
2 marriage
User Submitted
Anna Leviral CARVEY
2 Sep 1851
Allen Twnshp., Miami Co., Indiana
Aft 1910
                   CARVEY, PETER & JOHN [Macy, Indiana]
Several weeks ago the Kokomo papers contained sensational items of
William BILBY kidnapping his own child from its mother, who hadrefused
to live with her husband, (Bilby) and was then keeping house for a
relative in Kokomo.
The sequel to this episode transpired at Macy on last Friday evening
where Mrs. BILBY had gone to live with her brother-in-law, Mr. Peter
Bilby resides in Logansport, and on Friday went to Peru and while there
was heard to threaten the life of Dr. COE, of Mexico, whom it is
understood he accuses of being to a certain extent, responsible for his
troublewith his wife. He took the evening train at Peru for Macy,
arriving there, went direct to the residence of Mr. Carvey. Bilby asked
his wife to take a walk with him which she refused to do, and then he ate
supper with the family, and all the time seemed in a very pleasant mood.
After supper he started to goaway and Mr. Carvey walked with him to the
gate. Bilby asked Mr. C. to go onhis bond for the maintenance of the
child which he had taken at Kokomo, butMr. Carvey refused to do so. They
stood at the gate several minutes and indulged in a friendly chat, when
Mr. Carvey, bidding him good bye, and telling him to come and see the
child whenever he wanted to, turned toward the house, and had walked but
a few steps when Bilby drew a revolver, and fired at him, striking him in
the side, the bullet ranging downward and lodging in his abdomen.
Mr. Carvey's son John [CARVEY] run out of the house to protect his
father, when the murderous Bilby fired at him, striking him on the side
of the head, where the bullet glanced off without doing much injury.
Another son [Sylvester A. CARVEY] then came out and started after Bilby
who turned and shot athim twice without effect, and then escaped to the
woods and is still at large. Before the shooting occurred, Bail PALMER,
who lives in Macy, and is said to have come with Bilby from Peru, went to
FARRER's Livery Stable and orderedthe fastest team in the barn hitched
up, and to be tied at a certain place, but Mr. Farrer, hearing of the
shooting, run to his team and took it back to the barn.
Evidently Bilby's intention was to kill his wife and then escape in the
rig which Palmer is reputed to have hired, to Mexico, and there settle
his trouble with Dr. Coe in the same way.
Mr. Carvey is seriously, though not necessarily fatally injured and may
Mrs. Bilby was formerly the wifeof Silas HORTON, who committed suicide
at Logansport several years ago by hanging. She afterward came to this
city and formed the acquaintance of, and married Bilby, who was then
working for Mr. A. BOWERS, the lime dealer.
Many rumors are afloat of Mrs. Bilby's unfaithfulness to her husbands,
which, no doubt, has much to do in giving her more than her share of this
world's troubles. The Carvey family is highly respected in Macy, and in
their affliction have the sympathy of the entire community.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 30, 1886]
Peru, July 18: - William BILBY, who shot the Carveys (Peter and JohnW.
CARVEY] at Macy, on the evening of June 20, and made his escape,
surrendered on Friday night to Sheriff STANLEY at Logansport. The sheriff
here, whohad offered $100 reward went to Logansport today, and tendered
Stanley the reward, and demanded Bilby, but was refused. Stanley demands
a bigger reward. His actions are denounced as discreditable. Habeas
corpus proceedings will follow.
Monday Sheriff Stanley, of Logansport, came over to Macy and tried to get
the additional $200 offered by Sheriff GREY for Bilby's capture. In this
he was unsuccessful, and if the parties at Macy, who offered the reward
are not worth the amount, the Cass county official will have to be
content with aneven hundred.
Bilby surrendered unconditionallyl
Eulah Bilby HORTON
Jul 1884
FamilyCentral Network
Blocked - Anna Leviral Carvey

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