Robert PARKE
[Bailey's for family file.FTW] It has been claimed that the first ancestor ofRobert Parke came to England with William the Conqueror, and that after the conquest was rewarded by the King with grants of land in the north of England.He was made master of the Hunt, placed in charge of the Royal Parks, and was granted the title of Baronet, and became known as Thomas de Parke. Robert Parke, (or Sir Robert Parke, as he has been sometimes called), was born in Preston, England, in 1580. He was a personal friend of John Winthrop, to whomhe addressed a letter relative to his proposed journey to New England, in February, 1629-30. Following is a copy, preserving all the quaint old orthography: To see a copy of the letter go to my "Family" disc under : (a Parke Letters) Robert Parke and his family sailed in the Winthrop Fleet, 29 Mar 1630, from Cowes, Isle of Wight, supposedly on the Ship Arbella. He returned to England the same year, carrying an order by Governor Winthrop to his son John, in England, to pay money which is in my possession and may bethe earliest bill of exchange drafted on our side of the water. It is not known just when Robert returned from England, but on 9 Apr 1640, he was madefreeman at Wethersfield, Connecticut. He represented that town as Deputy to the Connecticut General Court in August 1642. He moved to Mystic [Stonington],Connecticut about 1655. From the Parke Society 4-28-2001
[Bailey's for family file.FTW] From a number of different sources, it has beendetermined that Richard came to Massachusetts in 1635. The manifest list forthe Ship DEFENCE, sailing from London, England, in August of that year and arriving at Boston, MA, on 3 October 1635, shows Richard, at age 33, to be a miller. The family's early habitation in the Old Bay Colony, however, is well documented with a number of the early generations living in the geographicregion which has become known today as Newton, Massachusetts.
[Bailey's for family file.FTW] Thomas Parke, son of Sir Robert and Martha Chaplin, was born in Preston, England, 13 Feb. 1615. He married Dorothy Thompson, daughter of his step-mother. Genealogical Line: Sir Robert Parke and Martha Chaplin; Thomas Parke and Dorothy Thompson; Nathaniel Parke and Sarah Geer; Phebe Parke and Thomas Beamon; Ebenezer Beaman and Rachel Tracy; Reuben Beaman and Miriam --------; Alvah Beaman and Sarah Burtts; Mary Adeline Beman and Joseph Bates Noble. 4-28-2002
He married Martha Chaplin 9 Feb 1600/01 at St. Edmonds, Bury Co., England . Martha Chaplin was born at Semer, Suffolk, England 4/25 Feb/Jan 1582/83 .
They were the parents of 4
Richard Parke
born 1602.
John Parke
born Abt 1604.
William Parke
born Apr 1607.
Thomas Parke
born 13 Feb 1614/15.
Robert Parke died 11 Feb 1664/65 at Mystic River, New London, Ct. .
Martha Chaplin died 1640 at Wethersfield, Hartford, Ct. .