20 Jul 1800
Northfield, Orange, Vt
3 Jul 1860
Liberty Twp, Fulton, In
11 Oct 1874
Liberty Twp, Fulton, In
Shelton Cem, Rochester, Fulton, In
Abt 1824
Groveland, Livingston, Ny
                   REFN: 58
BACON (Eng):  A Swineherd or Peasant, from the nickname; a bacon or lard
dealer; dweller at t he sign of the pig, at a time when meant the live
DEED: fm#0509536 - Grantor Index to DEED Recs Livingston Co NY 1822-1857:
no Asa
fm#0509539 - Grantee Index: no Asa
fm#0509544: no Asa
fm#0510043:no Asa
DEED: 1842 - DEED Book 13 #6: Asa Bacon of the town of Groveland to
Samuel E. Culbertson of t he place aforementioned for &200 sold  all that
certain tract or parcel of land situate in th e town aforesaid and
described as follows: eginning in the center of the highway at theNW cor
ner of the lands surveyed by deed by Joseph G Phillips to Samuel E.
Culbertson on the 1st da yof October 1842 it being a part of lot #48 in
the seventh Range of Township and Township # 8 and being part of the same
land that was conveyed by deed toSamuel E.Culbertson on the1st d ay of
October 1842 by Joseph G Phillips and Lois his wife.  ----24 Oct 1842  (A
mortgage betw een Asa Bacon nd Samuel Culbertson) ------- (FHLfm#0509552
Book 13 #6 Livingston Co., NY  cop y)
DEED: 1843 - WARRENTY: Book D #544: James Aker of Groveland, Livingston,
NY to Asa Bacon of G roveland.  for $120 sold that piece of land in the
state of Indiana.the south east quarte r of the north west quarter
section number seventeenin the township number twenty nine nort h range
number three east containingforty acres.  Duplicate number 13125.  being
the same pr emises heretofore conveyed to said James Aker by Jonathan
Frost and Esther Ann his wife. by s ealbearing date of 24th day of April
1843.  -----------  (FHL fm#1870552 Book Dpg544 Deed B ook Fulton Co.,
IN  copy)
DEED: 1846 - WARRENTY: Asa Bacon & wife to Wilson R Shelton  Deed: 8th of
Dec 1846:  betwee n Asa Bacon & Chloe Bacon, his wife of the county of
Fulton in the state of Indiana and Wilso n RShelton of the county of
Fulton in the state of Indiana. forthe sum of sixtydollars. th e SE
quarterof the NW quarter of Sec 17 in Twp 29 N of Range 3 east containing
40 acres in th e LaPorte land district.  (FHLfm#1870552  Deed Book E pg31
Fulton Co., IN  copy)
DEED: 1875, 26 Jun : FHLfm# 187617 Vol 18 pg 132:  James Bacon to Heirs
of Asa and Chloe Baco n for $1.00.  (See Deed 10-29 -3   $43.46)   James
Bacon of Fulton Co., IN.  the following r eal estate interest to the NE
quarter,  SE quarter of  S10 in T29 NR3E containing 37 acres .  (more).
