Coventry Settlement, Connecticut Colony
5 Jan 1710/11
Stonington Village (New London) Connecticut Colony
Old White Hall Cemetery in Stonington, Connecticut
                   1646c: Isaac Wheeler was born.
"New England Marriages Prior to 1700" compiledby Clarence Almon Torrey;
p. 799; The Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc.;Baltimore, Maryland;
1985 (974.0 NEa/Marriage SCGS)
1685, December 16: "Oanaco Deed to Isack Wheller"
"Oanco sacham of Mohagen for divers good considerations . . . paid by me
Isack Wheller of Stonington doe sell . . . tract of Land. . . 300A . . .
north side of Pahchog river on the Land of Joseph Morgin and Thomas Parke
. . . "
 Oanaco, his mark.
 John Stanton and John Gallup.
Acknowledged: before Samuell Mason, assistant.
Entered: December 14, 1691.
"Preston, Connecticut Deeds,1687-1736"; I:149 (FHL Film #5381 CT;New
London: Preston Deed Books, 1-3 (1687-1722)
1712, January 3: The Last Will and Testament of Isaac Wheeler, Sr.
"In the name of God, Amen. The last Will and Testament of Mr. Isaac
Wheeler, Sr., of Stonington, In the County of New London and In the
Colony of Connecticut, being In perfect mind and memory,blessed be God,
which is as followeth, I give my soul to God, who gave it and my body to
the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian manner by my Executor in
the hope of a glorious resurrection, and that as a Christian I may
further provide for MY family, I order my temporal concerns as followeth:
Imprimis. I order and direct my Executors to pay my Just debts and
recover my just dues of my estate. I give to my loving wife Martha, the
biggest room of my house and the leanto (or ell) and two of the best beds
and bedclothes and curtains, such as she best like, and four cows and a
score of sheep to be keptand provided for by my son William, and so much
of the household stuff as she has occasion for, and to be honorably
maintained and to be comfortably provided for, in all things she needs
during her natural life, at the care and cost of my son William Wheeler.
I give and bequeath to my son Isaac Wheeler, beside what his grandfather
Thomas Wheeler, has given him In Lynn, Massachusetts, and besides one
hundred and fifty acres of land given him by his grandfather and besides
what I have given in buildings and stock, I do now give him three score
acres of land In lieu of forty acres his grandfather gave to his brother
Thomas, Deceased, lying to the west and south of his own field and he is
to take it Westerly from an horn beam tree till he makes up the
complementof three score acres and a straight line from the said horn
beam tree to a black oak tree, which is the corner tree of his
grandfather's land he now dwelleth upon, which tree standeth by a brook;
also I give to my son Isaac, fourscore acres of land which I bought of
Ebenezer Witter and from that black oakwhich is a bound -tree of
Nathaniel Chesebrough, s land, and from thence a straight line to a great
chestnut tree; also I give him one hundred acres which I bought of
Nathaniel Chesebrough, and one hundred acres which I bought ofJohn
Reynolds, and fifty acres bought of Captain James Pendleton, and also one
other hundred acres bought of John Witter, also one hundred and twenty
acres now at the north corner of my land, which hundred acres was his
grandfather's, and also fifty acres as it is bounded which may appear
upon record, which was a grant formerly purchased of Lieutenant Mason.
I give to Richard's children that are males, that are or shall be
begotten of his body the lands following, equally to be divided among
them, and my Executors shall give them asthey come of age out of the
following land a just proportion for their settlement, provided my son
Richard and his wife shall have the house and homestead they now live in
and to it one hundred and fifty acres during their naturallives. I give
fifty acres lying by Samuel Miner, which was part of a grant of land
bought of Captain John Stanton and fifty acres more bought of Captain
Samuel Mason, and also a sixteen-acre lot lyini
Martha PARKE
27 Oct 1646
9 Sep 1681
Stonington Village (New London) Connecticut Colony
11 Aug 1747
Stonington Village (New London) Connecticut Colony
30 May 1710
Stonington Village (New London 
                   "Genealogical History of The Gallup Family in America" by John D. Gallup;
Press of the Hartford Printing Company; Hartford, Connecticut; 1893
(CS71.G175 1893 CSL)
FamilyCentral Network
Isaac Wheeler - Martha Parke

Isaac Wheeler was born at Coventry Settlement, Connecticut Colony 1646. His parents were Thomas Wheeler and Mary Beckett.

He married Martha Parke . Martha Parke was born at 27 Oct 1646 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
William Wheeler born 9 Sep 1681.

Isaac Wheeler died 5 Jan 1710/11 at Stonington Village (New London) Connecticut Colony .