Edward the Exile "Aetheling" Prince of PLANTAGENET, ENGLAND HRH

Wessex, England
London, Middlesexshire, England
Abt 1057
Bef 1043
of London, Middlesex, England
                   Also Ancestral File Number; HNJD-WT. Aka, Eadward.
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page(s) 416;ISBN
He was called Edward, The Exile.
See Note Page
Facts about this person:
Record Change  October 26, 1999
Agatha Augsburg of Barvaria Princess of HUNGARY, BRAUNSCHWEIG HRH
Abt 1018
Bavaria, Germany
13 Jul 1024
West Friesland, Germany
Abt Jul 1024
                   Also Ancestral File Number; HPMD-8X. Also described as being; ofHungary.
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page(s) 416;ISBN
She was of Hungary or Friesland.
See Note Page
Facts about this person:
Record Change  October 20, 1999
Wessex, England
17 Nov 1093
Abbey of, Dunfermline, Mid-Lothian, Scotland
                   Saint Margaret was the daughter of the English Prince Edward, son ofKing
Edward Ironside and sister of Edgar Aetheling. She was born inexile, circa
1046.  In 1067 the widow and children of Edward fled fromNorthumberland and
sought refuge and the protection of the Scottish King.
The marriage of Malcolm and Margaret in the year 1070 was followed byseveral
invasions of Northumberland by the Scottish King, probably in supportof the
claims of his brother-in-law Edgar.  She bore six sons and twodaughters, one
of whom was Good Queen Maud, wife of Henry I.
A considerable portion of the old Northumbrian kingdom had beenreduced by the
Scottish kings in the previous century, but up to this time, theenglish
population had little influence upon the ruling element of thekingdom.
Malcolm's marriage undoubtedly improved the condition of the english,and
under Margaret's sons, Edgar, Alexander I and David I, the Scottishcourt
practically became Anglecized.
Margaret died on 17 NOV 1093, four days after her husband and hereldest son
Edward, who were both slain in a treacherous murder by the English atAlnwick
during an invasion of Northumberland. She was buried at the Abbey of
Dunfermline which she had helped to found. (also died 16 NOV 1093).
She had rebuilt the monastery of Iona and was canonized in 1251 onaccount of
her benefactions to the Church. A priest who knew her well wrote that,So
pleasant was she even in severity, that all loved her, men as well aswomen,
loved her while they feared her and in fearing, loved her.
Through her devotion to the Faith, Saint Margaret influenced MalcolmIII to
rule over Scotland with mercy and justice, while she ministered to thepoor
and suffering.
Her feast is still celebrated or kept on November 16th. by theScottish
people. She is the secondary patroness of Scotland. Her arms are ablack Greek
cross and silver saltire, on a blue field.
Also born 1054. Cannonized by the Roman Catholic Church as a Saint forher
efforts and church reforms in Scotland. Her feast day is June 10th.
She brought in English Monks, founded new monasteries.  She iscredited with
helping make Scotland ultimately an English kingdom. She wasoriginally, as
daughter to her father, the king, Princess Margaret.
Three of her sons became Kings of Scotland. One daughter became thewife of
the King of England.  One was the mother of the wife of English KingStephen
who succeeded Henry I, King of England.
She died three days after her husband Malcolm.
Princess of England, Queen of Scotland.
Sources include but are not limited to;
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page 416;ISBN
See also;
Kings of Scotland from MacBeth to the Stewarts (1040-1371) found inthe
book, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page425; ISBN
See also;
New England Historic and Genealogical Register (APR 1970) page 86.
Given name also; Ingibjorg.
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
See also;
Norse Descent to Somerled and Saint Clair, 7th to 14th Century - withNorman
descent also found in the book, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, byLaurence
Gardner (1996) page 428; ISBN 1-85230-870-2.
Catholic Online Saints
St. Margaret of Scotland
d. 1093 Feastday: November 16
Margaret was an English princess. She and her mother sailed to Scotland to escape from the king who had conquered their land. King Malcolm of Scotland welcomed them and fell in love with the beautiful princess. Margaret and Malcolm were married before too long.
As Queen, Margaret changed her husband and the country for the better. Malcolm was good, but he and his court were very rough. When he saw how wise his beloved wife was, he listened to her good advice. She softened his temper and led him to practice great virtue. She made the court beautiful and civilized. Soon all the princes had better manners, and the ladies copied her purity and devotion. The king and queen gave wonderful example to everyone by the way they prayed together and fed crowds of poor people with their own hands. They seemed to have only one desire: to make everyone happy and good.
Margaret was a blessing for all the people of Scotland. Before she came, there was great ignorance and many bad habits among them. Margaret worked hard to obtain good teachers, to correct the evil practices, and to have new churches built. She loved to make these churches beautiful for God's glory, and she embroidered the priest's vestments herself.
God sent this holy Queen six sons and two daughters. She loved them dearly and raised them well. The youngest boy became St. David. But Margaret had sorrows, too. In her last illness, she learned that both her husband and her son, Edward, had been killed in battle. Yet she prayed: I thank You, Almighty God, for sending me so great a sorrow to purify me from my sins.
Let us take this saintly Queen for our example. While we do our duties, let us keep in mind the joys that God will give us in Heaven. Her feast day is November 16th.
She was canonized in 1250 and is called St. Margaret of
See Note Page
Facts about this person:
Record Change  October 26, 1999
Abt 1036
Wessex, England
Aft 1126
                   The Dynastic Heir. Also; died in 1125.
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page(s) 416;ISBN
Christina Princess of ATHLING, ENGLAND HRH
Abt 1044
Wessex, England
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
FamilyCentral Network
Edward the Exile "Aetheling" Prince of Plantagenet, England Hrh - Agatha Augsburg of Barvaria Princess of Hungary, Braunschweig Hrh

Edward the Exile "Aetheling" Prince of Plantagenet, England Hrh was born at Wessex, England 1016. His parents were Edmund III Edward III Ironside Prince of England King of England, Hrh and Ealdgyth Algitha of Mercia Queen of England, HrhLady.

He married Agatha Augsburg of Barvaria Princess of Hungary, Braunschweig Hrh Bef 1043 at of London, Middlesex, England . Agatha Augsburg of Barvaria Princess of Hungary, Braunschweig Hrh was born at Bavaria, Germany Abt 1018 daughter of Liudolf Count of Brunswick and Gertrude Von Egisheim .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Margaret St Atheling Princess of England, Queen of Scotland HrhPrincess born 1045/46.
Edgar Athling, Prince of England Hrh born Abt 1036.
Christina Princess of Athling, England Hrh born Abt 1044.

Edward the Exile "Aetheling" Prince of Plantagenet, England Hrh died 1057 at London, Middlesexshire, England .

Agatha Augsburg of Barvaria Princess of Hungary, Braunschweig Hrh died 13 Jul 1024 at West Friesland, Germany .