James Bacon,  26 Jun 1875:  Rec.1887, 10 Nov
DEED: 1896, 17 Oct:  James Bacon to I A Bacon et al: rec. 17 Oct 1896:
See Deed 6.46.A.  Jame s Bacon of Fulton Co.,  IN Release &  quit claim
deed to I.A. Bacon, Samuel Bacon, Deborah Ca loway, Alma Giles, and the
heirs of Harriet Bayless, allHeirs of Asa & Chloe Bacon, of Fulto n Co.,
IN., for the sum of  $1.00 the following real estate in Fulton Co., IN
the undivided i nterest  in the Real Estate of Asa & Chloe Bacon situate
in Fulton Co., IN described as follo ws, to-wit: The NE quarter of SE
quarter of S10 T29 NR3E  containing 37 acres.  Also a trac t described as
follows, to-wit:  Commencing in the center of the Peru and Rochester
State roa d, eight links west of the South East corner of North West
quarter of the SE quarter of S10 T 29 NR3E; thence east eight linksto
said corner thence North , twenty chains, more or less,t o the NE quarter
of the SE quarter of said S10 thence west on th north line of said
quarters ection six chains and thirty eight links  (6:38) to the middle
of said state road ; thence i n right linea south easterly course to the
place of beginning, containing six & forty six hun drdth acres.  signed
James Bacon Nancy E.Bacon
Census: 1830 - NY, Allegany, Nunda :  m 0-5; 1m 20-30; 1f 0-5; 1f 5-10;
1f 20-30
Census: 1840 - NY Livingston 265 Groveland: BACON Asa
1845 - Fulton Co, Court Records - Commissioner's Record "A" 1836-1845 A
book in
Fulton Co Pub Lib; Pg 364 of book.  Elijah BARNS, Justice
28 May 1806
Livingston, Ny
3 Jul 1860
Liberty Twp, Fulton, In
30 Mar 1896
Liberty Twp, Fulton, In
Shelton Cem, Rochester, Fulton, In
                   REFN: 59
1825/1840 - Poss lived Livingston Co., NY 1825 - 1840 Cen shows Asa in
Livingston, NY
Census: 1860 -   IN Fulton Liberty Twp:3 Jul 1860:pg584 #502:  Chloe ae54
b NY; Alma
& James w/her and Asa.
Census: 1870 -   IN FultonLiberty Twp:4 Aug 1870: pg34 #243:Asa BAKEN ae
70 bVT frmr;
Clohe ae 64 b NY (G M BAKEN lvd next to them)
Census: 1880 - Census Place:Liberty, Fulton, Indiana  :ED45 Pg1 #4
Source:FHL Film 1254279  National Archives Film T9-0279Page 132A
Occ:Keeping HouseFa: CTMo: CT
Occ:At SchoolFa: NYMo: OH
Occ:At SchoolFa: NYMo: OH
DEED: 1876: Quit Claim Deed:  James Calloway etal to James Bacon :  Recd
Jany 20th 1876  2P M  $400: This indenture witnessth that James Calloway
& Deborah, his wife, Isaiah Bacon & An n,his wife, Gary Bacon &
Elizabeth, his wife, Chloe Bacon all of Fulton Co., and Samuel Baco n and
Mary , his wife of Allen Co., in the state of Indiana convey and quit
Claim to James Ba con of Fulton Co., in the state of Indiana for the sum
of four hundred dollars the followin g real estate in Fulton Co., in the
state of Indiana to wit the individual interest of the SW 1/4 and the
NE1/4  Township number twenty nine (29) Section ten (10) Range three (3)
East con taining forty acres  more or less. (40)
20th day of January AD 1876.  Signed by:  Garry M Bacon, Elizabeth Bacon;
Chloe Bacon; Isaia h A. Bacon; AnnBacon; James Calloway, Deborah
Calloway; Samuel Bacon, Mary Bacon; Chloe Bacon  6th November, 1875
Deed Book Z pg 488-489 FHL fm#1870561  [copy]
C. Data on Asa and Isaiah from Tom KARNS 7 May 1996
BURIAL: 1896: CEM Rec: Fulton Co., Pub. Lib: IN Fulton Co:  b 28 May
1806; d 30 Mar 1896 ae 8 9yrs 10m 2d bur Shelton Cem, Rochester,IN (
Gravestone Photo Sep 1992)
In the Livingston Co., NY records I find aGarry Morris many times.
Possibly a brother of Ch loe?
Chloe is mentioned as mother in Garry Bacons Will.
Henrietta BACON
Abt 1825
Livingston, Ny
Rochester, Fulton, In
                   Cause of Death: ae 48yrs.
1845: Fulton Co, Court Records - Commissioner's Record "A" 1836-1845 A
book in
Fulton Co Pub Lib; Pg 364 of book.  ElijahBARNS, Justice of the Peace
all of his criminal cases.  One case, without details, was an assult and
battery upon Asa BACON by Ralph SMITH who was aquitted 26 Feb 1845.
1830 - CEN:  Nunda Twp., Allegeny, NY:
1850 - CEN: Fulton, IN
Henrietta does not show up on the 1860 census for Fulton Co.  It is
possible that Elijah Barn es left Fulton Co., for a time and Henrietta
diedbefore Elijah returned in time for the 186 0 census where he shown
with a different wife.  Ann E Baco is buried with the notation she i s
the wife of Elijah Barnes.
