Nathaniel POPE

3 Jun 1829
of Ripley, Chautauqua, New York
2 Jan 1921
Lind, Wisconsin; at age of 92 years
1 Sep 1855
Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
                   Nathaniel Pope (7) is the ninth child a son of Nathaniel Pope (6)
and Ida Strong Mattocks Pope.
Nathaniel received the schooling available through rural community
of Northeast, Pennsylvania. but was unable to further is education to
higher learning due to limit financial income of his parents.
As a boy he loved to learn reading books on travel and adventure, was of
studious nature,and adventurer, excelled in the mathematical field,
swimming, and quite fond of sailing.
At the age of 14 he began to sail on the Great Lakes, in 1827 he
sailed to the Port of Green Bay, Wisconsin and associates ports in that
vici nity.  He sailed the Great Lakes for 6 years, and worked on river
boats going upand down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans,
In 1 849he persuaded what he considered greater opportunity for a sailor,
so he l eftfrom Racine, Wisconsin to New Orleans.  From the port of New
Orleans he s ailed to Ne York, Philadelphia, and Boston, and on one
occasion was a mate on a run from New York to Philadelphia.  In his many
adventures he travel aroun d the world visiting many foreign ports.  He
sailed on the schooner Kate whic h sailed from California (during the gold
rush) to Cape Horn.  "Kate" became shipwrecked and Nathaniel lost all
his belongs, his sea-chest and most treas uredbooks.  After the wrecking
of Kate he then re-shipped on a Spanish barqu e andreturned to San
Francisco, California.
Upon his arrival in San Francis co, he went gold digging amassing a
large fortune (for those days) in gold co in approximately $4,000.00.
Nathaniel (7) Pope married Eliza Jane Loomis (born August 14, 1840
Northeast, Pennsylvania the daughter of Lyman Loomis) on Sep tember 1,
1855 in Cleveland, Ohio.  From this marriage there were fourteen
children.  Two of the children died at birth and no information is
available on them.
1.)   Mary Ellen (8) Pope born May 24, 1856, Northeast,
Pennsylvani a, diedJanuary 29, 1932
2.)   Pline Eugene (8) Pope born September 1, 1857 Li nd,
Wisconsin, died January 1, 1900
3.)   Charles Lincoln (8) Pope born J uly 14, 1860 Lind, Wisconsin,
died March 27, 1886
4.)   Rush Loomis(8) Pope born  September 21, 1862 Lind,
Wisconsin, died June 12, 1936
5.)   Ida Viola (8) Pope born August 12, 1864 Lind, Wisconsin
6.)   Nathaniel Gale (8) Pope bo rn January20, 1866 Lind,
Wisconsin, died June 2, 1925
7.)   Alice May (8) P ope born August 15, 1867 Lind, Wisconsin,
died in infancy
8.)   Walter Guy ( 8) Pope born October 28, 1869 Lind, Wisconsin
9.)   Albert Platt (8) Pope born March 19,1873 Lind, Wisconsin
10.)   Bertha Lutina(8) Pope born October 9, 1 874 Lind,Wisconsin,
died March 9, 1929
11.)   Lyle Clement (8) Pope born Ma rch 20, 1878 Lind, Wisconsin
12.)   Ethel Clare (8) Pope born March 8, 1880 Li nd, Wisconsin, died
July 19, 1893
He then decided to return to New York via the Isthmus of Panama, to
eventually return to Northeast, Pennsylvania and vi sit his father's
home.  However, within a few days of arriving in Northeast h e becameill
with fever and laid disabled for two years.  He decided in 1853 (spring
of) to take off with his brother Alvin for Wisconsin, by boat to
Sh eboygan andacross country to Oshkosh, then by boat again to Gill's
Landing, then back byfoot to Lind township and on arrival purchased 160
acres of land .
Records at Washington, D. C. General Land Office, Department of
Interior, relative to Wisconsin lands:
"The recorders show that Nathaniel Pope, Jr., pur chased the
Southeast 1/4, Section 16,         T-21-N, R-11-E, Waupaca county,
Wisconsin,for $1.25 per acre, on October 27, 1854,          in the
distri ct land office at Stevens Point, Wisconsin.  Patent for the tract
issued to h im       December 15, 1855, under Stevens Point Cash entry,
No. 3453.  the pa tent is recorded in    Volume 7, page 249.
