25 Jan 1652/53
Roxbury, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts
2 Nov 1603
Startford, England
                   Frederick Denison wrote in his journal: "William came from England to
Americain company with Rev. John Eliot of whose church he and his wife
were esteemed members. Evidently William was a man of positive principles
and much decision of character ; and for his opinions, wherein he favored
Mr. Wheelwright hesuffered certain disabilities in 1637.  In 1634 he was
a Representative to the General Court of the Colony.  He was 'an old man
at his death, and as hiswife was styled by Mr. Eliot, 'o ld mother
Denison', William must have been advanced in life when he emigrated to
this country.  Doubtless, like most of the ship's company, he came to
secure and enjoy greater freedom of his political and religious
principles.  He was probably bor n not far from 1580.  Thusin our family
line we go back about three hundred years from the present time.  Rev.
Thomas Denison, writing to Dr. Stiles of Gale College in 1771, says that
our ancestors lived in Hartford, England."
Frederick Denison wrote in 1872 that William was the first of his line to
come to America and reached NewEngland in the ship "Lyon" in 1631
settling in Roxbury, Massachusetts, havingwith him his wife, Margaret,
and three sons.
Margaret Chandler MONCK
Startford, England
23 Feb 1643/44
Roxbury, Massachusetts
                   Widow of ______ Monck
23 Oct 1694
Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut
                   Frederick Denison wrote in his journal in 1872: "Revisiting England,
George fought with the revolutionary army against the intolerable
despotism of Charles I, winning reputation by his skill and gallantry.
He received a wound on the field at Edge hill.  There he obtained his
first military fame and rank; some believe he even acted as a Colonel.
During this service in his native land he became acquainted with and
married Ann Boradil (daughter of John Boradil), a lady of rank and
education .  Returning to America George resided fora short time in
Roxbury, Mass., then removed to 'Pequot', now New London, andfinally
near 1650 became one of the first settlers of Stonington, Ct., thena
wilderness recently vacated by the unfortunat e Pequots.  In this region
and in the colonies of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, he
soonbecame famous both in civil and military affairs."
"His mansion in Stoningtonwas erected near the present aged house of Mr.
Oliver Denison, east of Williams Hill, and north of the farm of J.D.
Fish, Esq.  He held wide and valuablelanded estates; some obtained
directly from the aborigines; - som e bestowedby the town and by the
colony in consideration of his public services.  The large and effective
part he acted as a commander in important military expeditions,
especially during Philip's War and in the capture of Canonchet, has very
hon orable mention in our colonial annals.  The letters and papers from
his hand, still preserved, testify of his talents, education, and strong
decision of judgment.  A suitable sketch of the laborious and useful life
of Capt.George is expected fro m the acomplished pen of the Hon. Charles
H. Denisonwho has taken pains to gather the facts of his career.  By our
annalists we are assured that the Captain is justly entitled to an
honorable and conspicuous historical niche."
"While a member of the General Court of Connecticut, George died in
Hartford, Oct. 23, 1694, and was buried in the church yard of the1st
Cong. Church.  Fruitless efforts have been made for liberty to remove his
remains from Hartford to Elm Grov e Cemetery in Stonington where his
descendants have erected a granite monument to his memory."
Moved to New England in1631. After death of of first wife he went back
to England, enlisted as a soldier, fought under Cromwell, wounded at
Nasby, nursed at home by John Borodel; returned to Connecticut, served in
King Philip's War, first as Lt. , thenCaptain, New London Troops; Second
in command Great Swamp Fight, 1675; servedon frontier with Major Mason
assisting Pequot chiefs to govern their tribes.Settled in Mystic,
FamilyCentral Network
William Denison - Margaret Chandler Monck

William Denison His parents were John Denyson and Agnes Willie.

He married Margaret Chandler Monck 2 Nov 1603 at Startford, England .

They were the parents of 1 child:
George, Capt. Denison born 1618.

William Denison died 25 Jan 1652/53 at Roxbury, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts .

Margaret Chandler Monck died 23 Feb 1643/44 at Roxbury, Massachusetts .