Albert Augustus Charles SAXE COBURG PRINCE

26 Aug 1819
Schloss Rosenau, Coburg, Allemagne
14 Dec 1861
Cheau de Windsor, Berkshire, Angleterre
23 Dec 1861
Frogmore, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England
10 Feb 1840
Chapelle Royale, Londres, Angleterre
                   His baptismal name was Albert Francis Augustus Charles. The Queen married Albert, Prince of Sachsen-Coburg, in 1840; twenty-two years later Albert died of typhoid, leaving the Queen an utterly broken-hearted and crushed widow of forty-two. Soon after the Prince's death, Disraeli declared: This German Prince has governed England for twenty-one years with a wisdom and energy such as none of our kings have ever shown. Albert supported the Queen, and was instrumental in freeing the monarchy from political party allegiance.
24 May 1819
Kensington Palace, London, Middlesex, England
22 Jan 1901
Osborne House, Isle of Wright, Hampshire, England
4 Feb 1901
Frogmore, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England
                   	2  GIVN Victoria
	2  NSFX , Queen of Britain

Baron Stockmar, a German nobleman, brokered the marriage between Victoria and Albert of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha in 1840. She became England's longest reigning monarch, her offspring governed Europe, she gave her name to an era, but she was only a teenager when she ascended the throne of the world's mightiest empire. The British monarchy had suffered bad times, discredited by the madness of George III (1760-1820), the excesses of George IV (1820-1830), and the unimpressive reign of William IV (1830-37). Victoria was William's niece and had been designated the heir to the childless king from her birth. On Tuesday June 20, 1837 the king died of pneumonia. Awakened at dawn Victoria lived with her mother in Kenningston Palace, London (the same palace Lady Di lived in before her death). It was there that the eighteen-year-old was told of her Uncle's death. Victoria refers often in her diary to seeing her visitors alone or quite alone. This is an indication of the teenager establishing her independence with her ascendancy to the throne. Victoria's mother (the Duchess of Kent) had raised Victoria in a cloistered and highly controlled environment (the two in fact shared the same bedroom). The mother had hoped to extend her control once her child became Queen and had lobbied unsuccessfully to be named Regent. Victoria's pointed references to seeing her visitors alone reveal that the young girl will be charting her own course as queen. We can only imagine her mother's chagrin when Victoria tells her that her presence will not be required during her various meetings that day. Victoria recorded the day in her diary: Tuesday, 20th June 1837 I was awoke at 6 o'clock by Mamma, who told me that the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Conyngham were here, and wished to see me. I got out of bed and went into my sitting-room (only in my dressing-gown) and alone, and saw them Lord Conyngham (the Lord Chamberlain) then acquainted me that my poor Uncle, the King, was no more, and had expired at 12 minutes past 2 this morning, and consequently that I am Queen. Lord Conyngham knelt down and kissed my hand, at the same time delivering to me the official announcement of the poor King's demise. The Archbishop then told me that the Queen was desirous that he should come and tell me the details of the last moments of my poor good Uncle; he said that he had directed his mind to religion, and had died in a perfectly happy, quiet state of mind, and was quite prepared for his death. He added that the King s sufferings at the last were not very great but that there was a good deal of uneasiness. Lord Conyngham, whom I charged to express my feelings of condolence and sorrow to the poor Queen, returned directly to Windsor. I then went to my room and dressed. Since it has pleased Providence to place me in this station, I shall do my utmost to fulfill my duty towards my country; I am very young and perhaps in many, though not in all things, inexperienced, but I am sure that very few have more real good-will and more real desire to do what is fit and right than I have. Breakfasted, during which time good, faithful Stockmar (Baron Stockmar - a friend) came and talked to me. Wrote a letter to dear Uncle Leopold (King of the Belgians) and a few words to dear good Feodore (Victoria's stepsister). Received a letter from Lord Melbourne (the Prime Minister) in which he said he would wait upon me at a little before 9. At 9 came Lord Melbourne, whom I saw in my room, and of course quite alone, as I shall always do all my Ministers. He kissed my hand, and I then acquainted him that it had long been my intention to retain him and the rest of the present Ministry at the head of affairs, and that it could not be in better hands than his. He again then kissed my hand. He then read to me the Declaration which I was to read to the Council, which he wrote himself, and which is a very fine one. I then talked with him some little time longer, after which he left me. He was in full dress. I like him very much and feel confidence in him. He is a very straightforward, honest, clever an
d good man. I then wrote a letter to the Queen. At about 11 Lord Melbourne came again to me, and spoke to me upon various subjects. At about half-past 11 I went downstairs and held a Council in the red saloon. I went in of course quite alone and remained seated the whole time. My two Uncles, the Dukes of Cumberland and Sussex, and Lord Melbourne conducted me. The Declaration, the various forms, the swearing in of the Privy Councillors of which there were a great number present, and the reception of some of the Lords of the Council, previous to the Council, in an adjacent room (likewise alone) I subjoin here. I was not at all nervous and had the satisfaction of hearing that people were satisfied with what I had done and how I had done it. Received after this, audiences of Lord Melbourne, Lord John Russell, Lord Albemarle (Master of the Horse), and the Archbishop of Canterbury, all in my room and alone. Saw Stockmar. Saw Clark, whom I named my Physician. Saw Mary. Wrote to Uncle Ernest. Saw Ernest Hohenlohe, who brought me a kind and very feeling letter from the poor Queen. I feel very much for her, and really feel that the poor good King was always so kind personally to me, that I should be ungrateful were I not to recollect it and feel grieved at his death. The poor Queen is wonderfully composed now, I hear. Wrote my journal. Took my dinner upstairs alone. Went downstairs. Saw Stockmar. At about twenty minutes to 9 came Lord Melbourne and remained till near 10. I had a very important and a very comfortable conversation with him. Each time I see him I feel more confidence in him; I find him very kind in his manner too. Saw Stockmar. Went down and said good-night to Mamma, etc. My dear Lehzen (Victoria's governess as a child) will always remain with me as my friend, but will take no situation about me, and I think she is right.
21 Nov 1840
Buckingham, Palace, London, England
5 Aug 1901
Friedrichshof, Near, Kronberg, Taunus
25 Jan 1858
London, England 
9 Nov 1841
Buckingham, Palace, London, England
6 May 1910
Buckingham, Palace, London, England
Not Married, Mistress of King  
                   	2  GIVN Edward VII