Henrietta is not listed in any of tha land transactions after the death
of  Asa and Chloe Bac on which would seem to indicate that she was dead
and had left no children.
1850 - CEN: Fulton, IN
Henrietta does not show upon the 1860 census for Fulton Co.  It is
possible that Elijah Barn es left Fulton Co., for a time and Henrietta
died before Elijah returned in time for the 186 0 census where he shown
with a different wife.  Ann E Bacon is buriedwith the notation she i s
the wife of Elijah Barnes.
Henrietta is not listedin any of the land transactions after the death
of  Asa and Chloe Bac on which would seem to indicate that she was dead
and had left no children or is not hte daug hter of Asa and Chloe.
Harriet BACON
30 Jul 1828
Livingston, Ny
9 Jul 1872
Jefferson Twp, Miami, In
                   REFN: 29
Miami Co IN Genealogies V1 Albert to Hiner, pp 1 to 356. comp by Charles A
Wagner 1979 Peru Pub Lib:SLC Jan 92: add to a Bayless family History by
that I have on file.: handwritten on page:  Harriett b Livingston Co.,NY
- Bayless Family History by Neva (Bayless) Garda;
Added on page 102 : Probate Order Book #5:  Probate Court of Jan 5,
1876:  Harriet Bayless He irs.
George Bayless submits a written request of James Bayless, father of
Frederick A. Bayless , also the written request of Oscar, Lorinda, etc.
That he be appointed Guardian of said hei r's.  Bond of  $100..  Marion
Bayless and JamesBayless, Sureties.
Bayless Family History by Neva (Bayless) Garda;  (personalcopy from Jim
McNabb 1977)
Garry M. BACON
23 Mar 1830
7 Jan 1891
Liberty Twp, Fulton, In
                   Census: 1850: IN Liberty Fulton: ae 19 b NY
Census: 1860: IN Miami; AD 947: Gary BACON ae 25 bNY
1861-1865 -  Isaiah A. Bacon to G.M. Bacon Aug 10 th 1865at 9AM
Warrenty Deed  Dec 1, 186 5  - $50  See Deed.  Isaiah Bacon and Ann,his
wife.of Fulton County in the state of Fulton C o., in the state of
Indiana convey and warrent to Garry M Bacon  of Fulton County, in the sta
te of Indiana for the sum of fifty dollars the following Real Estate in
Fulton County in th e state of Indiana towit: Commencing on the North
East corner of North East 1/4  of the Sout h East 1/4 of Section ten (10)
Township twenty nine (29) North of Range three (3) East runnin g west
forty rods thence South twelve rods thence East to said Dection line
thence north to t he place of beginning containing three acres.  signed
Isaiah A. Bacon and Ann Bacon  10th d ayof December 1861  Deed Book Q pg
120  FHL fm#1870558  [copy]
Census: 1870:IN Liberty Twp, Fulton: #252/252: Baken, GM 40 frmr NY;
Elizabeth 45
OH.; LA Kingrich (Lucy KING) ae 7 f IN (in home). :(fiche MVLDS)
1876 - Quit Claim Deed:  James Calloway etal to James Bacon :  Recd Jany
20th 1876  2PM  $400 :This indenture witnessth that James Calloway  &
Deborah, his wife, Isaiah Bacon & Ann, hi s wife, Gary Bacon & Elizabeth,
his wife, Chloe Bacon all of Fulton Co., and Samuel Bacon an d Mary , his
wife of Allen Co., in the state ofIndiana convey and quit Claim to James
Baco n of Fulton Co., in the state ofIndiana for the sum of four hundred
dollars the following re al estate in Fulton Co., in the state of Indiana
to wit the individual interest of the SW1/ 4and the NE1/4  Township
number twenty nine (29) Section ten (10) Range three(3) East conta ining
forty acres  more or less. (40)
20th day of January AD1876.  Signed by:  Garry M Bacon, Elizabeth Bacon;
Chloe Bacon; Isaia h A. Bacon; Ann Bacon; James Calloway, Deborah
Calloway; Samuel Bacon, Mary Bacon;Chloe Baco n  6th November, 1875
Deed Book Z pg 488-489 FHL fm#1870561  [copy]
Census: 1880: IN Fulton Liberty Twp:pg1 #5/8:Jerry M ae 50 b NY VT NY
