17 Jan 1570
Louth, Lincolnshire, England
London, Middlesexshire, England
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Abt 1562
of London, Middlesexshire, England
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints (JFN).
14 May 1598
St MaryLeStrd, Suffolk Co., England
23 Aug 1655
Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., Ma
6 Jan 1634/35
Plymouth, Plymouth Co., Ma 
                   Edward DOTY, Sr. is one of the twenty-six approved members of thefirst
Mayflower company from which they accept petition for membership inthe
General Society of Mayflower Descendents.
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
See also;
Mayflower Increasings, 2nd. Edition (1995), by Susan E Roser.
The General Society of Mayflower Descendents Statement of theSociety's
origins, goals and eligibility for membership. Mrs. John K Allen,Historian,
Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendents Offices, 312 StatlerOffice
Building, Boston, Massachusetts 02116.
on Mayflower
The first duel of New england is said to be that between Edward
doty and Edward Leister, servants of Stephen Hopkins.  They
fought with sword and dagger and both were wounded.  Having no
statute against the offense, the Pilgrims met in council to
determine the punishment.  It was. according to some observers,
exemplary.  The parties were ordered to be tied together, hand
and foot, and to remain twenty-four hours without food or drink.
The intercession of their master and their entreaties procured
their release before the sentence was carried out.
Doty was in court on a number of occasions, mostly in civil
disputes.  On 2 January 1632/3 Edward doty was sued by three
different people:  John Washburn, Joseph Rogers, and William
Bennett.  It all appears to have been a disagreement about a
trade of some hogs:  John Washburn's case was thrown out, Joseph
Rogers was awarded four bushels of corn.  In William Bennett's
case, Edwar Doty was found guilty of slander and fined 50
shillings.  Two years later, in March 1633/4 Edward Doty was
fined 9 shillings and 11 pence for drawing blood in a fight with
Josias Cooke.  In January 1637/8, Doty was fined for assaulting
George Clarke.  In 1639 Edward Doty posted bail for John
coombes, who was charged with giving out poisoned drinks. There
were a number of other civil disputes and court matters that
Edward Doty was involved with.  And however disagreeable of a
personality, Edward Doty was mostly involved in simple civil
disputes and was never in any serious official trouble.
May the 20th 1655 In the Name of God Amen
Know all men to whom It may concerne the I Edwar Dotten senir:
of the Towne of New Plymouth in New England being sicke and yett
by the mercye of God in prfect memory and upon matture
Consideration Doe by this my last will and Testament leave and
bequeath my purchase land lying att Coaksett unto my sons; my
son Edward I give a Double portion and to the rest of my sonnes
equall alike if they live to the age of one and twenty if they
Die before then to bee prted among the rest onely to my wife I
leave a third During her life and then after to returne to my
sonnes, And to my loveing wife I give and bequeath my house and
lands and meddows within the precincts of New Plymouth together
with all Chattles and movables that are my proper goods onely
Debts and engagements to bee paied; As for my Share of land att
Puncquetest if it come to anything I give it to my son Edward;
This being my last will and Testament; I Edward Dotten Doe owne
it for my Act and Deed before these my loveing ffrinds whoe are
Witnesses; and Doe sett my hand to the same;  the Day and yeare
John howland Edward DottenJames hurst his Marke
John Cooke
William hoskins Ther being many names besides
Coaksett I mean all my purchase
and according to the Deed
At the generall court held the fift of March 1655; faith the
wife ot Edward Dotten Decased Dgive up and make over all her
right and enterest she had in the land of Edward Dotten Att
Coaksett or places adjacent unto her Children the shee Did in
the prsence of the said Court; held att Plymouth yt Day and
ueare above expressed;
The abovewritten Will and Testament of Edward DottenDeceased was
