Bay Hundred District, Talbot County, Maryland
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Abt 1771
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
                   He purchased land called Hooker's Addition in 1773 from one Thomas Norris Sr. a planter of that county. The price paid was L101,7 shillings and 6 pense. He was listed in this document as a Shipwright.
He is listed in the 1776 census taken of St James Parish in Anne Arundel County as the head of the family with one white woman and one white girl. He also is listed as owning four male negros and one female negro. The 1783 Tax roll of that county shows him as owning the above property.
1784 Purchased additional 9 1/2 acres of the same land from John Norris, Sr.. The additon to his holding was identified as being Pipestave Landing and the purchase price was L32.
He was named as third in line of inheritance to his father's estate in 1762. In the 1763 administration account of Edward, Sr. his age was given as 18.
From the area where he was born in Bayside, it was only about 6 or 7 miles across the Chesapeake Bay to Anne Arundel County. A ferry operated by the Haddaway family of Talbot ran from the vicinity of what is now Sherwood to an area just south of Annapolis, carrying passengers and mail. Edward may have worked on the ferry, and certainly made trips back and forth to the Western Shore.
Tracy's Landing
An inventory of the goods and chattels of Edward Collison late of Anne Arundel County deed, appraised in current money dollars at seven shillings and six pence each, by us the subscribers being thereto lawfully authorized and sworn this 7-3-1789.
And its essential properties are as follows:
1 old desk 35/ 1 walnut dining table 35/ 6 framed chairs 90/ 5 rush bottom chairs 7/6 1 pine table 5/ 1 bed and furniture 110/ 1 bed bedsted and furniture 67.10 1 ditto..do and do l5.10 1 old case and 10 bottles 5k/ 2 jugs 3/ 3 chests 30/ 3 linen wheels 25/ 1 woolen ditto 5/ 3 flower barrels 5/ 1 pair steelyards 5/ 1 looking glass 8/ 4 crockery ware 22/6 10 earthen plates and 1 dish 6/ 1 pr sheep shears 1/ 1 draw loop fowling piece 45/ 1 french musquet 15/ 1 old squirrel gun 15/ 25 lb old pewter 28/ 1 old box iron and heater 3/9 9 case knives and 6 forks 5/ 1 bell metal mortar and pestle 12/6 1 iron candlestick 9d  table linen and towels 10/ 1 stone butter patt 20d weavers loom and gears 15/ large iron pott and hooks 15/ 1 small iron pot 7/6 iron spitt 2/6 gridle iron 2/6 1 pair fire tongs 1/3 old hand mill 20/ frying pan 2/6 2 old wooden pails 2/ old pine table 2/ iron kettle 3/9 old lumber 12/6 4 old syder casks 15/ parcel old iron 32/ carpenters tools 30/ old ox cart 40/ 1 seed plow 15/ 1 old spade 3/ 4 old hoes 5/ half owner of a x cut and whip saw 30/ 4 yards german surge 30/ 7 sheep 56/ 30 bushels wheat L6 30 barrels corn L15 27 hoggs L7.10 1 pr oxen L7.10  9 head cattle L18.10 1 old black mare 30/ 1 small gray colt 30/ 1 sorrel mare 3 years old L7.10 1 sorrel ditto 8 yrs old L5 1 grey mare 8 yrs old L3 l black mare 3 yrs old L4 pr silver shoe buckles knee and stock ditto 30/ side rule 3? part case old instruments for mensuration 12/6 2 old raisors and strap 1/6 wearing apparil 50/ house hogg 7/6 a ferry boat L15 old canoe 10/ 4 galls tarr 2/
Mingoe aged 36 years L55
Nick                26           L65
Jean                30          L40
Hannah           25          L45
Suckey            21          L45
Bobb                15          L45
George             13          L37.10 Jefry                11 L35
Jack                  9            L30
Jemina              6            L25
Nick                   7            L20
Jim                     4           L17.10
Daniel                 2          L7.10
Joe                      4          L10
M-----                    2          L5
Amount of Inventory     L638.09.0
James Disney
Jacob Franklin      Appraisers
Richard Harrison
Robert Collison     Kindred
R J Norris
Thomas Norris      Creditors
When he purchased his land in Anne Arundel County, he was designated as a shipwright and from the numerous negroes he owned as shown in his inventory, he probably was building ships. The value of his possessions certainly indicated an affluence of more than ordinary circumstances.
Charity WATERS
Queen Ann County Parish Register, Maryland
Bef 11 Sep 1810
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
                   Then came Charity Collison administratrix of Edward Collinson late of Anne Arundel County deceased and made oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God that the foregoing is a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels of the said deceased, that have come to her hands or possession at the time of the making thereof and that what hath since, or shall hereafter come to her hands or possession, she will return in an additional inventory, that she knows of no concealment of any part or parcel of the deceased estate, by any person whatsoever, and that, any to be, she will acquaint the Orphans Court therewith, or the Register of Wills for the time being with such concealment or cause of suspicion, that it maky be enquired into according to law, sworn before
Jno. Gassaway, Regr. Wills for AA Coty.
Anne Arundel County, 12-22-1789
Charity filed her bond for letters of aadministration on her deceased husband, Edward on the 3-31-1789. Nathaniel Chew and her brother, Arnold, appeared as sureties. On the same day, the oath of appraisers was sworn by Jacob Franklin and James Disney for Edward's inventory.
Anne Arundel County to wit
You are hreby desired to administer the oath of appraisers to Jacob Franklin and James Disney well and truly to appraise  the goods and chattels of Edward Collosin late of Anne          Arundel County deceased in current money (Dollars at Seven     Shillings and six pence each) so far for forth as the same          shall come to their sight and knowledge and to certify your           compliance at the foot hereof for which this shall be your          sufficient warrant.
Test. Jno Gassaway, Regr. Wills for AA            Cty.
To any one of the Justices of the peace for the county afsd.
On 6-25-1789 James Disney qualified to the above warrant. Thos. Tongue
On 7-3-1789 Jacob Franklin affirmed to the above warrant,
before James Disney.
22 Dec 1772
Anne Arundel, Maryland
4 Feb 1815
Anne Arundel, Maryland
5 Oct 1795
Anne Arundel County, Maryland 
20 Mar 1784
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Bef Sep 1836
                   Her brother John willed her kids (Sarah already deceased) Swamp Farm
The will was contested in Chancery Records March 1838 Box 180  Page 109-120 in Gott vs Gott
Will of Richard Gott 1- she was left a slave.
29 Apr 1781
4 Sep 1830
29 Sep 1808
18 Sep 1823
                   Lt War 1812 in Captain Norman's Company 2nd Regiment AAC Militia (see British Invasion of Maryland by William M Marine (1812/5)
He died without having children
6 Oct 1836
22 Jun 1819
Anne Arundel County, Maryland 
FamilyCentral Network
Edward Jr Collison - Charity Waters

Edward Jr Collison was born at Bay Hundred District, Talbot County, Maryland 1745.

He married Charity Waters Abt 1771 at Anne Arundel County, Maryland . Charity Waters was born at Queen Ann County Parish Register, Maryland 1755 daughter of John Waters and Charity Ijams .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Alice Collison born 22 Dec 1772.
Sarah Collison born 20 Mar 1784.
William Collison born 29 Apr 1781.
Edward Collison born 1786.
John Collison born 1788.

Edward Jr Collison died 1789 at Anne Arundel County, Maryland .

Charity Waters died Bef 11 Sep 1810 at Anne Arundel County, Maryland .