On April 30, 1855 Nathaniel purchas ed from hisbrother Alvin Pope,
the land descri
Eliza Jane LOOMIS
19 Aug 1840
Northeast, (Erie County), Pennsylvania
21 Jul 1866
Lind, Wi
                   Ancestral File Number: 1WBP-MLS
Eliza Jane Loomis married Nathaniel (7) Pope (born June 3, 1829 in
Chautauqua County, New York the son o Nathaniel Pope(6) and Ida Strong
Mattocks Pope) on September 1, 1855 in Cleveland, Ohio.  From this
marriage there were fourt een children.  Two of the children died atbirth
and no information is availa ble on them.
1.)   Mary Ellen (8) Pope born May 24, 1856, Northeast,
Pennsyl vania, died January 29, 1932
2.)   Pline Eugene (8) Pope born September 1, 185 7 Lind,
Wisconsin, died January 1, 1900
3.)   Charles Lincoln (8) Pope bo rn July 14, 1860 Lind, Wisconsin,
died March27, 1886
4.)   Rush Loomis(8) P ope born  September 21, 1862 Lind,
Wisconsin, died June 12, 1936
5.)   Ida V iola(8) Pope born August 12, 1864 Lind, Wisconsin
6.)   Nathaniel Gale (8) Pop e born January 20, 1866 Lind,
Wisconsin, died June 2, 1925
7.)   Alice May ( 8) Pope born August 15, 1867 Lind, Wisconsin,
died in infancy
8.)   Walter G uy (8) Pope born October 28, 1869 Lind, Wisconsin
9.)   Albert Platt (8) Pope born March 19, 1873 Lind, Wisconsin
10.)Bertha Lutina(8) Pope born October 9, 1874 Lind, Wisconsin,
died March 9, 1929
11.)   Lyle Clement (8) Pope bor n March 20, 1878 Lind, Wisconsin
12.)   Ethel Clare (8) Pope born March 8, 188 0 Lind, Wisconsin, died
July 19, 1893
Eliza was a women who was a devote mot her, loved her home life, of
exceptional fine character and ability.
The fol lowing letters will help you understand herbetter:
Lind, Tuesday, March 5th, 1880
As your father is going to town this morning I will write a f ew
lines to you.  I have been feeling some better of the last few days.  I
have made Bertha (6yrs) a new nightdress andmended some pants for the
boys. I have got some of my carpet and I think it is quite pretty.  I
have the bed room carpet made and got it spread down in thefront room.
Viola (16yrs) is go ing to have some company after school tonight,
Mr. Weeden, Fred  and Nell (Po tter), Ida (Caldwell) and Essie (Bryant).
Mr. Coney, got a dispatch from  Fond ulac that his sister is dead.
Mrs. Coney and Coney have gone. Doll (Charles L. 20yrs) and Lucy will go
there and stay allnight and milk the cow.  Your U ncle George has got
well enough to ride to Waupaca.  I had a letter from Albe rt (her
brother-in-law living in Idaho) he ismilking fifteen cows and sellin g
the milk; they are having very cold weatherout there.
I have got your pai l fixed, will send it by Mr. White.  They willbe
there Saturday if they don' t change their minds.
That old carpet is hardly worth sending.  I hope you can manage to
keep warm this cold weather.  Ella, be careful of your health, the re is
nothing like good health.  Good-bye from
Bertha packs her thing up every day to be ready when you come, Guy
(11 yrs) thinks i t is most time he had a letter from you.  My love to
LeRoy,tell him to be ca reful.
March 11, 1880
You wanted to know if thebaby (Ethel) was pretty.  What a question
to ask.  did you ever know anyone to have a homely b aby?  Well, of
course, she is pretty.  Some say she looks like one and some s ay she
looks like another; she has large dark eyes, small face, little ears.
Well, to tell the truth she looks more like you than any baby I ever
had. I won't name the baby until you come down.  Guy says tell Ella he
will write with Viola, they will write Sunday.  Ella, if you can read
thisscribbling y ou will do well.  You will write often.
George is waiting to hear from Redfield before he come up there.  I
wanted Viola to take her dres s when she came to see you, but she said she
would not do it.  Youknow you a re laughing at her about bringing her
sewing for you to do.  Bertand Bertha are waiting to take this to the
We all want to see you, Hope you wil l come home as soon as you can.
