Woburn, Middlesex, Ma
24 Dec 1644
Woburn, Middlesex, Ma
                   Francis assumes the alias Miles during his early residence in
this country, due to the fact that he fled secretly to this
country. He came from England before 1640, and with thirty-one
others signed the town orders of Woburn, 18 Dec 1640, having
lived in Charlestown, where he was a taxpayer in 1645.  In
December, 1658, he deposed that his age was about 48 years,
possibly making his birth between 1614 and 1620.    Admitted a
freeman in 1648, he was a gentleman of great respectability and
influence in the place of his residence.  He served the town at
different times for eighteen years as Selectman between 1659 and
1688;  on the committee to lay out common lands, 1667; on the
committee to build the meetinghouse and a tithingman, 1676; paid
by the town for a wolf, fined for being late at a selectman's
meeting, 1674; Not entirely in accord with the Puritan Church,
he was presented by the grand jury for refusing communion with
the Woburn Church, of which he was a member, 1671.
He built the first mill in Woburn about 1650.  In his will,
dated 9 May 1706, when he was stricken in years and expecting
daily his change, he styles himself a miller, and gives onehalf
his corne mill, with a proportionate of the streams, dames
and utensils thereto  belonging, to his son John, one-quarter
toThomas, and one-quarter to Samuel; his dwelling house to
eldest John; others mentioned are son Jacob; daughter Mary Read;
Elizabeth Pierce,[6thly to my daughter Elizabeth Pierce, besides
which I have given her upon marriage and otherwise, I further
give her five shillings as a token of my love.  And in case she
shall have a child, born of here own body, I hereby give to it
ten pounds, to be paid unto it by my executors when it shall
arrive at the age of twenty and one years, Hannah Green,
Rebecca Eaton (deceased) and Abigail Reed, sons-in-law Isreal
Reed and William Green; daughter-in-law Eunice, wife of John;
grandchild Francis, eldest son of John Kendall; Jacob, son of
Jacob Kendall; Mary Pierce, Francis Green, Elizabeth Lamson
(daughter of Rebecca Eaton), and William Reed are named; also
the eight children of his brother Thomas Kendall, that were
living when his said brother died. The will contained twenty
articles.  A physical peculiarity has  characterised the Kendall
family for many centuries, that is, an occasion extra finger or
extra toe.
Abt 1620
Hertfordshire, england
Woburn, Middlesex, Ma
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Francis Kendall - Mary Tidd

Francis Kendall

He married Mary Tidd 24 Dec 1644 at Woburn, Middlesex, Ma . Mary Tidd was born at Hertfordshire, england Abt 1620 daughter of John Tidd and Margaret GreenLEAF .

Francis Kendall died 1708 at Woburn, Middlesex, Ma .

Mary Tidd died 1705 at Woburn, Middlesex, Ma .