George, Capt. DENISON

23 Oct 1694
Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut
1st. Cong. Churchyard, Hartford, Conn.
Bef 1646
2nd marriage for George Denison
                   Frederick Denison wrote in his journal in 1872: "Revisiting England,
George fought with the revolutionary army against the intolerable
despotism of Charles I, winning reputation by his skill and gallantry.
He received a wound on the field at Edge hill.  There he obtained his
first military fame and rank; some believe he even acted as a Colonel.
During this service in his native land he became acquainted with and
married Ann Boradil (daughter of John Boradil), a lady of rank and
education .  Returning to America George resided fora short time in
Roxbury, Mass., then removed to 'Pequot', now New London, andfinally
near 1650 became one of the first settlers of Stonington, Ct., thena
wilderness recently vacated by the unfortunat e Pequots.  In this region
and in the colonies of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, he
soonbecame famous both in civil and military affairs."
"His mansion in Stoningtonwas erected near the present aged house of Mr.
Oliver Denison, east of Williams Hill, and north of the farm of J.D.
Fish, Esq.  He held wide and valuablelanded estates; some obtained
directly from the aborigines; - som e bestowedby the town and by the
colony in consideration of his public services.  The large and effective
part he acted as a commander in important military expeditions,
especially during Philip's War and in the capture of Canonchet, has very
hon orable mention in our colonial annals.  The letters and papers from
his hand, still preserved, testify of his talents, education, and strong
decision of judgment.  A suitable sketch of the laborious and useful life
of Capt.George is expected fro m the acomplished pen of the Hon. Charles
H. Denisonwho has taken pains to gather the facts of his career.  By our
annalists we are assured that the Captain is justly entitled to an
honorable and conspicuous historical niche."
"While a member of the General Court of Connecticut, George died in
Hartford, Oct. 23, 1694, and was buried in the church yard of the1st
Cong. Church.  Fruitless efforts have been made for liberty to remove his
remains from Hartford to Elm Grov e Cemetery in Stonington where his
descendants have erected a granite monument to his memory."
Moved to New England in1631. After death of of first wife he went back
to England, enlisted as a soldier, fought under Cromwell, wounded at
Nasby, nursed at home by John Borodel; returned to Connecticut, served in
King Philip's War, first as Lt. , thenCaptain, New London Troops; Second
in command Great Swamp Fight, 1675; servedon frontier with Major Mason
assisting Pequot chiefs to govern their tribes.Settled in Mystic,
Ann (Lady) BORODEL
26 Sep 1712
Stonington, New London Co., Conn.
Elm Grove Cem., Stonington, Conn.
                   Frederick Denison wrote in his journal in 1872: "The mother, Ann, died in
Stonington Sept.26 1712- aged 97 years.  Her remains now lie by the side
of herhusband's monument in Elm Grove Cemetery in Stonington.  Pleasing
ancecdotesillustrativ e of her energy and character still live upon the
lips of ther descendants.  Of the Presbyterian (now 1st.Cong.) Church in
Stonington, organised in 1674, she was a constituent member.  Capt.
George united (probably by letter) with the same churc h in Stonington
Aug. 24, 1684."
Educated in France.
16 Jul 1646
                   Frederick Denison wrote in 1872: "To the Presbyterian (now 1st Cong.)
Churchin Stonington, John was admitted July 29, 1677.  His wife Phebe
was receivedOct. 14 of the same year.
Their son, John, removed to Saybrook near 1697, where it is thought the
parents removed also and there died.
We have to regret our limited knowledge of John and his wife and their
worthy family ____a family that, like the parents, became honorable and
useful as the history of Connecticut, civil and ecclesiastical may
The larger portion of the oldDenison Mansion, now standing in Mystic
Bridge, at the head of Willow Streetby the forks of the roads, was
erected by John Denison near 1670. That portion of the edifice therefore
is now two hundred years old.  Th e eastern portion was added probably
early in the eighteenth century; for beneath it the patriot army, in the
days of the Revolution, dug and obtained saltpeter for the manufacture of
gunpowder.  This House which has happily served as the cradl efor six
generations of Denisons, and was vacated by them in 1846, (being nowa
tenant house belonging to the estate of the late Isaac Denison) is
believed to be the oldest edifice in Stonington.  We may add it stands
where once stood, when th e whites first entered the wilderness, a huge
pine tree, beneath whose wide and friendly branches, some of the first
settlers from Westerly,Stonington, and Groton, were wont on pleasant
summer Sabbaths to assemble for divine worship and where pro bably Rev.
William Thompson (brother of Bridget Thompson), introduced by Capt.
George Denison, addressed the hard kind hearted settlers on sacred
themes: he being the first minister of the gospel thatpreached in the
town.  A portion of the woo d of this sacred tree was wrought into John's
edifice that had its cellar where the tree stood; thus locatedand thus
built in trusting expectation of peculiar protections and blessingson
the roof; - a faith in Providence that the experience s of two centuries
have abundantly justified."
FamilyCentral Network
George, Capt. Denison - Ann (Lady) Borodel

George, Capt. Denison was born at England 1618. His parents were William Denison and Margaret Chandler Monck.

He married Ann (Lady) Borodel Bef 1646 at 2nd marriage for George Denison . Ann (Lady) Borodel was born at Corsica 1615 daughter of John Borodel and .

They were the parents of 1 child:
John Borodell Denison born 16 Jul 1646.

George, Capt. Denison died 23 Oct 1694 at Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut .

Ann (Lady) Borodel died 26 Sep 1712 at Stonington, New London Co., Conn. .