Dispepsy; Elizabeth ae54 bOH NC NC; rheumatism; King, Lucy ae17 bIN VA
(L A KINGRICH in 1870 CEN):(actually Kingery)
1880 - Census Place:Liberty,Fulton, Indiana
Source:FHL Film 1254279  National Archives Film T9-0279     Page 132A
Occ:FarmingFa: VTMo: NY
Elizabeth BACONWifeFMW54OH
Occ:Keepin HouseFa: NCMo: NC
Fa: VAMo: VA
MARRIAGE:  Index to Marriage Records:WPA:Cass Co., IN:b3 p269:This same
mg is attributed
to George H Bacon and Elizabeth MJones; same book and pg#s.:1992
BURIAL: Fulton Co Cem Rec by Tombaugh - in Tippecanoe Hist Soc. Vol 1 pg
Horton (Mud Lake) Chapel Cem Liberty Twp., BACON: Family Marker:
Elizabeth - Garry M
1891 -  Miami Co., In Will Rec 1843 -1900: SPL R929.37729 M5805;
BACON, Gary M d 7 Jan 1891 of Fulton Co., IN.  Dtd 28 Mar 1883 Rec 20
1891: Wife: Elizabeth BACON
Heirs: Lucenia O SMITH- w of Albert R SMITH
Testators interest in estate of Asa Bacon to go to hismother.
Exec: Elizabeth BACON, wife
Wit: Philo QUICK
Garryand Elizabeth raised Lucenia (Lucy) Ollie KINGERY from childhood
(CEN:1870-1880)  She md Albert Russell SMITH abt 1883.
In the Livingston Co., NY records Ifind a Garry Morris many times.
Possibly a brother of C hloe?
Samuel BACON
Abt 1832
1 Sep 1902
Walthall, Ok Terr
                   Address: 905 Jona Kay Terrace


Census: 1850IN Fulton Liberty:pg879 #7: w/Asa BACON; Samuel ae 18 b NY
1856 - Warrenty:  Samuel Bacon  -  Catherine Ensler  10 April 1856  $225
See Deed  22Apri l 1856  Book J #310 (copy)
Census: 1870   IN Fulton Henry Twp:pg 29 #220, 14 Jul 1870:BACON, Samuel
ae38 bNY
Minister; Mary C? ae28 bOH; Margaret Eae14 bIN; Caera D ae2 bIN
1876 - Quit Claim Deed:  James Calloway etal to James Bacon :  Recd Jany
20th 1876  2PM  $400 : This indenture witnessth that James Calloway  &
Deborah, his wife, Isaiah Bacon & Ann, hi s wife, Gary Bacon &Elizabeth,
his wife, Chloe Bacon all of Fulton Co., and Samuel Bacon an d Mary , his
wife of Allen Co., in the state of Indiana convey and quit Claim toJames
Baco n of Fulton Co., in the state of Indiana for the sum of four hundred
dollars the following re al estate in Fulton Co., in the state of Indiana
to wit the individual interest of the SW1/ 4 and the NE1/4  Township
numbertwenty nine (29) Section ten (10) Range three (3) East conta ining
forty acres  more or less. (40)
20th day of January AD 1876.  Signed by:  Garry M Bacon, Elizabeth Bacon;
Chloe Bacon; Isaia h A. Bacon; Ann Bacon; James Calloway,Deborah
Calloway; Samuel Bacon, Mary Bacon; Chloe Baco n  6th November, 1875
Deed Book Z pg 488-489 FHL fm#1870561  [copy]
Tom KARNS Jul 1996:query on:
Carrie Dell BACON is grandmother
In a long document my grandmother, Carrie Dell Bacon Karns
wrote in the early 1930' she mentioned the Bayless family a couple of
"[1875] One of the incidents of that year was the marriage of
Father'soldest nephew Morris Bayless [actually, as you know Morris
had three older brothers] whose bride to be had come from Fulton
County to this place [Corunna, De Kalb County, IN] to live with her
grandparents. Father married them Thanksgiving day at her home, and
as was the custom then there was a fine wedding feast served to a lot
of guests, as Morris was so far from home and motherless, mymother
[Mary Catherine Enslen Bacon] felt it her duty to giver the Infair
[?] dinner supposed to be given at the grooms parent's home, so the
next day, wefeasted the relations at our place, it was a thrilling
time for me, as therewas a number of the Bacon side of relations
there for several days, and the house was full of mirth and laughter,
being the only child present I was pettedby all the grown up
cousins." Carrie was nearly 8 years old at this time.
