27 Aug 1867
Meridian, Ingham, Michigan
29 Nov 1943
Mason, Ingham, Michigan
2 Dec 1943
Glendale Cemetery, Okemos, Ingham, Michigan
3 Jul 1888
Mason, Ingham, Michigan
                   From the 1916 - 1921 Rural Directory For Ingham County, Michigan
Barnes,Angus (Lovina) 3ch farming 0 100a 4h 4c R3 Mason Ala 49 Ind tel
Ray Barnes ofWilliamston, his son, reported for the death certificate.
One of Angus' descendants is Harry Barnes 
Frederick Barnes told me hewas in his book. The reason I was correspondi
ng with Fred is that a few months ago I participated in a Barnes DNA stu
dy that showed that he and I have exactly the same Y chromosome. (Harry
Ba rnes' DNA matched Fred's DNA on all 12 segments.) Proof that we have a
com mon male relative somewhere, and by extension we are both related to
Thom as Barnes of Hartford and Farmington.
I'mretired as of Nov 1, and along with my sister Pat hope to spend some
t ime working on our family tree. We're new at it, real new, but I can
alrea dy appreciate the kind of effort it must take to track down some of
the ma terial. If you think I can be a resource don't hesitate to ask. I
li ve in Holt, if you're not familiar with the area it's about five miles
fr om where GGG Grandfather Myron originally settled. I also have the
Barn es reunion scrapbook which has a lot of birth, death, and marriage
My Grandfathers name was George, but he went by Ray. The only way I knew
h is name was something differentthan Ray was because his mailbox said "
G. Ray Barnes". His brother Gerald was known to me, and everyone in the
fa mily as "Uncle Lee". He's buried nextto Agnes & Louvina and I had to
a sk who "Gerald" was.  My family intended tocall me "Lee" to
differentia te me from my father.  My brother who's four years older
liked "Pete" bett er. My sister didn't know any different, and whenI got
married the fir st time (she was 8) she thought the minister was
confused, and wanted o ur father to say "I do".
Louvinia H. BELKNAP
13 May 1870
Meridian, Ingham, Michigan
16 Jan 1948
Lansing, Ingham, Michigan
27 Jan 1948
Glendale Cemetery, Okemos, Ingham, Michigan
                   Her parents were Oliver Belknap (born in Ohio) and Minnie Schultz (bo rn
in Germany).
During the Great Depression people had to find ways to have funthat didn
't cost a lot of money. When kids discovered that metal pie platesflew
we ll, tossing them became a popular pastime. Although it was great fun,
p ie plate tossing was not without its hazards. The plates made an
unpleasa nt noise when they flew, and hurt your hands if you didn't catch
them ju stright. Also, if the pie plates crash landed, they could
shatter, or dev elopdangerously sharp edges.
In 1948, Walter Frederick Morrison and Warren Franscioni got the idea to
m ake the flying plates out of plastic. They called them"Flyin' Saucer
s" to cash in on the UFO craze that was just beginning in North America.
T he plastic version flew further and straighter than its metal prototype.
In 1955, Wham-O, the makers of the Hula-Hoop and the Super Ball, bought t
he rights to sell "Flyin' Saucers".  Spud Melin, one of Wham-O's owners,
s aw people tossing plates at Yale University and yelling "frisbie" to wa
rn bystanders. The word came from the Frisbie Pie Company in Bridgeport,
C onnecticut. The Frisbie Pie Company supplied pies -- and pie plates 
to m anyof the New England colleges. Melin liked the sound of students'
warnin g, and renamed his toy the Frisbee®.
More than 200 million Frisbees® have been soldin last 50 years  that's
m ore than baseballs, footballs, and basketballs combined Today Frisbe
e® is owned by Mattel Toys.
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Angus Barnes - Louvinia H. Belknap

Angus Barnes was born at Meridian, Ingham, Michigan 27 Aug 1867. His parents were Charles Wesley Barnes and Mary Ann Keeler.

He married Louvinia H. Belknap 3 Jul 1888 at Mason, Ingham, Michigan . Louvinia H. Belknap was born at Meridian, Ingham, Michigan 13 May 1870 .

Angus Barnes died 29 Nov 1943 at Mason, Ingham, Michigan .

Louvinia H. Belknap died 16 Jan 1948 at Lansing, Ingham, Michigan .