Clotaire I King of FRANKS

Rheims, Marne, Loire-Alantique, France
23 Nov 561
Braines, Loire-Atlantique, France
Abt 515
                   	2  GIVN Chlotar I "The Old" King of

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CLOTAIRE [CHLOTHACHAR] I (d. 561) was one of the four sons of Clovis. On the death of his father in 511 he received as his share of the kingdom the town of Soissons, which he made his capital, the cities of Laon, Noyon, Cambrai and Maastricht, and the lower course of the Meuse. But he was very ambitious and sought to extend his domain.
He was the chief instigator of the murder of his brother Chlodomer's children in 524, and his share of the spoils consisted of the cities of Tours and Poitiers. He took part in the various expeditions against Burgundy, and after the destruction of that kingdom in 535 gained Grenoble, Die and some of the neighbouring cities. When Provence was ceded to the Franks by the Ostrogoths he received the cities of Orange, Carpentras and Gap.
In 531 he marched against the Thuringi with his brother Theuderich (Thierry) I, and in 542 with his brother Childebert against the Visigoths in Spain. On the death of his great-nephew Theodebald in 555, Clotaire annexed his territories; and on Childebert's death in 558 he became king of all Gaul. He also ruled over the greater part of Germany, made expeditions into Saxony, and for some time exacted from the Saxons an annual tribute of 500 cows.
The end of his reign was troubled by internal dissentions, his son Chram rising against him on several occasions. Following Chram into Brittany, where the rebel had taken refuge, Clotaire shut him up with his wife and children in a cottage, to which he set fire. Overwhelmed with remorse, he went to Tours to implore forgiveness at the tomb of St. Martin, and died shortly afterward. [EncyclopÃ|dia Britannica, 1961 ed., Vol. 5, p. 844, CLOTAIRE I]Name: Chlotar I The Old King of Franks 1
Sex: M
Birth: ABT. 500 in Rheims, Marne, France 1
Death: 23 NOV 561 in Compiegne, Loire, France 2
King of Franks (558-561)
King of Soissons (511), King of Orleans, King of France
Rulers of the World by R.F.Tapsell
Clotaire = Clothar I, King de Soissons (Paul, Nouveau Larousse Universel.) (Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians.)
(Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, Page 216, Line 303-50.) (Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Tome 1, Pages 200 - 208, 214).
AKA: Clotaire I, King d'Orleans. AKA: Clotaire I, King d'Austrasie. Born: in 497, son of Clovis I, King des Francs and Sainte Clotilde de Bourgogne.
Married between 510 and 515: Ingonthe who was Clotaire I's first wife. She gave him a daughter and five sons, three of whom survived. Married circa 516: Aregonde); Radegonde was Clotaire I's second legitimate wife. Note - between 523 and 560: In accordance with Salic Law, upon Clovis I's death, his four sons [Thierry, the eldest and born from an unknown concubine before Clovis was married, and the other three, Clodomir, Childebert and Clotaire, divided the kingdom not unlike a cake, but with unequal parts. Clotaire, the youngest, received the most primitive lands, extending from the charbonniere forest [the North of Gaule] to the Somme River and beyond to include Noyon, Soissons and Laon. Soissons was its capital. The brothers constantly engaged in bloody fights in order to augment their holdings. In 523, three of Clovis I's sons, Clotaire, Childebert and Clodomir, launch their first campaign against the Burgundians. They catch Sigismond=Zygmund, out of the Monastery of Agaune, as well as his wife and his children. They are given to the custody of Clodomir. He has the entire family murdered by throwing them into a well at Saint-Peravy-la-Coulombe [near Patay] . Clotaire I became King of Orleans in 526 and King of Austrasie in 555. He was known for his cruelty and plotted and implemented the murder of his brother's (Clodomir) sons with Childebert, his other brother. In July through December 524, two of Clodomir's sons thus are murdered. Clodomir himself had died at the Battle of Vezeronce [in Isere] on 25 June 524. Clotaire gets Tours and Poitiers. In 531 Thierry and Clotaire I are occupied in battle against the Thuringians. Their King, Hermanefried died in combat by falling from a rempart in Tolbiac [with a little push] . His mother, Radegonde, who is among the captives, becomes Clotaire's third wife. In 532, Clotaire and Childebert begin their third campaign against the Burgundians. This time, they take Autun. Upon Thierry;s death in 534, his lands are divided, and Clotaire gets the entire southern portion of Thierry's holdings including Grenoble, Die and neighboring cities.
