Charles Wesley BARNES

17 Nov 1840
LeRoy, Genesse, New York
16 Dec 1909
Meridian Twp, Ingham, Michigan
Leek Cemetery, Ingham, Michigan
23 Jan 1863
Okemos, Ingham, Michigan
                   I had no idea Charles had been married a second time until I found the
rec ord of the marriage in the Ingham County Clerk's Office.
Then, on the 1900 Census for Meridian Twp, page 114 house 146/162
BarnesCharles HOct 1839Farmer
PhebeJuly 1857
Despite the middle initial and birthdate being wrong, this isclearly o
ur Charles. I would bet that Phebe answered the questions - she made
herse lf ten years younger.
From The Ingham County Democrat Weds 22 Dec 1909 Page 1
Charles W. Barnes died at his home near Okemos last Thursday evening as t
he result of heart trouble, aged 69 years. Mr. Barnes was born inLeroy,
G enesee county, N.Y., and came with his parents to the farm where he
died w hen only two years old. He married early in life and four
children,the re sult of the union, are still living: two sons, Archie
and Angus and two da ughters, Mrs. O.E. Driver of this city and Mrs. Wm.
Palen, Jr. of Alaiedo n. Some years ago Mrs. Barnes died, and later Mr.
Barnes married Mrs. Hardenburg of this city, who died about a year ago
from paralysis.
From The Ingham County Democrat Weds 2 Oct 1907 Page 5
Charles W. Barnes was born in LeRoy, Genesee county, N.Y., Oct. 18, 184
0, and died at his home near OkemosDec. 16, 1909, aged 69 years, one mon
th and 29 days. He came to Michigan with his parents at the age of two
yea rs. In May, 1844, they moved onto the farm where he has since
resided. Ja n. 23, 1863, he was married to Mary A. Keeler of Alaiedon. To
this union w ere born four children - Angus, Nellie, Lizzieand Archie.
Mrs. Barnes di ed in 1896. In 1897 Mr. Barnes was married to Mrs. Phoebe
Hardenburg, w ho died June 11, 1909. He is survived by his four children,
one brother, T homas J. of McCord, Kent county, a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Smith, of Webber ville, and several nieces and nephews. The funeral was
held Sunday at 2: 00 p.m. at Wilkins Memorial, Rev. C. L. Beebe
officiating and the remai ns were laid to rest in the Leek cemetery.
25 Mar 1844
12 Oct 1896
Meridian Twp, Ingham, Michigan
Leek Cemetery, Ingham, Michigan
Aft 1862
27 Aug 1867
Meridian, Ingham, Michigan
29 Nov 1943
Mason, Ingham, Michigan
3 Jul 1888
Mason, Ingham, Michigan 
                   From the 1916 - 1921 Rural Directory For Ingham County, Michigan
Barnes,Angus (Lovina) 3ch farming 0 100a 4h 4c R3 Mason Ala 49 Ind tel
Ray Barnes ofWilliamston, his son, reported for the death certificate.
One of Angus' descendants is Harry Barnes 
Frederick Barnes told me hewas in his book. The reason I was correspondi
ng with Fred is that a few months ago I participated in a Barnes DNA stu
dy that showed that he and I have exactly the same Y chromosome. (Harry
Ba rnes' DNA matched Fred's DNA on all 12 segments.) Proof that we have a
com mon male relative somewhere, and by extension we are both related to
Thom as Barnes of Hartford and Farmington.
I'mretired as of Nov 1, and along with my sister Pat hope to spend some
t ime working on our family tree. We're new at it, real new, but I can
alrea dy appreciate the kind of effort it must take to track down some of
the ma terial. If you think I can be a resource don't hesitate to ask. I
li ve in Holt, if you're not familiar with the area it's about five miles
fr om where GGG Grandfather Myron originally settled. I also have the
Barn es reunion scrapbook which has a lot of birth, death, and marriage
My Grandfathers name was George, but he went by Ray. The only way I knew
h is name was something differentthan Ray was because his mailbox said "