InMay of 1877, Rev Samuel Bacon and his daugther Carrie Dell
left Indiana afterthe death of his wife and her mother, Mary
Catherine Enslen Bacon, and moved to Kansas. Shortly, Samuel returned
to Indiana to m Alice Celestina Dukes, andthen returned to Kansas.
Soon, "A nephew of his from Indiana had just reachedhis majority,
Frank Bayless by name, and had come west seeking his fortune, the two
bought a well driller, and moved it and some other things out to the
claim, Frank remained there, while Father and the nearest neighbor
came back after the rest of the things and Mother and I. It took two
days by wagon to makethe trip [near present day Reno County, KS]."
Apparently Frank stayed there for a while as--  Carrie Bacon  in
jumping out of a wagon. "my new dress caughton the spring of the
wagon seat, until my weight tore it loose and I fell between the
wheels, the back one crushing my body down in the deep track of the
country road, Frank [Bayless] came running to me and carried me to
the house, as my left thigh was broken, it was ten miles to the
nearest doctor....Frank left at once to tell Father and sent another
boy for the doctor" [Carrie would be plagued with a hip problem the
rest of her life]. "Frank was about the worsttease I ever knew, but
goodhearted too'....Frank soon left us, Father boughthis
relinquishment to the claim down on the Minn
Deborah BACON
7 Aug 1834
13 Mar 1907
Fulton, In
                   Census: 1850  IN Fulton Liberty:pg879 #7: w/Asa BACON; Deborah ae15 bNY
Census: 1860: IN Fulton Rochester:pg722 #1427, 20 Aug 1860:Debora ae24 bOH
DEED: 1876: Quit Claim Deed:  James Calloway etal to James Bacon :  Recd
Jany 20th 1876  2P M  $400: This indenture witnessth that James Calloway
& Deborah, his wife, Isaiah Bacon & An n, his wife, Gary Bacon &
Elizabeth, his wife, Chloe Bacon all of Fulton Co., and Samuel Baco n and
Mary , his wife of Allen Co., in the state of Indiana convey and quit
Claim to James Ba con of Fulton Co., in the state of Indiana for the sum
of four hundred dollars the followin g real estate in Fulton Co., in the
state of Indiana to wit the individual interest of the SW 1/4 and the
NE1/4  Township number twenty nine (29) Section ten (10) Range three (3)
East con taining forty acres  more or less. (40)
20th day of January AD 1876.  Signed by:  Garry M Bacon, Elizabeth Bacon;
Chloe Bacon; Isaia h A. Bacon; Ann Bacon; James Calloway, Deborah
Calloway; Samuel Bacon, Mary Bacon; Chloe Baco n  6th November, 1875
Deed Book Z pg 488-489 FHL fm#1870561  [copy]
BURIAL:  REC:IN Fulton Co:Tombaugh:
From Tommy Karns Dec 2000:  Donna Goble is a descendent of Isaiah and
Ruth through their so n Asa and granddaughter Deborah Bacon.
