24 Mar 1663
Albany, Albany co, Ny, Usa
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wynkoop/webdocs/rwg1.htm He took the oath of allegiance in Ulster county, in 1698. (D. H. N. Y., i., 279.) ÊÊÊÊ His name occurs as a freeholder of Kingston in 1728. (D. H. N. Y., iii., 969.)
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wynkoop/webdocs/rwg1.htm Cornelius: baptized at Kingston, Jan. 4, 1688. This Cornelius was probably the person who was husband of Barbara Mathyson, or Matzeze, in 1709 and 1710: though she may have married Cornelius, son of Evert and Geertje. It is likewise uncertain which Cornelius was the one who married Hendrica (Henrietta) Niewkerk, December 14; 1711. It is asserted that she was the husband of the other Cornelius. (H. H. R.} It is not known that both of them survived infancy. =========================================================================================== "It is difficult to determine what places he visited, but we know he reached the stone hour of Major Cornelius Wynkoop, in Stone Ridge, during the afternoon of the 16 of November, 1782, and spent the night with him." The house is now know as Lounsberry house. WASHINGTON is said to have spent the night, slept in the front room of the second story at the corner of the house. The same blue paint is still on the woodwork but the bed is gone. A formal reception was given, and afterwards proceeded to the house of Judge Dirck Wynkoop on Green Street to dine. The Judge was an older brother of Major Cornelius Wynkoop, with whom WASHINGTON passed the previous night." "The company had been augmented by prominent citizens of the town, particularly to those who had served with the general. The dinner was and event long remembers in the village.
Witnesses: Cornelis and Jenneke Cool.
FamilyCentral Network
Evert Wynkoop - Blocked
Evert Wynkoop
was born at Albany, Albany co, Ny, Usa 24 Mar 1663.
His parents were Cornelius Evertszen Wynkoop and Maritje Janse Langedyck.
He married Blocked .
They were the parents of 6
Cornelius Wynkoop
born 1689.
Nicholas Wynkoop
born 1693.
Grietje Wynkoop
born 1695.
Maritje Wynkoop
born 1697.
Anna Wynkoop
born 1702.
Yeola Wynkoop
born 1705.