Nicholas I Pavlovich ROMANOV, TSAR OF RUSSIA

25 Jun 1796
Tsarskoe Selo Mi, Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg, Russia
2 Mar 1855
Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
13 Jul 1817
Saint Petersburg, Russia
                   Tsar 1825-1855
Stammtafeln says died 18 Feb 1855, married 1 Jul 1817, born 6 Jul 1796.
NICHOLAS I (1796-1855) was czar of Russia from 1825 to 1855. He was a hard-working leader whose conservatism kept him from moving Russia into the modern world.
Nicholas succeeded his brother Alexander I after Alexander's death in December 1825. At tha t time, a group of liberal army officers, who later became known as Decembrists, tried to take power. Nicholas, shocked by the rebellion, had five of the leaders executed and the others exiled to Siberia. He was determined to fight liberalism in Russia and revolution in Europe. In 1830-1831, he suppressed a Polish uprising that was aimed at freeing Poland from the Russian empire. In 1849, he sent Russian armies into Hungary to crush a revolt for Hungarian independence from Austria.
Within the Russian empire, Nicholas demanded loyalty to himself and to the Russian Orthodox C hurch. Censorship was severe during his reign. However, Russian literature, art, and music continued to thrive. Some reforms did occur under Nicholas. With his approval, Russia's first modern law code was issued in the 1830's. Nicholas also authorized improvements in the living conditions of certain peasants.
In 1828-1829, Nicholas won territory for Russia and helped win independence for Greece in a war with the Muslim Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was centered in what is now Turkey. In 1853, Nicholas again went to war with the Ottomans. Fearful of Russian expansion, Britain and France helped the Ottomans in what became the Crimean War. Nicholas died during the war, which Russia later lost.
Charlotte Princess of PRUSSIA
13 Jul 1798
Charlottenburg, Brandenburg, Prussia
1 Nov 1860
Tsarskoe Selo Mi, Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg, Russia
                   	2  GIVN Charlotte
17 Apr 1818
Moscow, Russia
13 Mar 1881
Assassinated in St. Petersburg, Russia
28 Apr 1841
Saint Petersburg, Russia 
                   Tsar 1855-1881- Stammtafaln says died 1 Mar 1881.
ALEXANDER II (1818-1881) was czar of Russia from 1855 to 1881. He succeeded his father, Nich olas I. Alexander is called the czar liberator because he freed Russia's serfs in 1861. He also introduced local self-government and a court system based on French models. He modernized the Russian army and defeated the Turks in 1878 (see RUSSO-TURKISH WARS). He was assassinated in 1881 by revolutionaries who thought he was too conservative. See also RUSSIA (Alexander II).
Additional Information:
Reign: 1855 to 1881; On March 3, 1861, over the strong objections of the landowning nobility , Alexander II freed the serfs and began a program of dramatic reform. He abolished corporal punishment, restructured the judiciary and the educational system and denied many of the privileges the nobility had enjoyed. In fact, the emancipation of the serfs brought financial hardship to many landowning families. Tsar Alexander II could not admit that reform had failed and that his regime was ingrained with terror, choking in bureaucracy, drowning in ignorance and greed. He grew more rigid, more cranky, more repressive and now the deadly spiral spun faster and faster. More young men and women arrested; more violence against the state; more attempts at assassination; more assassinations; more arrests; more executions. Tsar Alexander II was assassinated by revolutionaries. Notes: Harrison E. Salisbury (American Historian)
FamilyCentral Network
Nicholas I Pavlovich Romanov, Tsar of Russia - Charlotte Princess of Prussia

Nicholas I Pavlovich Romanov, Tsar of Russia was born at Tsarskoe Selo Mi, Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg, Russia 25 Jun 1796. His parents were Paul I Petrovich Romanov, Emperor of Russia and Maria Sophie Feodorovna Wurttemberg.

He married Charlotte Princess of Prussia 13 Jul 1817 at Saint Petersburg, Russia . Charlotte Princess of Prussia was born at Charlottenburg, Brandenburg, Prussia 13 Jul 1798 daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm III King of Prussia and Luise Louise Auguste Meckenburg Strelitz Wilhelmine, Queen of Prussia .

They were the parents of 4 children:
Alexander II Nicholoevich Romanov, Tsar of Russia born 17 Apr 1818.
Constantine Nikolaievitch of Romanov, russia Grand Duke born 1827.
Nicholas Romanov born 1831.
Michael Romanov born 1832.

Nicholas I Pavlovich Romanov, Tsar of Russia died 2 Mar 1855 at Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia .

Charlotte Princess of Prussia died 1 Nov 1860 at Tsarskoe Selo Mi, Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg, Russia .