Census: 1900 - Liberty Twp., Fulton, IN:  #212/213  b Aug 1834 ag 65   wd
27 Apr 1837
Groveland, Livingston, Ny
4 Feb 1912
Henry Twp, Fulton, In
                   Cause of Death: ae 74
Census: 1850:  IN Fulton Liberty:pg879 #7:w/Asa BACON;James ae13 bNY
Census: 1860:  IN Fulton Liberty:pg 584 #502, 3 Jul 1860:BACON, James
ae23 bNY Farmer
Census: 1870:  MO
Census: 1880 - Census Place:Liberty, Fulton, Indiana
Source:FHL Film 1254279  National Archives Film T9-0279Page 132A
Occ:FarmingFa: NYMo: NY
Occ:Keeping HouseFa: ---Mo: ---
Fa: NYMo: OH
Fa: NYMo: OH
Occ:At SchoolFa: NYMo: OH
Occ:At SchoolFa: NYMo: OH
Fa: NYMo: IN
Occ:At SchoolFa: INMo: IN
Occ:At SchoolFa: INMo: IN
1861 - NEWSPAPER Excerpts: Rochester Mercury Thursday 12 Sep 1861:
CAUTION: Allpersons
are hereby notified not to purchase a note of hand, for twenty dollars,
date 31st Aug 1861 and due 3 months thereafter, given by me to Aaron
as I will not pay the same unless compelled by law. JAMES BACON. 12 Sep
DEED: 1876 - Quit Claim Deed:  James Calloway etal to JamesBacon :  Recd
Jany 20th 1876  2P M  $400: This indenture witnessth that JamesCalloway
& Deborah, his wife, Isaiah Bacon & An n, his wife, Gary Bacon &
Elizabeth, his wife, Chloe Bacon all of Fulton Co., and Samuel Baco n and
Mary , his wife of Allen Co., in the state of Indiana convey and quit
Claim toJames Ba con of Fulton Co., in the state of Indiana for the sum
of four hundred dollars the followin g real estate in Fulton Co., in the
state of Indianato wit the individual interest of the SW 1/4 and the
NE1/4  Township number twenty nine (29) Section ten (10) Range three (3)
East con taining forty acresmore or less. (40)
20th day of January AD 1876.  Signed by:  Garry M Bacon,Elizabeth Bacon;
Chloe Bacon; Isaia h A. Bacon; Ann Bacon; James Calloway, Deborah
Calloway; Samuel Bacon, Mary Bacon; Chloe Baco n  6th November, 1875
Deed Book Z pg 488-489 FHL fm#1870561  [copy]
DEED: 1876: Deed: James Bacon to G. M. Califf  Rec'd April 7th 1876 at
2PM WDeed April 7th 18 76  $40.  SeeDeed Sec 10-29-3 -  James Bacon  (an
unmarried) of Fulton Co., IN to GilbertM . Califf of Fulton Co., IN 4th
of April 1876.  Signed by James Bacon  (copy)
DEED: 1896, 17 Oct:  James Bacon to I A Bacon et al: rec. 17 Oct 1896:
SeeDeed 6.46.A.  Jame s Bacon of Fulton Co.,  IN Release &  quit claim
deed toI.A. Bacon, Samuel Bacon, Deborah Ca loway, Alma Giles, and the
heirs of Harriet Bayless, all Heirs of Asa & Chloe Bacon, of Fulto n Co.,
IN., for the sumof  $1.00 the following real estate in Fulton Co., IN
the undivided i nterest  in the Real Estate of Asa & Chloe Bacon situate
in Fulton Co., IN described as follo ws, to-wit: The NE quarter of SE
quarter of S10 T29 NR3E  containing 37 acres.  Also a trac t described as
follows, to-wit:  Commencing in thecenter of the Peru and Rochester
State roa d, eight links west of the South East corner of North West
quarter of the SE quarter of S10 T 29 NR3E; thence east eight links to
said corner thence North , twenty chains, more or less,t othe NE quarter
of the SE quarter of said S10 thence west on th north line ofsaid
quarter s ection six chains and thirty eight links  (6:38) to the middle
of said state road ; thence i n right linea south easterly course to the
place of beginning, containing six & forty six hun drdth acres.  signed
JamesBacon Nancy E. Bacon
DEATH: 1912: Death Index:  Bacon, James  m  w  74  feb4  1912  Fulton
Co.    C-18   48
Abt 1839
Abt 1943
Kellerton, Ia
                   Joan - - descendent of Alma Bacon:
Census: 1850 - IN Fulton Liberty: pg879 #7: w/Asa BACON as Alma ae 11 bNY
Census: 1860 - IN Fulton Liberty: pg584 #502, 3 Jul 1860: w/Asa BACON as
Anna ae21
Census: 1880 - SDX:MO Harrison, Hamilton: Vol 14 ES 290 Sh 15 L 14:  Alma
Shackleton ae 4 1 b IN  inHamilton, Harrison, MO  Chloe  d ae 14 b IN;
Able  s  ae 12 b IN;  Cecil  sa e 5 b IN.