Good-bye Ella.
P.S. Here Ihave jus t got home from Aunt Sarah Ann's.  Have
24 May 1856
North East, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
29 Jan 1932
13 Sep 1878
Lind, Wisconsin 
                   Mary Ellen (8) Pope was the first child a daughter of Nathaniel (7)
and ElizaJane Loomis Pope.
Mary Ellen attended school directly located across the street from
the Nathaniel Pope Homestead.  In those days at the age of 16 she
q ualified to be a teacher and taught heir first year in the South Lind
distric tschool and then went on to teach at Post corners School in the
township of Dayton.
Mary Ellen was constantly on the move teaching and going  back to
th ehomestead to take care of her ill father, leaving again to teach and
then b ack again for the care of her father.
Mary Ellen (8) Pope married Le Roy Jones (son of Ira and Sarah Jane
Fox Jones of Lind, Wisconsin) on September 13, 18 78.
She was active of affairs, and always striving for a purpose,
faithful, brave, strong,  the caretaker of the sick, help out in deaths,
or birth of in dividuals.  Also she loved her home, gardening, relative,
and friends they ne verseemed a burden to her.
1 Sep 1857
Lind, Wisconsin
1 Jan 1900
Lind, Wisconsin
Lind, Wisconsin 
                   Pline Eugene Pope (8) was the second child a son of Nathaniel (7)
and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
Pline like the rest of his family was born on the Pope homestead in
Lind, Wisconsin.  Attending the area schools.
Pline Eugene (8) Pope married Clara Emily Redfield in 1879 at Lind,
Wisconsin.  From this marriage there were three children.
1.)   Mert Gray (9) Pope born August 18, 1880 Lind,Wisconsin.
2.)   Merle (9) Pope born December 28, 1882 Lind, Wisconsin
3.) Flora Belle (9) Pope born February 6, 1887 Lind, Wisconsin
He ran a farm all his live across the road from Calvin Parker's farm
which was where Alvin Pope previously lived.  Later on in life Plin
bought land for a home south and wes tof the Parker farm over in the
hills where he and his family lived until th eday of his death.
Pline died January 11, 1900 from complications from a coldturning
into pneumonia.  He caught the cold while working in his barn.
14 Jul 1860
Lind, Waupaca, Wisconsin
27 Mar 1886
16 Jun 1879
Lind, Waupaca County, Wisconsi 
                   Alias: /Doll/
Charles Lincoln Pope (8) is the third child a son of Nathaniel (7)
Pope and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
He like most other Pope family members went to Lind Center schools.
At the age of nineteen years he married.
Ch arles Lincoln (8) Pope married  Lucy Elizabeth Redfield  on June
16, 1879.F rom this marriage there were two offsprings:
1.)   Nathaniel Joel Pope (9) born September 11, 1882
2.)   Phillip Lee Pope (9)  born December 06, 1884
After Charles and Lucy's marriage they moved in the Nathaniel and
Eliza Jane Popefor one year.  Then purchased the Glover place and built
a home.
The fo llowing is an Obituary published in the "Pioneer Popes"
Copy of Obituary
POPE - On Saturday, March 27, 1886.  Charles Lincoln Pope died of
pneumonia at his home
in Lind.  He was twenty-six years of age.  "Doll" was well liked by
al l who knew him; he was
the son of Nathaniel Pope, the present chairman of the townof
Lind.  He leaves his wife and
two children, who with his parents an d thewhole community will
deeply mourn his loss.  The
funeral was held on S unday, the Rev. Mr. Nelson of Parfreyville
preaching the funeral sermon.
The remains were buried in the cemetery at Lind Center.
21 Sep 1862
Lind, Waupaca, Wisconsin
12 Jun 1936
8 Jul 1881
Minneapolis, Minnesota 
                   Alias: Rob /Pope/
Rush Loomis Pope (8) was the fourth child a son of Nathaniel (7) and
Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
Rush was born at the Pope homestead in Lind.  He was named after is
mother's (Eliza Loomis Pope) brother.  He wasconsidered such a pretty
baby by many he received the nickname of "ROBIN" which was later
shortened to "ROB".  Rob like the rest of the Pope's was educated in the
Lind Center Schools.  After graduation he worked on his father's farm
assisting in stock buying and meat selling.  Later he hauled beef with a
team of horses to Moran Galloway lumber camps in the North.
