William BAINES

14 Aug 1681
                   In the year 1686, William Baines sailed for America with his parents and three siblings. His parents died at sea. Upon arrival at Chester, Pa., he and his sister, Elinor, were taken in chare by the Friends. A certified copy of the records of the Orphans' Court held at Chester, Pa., now removed to the County Seat of Chester County, at West Chester, and recorded in Old Court Records at No. 1, page 61, is a true and correct copy thereof, appears as follows:

Att an Orphans' Court held att Chester the 6th day of the 1st month 1687. There was present: Justices - John Bristow, President Bartholomew Coopnocke, Francis Harrison, George Maris, Edward Beaser, - Sherife: Joshua Firne, - Clerk, Robert Eyre Ordered that Francis Little give in Security to this Court - to pay unto John Simcocke & Thomas Brasie as trustees to William & Elan Baines for the sum of Twenty eight shillings. The Court Adjourne unto the 3rd day in the 1st week of the 8th month next.
From the Record
Attest Gertrude Chandler
Deputy Clerk of Orphans' Court

William was 5 or 6 years of age when he landed at Chester, Pa. and was placed with Joseph Stidman, his guardian, a resident of Chester County, with whom he made his home, until he arrived at the age of 20 years. Soon after the end of his term of service with Joseph Stidman, he married and located in Southampton Twp., Bucks County; where a tract of land of one hundred forty acres (140), is marked with his name on an early survey, though no deeds appear of record to or from him.

William married out of Meeting, and the date of his marriage is not known and the maiden name of his wife, Elizabeth, is unknown. He died a short time prior to 23 May 1729, on which date Letters of Administration were granted on his estate. His widow, Elizabeth, and his eldest son, Joseph, both renounced their right to administer his estate.

*May 16, 1681, Date of birth - probably Lancashire, England.
*January 06, 1686/87, Sailed with family to America.
*Parents & two brothers died at sea.
*Bound out to Joseph Stidman (mentioned as a servant in Stidman's will)
*Married Elizabeth, surname unknown.
*Bef. May 23, 1729, Date of death.
                   Elizabeth and William Baines were the parents of nine children. William, died sometime prior to 23 May 1729. Elizabeth lived over 40 years after her husband's death, as her Will was probated on 16 Sept. 1771.

The following is a true and correct copy of her Will.


The Twenty Seventy Day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight. I Elizabeth Beans of Southampton Township in the County of Bucks Widow being of sound mind Memory and Understanding for which all other mercies & blessings on me bestowed I return thanks to almighty God the giver of every good Gift sometimes feeling the Symtoms (sic) of Mortality laying hold of my earthly Frame and knowing that it is appointed for all mankind once to Die I have thought proper to Settle my worldly affairs by this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
Impr's: It is my Will that all my Just debts and funeral expenses be fully Discharged and paid.
Item I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Sands the Sum of Ten pounds. And unto my Daughter Elinor Beans the sum of Twenty pounds also my Bed Bedding and my Chest.
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my two Daughters Elizabeth and Elinor aforesaid all the remainder of my Household Goods and my Wearing Apparrel to be equally Divided between them share and share alike.
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my sons namely Joseph, Matthew, Thomas, Timothy, Jacob and William, and to my Grandson Jesse Beans son of James Beans Deceased all the remainder of my Estate (after Debts Legacies and funeral expense aforesd. are fully Discharged and paid) to be equally Divided between them share and share alike.
And lastly I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint my Son Joseph Beans and my Daughter Elinor Beans aforesd. Executor and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making Void all former Wills & Testaments Ratifying and confirming this only to be my Last Will and Testament.
In witness Whereof I have hereunto set my had and Seal the Day and year first above Written.

Elizabeth X Beans (SEAL)
Signed sealed published and declared by this ad. Elizabeth Beans as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us.
Abel Morgan
Mary Morgan
Daniel Longstreth

This Will was certified to by the Register of Wills

The writer of the above Will erred in writing all the names "Beans", when many of the parties names in said Will spelled their names "Banes".  Elizabeth did not sign her name at the end of the Will, but made her "MARK".
24 Sep 1708
Bucks co, Pa, Usa
Buckingham, Southampton twp, Bucks co, Pa, Usa
17 Mar 1732
                   	1  PURC
	2  DATE 28 JAN 1762
	2  PLAC Southampton, Bucks co, Pennsylvania, USA
	2  NOTE 160 acres

It would appear from the court records of Bucks county and other papers, that all of Joseph and Esther Evans Banes spelled the name "Banes", although their names appear as "Beans" in the Last Will and Testament of their father, Joseph Banes. Joseph Banes died testate, his will is dated 4 August 1771 and of record in the Register's Office of Bucks County, Pa, in Will Book No. 3, page 250, having been probated in said office on 9 December 1771, and letters testamentary were granted to his two sons, James and Seth.

Will of Joseph Banes

The Fourth Day of August, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-One.

