Jean Baptiste FILSCH
BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of Notre-Dame,Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1763, B., found on the Drouin microfilmNo. 1173, at the AFGS, p.o. Box 830, Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870, USA. DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada, for the year 1806, S., page 17,found on the Drouin microfilm No. 1105, at AFGS, P.O. Box 830,Woonsocket, RI, 02895-0870, USA. PROFESSION: Church custodian. 1 _TITLE Notes
DEATH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada, for the year 1834, S.63, page, foundon the Drouin microfilm No.1105, at the AFGS, PO Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, USA. BIRTH: I found the birth record of Charlotte but the document was in suchbad state that I decided not to get it. Should try to get it from theVital Statistic of the Province of Quebec.1 _TITLE Notes
BAPTISM: Charlotte's godparents were Jean Louis Ceras Filtz and FrancoiseBonin This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1790 B. page 5, found onmicrofilm No. 1104, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI. This information is from MY Notes Book 2, page 17.
MARRIAGE: This information comes from the registry book of St-Michel,Vaudreuil, PQ, Canada for the year 1818, M. page, found on microfilm No.1122b, at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA.
BAPTISM: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1794, B. page 4 found onmicrofilm No. 1104 at the AFGS in Woonsocket, RI, 02895, USA. This information is in My Notes, book 2, page 17
BIRTH: This information comes from the registry book of St-Joachim,Pointe-Claire, Montreal, PQ, Canada for the year 1799, B., page 27, foundin the Drouin microfilm No.1104 at the AFGS, PO Box 830, Woonsocket, RI,02895-0870, USA. Also in My Notes, book 2, page 21. 1 _TITLE Notes
He married Marie Charlotte Miville Descheness 13 May 1789 at St-Joachim, Pointe-Claire, Montreal, Pq. . Marie Charlotte Miville Descheness was born at La Pocatiere, Kamouraska, Pq. 29 Oct 1754 daughter of Pierre Miville Descheness and Marie Luce Richard .
They were the parents of 6
Marie Charlotte Filtz, Felsque
born 12 Jun 1790.
Jean Baptiste Felsque
born 15 Sep 1791.
Theodore Felsque
born 25 Mar 1793.
Marie Luce Felsque
born 6 Jun 1794.
Euphrosine Filsch, Felsque
born 7 Aug 1796.
Antoine Felsque (Filsch)
born 20 Jan 1799.
Jean Baptiste Filsch died 22 Jan 1806 at Pointe-Claire, Montreal, Pq. .
Marie Charlotte Miville Descheness died 9 Oct 1834 at Pointe-Claire, Montreal, Pq. .