BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1799, B., page 27, foundin the Drouin microfilm No.1104 at the AFGS, PO Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, USA. Also in My Notes, book 2, page 21. 1 _TITLE Notes
BAPTISM: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1801, B., page 56, foundin the Drouin microfilm No. 1104, at the AFGS, PO BOX 830, Woonsocket,RI, 02895-0870, USA. MARRIAGE: Present at the marriage, of Antoine and Angelique, wereJean-Baptiste Felsque brother of the groom, Amable Brisebois, friend ofthe groom, Francois Guerard, Gabriel Mitchel friends of the bride. TheRev. B. Fortin blessed the marriage. MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1824, M. found in theDrouin microfilm No.1105 at the AFGS, P.O. Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, USA. DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1880, S., found in theDrouin microfilm No.1105 at the AFGS, PO Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, USA. 1 _TITLE Notes
BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1825, B. page 100 foundon microfilm No. 1105, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 116. DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1826, S., page 103 foundon microfilm No. 1105, at the AFGS, in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. My Notes book 1, page 116.
BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1827, B., found onmicrofilm No.1105, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 117. DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1828, S. found onmicrofilm No. 1105, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 117
BAPTISM: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1829, B., found on theDrouin microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS, P.O. Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 117. MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1852, M.13, page 34,found on the Drouin microfilm No.1104, at the AFGS, P.O. Box 830,Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870, USA. MARRIAGE: My notes, book 2, page 61
BAPTISM: Antoine's Godparents were Antoine Fournier and Salomé Fournier BAPTISM: This information comes the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada B., page 104, for the year 1832,found in the Drouin microfilm No.1105 at the AFGS, PO Box 830,Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870, US. GODPARENTS: Antoine Fournier and Salome Fournier. MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1853, M.1, found in theDrouin microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS, PO Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, US. Also found in My Notes, book 1, page 118. MARRIAGE: Antoine Honoré Felsque was the widower of Mathilde Boyer whenhe married PhilomÃ[diaeresis]ne Desforges on 6 Oct. 1900 in St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ. MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ, Canada for the year 1900, M.9, page 36,found in the Drouin microfilm No.1106 at the AFGS, PO Box 830,Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870, US. MARRIAGE: Antoine Honoré Felsque, was the widower of PhilomÃ[diaeresis]ne Desforges,when he married PhilomÃ[diaeresis]de Brisebois on Dec. 2, 1905 in St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ, Canada for the year 1905, M.12, page - foundin the Drouin microfilm No.1106 at the AFGS. PO Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, US. DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montréal, PQ, Canada for the year 1918, S.11, page 73,found in the Drouin microfilm No.1106, at the AFGS, PO Box 830,Woonsocket, RI. 02895-0870, US. 1 _TITLE Notes
BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1837, B.48, page 21,found on Microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS, in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 117. DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1840, S.5, page 126,found on microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. My Notes, book 2, page 61.
BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1837, B.28, page 71,found on the Drouin microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI,02895, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 117. DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1872, S.27, found on theDrouin microfilm No. 1105, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 118.
BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1841, B.24, page 144,found on microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 117.
BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1843, B.63, page 48,found in the Drouin microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS, P.O. Box 830,Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870, USA. My Notes, book 1, page 117. MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1866, M.1, page 129,found in the Drouin microfilm No. 1105, at AFGS, P.O. Box 830,Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870. They got a dispense from the 2nd to the third degree of consanguinity. My Notes, book 2, page 99.
He married Angelique Trottier 27 Sep 1824 at St-Joachim, Pointe-Claire, Montreal, Pq. . Angelique Trottier was born at Pointe-Claire, Montréal, Pq. 17 Feb 1801 .
They were the parents of 8
Antoine Felsque (Filsch)
born 5 Oct 1825.
Alexis Cleophas Felsque (Filsch)
born 4 May 1827.
Marie Elmire Felsque (Filsch)
born 15 Sep 1829.
Antoine Honore Felsque (Filsch)
born 6 May 1832.
Marie Adele Felsque (Filsch)
born 5 Sep 1834.
Marie Ombeline Felsque (Filsch)
born 14 Apr 1837.
Paul Felsque (Filsch)
born 19 Apr 1841.
Marie Elise Felsque (Filsch)
born 28 Oct 1843.
Antoine Felsque (Filsch) died 12 Aug 1868 at Pointe-Claire, Montreal, Pq. .
Angelique Trottier died 24 Nov 1880 at Pointe-Claire, Montréal, Pq. .