Note: Edward was christened Albert Edward and called Bertie by his family. But on his succession he announced that he would be called Edward VII, tactfully explaining that there could only be one Albert, who by universal consent is, I think deservedly, known by the name of Albert the Good. Edward was brought up with strict severity as a vicarious atonement for the wickedness of George IV. But there were moments in his later life when he was publicly compared with the profligate Prince Regent. His mother had a physical aversion to him for a long time after the death of his father when Edward was 20, which Victoria wrongly attributed to Albert's collapse at the disclosure that Edward had recently had an affair with an actress. Edward was barred from exerting any political influence for forty years, and he bitterly resented this, particularly in the field of foriegn police. Here his extensive family contacts in Europe, and his easy sociability which was in marked contrast to his mother's withdrawn isolation, gave him, he considered, an expertise which was neglected. In consequence, he devoted himself to a life of personal indulgence, which was not dimished in debauchery by the cover of social grace and exquisite manners under which it was carried out. When Edward came tardily to the throne he was active in changing a traditional British alignment in foreign policy. He gained the goodwill of France and began not only foreign alliances but also active rearmament against the military aggrandizement of Prussia under Kaiser Wilhelm, a nephew of Edward whom he thoroughly detested.
25 Apr 1843
Buckingham Palace, London, Middlesex, England
14 Dec 1878
Neues Palace, Darmstadt, Germany
1 Jul 1862
Osborne House, Isle of Wight,  
6 Aug 1844
Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England
30 Jul 1900
Schloss Rosenau, Near Coburg
23 Jan 1874
Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, 
25 May 1846
Buckingham, Palace, London, England
9 Jun 1923
Schomberg House, Pall Mall, London, England
18 Mar 1848
Buckingham, Palace, London, England
3 Dec 1939
Kensington, Palace, London, England
21 Mar 1871
St. George Chap., Windsor, Eng 
1 May 1850
Palais de Buckingham, Londres, Angleterre
16 Jan 1942
Bagshot Park, Surrey, Angleterre
13 Mar 1879
St. George Chap., Windsor, Eng 
7 Apr 1853
Palais de Buckingham, Londres, Angleterre
28 Mar 1884
Cannes, Alpes-Maritime, France
27 Apr 1882
St.George's Chapel, Windor Cas 
14 Apr 1857
Buckingham, Palace, London, England
26 Oct 1944
Bantridge Park, Balcombe, Sussex, England
23 Jul 1885
Whippingham, Ile de Wight, Ang 
FamilyCentral Network
Albert Augustus Charles Saxe Coburg Prince - Victoria I Hanovre, Queen of England

Albert Augustus Charles Saxe Coburg Prince was born at Schloss Rosenau, Coburg, Allemagne 26 Aug 1819.

He married Victoria I Hanovre, Queen of England 10 Feb 1840 at Chapelle Royale, Londres, Angleterre . Victoria I Hanovre, Queen of England was born at Kensington Palace, London, Middlesex, England 24 May 1819 daughter of Edward Augustus Hanover, Duke of Kent and Victoria Mary Louisa Saxe Colburg .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Victoria Adelaide Mary Princess Royal England born 21 Nov 1840.
Edward VII Wettin King of Plantagenet, England born 9 Nov 1841.
Alice Maud Mary Wettin, Princess of England born 25 Apr 1843.
Alfred Ernest Albert Duke of Edinburgh Prince England born 6 Aug 1844.
Helena Augusta Victoria Princess England born 25 May 1846.
Louise Caroline Alberta Princess England born 18 Mar 1848.
Arthur William Patrick Prince of Connaught England born 1 May 1850.
Leopold George Prince Duke of Albany England born 7 Apr 1853.
Beatrice Mary Victoria Saxe Colburgprincess, England born 14 Apr 1857.

Albert Augustus Charles Saxe Coburg Prince died 14 Dec 1861 at Cheau de Windsor, Berkshire, Angleterre .

Victoria I Hanovre, Queen of England died 22 Jan 1901 at Osborne House, Isle of Wright, Hampshire, England .