Rush Loomis "Rob" (8) Pope married Claribel Charlotte Nordeen (born
June 20, 1859 in Lind, Wisc onsin the daughter Peter John Nordeen and
Amelia Price Nordeen) on July 8, 18 81.  From this union in marriage there
were three off springs:
1.)   Amelia Eliza (9) Pope born in Dayton, Wisconsin on August 06,
2.)   Beatrice ( 9)Pope born in Lind, Wisconsin on October 18, 1893
3.)   Paul Nordeen (9) Pop eborn in Lind, Wisconsin on September 1,
After the marriage they staye dwith his father and then in October
set up housekeeping on a farm, that was formerly occupied by Rush and
Alice Pope Loomis, in 1938 known as the Harry Testin farm, near Post
Corners in the town of Dayton.  In February they home burned to the
ground and had to wait until spring to rebuild.  Rob was a farm er onhis
on property and also help out the neighbors by farming for them. Rob
andClaribel lived on this farm until 1892 when they purchased the
Colu mbus Caldwell farm in Lind, Wisconsin.
While on this farm they developed the " FIRST" pure bred Guernsey
herd in Waupaca County.  He actively to part in sto ck burying and
furnished meat to Wisconsin Veterans Home for 10 years, promot ing and
build the co-operative creamery at Lind as well.  1900 he entered int o
the meat market business with John Gordon at Waupaca, Wisconsin under the
firm nameof "Gordon and Pope".  The meat business was later sold and he
pur chased with his brother Gale Poe the H. W. Williams Hardware business
later n aming it the "Pope Hardware Company".  Sometime after the business
was establ ished, their cousin Fred Parish, bought partnership into the
company and late r it was sold to him because of Rush Loomis "ROB" ill
Because of his illness Rush sold his farm in 1904 and moved to
Waupaca, purchasing the Ches ley place at 528 Jefferson Street,
extensively remodeling it and living betwe en the Albert P. Pope farm he
purchased in Lind, until his death, but the Jef ferson Street home is
still occupied in 1938 by his widow Claribel Charlotte Nordeen Pope.
In 1913 he purchased the Albert P. Pope farm in Lind, Wisconsin and
startedanother Guernsey heard.  His son Paul N. Pope still resided on
this farm in June 1938.
Rush Loomis was a member of the Modern Woodmen, Odd F ellows Lodge,
Knights of Pythias and the St. Marks Episcopal Church.  He also was an
expertchecker player taking second place in the State Checker Tourna ment
at Racine, Wisconsin; and an active member of the Waupaca Checker Club.
He was considered a devoted father, kindly husband, a legion of
friends and no enemies, his greatest lifes joy was helping his family and
friends, though tful, quiet, eventempered, cheerful disposition, always
kind and generous to a fault, a deep thinker and conversed with great
Rush Loomis "Ro b" Pope died on June 12, 1936 after a four day fight
with lobar pneumonia.
12 Aug 1864
Lind, Wisconsin
20 Feb 1950
18 Jun 1884
Lind, Wisconsin 
                   Alias: /Olla/
Ida Viola Pope (8) was the fifth child a daughter of Nathaniel (7)
and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
Ida was a devoted homemaker, not much for the social life, excellent
Ida was mostly a home body, not venturing much away from the family
homestead.  After marrying she and her husband stayed  at her residence
and took care of the place while her mother visited her brothers Eli and
Rush Loomis Pope in Dakota.  Then in the fall they moved to Henry's
fathers home (Luther West Sr.) and lived there till the following fall,
when they moved to their own farm which is now (1938) owned by their son
Pope West.  In 1890 though they rented their farm and moved to Waukesha
topursue other ventures.  However, they did moved back to the farm in
1897.  L ater they returned to the Lind, Wisconsin farm and lived.  In
1938 they lived on a small tract of (L) land adjoining the farm in the
house originally buil tfor Charles Lincoln Pope (son of Nathaniel (7) and
Eliza Pope).
Ida Viola (8)Pope married Henry L. West (born March 9, 1861) on
June 18, 1884 in Lind, Wisconsin.  From this marriage there were four
children born.