I Joseph Beans of the Township of Southampton in the County of Bucks, Yeoman being Sick and weak in Body but of sound and disposing mind and Memory (Thanks be to God therefor) do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God who gave it and my Body to the Earth to be Buried in a Christianlike manner at the Discretion of my Executors herinafter-named. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased to Bless me with in this Life I give and dispose of in the following manner and form.

Imp: I Will that my Just Debts and Funeral Expenses be all truly Discharged and paid.
Item: I Give unto my son, John Beans the Sum of Twenty Shillings.
Item: I Give unto my two Grand-sons, John (also called Joseph) and James Beans, Sons of my Son John Aforesd (when they shall attain their respective ages of Twenty One Years) the Sum of Ten Pounds a piece, and to my two Grand-Daughters Hester and Mary daughters of my ad Son John, when they shall attain to their respective ages of Twenty-One years the Sum of Five Pounds a piece. But if any or either of my sd Grand Children shall happen to Die before they are at age to Inherit, then and in that case my will is that the part or share that should have passed to such Decedent, or Decedents be equally divided between their surviving Brothers and Sisters share and share alike.
Item: I Give unto my Beloved Wife Hester (Esther) (During the term of her Natural Life) the House Garden, and about Three acres of Meadow now in the Tenure and occupation of Joseph Vanpelt, I also give unto her the Bed-Bedstock and furniture thereunto belonging, on which we lie, One case of Drawers, Three of the best chairs, one Putor Dish, Six plates and all my Tee ware. One Cow of her own chooseing, and the sum of Thirty Pounds a Year and every year during the term of her Natural life and as much of the Kitching Furniture as she shall need for her own Use.
Item: I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my Son Mathew the Sum of Twenty Pounds (and at the Death or Decease of my Wife afored) the Messuage Garden Meadow etc. before mentioned with their and every of their appurtenances, to him and to his Heirs and assigns forever.
Item: All the rest and remainder of my Estate both real and Personal I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my two Sons Seth and James to be equally Divided between them share and share alike, to them and to their Heirs and Assigns forever.
And lastly I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint my said two Sons Seth and James together with my Friend Joseph Hart, Esq. Executors to this my last will and Testament Ratifying this an no other to be my last Will & Testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year first above within.

Joseph X Beans (SEAL)
Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by the said Joseph Beans as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of N.B. the words "be equally divided" between the 21st & 22nd on the otherside were interlined before Sealing- -
John Brooks
Thomas Folwell
Jesse Banes
Southampton, Bucks co, Pa, Usa
                   Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834

Page 157.  James Banes, of Southampton, Blacksmith.  May 2, 1749.
Proved July 12, 1749.
Wife: Elizabeth.
Bro. Mathew Banes and Stephen Watts, exr.
Children: Phebe, Jesse and Elizabeth.
Wit: Jos. Banes, Elizabeth Banes, John Hart.
                   Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834

BEANS, THOMAS. Abington.
April 4, 1792. June 17, 1795. 1.462
To wife Elizabeth, 20 pds., room and maintenance.
To son Nathan, 1/2 part of farm, he paying to wife 5 pds. yearly and to daughter Jane Miles, 12 pds., 2 s.
To son Isaac, other 1/2 of farm, he paying wife pds. and to daughter Jane, 12 pds., 2s.
To sons Nathan and Isaac, 2 negro boys, Amram and Israel.
To son Thomas, farm, in Southampton, 112 acres, he paying to wife and daughter same sum as son Isaac.
To son Thomas, negro boy, Toby.
To son Stephen, farm, in Abington, 145 acres, he to give to wife maintenance and to daughter Jane, 12 pds., 10 s.
To son Stephen, negro, Sue.
To daughter Jane, household goods after wife's death and 50 pds.
To grandson Evan Beans, son of Nathan, silver watch.
To Phebe Beans, daughter of brother James, 15 pds. Rem. to 4 sons equally: Nathan, Isaac, Thomas and Stephen.
Execs: Sons: Nathan, Isaac, Thomas and Stephen.
Wit: Samuel Jones, Richard Whitton.
                   Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834

Page 323.  Elinor Baines of Warminster.
March 1, 1773.  Proved May 14, 1773.
Daniel Longstreth, exr. Richard Sands and his Dau. Elinor Sands.
Anna White, dau. of Bro. Mathew. Jesse, Phebe and Elizabeth Baines,
children of Bro. James, December'd. Martha and Rachel Longstreth.
Thos. Spicer Jones, son of Rev. Samuel Jones.  Sarah Harding, dau. of
Henry Harding.  Residue to Hester and Mary Baines daus. of Cousin John
Baines, their bros. Joseph and James Baines.
Wit: John Folwell, Arthur
Watt, and John Longstreth.
FamilyCentral Network
William Baines - Blocked

William Baines was born at 14 Aug 1681. His parents were Mathew Baines and Margaret Hatton.

He married Blocked 1707 .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Joseph F. Banes born 24 Sep 1708.
James Banes