George IV Floyd NESBITT

6 May 1899
Ashton, Montgomery, Maryland
26 Feb 1986
Olney, Montgomery, Maryland
Sandy Spring, Montgomery, Maryland, Friend's Cemetery
30 Mar 1928
Burlingame, San Mateo, California
                   Attended Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,  Graduate ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), at Cambridge,Massachusetts. with a Bachelor of Science Degree in AutomotoveEngineering Management. He was a Member of the Beta Theta PhiFraternity.
County Councilor (aka Supervisor), Republican, Montgomery County,Maryland. Assistant Treasurer of The Mutual Fire Insurance Company ofMontgomery County, Maryland, President of The Sandy Spring FirstNational Bank, Sandy Spring, Maryland.  Also listed as GFN II insteadof GFN Jr.
A distinguished photographer along with Ansel Adams, both chronicleersof the Yosemite National Park experience.  A mountaineer on both rockand ice, a devoted fisherman in both fresh and salt water,  In sports;a long-distance runner and a hurdler, a golfer, a bicyclist and aswimmer. An experienced hunter of large game, a crack shot.  Adevoted member of the National Geographic Society.  A managementprofessional,  a chemical engineer who began
his involvement by being the private secretary to Pierre Dupont, anautomotive engineer as well. A sustaining force in the CommunityLibrary System, Fireman's Association, Farmer's Club and theHorticultural Society (Sandy Spring's being the oldest existing in theUnited States).
                   Found among the papers from Martha CRARY NESBITT, following her death,were
various notebooks, papers, clippings and letters. Extracted from someof these
are items noted herein, that they might not be lost to her posterity
Martha was born on a Sunday at 9:45 PM. She weighed seven andthree-quarters
pounds and was delivered by Dr. W L POLLUCK (sp?) and Nurse MaryEVANS.
Christened at age six months. Sponsored by Grandma CRARY, Aunt Lucyand
Father. First tooth discovered 19 APR 1904, six months andtwenty-nine days
old. Stood up by a table leg, 15 JUN. Walked alone when one year old.She was
scalded the day before her first brithday, so she could not have herparty.
First cut a tooth for her own birthday present.  This made seventeeth. Cut
five more the next month, so she had 12 at thirteen and a half monthsof age.
A newspaper clipping....Miss Martha CRARY, editor of the Boone HighSchool
Bumble Bee, has been named a member of the committee of high schooleditors
which will formulate plans for the organization of a state high schoolpress
association. In addition to Miss CRARY, Boone High will be representedby Miss
Sadiebelle FRIEDLEY.
A newspaper clipping....dated 14 SEP 1926, (no publicationshown).....Arthur CRARY is spending a few days in Sioux Falls, SouthDak(ota) He accompanied his daughter, Miss Martha, to that place,where she will teach in the schools for the coming year.
A newspaper clipping.....from the News-Republican, Friday, March 30,1928, Married - The marriage of Miss Martha CRARY, daughter of Mr. A RCRARY of this city, to Mr. George NESBIT(T) of Burlingame, California,is an event of today, taking place at the home of the bride'sbrother-in-law and sister, Mr. & Mrs. Glen H STERN of Burlingame. Thebride's father is in California for the wedding. (end)
A well known writer and historian, a sportswoman in her younger years.A championship swimmer and diver. She played golf, was a wonderful iceskater, skilled dancer and bicyclist.
Martha first attended Grinnel College in Grinnel, Iowa and latergraduated the University of Wisconsin. Her earliest adult years werespent as a Teacher.
During her long and productive adult life, she continued toparticipate in her calling as a writer, cronicleer of the times andpeople, a research-oriented historian and was a gifted poet as well.
She died on Saturday, 25 January 1997 at 2:20 PM Eastern StandardTime, at the Friend's House nursing home facility. She was being readto, at the time of her passing, by the Assistant Director of Friend'sHouse and dear friend, Mrs. Audrey Randall.
Funeral arrangements were managed by the Murial H Barber Funeral Homeof Laytonsville, Maryland. Mr. John Proctor assisting Mrs. Barber.
Martha's personal affects were carefully collected by her cousin, Mr.Peter Austin of Quail Hill, Brinklow, Maryland. They were held untilfurther disposition by her son James and daughter, Susannah.
Martha's Memorial Service was then  held on 19 APR 1997. Theinterrment of Martha's ashes at 1 P.M. at Friend's Meeting HouseCemetery, Memorial Service at Friend's Meeting House at 2 P.M. andReception at the Community Center at 3 P.M. A large crowd attended.
The printed program (nearly 100 copies were given out) presented toall those who attended the ceremonies is below.
There were no obituaries printed by the Washington POST or the DesMoines REGISTER. Neither would accept the material from her son Jim.The REGISTER representative said that they wouldn't accept it withoutan exact cause of death and (also) would not accept it  by digitaltransmission. The exact cause is unknown to her son to this day (DEC1997).
The POST said they couldn't accept any material by digitaltransmission, that I had to deliver it in person (which was thenimpossible). I wanted to have them printed in San Francisco as well,but gave up after the first two efforts (JFN,1997). A gifted writerand historian, a sports woman in her younger years. A championshipswimmer and diver. She played golf, was a wonderful ice skater andbicyclist.
FamilyCentral Network
George IV Floyd Nesbitt - Blocked

George IV Floyd Nesbitt was born at Ashton, Montgomery, Maryland 6 May 1899. His parents were George III Fash Nesbitt and Anna Leggett Thomas.

He married Blocked 30 Mar 1928 at Burlingame, San Mateo, California .

They were the parents of 2 children:

George IV Floyd Nesbitt died 26 Feb 1986 at Olney, Montgomery, Maryland .