1.)   Pope Na thaniel (9 Pope) West born November 27, 1887 in Lind,
2.)   Lucia Eliza(9 Pope) West born April 6, 1891 in Waukesha,
3.)   Elwyn Vi ctor(9 Pope) West born November 19, 1901 in Lind,
4.)   Luther Fu ller(9 Pope) West born July 1, 1908 in Lind,
20 Jan 1866
Lind, Wisconsin
2 Jun 1925
Lind, Wisconsin
3 Jun 1904
Merrilan Junction, Wisconsin 
                   Gale Nathaniel Pope (8) was the sixth child a son of Nathaniel (7)
and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
Gale spent most of his childhood and early school days in Lind.
Graduating from Oshkosh Business College.
Gale worked for about ten yea rs in Merrill, Wisconsin.  Leaving
Merrill and returning to Waupaca and becom ing employed at the Gordon and
Pope Meat Market.  Later Gale became a partner in this business but
eventually selling his partnership to purchase a meat m arket in Merrillan
Junction, Wisconsin.
In 1910 Gale decided to go west and lived near Crowley, Montana.
While there his wife divorced him but then rema rried him again.  In 1922
became ill with Bright's disease and in May 1925 le ft Montana accompanied
by his brother Rush "Rob" and returned to Lind.  He st ayedwith his
sister Mary Allen Pope Jones until his death on June 2, 1925.
GaleNathaniel (8) Pope married Jennie Fox  (born October 26, 1880)
on Ju ne 3, 1904 in Merrilan Junction, Wisconsin
Gale was considered by many to be h appy, friendly, genial soul,
popular with his family, friends and business as sociates.
This letter was written by Eliza Lomis Pope to Nathaniel Gale while
goingto school in Oshkosh, the letter in 1938 was in the possession of
Ida Viola Pope West of Lind, Wisconsin.
Gale N. Pope                       Lind, April 12,1886
Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
My dear Boy;
I guess you think you are ne ver going to hear from the home
again.  I received your letter last Tuesday; thought Iwould write right
off but Bertie was taken so much worse I waited f or him toget a little
better before writing to you.  This morning he is a li ttle better, we
think.  He has been sick a good deal as "Doll" was, but not s o severean
attack.  Oh, you don't know how pale and poor he has grown.  Some time I
fear he is going into consumption, but we will hope for the best and d o
the best we can for him.
I have some very sad news to write to you.  I rec eived a letter
last week from your Aunt Delia, Ell's wife.  She wrote that yo u uncle Ell
(Loomis) was dead.  He died the 19th of March.  He died of pneumo nia.  He
was sick three weeks; thought that he would get well, had his senses to
the last.  He had sold his farm and was all packed up to go to Dakota,
was going tostart Wednesday but was taken sick Monday.  He leaves a wife
and four children.  She wrote she did not know what she would do.
When I think of it, I can'trealize the Ell and Doll are dead.
Gone from my sight forever, never, never more to see them.  I cannot
describe the sorrow and anguish it b rings to my heart, but I pray that I
may be resigned to my lot and when my ti me comes to leave you, I may be
prepared to meet them in Heaven where parting and tears are known no
more.  Gale, I do hope you will become a Christian. We do not know how
soon you or I will be called from here, death is in our la nd.
How soon we may be called to cross the dark river of death.
Let us be p repared to meet it.Perhaps this will be the last letter that
I shall ever w rite to you and I entreat you with the mother's love to
turn to Jesus and be a brave Chrisitan boy.
We had quarterly meeting here last Sunday.  Will Parish and Rit
Brown, SidSupervisors; Van Ornam, Treasurer; Kendle, Clerk: Anderso n,
Assessor.  School will commence next week.  Agnes Shaw will teach.
Your f ather said perhaps he would send for you the last of the
week, it was all owi ng to what kind of weather we had.  Geroge (Jones)
Guy, Harry Potter, have be en drawing poles upfrom Doll's to make a
fence.  The snow is all gone but so me drifts along thefences.
I had a letter from your Uncle Rush.  They have a new horse and
carriage.  Fred Parrish has got to be a daddy.  It is a boy.  H ope this
will findyou well.  Write soon.  Yours with much love.  Ethel sends some
kisses.  Goodbye.
Bertie sends his love, hopes you will bring him something to
eatthat is good.  He don't w
Alice May POPE
15 Aug 1867
Lind, Wisconsin
                   Alice Pope (8) was the seventh  a daughter child of Nathaniel (7)
and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope, and died in infancy.
