Gale Nathaniel POPE

20 Jan 1866
Lind, Wisconsin
2 Jun 1925
Lind, Wisconsin
3 Jun 1904
Merrilan Junction, Wisconsin
                   Gale Nathaniel Pope (8) was the sixth child a son of Nathaniel (7)
and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope.
Gale spent most of his childhood and early school days in Lind.
Graduating from Oshkosh Business College.
Gale worked for about ten yea rs in Merrill, Wisconsin.  Leaving
Merrill and returning to Waupaca and becom ing employed at the Gordon and
Pope Meat Market.  Later Gale became a partner in this business but
eventually selling his partnership to purchase a meat m arket in Merrillan
Junction, Wisconsin.
In 1910 Gale decided to go west and lived near Crowley, Montana.
While there his wife divorced him but then rema rried him again.  In 1922
became ill with Bright's disease and in May 1925 le ft Montana accompanied
by his brother Rush "Rob" and returned to Lind.  He st ayedwith his
sister Mary Allen Pope Jones until his death on June 2, 1925.
GaleNathaniel (8) Pope married Jennie Fox  (born October 26, 1880)
on Ju ne 3, 1904 in Merrilan Junction, Wisconsin
Gale was considered by many to be h appy, friendly, genial soul,
popular with his family, friends and business as sociates.
This letter was written by Eliza Lomis Pope to Nathaniel Gale while
goingto school in Oshkosh, the letter in 1938 was in the possession of
Ida Viola Pope West of Lind, Wisconsin.
Gale N. Pope                       Lind, April 12,1886
Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
My dear Boy;
I guess you think you are ne ver going to hear from the home
again.  I received your letter last Tuesday; thought Iwould write right
off but Bertie was taken so much worse I waited f or him toget a little
better before writing to you.  This morning he is a li ttle better, we
think.  He has been sick a good deal as "Doll" was, but not s o severean
attack.  Oh, you don't know how pale and poor he has grown.  Some time I
fear he is going into consumption, but we will hope for the best and d o
the best we can for him.
I have some very sad news to write to you.  I rec eived a letter
last week from your Aunt Delia, Ell's wife.  She wrote that yo u uncle Ell
(Loomis) was dead.  He died the 19th of March.  He died of pneumo nia.  He
was sick three weeks; thought that he would get well, had his senses to
the last.  He had sold his farm and was all packed up to go to Dakota,
was going tostart Wednesday but was taken sick Monday.  He leaves a wife
and four children.  She wrote she did not know what she would do.
When I think of it, I can'trealize the Ell and Doll are dead.
Gone from my sight forever, never, never more to see them.  I cannot
describe the sorrow and anguish it b rings to my heart, but I pray that I
may be resigned to my lot and when my ti me comes to leave you, I may be
prepared to meet them in Heaven where parting and tears are known no
more.  Gale, I do hope you will become a Christian. We do not know how
soon you or I will be called from here, death is in our la nd.
How soon we may be called to cross the dark river of death.
Let us be p repared to meet it.Perhaps this will be the last letter that
I shall ever w rite to you and I entreat you with the mother's love to
turn to Jesus and be a brave Chrisitan boy.
We had quarterly meeting here last Sunday.  Will Parish and Rit
Brown, SidSupervisors; Van Ornam, Treasurer; Kendle, Clerk: Anderso n,
Assessor.  School will commence next week.  Agnes Shaw will teach.
Your f ather said perhaps he would send for you the last of the
week, it was all owi ng to what kind of weather we had.  Geroge (Jones)
Guy, Harry Potter, have be en drawing poles upfrom Doll's to make a
fence.  The snow is all gone but so me drifts along thefences.
I had a letter from your Uncle Rush.  They have a new horse and
carriage.  Fred Parrish has got to be a daddy.  It is a boy.  H ope this
will findyou well.  Write soon.  Yours with much love.  Ethel sends some
kisses.  Goodbye.
Bertie sends his love, hopes you will bring him something to
eatthat is good.  He don't w
Jennie FOX
26 Oct 1880
                   Jennie Fox married Gale Nathaniel (8) Pope (born January 20, 1866 in
Lind, Wisconsin the son of Nathaniel (7) and Eliza Jane Loomis Pope) on
June 3, 1904 in Merrilan Junction, Wisconsin
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Gale Nathaniel Pope - Jennie Fox

Gale Nathaniel Pope was born at Lind, Wisconsin 20 Jan 1866. His parents were Nathaniel Pope and Eliza Jane Loomis.

He married Jennie Fox 3 Jun 1904 at Merrilan Junction, Wisconsin . Jennie Fox was born at 26 Oct 1880 .

Gale Nathaniel Pope died 2 Jun 1925 at Lind, Wisconsin .