MARRIAGE: 1864 -  MG: Fulton co, IN Mg Rec 1836-1983: A-K Tombaugh
977.287 V22tj V1:SLC Jan 1 992:  md 17 Nov 1864.
1875 - Quit Claim Deed: recd Jany 20th 1856 at 2PM Quit Claim MArch 24,
1875  $100.  Louis Sh ackelfordto James Bacon his indenture witnessth
that Louis Shackelford & Alma Shackelford, h is wife of Harrison County
in the state of Missouri, County of Missouri Convey and Quit Clai m to
James Bacon of Fulton County in the state of Indiana for the sum of one
hundred dollar s ($00) the following real estate inFulton County in the
state of Indiana to wit:  The SW1/ 4 of the NE1/4 of Section nmber ten
(10) Township twenty nine (29)  Range three (3) East cont aining 40 acres
more or less.  Signed by Alma Shackelford and Lewis Shackelford 24 March
AD 1 875
In the land records sales after the death of her mother, Chloe Bacon,
Alma is named as Alm a Giles.
From Tommy Karns Dec 2000:  GeorgeGearhart great-grandson of Alma,
Lucile Gearhart, grandda ughter of Alma.
Craig Beeman  is a descendent of Alma Bacon
through herdaughter Lewi e Elba.
Tommy KarnsPhone:   (H)   405-360-5244
905 Jona Kay Terrace       (O)   405-325-2843
Norman, OK 73069-4003

Carrie Dell BACON is grandmother:
In a long document my grandmother, Carrie Dell Bacon Karns
wrote in the early 1930' she mentioned the Bayless family a couple of
In May of 1877, Rev Samuel Bacon and his daugther Carrie Dell
left Indiana after the death of his wife and her mother, Mary
Catherine Enslen Bacon, and moved to Kansas. Shortly, Samuel returned
to Indiana to mAlice Celestina Dukes, and then returned to Kansas.
Soon, "A nephew of his from Indiana had just reached his majority,
Frank Bayless by name, and had come west seeking his fortune, the two
bought a well driller, and moved it and someother things out to the
claim, Frank remained there, while Father and the nearest neighbor
came back after the rest of the things and Mother and I. It tooktwo
days by wagon to make the trip [near present day Reno County, KS]."
Apparently Frank stayed there for a while as--  Carrie Bacon  in
jumping out of a wagon. "my new dress caught on the spring of the
wagon seat, until my weight tore it loose and I fell between the
wheels, the back one crushing my body downin the deep track of the
country road, Frank [Bayless] came running to me andcarried me to
the house, as my left thigh was broken, it was ten miles to the
nearest doctor....Frank left at once to tell Father and sent another
boy forthe doctor" [Carrie would be plagued with a hip problem the
rest of her life]."Frank was about the worst tease I ever knew, but
goodhearted too'....Frank soon left us, Father bought his
relinquishment to the claim down on the Minnescah river, fifteen
miles distant, and Frank started back to Ind. but went to Kellerton
IA. to visit our Aunt Alma [Alma Bacon Shackelford] where he still
is, if living."
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 20:46:35 EST
Asa Bacon genealogy.
Phyliss, Found your listing on Asa Bacon is my husband's
grandfather.Alma Bacon married Lewis Shackelford.  I have a picture of
at 104.  What is your connection? How far back have you gone with Asa
Joan, CA
Joan -
Mon, 1 Apr 2002
Subject: Re: Asa Bacon genealogy.
Phyliss, Good to hear from you.  I do have some wonderful stories about
21 Jun 1826
19 May 1906
Liberty Twp, Fulton, In
25 Apr 1853
Fulton Co., Indiana 
                   Friday, May 25, 1906 WEEKLY EDITION
After being pronounced dead by the attending physician, and remaining in
a comotose condition for fully a half hour, Isaiah BACON, living south of
Greenoak, rallied eighteen hours, dying Saturdaymorning at seven o'clock.
Friday about eleven o'clock Mr. Bacon, who would have been eighty years
of age had he lived until Monday, was stricken with paralysis, which
affected him in practically all his faculties. All of his children were
called to his home and there, about one o'clock, when all were at his
bedside, it was announced by the attending physician that he was dead.