G. Ray Barnes". His brother Gerald was known to me, and everyone in the
fa mily as "Uncle Lee". He's buried nextto Agnes & Louvina and I had to
a sk who "Gerald" was.  My family intended tocall me "Lee" to
differentia te me from my father.  My brother who's four years older
liked "Pete" bett er. My sister didn't know any different, and whenI got
married the fir st time (she was 8) she thought the minister was
confused, and wanted o ur father to say "I do".
21 Sep 1868
Meridian Twp, Ingham, Michigan
                   We knew nothing of Agnes - the record was found in 1997 while checking
dat esat Ingham County Clerks Office.
The first traffic light, a pair of alternating red and green gas lamps, w
as installed outside Britain's Houses of Parliament in 1868 to keep the
la rge number of horse-drawn carriages in the area from colliding.
Unfortunat ely, it blew up, killing a passing police officer. That
discouraged furth er experiments in traffic control for a while. The
first automatic traff ic light was installed in Wolverhampton, England in
1926. It remained in s ervice until 1968.
25 Nov 1870
Okemos, Ingham, Michigan
4 Jun 1949
Lansing, Ingham, Michigan
26 Oct 1888
Mason, Ingham, Michigan 
                   There appears to be an error in Nellie's birth record. Her mother is list
edas Hattie Grittenburg (born MI). All other records show Mary Ann Keel
er as her mother. A birth for Helen Grittenburg, daughter of Jacob and
Ell en W. (Saltmarsh) Grittenburg born 12-20-1870, is listed adjacent to
Nelli e's record.Did the clerk goof? Most probably.
After the divorce from Oscar, Nelliemay have married again (Lansing
area) .The man supposedly died within a year.They were said to have had
a fa rm near Ithaca, MI. She is buried as a Driver. Nellie's death
certifica te says she was a widow, as does the 1930 census.
There is a marriage listed between Harry A. Thorne and a Nellie Barn es
at the Ingham County Court House. The wedding took place September 1, 1
910. I do not know if this is correct, but doubt it.
From Driver Memoirs, writtenby Byron Driver's family - from Joyce Bowers
... Last to leave the old Meridian home was Nellie Driver and oldest son
C harles. The younger childrenhaving been transported to the new Rushton
ho me earlier [Rushton was a road,not a town]. With a broken wrist in a
fa ll from Bessie, a favorite horse, fifteen year old Charles drove the
old m odel T-Ford with mostly one hand to the new home encountering
proble ms at the Green Oak Gravel Pits short cut where many deep sandy
and curvi ng roads often jerked the steering wheel from his driving hand.
After ma ny years, Charles still laughed about old Tippie Toe, the family
cat, bei ng brought along in a gunny sack howling all the way. Often
giving him t he urge to stop and wring his neck.
Bessie - old Daisy's first colt grew up to work along side of her moth er
as a team...
30 Apr 1876
Meridian Twp, Ingham, Michigan
25 Nov 1960
Howell, Livingston, Michigan
20 Apr 1893
Okemos, Ingham, Michigan 
                   From a news clipping The Dulcimer Still Lives On
The dulcimer, musical instrument frequently mentioned in the Old Testamen
t, is well-known in the Okemos and Mason area.
The dulcimer players, Mrs. Elizabeth Palen, formerly of Alaiedon, now a
Ma son resident, and Arch Barnes, also of Mason, are the recognized artis
ts on the instrument which takes its name from "dulce" (sweet) andthe
Gre ek "meles" (song).
The two are favorite entertainers at neighborhood gatherings especial ly
at the meetings of the Okemos Pioneer Society whereconversation relat es
to days gone by, when papers of old-time customs are read and former re
sidents of the community return for the day. Mr. Barnes alsoplays the
