Frederick V King of DENMARK

31 Mar 1723
Copenhagen, Denmark
14 Jan 1766
11 Dec 1743
Christiansborg, Danemark
                   The king of Denmark in the mid-1700s, Frederik V, was an enlightened absolute monarch. He commissioned research of Danish plant life to determine the serviceable plants growing wild in his kingdom, which at the time consisted of Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, various German duchies as well as Denmark itself. This served as the impetus to what was to become a major botanical work Flora Danica. The first volume was published in 1761 consisting of 60 copper engraved plates of plants. Fifty-four volumes containing a total of 3,240 copperplates would be subsequently published. The work was the source of intense interest throughout Europe, both by virtue of its quality and its scientific content. Flora Danica was a unique accomplishment. It conferred widespread respect and prestige on Danish botanical research and the king (at whose command the work was undertaken) from botanists and the monarchs to whom the Danish king presented Flora Danica. Despite his pietistic upbringing, he never shared his father's seriousness and pietistic ways. Frederick took little interest in exercising his duties as king, choosing instead to indulge himself in life's pleasures. Frederick married the English princess Louise, daughter of George II. Together, they made radical changes to daily routines of the royal court. The new way of life was more light-hearted and open. Since the lifestyle of the royal household set the trend for the rest of society, this led to a significant cultural change. Theatres were reopened and the newly established scientific academies could pursue their agenda without risking censorship. The King eventually fell victim to the effects of dissolute living, having ruined his health through excessive drinking. However, he never had the aptitude, the knowledge or the interest for governing his nation. This task was delegated to capable men such as A.G. Moltke and J.H.E. Bernstorff. These two men managed to keep Denmark-Norway out of the mid-century's continental wars while promoting business and industry in both nations. The Danish-Norwegian neutrality was a major advantage to its shipping and foreign trade. Norwegian lumber and fish were sold in increasing quantities and for better prices in the foreign markets, and a growing number of Norwegian merchant vessels were transporting the exports to foreign ports. Frederick died in 1766. Despite his self-indulgence, he left his son, Christian VII, a nation that was wealthier and more strongly consolidated as a state than it was at the time of his own ascent to the throne after Christian VI.
Louisa Princess of HANOVER, ENGLAND
18 Dec 1724
Leicester House, London, Middlesex, England
19 Dec 1751
Christiansborg Castle, Copenhagen, Denmark
29 Jan 1749
Copenhagen, Denmark
13 Mar 1808
8 Nov 1766
Christiansborg, Danemark 
FamilyCentral Network
Frederick V King of Denmark - Louisa Princess of Hanover, England

Frederick V King of Denmark was born at Copenhagen, Denmark 31 Mar 1723. His parents were Christian VI King of Denmark and Sophie Magdalene .

He married Louisa Princess of Hanover, England 11 Dec 1743 at Christiansborg, Danemark . Louisa Princess of Hanover, England was born at Leicester House, London, Middlesex, England 18 Dec 1724 daughter of George II Hanover, King of England and Wilhelmine Caroline of Brandenburgansbach, d'Ansbachprincess .

They were the parents of 4 children:
Sophia Magdalena Denmark born 1746.
Caroline Denmark born 1747.
Christian VII King of Denmark born 29 Jan 1749.
Louise Denmark born 1750.

Frederick V King of Denmark died 14 Jan 1766 at Christiansborg .

Louisa Princess of Hanover, England died 19 Dec 1751 at Christiansborg Castle, Copenhagen, Denmark .