Edgar I the Peaceable King of ENGLAND, HRH

Abt 943
Wessex, England
8 Jul 975
Wessex, England
Abt Jul 975
                   	2  GIVN Edgar the Peaceful

King of England 959 - 975.
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page(s) 416;ISBN
Title: The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Page: 161-4
See Note Page
Eric Delderfield:
Known as 'the Peaceful' or 'the Peaceable,' Edgar's reign [from 959-975] was spared Viking invasions, and he even began to employ Danish subjects.  His policy was shaped by Dunstan, [Archbishop of Canterbury and former treasurer to Edgar's father, Edmund I] whose respected position helped Edgar's reputation amongst European rulers. New elements in monastic pageantry were introduced by him, his coronation at Bath emulating that of his kinsman, Otto the Great, as German emporer. Edgar's queen, Aelfthryth, was anointed at his When seven British, Scottish, and Welsh kings came to Chester to submit formally to Edgar, they purportedly rowed him on the River Dee.  Though almost certainly apocryphal, the story reflects the dominance
of the ertswhile West Saxon kings.
Facts about this person:
Record Change  October 25, 1999
Burial    975
Glastonbury, England
Ethelflaed Ealdorman Queen of ENGLAND, HRH
Abt 948
Lydford Castle, England
Abt 1000
                   	2  GIVN Ealfthryth

Source(s) include, but are not limited to;
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page(s) 416;ISBN
See Note Page
Facts about this person:
Record Change  October 25, 1999
Aka, Ealfthryth, Elfreda, Aelfthryth.
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page(s) 416;ISBN
Edward the Martyr King of PLANTAGENET, ENGLAND HRH
18 Mar 978
                   Reigned from 975 to 979 A.D. Also said to be; (circa 963-78). AnAnglo-Saxon
King of England, son of King Edgar. He was a boy at the time of hisfather's
death. Edward ruled under the guidence of Saint Dustan, Archbishop of
His brief reign was filled with agitation against the monistaries,which Edgar
(his father) had favored at the expense of the non-monastic clergy ofthe time.
Edward was assassinated, quite probably at the instigation of hisstep-mother
Elfrida (Aelfthryth), whose own son Ethelred, succeeded him.
Miracles were said to have occured at the tomb of the slain KingEdward and he
was later to be declared a Saint and a Martyr to his Christian faith.Edward's
feast day is March 18th.
Source(s) include, but are not limited to;
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page(s) 416;ISBN
Funk & Wagnall's Encyclopedia.
Ethelred II the Redeless King of ENGLAND, HRH
Abt 968
Wessex, England
23 Apr 1016
London, Middlesex, England
                   	2  GIVN Aethelred II "The Redless" King of

Event: Ruled 978-1013, 1014-1016
Aethelred, one of the most hated kings of England, inherited the throne when he was ten years old. His name comes from the Anglo Saxon name for him, Unraed, which means evil-counseled, or uncounseled, and was a pun on his name. Later generations, after the language had changed, produced the pun we have here.
He was supposed to be licentious and mean.
He was not ready for the Danes to renew their attack. They had been pretty docile since Alfred, the Great. He lost all of England. His son Edmund II Ironside, briefly recovered some of it, but then King Canute (and 2 other Danish kings) took over until Aethelred's other son, Edward the Confessor, regained the throne--only to lose it in the next generation to William the Conqueror.
Aka, The Unready. Also born 958. King of England from 978 to 1016.His reign
coincided with the height of the Danish raiding and plundering.
Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
The English House of Wessex; Including Danes and Norman descent, apart of
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, by Laurence Gardner (1996) page(s) 416;ISBN
King of England 969-1016. Known as the Redeless.  The internet
site British History  says that he ruled 968/1016.  He
suceeded to the throne after the murder of his half brother,
Edward II, The Martyr, at the age of ten.  His reign was plagued
by poor advice from his personal favorites and suspicions of his
complicity in Edward's murder.  His was a long and rather
ineffective reign which was notable for little other han the
payment of the Danegeld, an attempt to buy off the Viking
invaders with money.
See Note Page
Eric Delderfield:
Ethelred the Unready's reign was beset by a renewal of Viking raids, of a ferocity unknown since Alfred's time.  Powerless to defeat the invaders, Ethelred resorted to buying off the Danes with silver (Danegold), which only encouraged further raids.  On St. Brice's Day, 13 November 1002, he ordered a massacre of the Danes resident in England, a treachery  prompting a retaliatory invasion the following year under Sweyn, son of the Danish king.  Sweyn's military successes so eroded support for Ethelred that he could no longer rely upon the nobility or the army, compelling him to flee to Normandy in 1013. (In 1002 he had established the first link with Normandy by marrying Duke Richard's daughter Emma.)  Sweyn's death in 1014 enabled Ethelred to return, but he was deprived of half the kingdom by his son Edmund, who made himself ruler in Danelaw.  Ethelred died in London in 1016.
Facts about this person:
Record Change  October 25, 1999
Burial    1016
London, England
FamilyCentral Network
Edgar I the Peaceable King of England, Hrh - Ethelflaed Ealdorman Queen of England, Hrh

Edgar I the Peaceable King of England, Hrh was born at Wessex, England Abt 943.

He married Ethelflaed Ealdorman Queen of England, Hrh . Ethelflaed Ealdorman Queen of England, Hrh was born at Lydford Castle, England Abt 948 daughter of Ordgar Ealdorman and .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Edward the Martyr King of Plantagenet, England Hrh born 963.
Ethelred II the Redeless King of England, Hrh born Abt 968.

Edgar I the Peaceable King of England, Hrh died 8 Jul 975 at Wessex, England .

Ethelflaed Ealdorman Queen of England, Hrh died 1000 .