vio lin - he calls it a "fiddle" - a name used when the father ofthe two
play ed for barn-raising parties and country sociables. Arch Barnes is of
the B arnes family who came to Meridian township in 1842 settling a
wilderne ss to the south. Many a time, he remembers, newly-laid barn
floors resound ed to "Turkey in the Straw" and "The Irish Washerwoman."
The Barnes family, he says, was a dulcimer-playing clan and the present
wi elder of the little hammers now has his own, an authentic antique. The
mo st recent appearanceof Mrs. Palen and Mr. Barnes was at the Walter
Heathm an home in Okemos, whenthe Pioneer group invited the two as guest
enterta iners as well for their "memory" contribututions.
Young people playing in school orchestras compare thedulcimer or the
mode rn zyolophone; yet they learn in their music studies that it is a
great-gr eat ancestor of the piano with its strings attached to pegs for
tension a nd two flat pieces of wood formed into a resonance box. Clever
craftsmen o nce made the dulcimer, then played their own "sweet song"
music. The Barne s-palen players have made recordings.
Alexander Graham Bell on March 10, 1876 invented the telephone. Bell taug
ht people who were deaf, so he was acutely sensitive to sound vibrations
a nd how they travelled. Bell realized that the vibrations in human
speech c ould  be turned into variations in electrical current that could
be transm itted through wires from oneplace to another. His invention
not only ma de it possible for us to chat with friends miles away, but
opened the do or for intercoms, walkie-talkies, radio, fax transmission
and even the Int ernet. Wonder what he would have thought of VoiceMail
and answering machin es....
29 Dec 1877
Meridian Twp, Ingham, Michigan
22 May 1966
Ingham Co, Michigan
16 Mar 1898
Mason, Ingham, Michigan 
                   The family showed his name as Archibald - the birth record records Archie.
Handwritten on old news clipping
In 1892 Archie Barnes - 15 years old, Clydie Barnes (13) and Joy Barnes
(1 7) cousins, played guitar 1 song at the evening (opening) of the
Barnes st ore. Wellington Cook - clerk - gave them each acigar.
From the 1900 Census for Alaiedon Twp (page 6 house 126/131)
Archie and Eva have been married two years and have no children. Their ne
xt door neighbors are brother-in-law and sister William and Liza Palen; h
is uncleand aunt John and Maggie Keeler are two doors down.
In 1877, Thomas AlvaEdison stunned witnesses by shouting "Mary Had a
Litt le Lamb" into the recording funnel of his experimental phonograph.
The at tached needle indented afoil-covered wax cylinder, and then rode
over t he indentations to reproducethe sound.
Edison, hearing impaired from the age of 12 after a bout of scarletfeve
r, often referred to the phonograph as his favourite invention.
SocialSecurity Information
SSN:    375-40-1273
Last Residence:    48840  Haslett, Ingham, MI
Born:    29 Dec 1877
Last Benefit:
Died:    May 1966
State(Year) SSN issued:    MI (1956 And 1958 )
FamilyCentral Network
Charles Wesley Barnes - Mary Ann Keeler

Charles Wesley Barnes was born at LeRoy, Genesse, New York 17 Nov 1840. His parents were Myron Wesley Barnes and Esther Riggs.

He married Mary Ann Keeler 23 Jan 1863 at Okemos, Ingham, Michigan . Mary Ann Keeler was born at OH 25 Mar 1844 .

They were the parents of 6 children:
Ruth Barnes born Aft 1862.
Angus Barnes born 27 Aug 1867.
Agnes Barnes born 21 Sep 1868.
Nellie E. Barnes born 25 Nov 1870.
Elizabeth Barnes born 30 Apr 1876.
Archie Barnes born 29 Dec 1877.

Charles Wesley Barnes died 16 Dec 1909 at Meridian Twp, Ingham, Michigan .

Mary Ann Keeler died 12 Oct 1896 at Meridian Twp, Ingham, Michigan .