In 536, Clotaire obtains the northern part of Provence encompassing Orange, Carpentras and Gap from Vitiges, King of the Ostrogoths. When Theobald dies in 555, Clotaire gives the Auvergne to his son, Chramne. The next year, Clotaire would fail in his campaign against the Saxons, but they will continue to pay him an annual tribute of 500 cows. Chramne rebels and fights against his father. Upon Childebert's death 23 December 558, he reunited all parts of the Frankish kingdom, and Clotaire becomes sole King of the Francs. The following year, his son, Chramne again rebels, but has to seek refuge with the Count of Brittany, Conober who is established in Vannes. In 560, they lose to Clotaire and Chramne, his wife and their children are burnt alive on the orders of Clotaire. Married circa 547: Radegonde, Princess de Turinge , daughter of Hermanefried, King de Turinge (8164) and N? ; The Thuringians had been submitted to the Francs. Clotaire and his half-brother Thierry had led a brutal campaign against them and had crushed them on the banks of the Saale in 531. Among Clotaire's share of the bounty was a beautiful young girl, the Christian Princess Radegonde. Radegonde was Clotaire I's third legitimate wife, and fifth mate. Clotaire I was about 50 years old.
Ingonde (Ingonthe) Queen of the FRANKS
Abt 499
Thuringia, Germany
Paris, Seine, France
7 May 567
Paris, Seine, France
Abt 540
Title: Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on
Page: Charibert I
Title: Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on
Page: Charibert I
Text: 567/8
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Soissons, Aisne, France
Oct 584
Abt 568
                   CHILPERIC I [d. 584], was one of the sons of Clotaire I. On his father's death in 561, fearing that, as he was illegitimate, his brothers would deprive him of his share of the patrimony, he seized the royal treasury and entered Paris, prepared to bargain. The resulting division of the patrimony gave Chilperic the old Salian terrirories of the modern Picardy, Flanders and Hainault; this included Soissons. When Charibert died in 567, Chilperic's share of his property included lands and cities in the west and in Aquitaine. Distrust of his brothers, fear for his insecured eastern frontier and the perpetual need of land and treasure for his followers caused Chilperic to attack Sigebert's town of Reims. There followed a series of campaigns in which Reims and Soissons were the key points. Sigebert's marriage to the Visigothic princess Brunhilda (Brunechildis), daughter of King Athanagild, seemed to endanger Chilperic's possessions in Aquitaine; so Chilperic put away his wife and married Galswintha, Athanagild's elder daughter. This prudent step angered his followers, who hated the Arian Visigoths. Galswintha was shortly murdered, to be replaced by Chilperic's former mistress, Fredegond. This lady was Gregory of Tours's pet aversion, but Chilperic's subjects seemed to prefer her to her predecessor. The consequent vendetta with Sigebert and Brunhilda, in which Guntram of Burgundy acted occasionally as arbitrator, lasted, almost without pause, for 40 years and was castigated by Gregory of Tours as 'bella civilia,' After Sigebert's murder in 575, Chilperic became effectively master of the 'regnum Francorum.' The Visigothic king Leovigild sought the hand of his daughter Rigunthis for his heir Reccared. Chilperic was assassinated near Chelles in 584.
Chilperic was naturally ferocious and appeared to Gregory of Tours as the Nero and the Herod of his time. But he was the ablest and most interesting of the gransons of Clovis. As a bastard he had to fight for his existence; yet, a builder of circuses, he seems to have had ideas about a king's duties that were Roman or Byzantine rather than Germanic. His fiscal measures were vigorous and provoked the hatred of the church (which suffered from them). His court circle had something more than pretensions to culture; it appreciated poetry and even theological discussion. Chilperic held his own views on the doctrine of the Trinity and revised the Latin alphabet to suit his tastes. It is a pity that our sources allow us to get no nearer to the motives of his wild, unhappy career. [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1961 ed., Vol. 5, pg. 501, CHILPERIC I]
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FamilyCentral Network
Clotaire I King of Franks - Ingonde (Ingonthe) Queen of the Franks

Clotaire I King of Franks was born at Rheims, Marne, Loire-Alantique, France 497. His parents were Clovis the Riparian King of Cologne & Franks and Cleotilde Burgundy, France.

He married Ingonde (Ingonthe) Queen of the Franks Abt 515 . Ingonde (Ingonthe) Queen of the Franks was born at Thuringia, Germany Abt 499 .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Sigebert I Merovingian King of Austrasia born 519.
Charibert I King of Paris Franks born 520.
Chilperic I King of Franks born 528.

Clotaire I King of Franks died 23 Nov 561 at Braines, Loire-Atlantique, France .

Ingonde (Ingonthe) Queen of the Franks died 575 .