636-7 Dorchester became
Windsor. Wi lliam Horsford was one of the early settlers. He was
Commissioner to the G eneral Court in 1637 and was a ruling elder of the
First Church of Chri st in Windsor. This church is said to be the oldest
evangelical chur ch in America and with exception of the Southwark church
of London the old est orthodox Congregational church in the world.
In 1639 William Horsford was granted a lot 20 rods wide on theeast si de
of the main street or common road quite near the Palisado. The Foulke l
ot was west of the Palisado and after William Horsford married the widow
of Henry Foulke he moved to the Foulke property giving his own lot to h
is son-in-law, Stephen Taylor. A thoroughfare from the main road to the
Fo ulke place was known as Horsford's Lane.
William Horsford who with John Witchfield and John Banker, the
schoolmaste r, served the Windsor church as ruling elder was called in
1653 to be mini ster of the church in Springfield, succeeding Rev. George
Moxon. A reco rd in an account book [of John Pynchon] of Springfield
under date of Fe b. 16, 1653 reads as follows:
ffor Mr. Horsford's maintenance50, 00, 00 pounds
ffor bringing up Mrs. Horsford's goods  4, 08, 00pounds
The stay at Springfield was not long. in 1653-54 William returned to
Engla nd, his wife Jane following him in Aug., 1655. He died at Tiverton,
Coun ty Devon, Eng., but the date is not known.
The old town records of Dorchester, Mass. have several items relating to
W illiam:
Dec. 2, 1633.It is orderedthat William Hosford shall have one of the T
wo Great Lotts that were Captain Southcotes.
Jan. 6, 1633It is ordered that the Marsh and Swamp in front of Goodman Ho
sford and davy Wilton shall be divided among themselves and Symon Hoyt.
Sept. 1, 1634Whereas William Hosseford, desiring to have some medowe ne
xt Mr. Williams, which could not be granted, nowe therefore it is graunt
edthat none should have a lott there untill he be heard therein.
Nov 3, 1634It is also ordered that the common gates shall be forthwith ma
de and set up sufficiently with the poles belonging to same, one at M r.
Woolcots, one at..., To be polled betwix William Horseford's lott a nd
the creeke.
Dec 29, 1634Thepersons appoynted to view the poels are ... for the Nor
th field Will Horseford, Roger Clapp.
Apr 17, 1635It is granted to Mr. William Horseford to have four acr es of
medowe ground, next to goodman Denslowes medow ground.
... Hemade two wills; the first, not witnessed, is dated Aug. 27, 1650.
T his willis in his own handwriting and is shown in facsimile... It rea
ds as follows:
August 27, 1650
I Will Horsford do mack this as my Last will and testament. Igive to my
w ife Jane Horsford halfe my dwelling house haft my Barn and Halfmy cow
hou se during the time of her life. I give all so unto my wife that
medowe I b ought of Elyas Parckman lying in ye lytell, medow, during her
life, al so I give unto on hoge halfe the apelles th
26 Aug 1641
                   From Ye Horseford Booke
The name of William's first wife is not known buthas been conjectur ed
to be Sarah. The name of his second daughter is also in doubt but Esth er
seems probable.
Abt 1636
Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
7 Aug 1683
Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
5 Nov 1657
Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut 
                   He was a man of considerable wealth; left his son William L225, s. John
L1 21, s. Timothy L121; daus. Hester, Mary and Sarah, L100 each; sons
Samu el andNath'l, L114 each; s. Obadiah L122, and his widow L85 of
personal e state forlife; he contrib. 1676, 1s6d. to the Conn. Fund for
Relief of Po or in OtherColonies.
From Ye Horseford Booke
He took the oath of a freeman May 20,1652.
In March, 1657/8 a troop of 30 horsemen, the first in the colony was
organ ized under command of Captain John Mason. John Horsford was a
member ofth is troop and served as a trooper in King Philip's war,
receiving in 16756 s, 8d, for such services. John left an estate of 1203
pounds, which was large for those days. His children, ten in number,
were all born at Winds or but as they came to maturity several became
residents of other towns ne ar Windsor or further west.
John Horsford lived and died at Windsor...
In Feb., 1674/5 William Thrall conveyed to his son-in-law John Hosford a
t ract of 50 acres on the east side of the Great River. In 1675 John was
lis ted as having a family, a horse and two oxen. John Horsford and
Corporal J oseph Stiles were master workmen in building a house fo the
first settl ed minister at Windsor,Timothy Edwards, father of Jonathan
FamilyCentral Network
William Horsford - Unknown unknown

William Horsford was born at England 1600.

He married Unknown unknown at England .

They were the parents of 1 child:
John Horsford born Abt 1636.

William Horsford died 3 Aug 1679 at Dorchester, Doretshire, Eng .

Unknown unknown died 26 Aug 1641 .