Charles e IRISH

Winona Co., Minnesota
5 Jul 1938
User Submitted
                   From the book
Compiled by Franklyn Curtiss-Wedge and Others
Published Winona, MN by H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1920
Republished Currently by Higginson Books
Irish, Roy L. (page 475), one ofthe progressive young farmers of
Plainview Township, residing in section 11,was born in Winona County
June 25, 1883, son of Charles and Ellen (Smith) Irish. Clark Irish,
grandfather of Roy, was a native of New York State, and hisgrandmother
Irish, whose maiden name was Stone, came from Ohio. They came toWinona
county, Minnesota, in pioneer days and followed the occupation of
farmers. In Winona County their son Charles was born and reared, and he
subsequently came to Wabasha County, where he married Ellen Smith, and
followed farming for 25 years. Their only child was Roy L. subject of
this sketch. In 1887Mrs. Irish died, and he subsequently married Adella
Warner, of Wabasha County, by whom he has one son, Fred, a farmer in
Winona county. Roy L. Irish waseducated in the rural schools and the
public schools at Plainview. Subsequently he took up agricultural work on
his parents' farm, which he operated for two years. He then went to Alma
Center, Jackson County, Wis., where he farmedfor five years. At the end
of that time he returned to the home farm of 80 acres in section 11,
Plainview Township, Wabasha County, which he has since been engaged in
operating with good success. He is a member of the local Shipping and
Creamery associations, also of the Fair association, and is active in all
matters relating to his business or to the interest of the township and
county. While living in Wisconsin he served on the school board of his
district, and also an unexpired term as town clerk. He is recognized by
his fellowcitizens as one of the rising young men of Plainview Township,
and has made abig stride on the road to prosperity. Mr. Irish laid the
foundations of a home on September 6, 1904, when he was united in
marriage with Katherine Steffes, of Highland Township, Wabasha County,
who was born June 16, 1883. He and his wife are the parents of nine
children, the three youngest of whom, Iva G.,Ila K. and Ina A., are
triplets, born July 8, 1918. Their birth attracted much attention and
interest throughout this locality. The other six children are: Alta E.,
January 17, 1906; Wesley C. October 28, 1907; Ella M., September5, 1909;
Alvin, April 20, 1911; Erwin L., September 25, 1913; and Charles L.,
September 3, 1915. All the children are living and healthy, and in the
clean and wholesome environment of county life give bright promise of
developinginto useful men and women. Mr. Irish is fraternally affiliated
with the Masons and Odd Fellows in Plainview.
FamilyCentral Network
Charles e Irish - Ellen Smith

Charles e Irish was born at Winona Co., Minnesota 1859. His parents were Clark M Irish and Jane P Drew.

He married Ellen Smith .

They were the parents of 1 child:

Charles e Irish died 5 Jul 1938 .

Ellen Smith died 1887 .