Oct 1869
lind, Waupaca, Wisconsin
Aft 1930
                   Alias: /Guy/
Walter Guy Pope (8) is the eighth child of Nathaniel (7) and Eliza
Jane Loomis Pope.
June 1938 he was living on the old Pope homesteadat Lind, Wisconsin
Walter was born on the farm where he now lives.  Educated in the
Lind Center schools.
Walter Guy (8) Pope married Elizabeth Emily La Point( born February
5, 1876 daughter of Charles A. La Point and Ruth Jane La Point) on
October 14, 1890 at Weyauwega, Wisconsin.  From thismarriage there were
six children born.
1.)   Charles Arthur (9) Pope born M ay 25, 1891 in Lind, Wisconsin
2.)   Walter Irving (9) Pope born May 11, 1893 in Lind, Wisconsin
3.)   Ruth Ethel (9) Pope born February 24, 1895 in Lind, Wisconsin
4.)   Grace (9) Pope born January 31, 1897 in Lind, Wisconsin
5.) Stuart Neville (9) Pope born December 8, 1899 in Lind,
6.)   Dorot hyCarleton (9) Pope born March 3, 1902 in Lind, Wisconsin
After marrying Eliz abeth Emily La Point they moved to a farm on the
Wallawalla Creek known as th eChristian Behm Farm there they stayed until
1910 when returning to his fath er's farm.
Guy was the assessor of the town of Lind several years, as well as
the chairman and member of the County Board.
Was revered as being jolly, ful lof fun, and fond of a joke.
19 Mar 1873
Lind, Wisconsin
12 Jun 1895
Lind, Waupaca County, Wisconsi 
                   Alias: /Bert/
Albert Platt Pope (8) is the ninth child a son of Nathaniel (7) Pope
and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
Albert (known as "Bert") was born onthe Pope homestead in Lind,
Wisconsin.  He went to school in the Lind School District ana later
graduated from Carroll College at Waukesha, Wisconsin.  Ev en though
educated Albert decided to making farming his lifes work.
Albert P latt (8) Pope married Winifred Harriett Ritz (born July 18,
1874) on June 12, 1895  From this marriage there were seven children
1.)   Ethel Bernice (9) Po pe born April 12, 1896 Lind, Wisconsin
2.)   Russel Alan (9) Pope born December 16, 1897 Lind, Wisconsin
3.)   Kenneth Wayne (9) Pope born October 25, 1899Lind, Wisconsin
4.)   Lynn Donald (9) Pope born July 8, 1903 Lind, Wisconsin
5.)   Velora Beth (9) Pope born October 12, 1905 Lind, Wisconsin
6.)   MildredElain (9) Pope born March 9, 1909 Lind, Wisconsin
7.)   Edwin Ross (9) Pope born November 30, 1916
After marrying they lived a farm 1938 know as the PaulN . Pope
farm.    In 1916 he moved to Waupaca purchasing the Bruley farm westo f
Waupaca, but later sold the farm to purchase a home which in 1938 he
still lived in.
Bert served as a school clerk and secretary of the Wallawalla Broo k
Cooperative Creamery for several years, active member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, and in 1938 president of the Pope Family Association.
Many con sidered Bert, a man of great integrity, character, honest,
and when it camet o business transactions the most fairest.  He was Alway
active, energict gave a days work for a days pay.
lind, Waupaca, Wisconsin
8 Mar 1929
Colby, Wisconsin
28 Jun 1899
Lind, Wisconsin 
                   Bertha Lutina Pope (8) is the tenth child a daughter of Nathaniel
(7) and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
When she was twelve her mother died, and was cared for byher
sisters Ida Viola and Mary Ellen they kept house for the family.  As
B ertha grew older she acclaimed full responsibility for the house and her
fath ers care.
Bertha Lutina (8) Pope married Bert Pope on June 28, 1899.  From
t his union in marriage there were four children.
1.)   Alyce Lyle (9) Pope bornJuly 12, 1901 in Manawa, Wisconsin
2.)   George Wayne (9) Pope born August 28, 1903 in Lind, Wisconsin
3.)   Ella Viola (9) Pope born July 30, 1905 in Weyauwega, Wisconsin
4.)   Alida Marjorie (9) Pope born July 7, 1907 in Lind, Wisc onsin
After her marriage to Bert, the first years were spent on the farm.