exhibited to the Court held att Plymouth the fift of March 1655
on the oathes of Mr John howland James hurst John Cooke and
William hoskins.
ca. 1620 Bradford's of Plymouth Plantation page 68
In a footnote, it is mentioned that Stephen Hopkins is
accompanied on an exploratory journey by is his servant Doten.
It is possible that that is Edward Dotey as he did come over on
the Mayflower (according to the Plymouth Colony Probate Guide,
page 33).
1632/3 General Court 2 January 1632/3 Records of Plymouth Colony
Dowty won a suit against him by John Washburne for taking a hog.
The jury foreman, Robert Heeks, finding for Dowty.  In the same
court, Joseph Rogers complained that Dowty owed him six young
pigs.  Dowty was cast in fowr bushels of corne.  In the same
court, William Bennett complaines against Dowty for divers
injuries which was referred to the Council at a later date.
1633 General Court 24 March 1633 Records of Plymouth Colony 1:26
Dowty gets into a fight with Josias Cooke, and they are both
fined 6 shillings 7 pence, but because Dowty got the better of
Cooke (he drew blood), he had to give Cooke 3 shillings, 4
pence within one month of the date.
General Court 25 March1633 Records of Plymouth colony 1:10
Dowty is to receive a bushel of corn worth 1 pound, 7 shillings.
General Court 27 March 1633 Records of Plymouth Colony 1:27
Dowty is listed as one among many who is owed by the government
for donating corn.  He is to get 18 shillings for his efforts.
General Court 1 April 1633 Records of Plymouth Colony 1:12
William Bennett accuses Dowty of New Plymouth of slander by
calling him a rogue.  The foreman of the jury, Joshua Pratt
found Dowty guilty and fined him 50 shillings, plus 20 for the
King and gave him eight month to make payment.
General Court 1633 Records of Plymouth colony 1:3
Dowty named a Freeman from Plymouth
1633/4 General Court 2 January 1633/4 Records of Plymouth colony
The Court declares that indentured servant John Smith has only
to serve out the last five years of his indenture to Dowty, he
already having served 5 years.
1634 General Court 28 March 1634 Records of Plymouth Colony 1:29
Edward Dowtie arrests Francis Sprague in an action to get his 20
sterling back.  The Court orders Sprage to pay 6 shillings and 6
pounds sterling and also a half a peck aof malt to pay off the
1634/5 General Court 6 January 1634/5 Records of Plymouth Colony
Edward Doten marries Fayth Clarke on January 6, 1634.
1635/6 General Court 14 March 1635/6 Records of Plymouth Colony
Dotey is granted hay ground upon Jones his river with Mr.
Prence, Joseph rogers, and Thomas Cushman.
1636 General court 22 August 1636 Records of Plymouth Colony
Peter Ta;bott, the late servt of Edw. Dowty, having a proporcon
of land due unto him by the service of hes mr, as appeareth by
indenture, hath made over his right to James Skiffe, for & in
consideracion of six bushels of corne.
General Court 4,5 October 1636 Records of Plymouth colony 1:44
Joseph Beedle & Edw. Dowty, having entred crosse accons against
each other, their matters being raw & inpfect, were by the Court
referred to the arbitracon of Richard Church, Joshua Pratt, &
Nicholas Snow, & they to stand to such order the said
arbitrators should sett downe.
1636/7 General Court 6 January 1636/7 Records of Plymouth colony
Peter Talbott is granted five acres of land for his service of
indenture to Dotey.
General Court 7 March 1636/7 Records of Plymouth Colony 1:52
Dotey is declared a Freeman from New Plymouth
Records of Plymouth Colony 8:5
The Court hears the case of Georg Clarke against Edward Dotey.
Clarke charged Dotey with a deceitfull bargaine made with him
for a lot of land.  The Dourt orders Dotey to give Clarke back
his 8 pounds, or to accept the payment of 4 more pounds to
complete the deal, at which time Clarke will own the land.
FamilyCentral Network
John Douty - Anne Holland

John Douty was born at Louth, Lincolnshire, England 17 Jan 1570. His parents were John Doughty and Christabell Litster.

He married Anne Holland . Anne Holland was born at of London, Middlesexshire, England Abt 1562 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Edward Doty, Pilgrim (M) born 14 May 1598.

John Douty died at London, Middlesexshire, England .