Berenger Marquis II of Ivrea King of ITALY, HRH

Abt 901
6 Aug 966
Bamberg, Germany-while in captivity
Abt Jul 966
Abt 936
                   	2  GIVN Berengarius II King of

Cuno DE ZUTPHEN b: Abt 1010
Adalbert Marquis Of IVREA b: Abt 947 in Of, , , Italy
Rosele (Susanna), Princess Of ITALY b: Abt 945 in Of, , , Luxembourg
Gerberge D'IVREE b: Abt 945
Adalbert D'ITALIE b: After 936
Hubert II DE TOSCANE b: 907
Adlabert DE LOMBARDIE b: After 936
Berengar II, also called BERENGARIO, MARCHESE D'IVREA E DI GISLA (b. c. 900--d. 966), grandson of Berengar I and king of Italy from 950 to 952.
Berengar was important in the career of the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I the Great. For several months in 951 he held captive Adelaide, the daughter and widow of kings of Italy; she escaped and married Otto, who assumed the title of king of the Lombards and made Berengar his vassal. Later (from 960) Berengar and his son Adalbert attacked Pope John XII, on whose appeal Otto marched into Rome and was crowned emperor (962). John's subsequent negotiations with Berengar caused Otto to depose the pope and imprison Berengar in Germany (963). [Encyclopaedia Britannica CD '97]
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
BIOGRAPHY:  Marquis of Ivrea; Count of Milan; Emperor of the
Occident; and became king of Italy in 950.
See Note Page
Facts about this person:
Record Change  November 01, 1999
Willa d'Arlesmarquisa of Ivrea Princess of TUSCANY, HRHLADY
Abt 930
Arles, Aquitaine, France
Abt 966
Abt 966
                   Sources include but are not limited to;
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
aft. 963 in cloisters
Adalbert, Italian ADALBERTO (d. c. 966), Lombard king of Italy who shared the throne for 11 years with his father, Berengar II, and after Berengar's exile continued his father's struggle against the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I.
Adalbert joined his father in 946-947 in fighting the co-kings of Italy, Hugh of Provence and his son Lothair. After Lothair's death in 950, Adalbert was crowned with Berengar at Pavia. When Lothair's widow, Adelaide, refused to marry Adalbert and Berengar imprisoned her, Otto I marched into Italy in 951 to rescue and marry her. After Otto's return to Germany, Berengar and Adalbert resumed the throne and in August 952 swore homage to Otto.
In 956 Otto sent his son Liudolf against Berengar and Adalbert, but, when Liudolf died of malaria after a temporary victory, the co-kings continued to rule. When Otto again invaded Italy and was crowned emperor (962) by the pope, Adalbert fled to Provence.
Returning to Italy in the autumn of 963, Adalbert was summoned to Rome by Pope John XII, who had quarreled with Otto and now offered his support to Adalbert. Adalbert and the pope fled when Otto marched on Rome, installing a new pope, Leo VIII. With Otto back in Germany, Adalbert assumed the throne again. In 965 an army sent by Otto drove Adalbert from Pavia; the following autumn Otto inflicted a final crushing defeat on him and his supporters. [Encyclopaedia Britannica CD '97]
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints (JFN).
See Note Page
Facts about this person:
Record Change  November 21, 1999
Abt 965
of Luxembourg, West Europe
26 Jan 1003
Gent, Belgium
                   	2  GIVN Susanna

Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Aka, Susanna.
Sources include but are not limited to;
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Robert II was her second husband and she was repudiated by him
in 992.
See Note Page
Facts about this person:
Record Change  November 01, 1999
Record Change  November 17, 1999
FamilyCentral Network
Berenger Marquis II of Ivrea King of Italy, Hrh - Willa d'Arlesmarquisa of Ivrea Princess of Tuscany, HRHLady

Berenger Marquis II of Ivrea King of Italy, Hrh was born at Italy Abt 901. His parents were Adalbert de Ivrea Countt de Parma & Ivrea and Gisela Friuli.

He married Willa d'Arlesmarquisa of Ivrea Princess of Tuscany, HRHLady Abt 936 . Willa d'Arlesmarquisa of Ivrea Princess of Tuscany, HRHLady was born at Arles, Aquitaine, France Abt 930 daughter of Bozon Arles Count Marquis of Tuscany, Sir and Willa Countess of Arles, Lady .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Adalbert II Lombardie Ivrea Marquis King of Italy, Sir born Abt 936.
Rosella Susana Princess of Italy Queen of France, Hrh born Abt 965.
Urracca Princess of Italy born Abt 974.

Berenger Marquis II of Ivrea King of Italy, Hrh died 6 Aug 966 at Bamberg, Germany-while in captivity .

Willa d'Arlesmarquisa of Ivrea Princess of Tuscany, HRHLady died Abt 966 .