Then moving to Manawa and Weyanwega, Wisconsin, finally settling on a
farm inColby, Wisconsin.
lind, Waupaca, Wisconsin
5 Feb 1903
Waupaca, Wisconsin 
                   Lyle Clement Pope (8) is the eleventh child a son of Nathaniel (7)
and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
Lyle attended the Lind Center district Schools. In 1898 he attended
the State Normal School at Stevens Point, where under the instructionof
Joseph V. Collins he excelled in mathematics.
Lyle Clement (8) Pope marr ied Ida Matilda Kuehl (born September 8,
1883 in Stetein, Germany) on Februar y5, 1903 in Waupaca, Wisconsin.
From this marriage there were five children .
1.)   Alta Belle (9) Pope born November 13, 1903 in Lind, Wisconsin
2.)   K uehl Gale (9) Pope born October 3, 1906 in Lind, Wisconsin
3.)   Phyllis Marion (9) Pope born Lind, Wisconsin, died in 1912
4.)   John Winslow (9) Pope bornDecember 16, 1913 in Winslow,
5.)   Bertha Natalie (9) Pope born June 9, 1915 in Winslow, Wisconsin
After marrying Lind and then Parfreyville until 1912 when they moved
to Portland, Oregon.  Moving from Portland, Oregon to Winslow,
Washington, and then settling in Seattle, Washington where they o perate a
poultry and hatchery business in 1938.
As a past time Lyle liked to travel visiting such areas as
Washington, Oregon, Vancouver, British Columbi a.He would travel the
summer months hiking through the mountains and trails there.  He became
very expertise in the areas and this became a hobby to him .His other
hobbies were that of Political Economy, Geology and Physical Geo graphy.
He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles for many years,
Tec hnocracy Club and the Washington Commonwealth Federation.
Ethel Clare POPE
8 Mar 1880
Lind, Wisconsin
19 Jul 1893
Lind, Wisconsin
                   Ethel Clare Pope (8) was the twelfth child a daughter of Nathaniel
(7) and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
Ethel died on her 13th birthday by drowning.  The following Obituary
was written for her:
"A party of young people went from Lind Center to James Lake at what
is known as the Twin     Lakes, on Wednesday, fora picnic and to pick
blueberries.  Ethel, the thirteen year old        daughter of Nathaniel
Pope and two other little girls were bathing, the other members of the
party being a ways for the point where they were.  Soren Jensen's
little girl, Mary, waded out  too far, and commenced to go down, when
Ethel turned to her assistance and got her where  the water was shallow,
but in som e way Ethel slipped back beyond her depth and sank to her
A young b oy, about fifteen years old, by the name of Borden Smiley,
who was fishing n a boaton the lake came over and dove three times
and the last time brou ght upthe lifeless form of      the beautiful
Ethel.  Everything was done th at could possibly be done to resuscitate
her, but  to no avail.  It was a sad endingto a pleasures of the day.
The grief of her father and other  member s of thefamily was beyond
The funeral was held from her home Th ursday afternoon, Reverand E.
Perry officiating.  the  sympathy of the whole communitygoes out to the
bereaved family and friends.  A bright and   beauti ful bud has been
transplanted so suddenly from her home on earth to bloom in heaven
with the loved ones gone before."
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Nathaniel Pope - Eliza Jane Loomis

Nathaniel Pope was born at of Ripley, Chautauqua, New York 3 Jun 1829.

He married Eliza Jane Loomis 1 Sep 1855 at Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio . Eliza Jane Loomis was born at Northeast, (Erie County), Pennsylvania 19 Aug 1840 daughter of Lyman a Loomis and Susan Burch .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Mary Ellen Pope born 24 May 1856.
Pline Eugene Pope born 1 Sep 1857.
Charles Lincoln Pope born 14 Jul 1860.
Rush Loomis Pope born 21 Sep 1862.
Ida Viola Pope born 12 Aug 1864.
Gale Nathaniel Pope born 20 Jan 1866.
Alice May Pope born 15 Aug 1867.
Guy Walter Pope born Oct 1869.
Albert "Bertie" Platt Pope born 19 Mar 1873.
Bertha Pope born 1874.
Lyle Pope born 1878.
Ethel Clare Pope born 8 Mar 1880.

Nathaniel Pope died 2 Jan 1921 at Lind, Wisconsin; at age of 92 years .

Eliza Jane Loomis died 21 Jul 1866 at Lind, Wi .