Hispulse stopped, and the action of his heart was not noticable, while
his eyesbecame glassy and "set." Thirty minutes later, after the family
had begun tomake arrangements to secure the services of an undertaker
and embalmer, one of the children unconsciously felt the pulse of the
supposed dead man and it was found that there was a very weak "beat."
The physician who had left the house was recalled and restoratives were
administered which resulted in Mr. Bacon rallying, regaining
consciousness and recognizing his wife and children. Owing to the
paralysis he was unable to speak but answered several questions by
shaking or nodding his head. From the time of his supposed death Friday
afternoon up until midnight he was unable to swallow, but after that time
the resolution of the swelling in his throat relieved him and he suffered
no painuntil his death.
Mr. Bacon had lived in Fulton county practically all his life, he coming
here with his parents when a child about two years old, and sinceresided
here except a year which he spent at Macy. He lived at the home where he
died for the past twenty-five years. He leaves a wife and four children,
Mrs. Charles KEEL of Rochester, Will BACON, Mrs. George COLLINS and Mrs.
George BABER all of near Greenoak. He was a member of the Methodist
church anda good old gentleman.
The funeral will be held at the Greenoak Methodist church, Monday at 2
o'clock, Rev. NORRIS, of Macy, officiating. Burial at the Mt.Zion
Isaiah BACON was born in New York June 21, 1826, and at the age of 17
came to Indiana with his parents who located on a farm near the home
where he spent his last days. He was united in marriage April 25, 1853,
toAnna PEARSON, who died March 30, 1876. To this union were born six
children,three of whom, Sarah [BACON], Alma [BACON] and Eldora [BACON]
with the mother are dead. Those surviving are William N. [BACON] of
Athens, Mrs. George COLLINS, of near Greenoak and Mrs. Chas. KEEL, of
In the year 1875,he married Nancy EWER, who departed this life three
years later, leaving onechild, Mrs. George BABER, of near Greenoak. He
again married in 1879 to Clarrisa J. PENCE who with his four children,
twelve grandchildren, one brother, two sisters and a host of friends are
left to mourn the loss.
In 1883 he became a member of the Methodist church of this place, having
previously had hisfellowship with the U.B. church. His loyalty and
devotion to the Christian faith are worthy of imitation. He was one of
the pioneers of Fulton county having at the time of his death, May 19,
1906, reached the age of 79 years 10 months and 28 days.
Funeral services were conducted at Greenoak, Monday at 2 o'clock by the
Rev. NORRIS of Macy, interment at Mt. Zion cemetery.
BIRTH: 1829:IGI:F867983-0019:BACON, Isaiah Asa # @ sp: Ellis_ Nancy
EWER: b 21 Jun 1829npb
1859  NEWSpaper Excerpts:Rochester Sentinel Sat 12 Nov 1859 - List of
Premiums awarded
at the third annual Fair of the Fulton Co Agricultural Society, held at
Rochester. 14 & 15th of Oct. 1859:I. BACON
Census: 1860 -  IN Fulton Liberty Twp:pg 584 #503, 3 Jul 1860:BACON,
Isaiah A ae34 bNY
Farmer; Ann ae 30 bOH; William N ae 6 bIN; Sarah A ae 4 bIN; Alma J ae2
Census: 1870-  IN Fulton Liberty Twp:pg 32 #243/243; 4 Aug 1
FamilyCentral Network
Asa Bacon - Chloe Morris

Asa Bacon was born at Northfield, Orange, Vt 20 Jul 1800.

He married Chloe Morris Abt 1824 at Groveland, Livingston, Ny . Chloe Morris was born at Livingston, Ny 28 May 1806 .

They were the parents of 8 children:
Henrietta Bacon born Abt 1825.
Harriet Bacon born 30 Jul 1828.
Garry M. Bacon born 23 Mar 1830.
Samuel Bacon born Abt 1832.
Deborah Bacon born 7 Aug 1834.
James Bacon born 27 Apr 1837.
Alma Bacon born Abt 1839.
Isaiah Asa Bacon born 21 Jun 1826.

Asa Bacon died 11 Oct 1874 at Liberty Twp, Fulton, In .

Chloe Morris died 30 Mar 1896 at Liberty Twp, Fulton, In .