Antoine Honore FELSQUE (FILSCH)
BAPTISM: Antoine's Godparents were Antoine Fournier and Salomé Fournier BAPTISM: This information comes the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada B., page 104, for the year 1832,found in the Drouin microfilm No.1105 at the AFGS, PO Box 830,Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870, US. GODPARENTS: Antoine Fournier and Salome Fournier. MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1853, M.1, found in theDrouin microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS, PO Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, US. Also found in My Notes, book 1, page 118. MARRIAGE: Antoine Honoré Felsque was the widower of Mathilde Boyer whenhe married PhilomÃ[diaeresis]ne Desforges on 6 Oct. 1900 in St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ. MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ, Canada for the year 1900, M.9, page 36,found in the Drouin microfilm No.1106 at the AFGS, PO Box 830,Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870, US. MARRIAGE: Antoine Honoré Felsque, was the widower of PhilomÃ[diaeresis]ne Desforges,when he married PhilomÃ[diaeresis]de Brisebois on Dec. 2, 1905 in St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ, Canada for the year 1905, M.12, page - foundin the Drouin microfilm No.1106 at the AFGS. PO Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, US. DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ, Canada for the year 1918, S.11, page 73,found in the Drouin microfilm No.1106, at the AFGS, PO Box 830,Woonsocket, RI. 02895-0870, US. 1 _TITLE Notes
BAPTISM: This information comes from the registry Book of St-Michel,Vaudreuil, PQ, Canada for the year 1838, B.41, page 101, found on theDrouin microfilm No. 1122b, at the AFGS, PO. Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, US. Mathilde's father was a traveler. BAPTISM: Also found in My Notes, book 2, page 103. 1 _TITLE Notes
DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1856, S.10, page 110found in the Drouin microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI,02895, USA. Also My Notes, book 2, page 91.
BAPTISM: B.79 for 1855 of the registry of St-Joachim, Pointe-Claire, Qc,Canada. His Godfather was Damase Poirier and his Godmother was Elmire Felsque.
BAPTISM: B.21 for 1857 of the registry for St-Joachim, Pointe-Claire, Qc,Canada. M. Stephanie's Godfather was Antoine Felsque Sr. and her Godmother wasAngelique Trottier, his wife and her grandparents.
BAPTISM: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1859, B.5 page found onthe Drouin microfilm No. 1105, at the AFGS, in Woonsocket, RI 02895, USA. Melina's Godfather was Pierre Lefebvre and her Godmother was EloiseFelsque.B.5,
BAPTISM: B.60 for 1860 of the registry of St-Joachim, Pointe-Claire, Qc,Canada. August's Godfather was Arsene Charlebois and his Godmother was AdeleLantier. This couple got married later on Feb 11, 1861
BAPTISM: B.34 for 1863 from the registry of St-Joachim, Pointe-Claire,Qc, Canada. J.P.Albert's Godfather was Damase Olivier and his Godmother was JulieDuchesneau
BAPTISM: B.5 for 1866 of the registry of St-Joachim, Pointe-Claire, Qc,Canada. Her Godfather was Isidore Aumais and her Godmother was Virginie Binet
SURNAME: Adrien was baptized Joseph Adrien Felsque, in adulthood, hechanged his name to Decasse. The first ancestor of Adrien was Ignace Filsch who came from Mannheim,Germany. Ignace married Marie Josephte Dupuis-Detours in 1760 in thechurch of Notre-Dame, Montreal, PQ. 1 _TITLE Notes
He married Mathilde Boyer 8 Jan 1853 at St-Joachim, Pointe-Claire, Montreal, Pq. . Mathilde Boyer was born at Abt 1832 .
They were the parents of 9
Antoine Honore Felsque, Jr
born 7 May 1854.
Francois Damase Felsque
born 5 Nov 1855.
Marie Stephanie Felsque
born 5 Mar 1857.
Marie Melina Felsque
born 12 Jan 1859.
Auguste Felsque
born 19 Dec 1860.
Joseph Jerome Felsque
born 29 Apr 1862.
Joseph Pierre Albert Felsque
born 9 Jul 1863.
Marie Virginie Felsque
born 17 Feb 1866.
Adrien Joseph Felsque, dit Decasse (Filsch)
born 26 Jun 1869.
Antoine Honore Felsque (Filsch) died 8 Apr 1918 at Pointe-Claire, Montréal, Pq. .
Mathilde Boyer died Bef Oct 1900 at Pointe-Claire Montreal, Pq .